Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2128: 2128

Chapter 2128: 2128

Zhang Xiaoqiang hasn"t completely lost consciousness for a long time . When he woke up from the darkness again, there was no place in his body to play . It was difficult to even open his eyes . The boundless darkness enveloped him . The hot air was rising slowly from the ground, hitting him in the face, condensing beads of water on his numb face and sliding down his cheek to his mouth, It was the sulfur smelling gas and water that made him wake up from his coma .

It took a long time for Zhang Xiaoqiang to remember what had happened before . The earth overturned, the boulders cracked, and the mountains collapsed . In the violent shaking of the earth, he was drawn into the crack of the mountain . He was shocked . Before, he had no time to breathe, even to be afraid . He fell into a state of onlooking and lost his independence, It was like a boat on the crest of a wave, which could only drift with the current . Until now, he began to be afraid, and his life was just a little short .

When he was filled with this fear, his perception of his surroundings was instantly strengthened . Although it was still the darkness before, he could make up for it from his sense of smell and hearing . He knew the sound of sand sliding, the sharp whistling of wind pa.s.sing through the cracks in the abyss under his body, and the ticking sound of water dripping on the rocks above his head, He also smelt thick sulphur and blood, and smelt soil .

As time went by, his perception became clearer and clearer . Although he still couldn"t see, he already knew his situation . At this moment, his whole body was suspended in the air, and there was a big crack under his body . What stuck him was the horse chopper on his back . The length of the horse chopper was more than 170 cm, which was just stuck on the stone walls on both sides, Even if he saved his life, he could not get up and down .

More than ten minutes later, Zhang Xiaoqiang was gradually mastering the situation of all parts of his body . First of all, he was numb . Numbness made him unable to feel his limbs, and then there was pain . For a long time, he had not experienced such pain . He had experienced a battle that ordinary people could not imagine . It was common for him to be injured, but with the improvement of his ability, the number of injuries became less and less, And the continuous strengthening of self-healing force also makes him immune to general pain . Sometimes he can"t even notice slight injury . Just after injury, the wound will heal itself before it turns from numbness to pain, unless it takes time to heal a large wound . Now, he can"t help groaning because of the sharp pain he hasn"t had for a long time .

In addition, the most painful thing for him is hunger . The appearance of hunger means that his self-healing has reached the limit . At ordinary times, his appet.i.te is not small, almost ten times that of ordinary people . His aqua regia like stomach is absolutely complete in digesting things . No matter how much he eats, it will be converted into energy and stored in his body, which will be released only when needed, that is to say, He has all the crazy skills of women before the end of the world, and he is a super eater who can keep fit . It can be imagined how much he was injured just now .

After Zhang Xiaoqiang gradually broke free from all kinds of negative situations, he slowly regained control of his body from his fingers . Although he was suspended in the air without a sense of exertion, he didn"t get the final impact . Except for the pain in his spine, there was only the pain of muscle tearing . These are not unbearable . He honed his heart and nerves, Finally regained control of the body, and finally found that their own situation is worse than imagined .

If it wasn"t for the snake scale beetle as the last protection, it might have been pierced by those sharp edges and corners when it fell . It"s like an evolutor who is less than two meters above his head and doesn"t know which country he is in . Compared with the evolutor who has been bleeding like a mummy, another evolutor is very lucky, It happened to be the same night that Zhang Xiaoqiang fell down . When Zhang Xiaoqiang was stuck by the chopping saber, the evolutor was also blocked by the chopping saber . Zhang Xiaoqiang listened to the breath of breath in his ear and knew that this guy was OK for the time being, but he was not as good as that . He had scales on his body, but not on his face, And the swollen left eye only has a seam . If he didn"t know that he would recover as long as he had food, he might think that he had been disfigured .

Knowing his own situation doesn"t mean that he has a way to climb up and look up, but he can"t see a ray of light . On the top of his head, he can only see some things that are not so far away through the dim light that seems to be blocked by the lampshade . That is to say, he has super long-range vision . Even at night, his vision is much better than that of ordinary people, Otherwise, he is like a man who has fallen into an infinite abyss . He can"t see anything clearly .

His strength and energy recovered with time . I don"t know how long later, Zhang Xiaoqiang was able to move his limbs . At this time, the crisp sound of rocks crashing against the rocks came from his head . The continuous crisp sound formed a line and rushed towards him at full speed . In the next second, there was a wind howling, and an irregular rock the size of a head swished past his ear, With a strong smell of mud, he fell into the infinite darkness under his body . The sudden fall of the stone shocked his whole body . After a while, his fear made him completely awake . At the same time, an unexpected force poured out from the inside of his body, and his whole body instantly recovered his control ability .

Darihachi listened quietly for a long time after dropping the stone . After a whole minute, he heard a slight roar . He shook his head and shook off a lot of sand on his head . He turned around and said, "xihuri aodu, I don"t see any hope for the people who fell down . This crack is at least 1000 meters deep, and nothing can be seen below, even if c.o.c.kroach is more powerful, Now I"m afraid it"s also a pile of meat sauce . "Four o"clock in the afternoon was not the darkest time . The sky was covered with yellow gray dust, and everything around it was shadowed in the hazy light . If it wasn"t for the helicopter"s burning fire that fell into the collapse pit not far away from the crowd, I"m afraid no one could see clearly within a few tens of meters, and darihachi"s image was not very good at the moment, All over his head and face are all kinds of mud and dust . The whole image of a mud monkey, when he speaks, the orange fire light clearly reflects the sand on his teeth . If people don"t know him, they think he is born with rotten teeth .

He spoke to the man in white standing by the campfire of the helicopter . There were many people around him, including three Englishmen, five Americans kneeling with their heads in their arms, seven or eight Russian pumas standing behind the man in white, and soldiers armed with AK rifles in the distance . When all of them were dirty, This man"s dust-free white clothes make him look like a swan in a flock of wild ducks, which makes him different . If Zhang Xiaoqiang sees it, he can recognize it at first sight . It"s tiezhongyuan, which has not been seen for a long time .

Tiezhongyuan frowned and looked at the crack, which was hundreds of meters wide . It was dark in the crack . Even if he dropped the torch, he could not see the specific situation clearly . At a glance, he could only see countless rugged sharp edges and stones that might fall off at any time . He agreed with darihachi"s words, but his face did not change, Looking at the crack of the devil"s mouth, he said sternly: "he is not an ordinary person . Others may not be able to live . He may be able to survive . . . "

Darihachi shrugged his shoulders to be sure, but he was very suspicious . He was about to turn around and continue to monitor the crack . Suddenly, the ground trembled again . In a moment, darihachi screamed in horror, and jumped to tiezhongyuan like an ape, trying to find some sense of security . Other evolutors also exclaimed, only tiezhongyuan didn"t know the sound and color, Stand in place and wait for the aftershocks to pa.s.s .

When the shaking ground stopped shaking, an American screamed, "please get us out of here . The underground structure has become loose and may collapse . It will collapse for several kilometers . I don"t want to die here . Please, please . . . "

Tiezhongyuan didn"t pay attention to his words at the beginning . It took a while for him to realize that he was speaking in Chinese . Tiezhongyuan is a top student in Cambridge . He understands English, and he also knows Chinese, Mongolian and Russian . However, in his eyes, only Chinese people are worthy of his attention, so he doesn"t care about these Americans and British people, Even if they all died in front of him, they would not blink, but the Americans who can speak Chinese are different . They can"t help but raise their hands and catch the man .

Tiezhongyuan"s ability is constantly evolving . In the past, to do this, you had to have a light woman and a distance of less than 10 meters . But now, that guy is at least 30 meters away from him and weighs more than 180 Jin . When this guy catches him lightly, it seems that he hasn"t done his best .

"I know this guy . He"s a Chinese American . He seemed to have talked to brother c.o.c.kroach before . Do you want to kill him . . . " Darihachi said it in Chinese this time, but he scared John Li to death . He didn"t expect that the man in white as snow would have such barbaric men . Tie Zhongyuan looked at John Li, who was also dirty and couldn"t see clearly . John Li was hovering around him like a balloon . This skill was beyond John Li"s knowledge . He was extremely frightened, Nervously yelled: "don"t kill me, I"m useful . I know some common sense about earthquakes . j.a.pan is an earthquake p.r.o.ne area, but this earthquake is not naturally induced . According to statistics, such a big earthquake will not happen within 300 years, maybe because of the mutant beast, or the variation of red algae, or other things, so we are very dangerous now, The next earthquake will be bigger than this one . Please . . . "

"Shut up . . . " Tiezhongyuan"s shout made John Li shiver and stop talking . He turned to darihachi, and tiezhongyuan couldn"t take notice . He had to make sure that Zhang Xiaoqiang"s life and death was not only what he wanted to know, but also what Wan Qiang wanted to know . They were more interested in Zhang Xiaoqiang than this time"s target, Chizao, so Zhang Xiaoqiang was very important .

"Xihuri aodu, I think . . . Professional problems must be handled by professionals . We don"t know about earthquakes . If this guy is telling the truth, we may be very dangerous . . . " The previous earthquake almost scared darihachi out of his courage . He was not interested in staying here, so he was eager to leave as soon as possible .

Darihachi"s persuasion seemed to move tiezhongyuan . He gave John Li a deep look and slowly put him down . Then he said something that shocked him: "it seems that I can"t wait for him . He is a person that I respect and the world should respect . Even though I have always regarded him as the goal of surpa.s.sing and the enemy of my life, I still think that he is a man that I can"t wait for, He shouldn"t have died in obscurity, so . . . You should bury him . "

After that, Li John wanted to say something, but he was suspended in the air again by tiezhongyuan . He quickly turned a few circles in the sky and threw it to the big crack . Li John screamed loudly in the air and danced to the crack . Tiezhongyuan"s eyes suddenly turned scarlet and looked at the other frightened prisoners ready to start, But I heard an angry shout: "who the other litter . . . "Darihachi covers his mouth in surprise . Where John Li flies, Zhang Xiaoqiang is slowly getting up . On his shoulder, he is carrying a guy who doesn"t know his life and death . Seeing that he is about to climb out of the gap, John Li b.u.mps into him quickly, and his hands are climbing on the edge of the crack . Zhang Xiaoqiang has no room to escape . He can"t help shouting angrily, Then he was. .h.i.t by John Lee and fell into the abyss together .

"Oh, my G.o.d, you"ve smashed c.o.c.kroach . . . " Like a castrated Rooster crowing, darihachi utters a strange cry at the top of his voice . Tie Zhongyuan stares at darihachi fiercely, and his body suddenly disappears . The next moment he appears at the edge of the crack, grabbing with empty hands and round eyes . After a violent drink, Zhang Xiaoqiang, Li Yuehan and Jima burst out of the crack and fall to the ground, The sound of darihachi"s exclamation has not disappeared< br>