Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2129: 2129

Chapter 2129: 2129

Zhang Xiaoqiang finally climbed up and saw that he was only one last step away from Shengtian . He didn"t expect to be interrupted when he was most hopeful . What"s more, he was rescued in despair after hope . The sudden air suction made him think that Zhuo Mingyue was coming, until when he rolled in the air, he saw tiezhongyuan in white, And tiezhongyuan seems to see a group of pigs flying in the sky, which is very frightened .

Later, Zhang Xiaoqiang fell to the ground heavily . The change in his mind caused him to relax his last strength like a balloon . For a moment, his whole body was soft . He just wanted to lie down on the ground and have a good rest . The corner of his eye swept tiezhongyuan"s face . He knew that he must not relax at this time . He didn"t know why tiezhongyuan wanted to save himself, But never forget that he and tie Zhongyuan are not friends .

"Why should I save him? No, it"s not that I want to save him . It"s to let him understand that I don"t want to kill him . Even if I don"t save him, he will get up by himself . This man is very powerful . No matter before or now, as long as he doesn"t want to die, no one can kill him . At least I can"t, maybe . . . His Majesty the Czar can . . . "

Tie Zhongyuan"s eyes twinkle . Even though Zhang Xiaoqiang"s performance is as weak as dough, he also believes that it"s just a disguise . In his opinion, no matter who falls into an unfathomable crack, he can"t survive . But Zhang Xiaoqiang did it . He didn"t say it himself, and brought a woman . He didn"t know who the woman was, but from the color of her hair, It"s definitely not from the East . From the side, when Zhang Xiaoqiang climbs up, he still has spare power to save others, which is even more terrible .

When tiezhongyuan hesitates, Zhang Xiaoqiang finally takes a breath and slowly stands up from the ground . He looks like an old man in his eighties and nineties . Even so, tiezhongyuan doesn"t despise him . It was subconscious to rescue Zhang Xiaoqiang . He was afraid that Zhang Xiaoqiang thought he wanted to do it by himself . But at this time, he suspects that Zhang Xiaoqiang was pretending to be weak and luring him to do it by himself, In his mind, this man is not only skillful, but also cunning . Otherwise, he would swallow the wolf flag army with such a weak force? Even forced him to obey .

"It seems that you are doing well now . Hada told me all about it . It"s a feat that you took tens of thousands of civilians across Siberia . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t have any words to talk about . He slowly acc.u.mulated his strength and was ready to explode . He knew that tiezhongyuan had no friendship with him . On the contrary, he killed many Mongolians in Mongolia, which made tiezhongyuan suffer the biggest failure in his life . Finally, in order to appease the Mongolians, he had to expel them to Siberia . Who wanted him to die most, Tiezhongyuan is definitely the top three .

"No, it"s nothing compared with c.o.c.kroaches . I thought I could conquer Europe after crossing Siberia, but I didn"t expect . . . " Involuntarily, tiezhongyuan catches up with Zhang Xiaoqiang"s topic . In the middle of the conversation, he suddenly thinks of something and suddenly stops . That person is not only in awe, but also in fear, which makes him dare not go on .

Zhang Xiaoqiang smiles and shakes his head . He slowly takes off his saber and inserts it on the ground . He takes a rest with his saber . He turns his head and sweeps the British and American evolutioners on the spot . He raises his chin and rushes to tiezhongyuan and says, "are these guys the food you prepared for Wanqiang? Is he still human? "

The name of Wan Qiang didn"t make tie Zhongyuan dull . On the contrary, he was a little confused . He wondered why Zhang Xiaoqiang wanted to say a name he didn"t know . When Zhang Xiaoqiang fell into John Li"s ear, he suddenly convulsed and made him pretend to be dead . Other people didn"t pay attention to this guy, Instead, darihachi asked in a low voice, "what does brother c.o.c.kroach mean? Our master is wan Qiang? "

"Master? It"s a bit interesting . It seems that he didn"t turn you into these idiots who can only fight except eating . " Zhang Xiaoqiang has another point to point out, but let tiezhongyuan heart set off a storm, trembling voice said: "do you know our leader?"

When Zhang Xiaoqiang was in Vladivostok, he once thought about killing Wan Qiang . Although he had the experience of fighting side by side before, their friendship in private was not very bad . Unexpectedly, Wan Qiang turned into a different kind of person when they separated from each other . At that time, Wan Qiang was equivalent to human figure D3 . He was no longer as simple and honest as before, and became cunning and merciless, Let alone violating his bottom line of cannibalism . The doctor once warned him that once the corpse begins to cannibalize, it will gradually lose its humanity . What Wan Qiang has done confirms the doctor"s conjecture that if he does not have the means to kill Wan Qiang, he will not frighten Wan Qiang to leave China to harm others under the guise of his previous friendship .

He never thought that he was in j.a.pan when he met Wan Qiang again . What"s more, he didn"t expect that Wan Qiang had made a career in Russia . With his fists and feet, he destroyed the regime reestablished by the Russians in the last days and created a new era of czar . Wan Qiang got the news from Zhang Xiaoqiang before, so he sent his deputy tie Zhongyuan to meet Zhang Xiaoqiang in person, What its purpose is Zhang Xiaoqiang is not clear, did not expect to see Wan Qiang was surprised by its appearance .

When he was in Vladivostok that day, Wan Qiang was almost the same as a type 3 zombie . In his mind, Wan Qiang could not be called a human for a long time . He thought that when he saw Wan Qiang again, he would see a type D4 giant ape zombie . Unexpectedly, Wan Qiang"s body size was only slightly higher than that of ordinary people, and he was not out of the category of human beings . Wan Qiang is now two meters five six tall, Compared with the past, it doesn"t increase but decrease, and it doesn"t have the same muscle knot as before . It seems that even the brain has muscles . Although it still looks vigorous and strong, it has a bit of thin and gentle air . The biggest change is Wanqiang"s eyes . Wanqiang"s eyes don"t know whether they are mutated or not . There are two pupils in the long and narrow orbit, four of them together, two of them are pure black, As deep as a black gem, there are two deep red, like the pupil of a beast in general . The scene of four eyes looking at people together is very uncomfortable, even for Zhang Xiaoqiang . The eyes are the windows of the soul, and emotional fluctuations are often expressed from the eyes first . But in Wan Qiang, this set of things doesn"t work at all . Anyone who sees four eyes with strange colors will move their eyes first, and they won"t stare at them before they have time to panic .

In addition to the strange eyes, Wanqiang"s skin is the most unusual . Wanqiang"s skin is dark and glossy . On the dark skin, countless small lines are intricate . Like tattoos, they build strange patterns on his body that no one can understand . The strange lines are magnified infinitely in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes, but they seem to float on his skin, The three-dimensional structure is formed by countless tiny particles . In other words, the outer skin of Wanqiang is made up of hundreds of millions of tiny particles . Although we don"t know what is under the outer skin of that layer of granular structure, Zhang Xiaoqiang has raised a warning of 120000 . Today, Wanqiang has evolved into an unknown direction that no one knows, Maybe that"s the difference between corpses and zombies .

Zhang Xiaoqiang looks at Wan Qiang, and WAN Qiang is also looking at him . When the two people look at each other silently, the private fight has already begun . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s side is filled with a real intention to kill, while Wan Qiang"s side is filled with a strong and powerful atmosphere . When the two invisible barriers touch before the two people, there will be a series of hidden collisions, No one found this collision except tiezhongyuan, which is extremely sensitive to air changes . At the moment of collision, the killer barrier and the atmosphere of hegemonism are like thousands of troops fighting for life and death on the battlefield . Both of them are smiling implicitly, as if they are happy to see each other again . But between them, the transparent air is twisted like hot air, Just like the air deformation caused by the burning campfire below, the twisted air makes a faint crisp sound from time to time . The sound is not big, but it stabs the eardrum .

As the faint and crisp sound became more and more dense, gradually forming a line of thunder, the layers of soil and sand on the ground around them seemed to have lost their gravity and floated into the sky . Countless sand and dust around them spread out like a barrier, and they were involved in the twisted air flow at the next moment, The twisted transparent air involves these things and makes a crisp sound, which makes them disappear and invisible . As the two people fight each other for more and more time, all the dust, sand and stones around them disappear . In addition, a deepening gully is expanding, and more sand floats from the ground and becomes a part of the roar .

At this time, the fight between the two is at a climax . Neither Zhang Xiaoqiang nor Wan Qiang wants to let go . This is a contest between them . Once they let go, they may become cannon fodder in the later communication . They also have a strong desire to kill each other . Although they are all Chinese, Zhang Xiaoqiang has already denied Wan Qiang"s ident.i.ty, Wan Qiang is not afraid of anyone but Zhang Xiaoqiang . This kind of fear starts from the fight in the bar where he gathered . When he becomes stronger, Zhang Xiaoqiang is also growing up, and Zhang Xiaoqiang will never die . He will always have a scar in his heart . If he doesn"t open the scar, he will never feel comfortable .

They saw the intention and impatience in each other"s eyes . Knowing that the last time had come, they could not help but start at the same time . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s fickle air suddenly flashed a faint red light, and then the hot smell came from the air, and the air around Wan Qiang seemed to fall into the dark night, The shadow of the action essence is like a ghost stretching for more than ten meters, and suddenly b.u.mps into Zhang Xiaoqiang below . The fiery red hot air head-on without any concession . At this time, the less responsive evolutors know that Zhang Xiaoqiang has moved with Wan Qiang .

In an instant, all the evolutioners were on guard at the same time . The British and Americans formed an alliance to guard against the evolutioners on WAN Qiang"s side, while tiezhongyuan didn"t care about the British and American evolutioners . He just blocked his eyes from the field and kept cheering Wan Qiang up in his heart . Losing to Zhang Xiaoqiang was the biggest regret in his heart, although he was not alone at that time, There are tens of thousands of civilians behind him . Even if they fight side by side to kill zombies, he doesn"t think he is much worse than Zhang Xiaoqiang . But now, Zhang Xiaoqiang and WAN Qiang fight to make a good match, which makes him feel like he is full of stale vinegar .

At the moment when tiezhongyuan was expecting Zhang Xiaoqiang to be defeated by Zhang Xiaoqiang, the place where the collision happened was like a hot sun . The glare was as good as the flash bomb . All the people on the scene were dazzled by the light . They only heard a loud bang like a thunderbolt, which made each of them dizzy, and then countless cyclones spread around them, The cyclone contains scorching heat, high temperature and cold air . The two contradictory air currents are intertwined with each other, which makes the people wrapped by the cyclone feel as if they have experienced the crisis . Many weak people fainted in the sudden heat and cold .

Tiezhongyuan, however, was not affected by the cyclone . He was covered by a faint air barrier emitting faint fluorescence . The shield, which is similar to Zhuo Mingyue"s Nianli barrier, fluctuated in bursts . Under the fluctuation of the aftershocks of their collision, tiezhongyuan used 120000 energy to hold the barrier, As for the other people around them, they were not only swept to where by the cyclone< br>