Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2143: 2143

Chapter 2143: 2143

The broad airport outside the window is full of airplanes . The Americans have proved their sincerity and handed over half of their air defense firepower and control area . The number of UAVs cruising in the sky has been reduced by a third . The Russians do not fully believe in the Americans . There are also 12 Ka-50 armed helicopters in the sky to monitor those UAVs . The whole airport has become a barracks, There is an invisible confrontation between the Russians and the British on one side and the Americans on the other . At least the Americans and the Russians are on guard against each other, while the British hate the Americans to the bone . Wan Qiang never comes out and hides in the end . Zhang Xiaoqiang, Flander and Elson do it together at this time .

After Flanders pa.s.sed the initial panic, he showed his kindness to Zhang Xiaoqiang to the greatest extent . Zhang Xiaoqiang narrowed his eyes, seemingly listening to Flanders" endless narration . In fact, he was communicating with Elson . Zhang Xiaoqiang could not understand English . Elson told him word for word: "we have the same goal and common enemy, The new era is a cancer of the human world and a piece of idealistic s.h.i.t . We should unite to fight against the violence in the new era . The United States is a country that advocates freedom and democracy, and Americans love life . "

When Zhang Xiaoqiang heard this, he sneered and said, "don"t tell me you don"t have blood . In the gathering place of Fushan, you drained the blood of more than 200 British people, and bewitched all the people under the influence of Fushan Tengtu to irrigate the blood . Is this your freedom and democracy? Building America"s interests on the suffering of others? You and the new era are like birds of a feather, at least in my eyes . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s words were translated to Flanders by Elson for the first time . Flanders didn"t know that Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t understand English . He thought that he disdained to speak to himself in English . He immediately got embarra.s.sed, rubbed his hands and said nervously, "that"s just a small group of people who make decisions on their own . Although his goal is to strengthen our strength, I don"t agree with him, As the person in charge of the incident, we have imprisoned her for trial . If the British need to explain, we can give it to you . . . "

At this point, Elson is angry . Susanna is frande"s most loyal dog . For frande"s sake, he even betrays his younger brother . If he hadn"t been kind-hearted, he might have killed Susanna long ago . Even so, he takes Susanna as his only relative and maintains her safety at some time, I didn"t expect that Frank had promised to release Susanna before, but now he sold it to the British . If it came to the hands of the British, even the pigs knew what would happen . Elson stood up abruptly, trembling and pointing to Frank . He couldn"t speak . As soon as he opened his mouth, he suddenly sprayed thick black plasma from his throat to dye the respirator, and I also fell back abruptly .

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes flashed . He reached out to hold Elson"s back, took off Elson"s mask, took out the kettle, poured out the white heavenly spirit and fed it to Elson . Fland didn"t know this thing . Seeing the unknown white liquid in the water margin, he couldn"t help but was anxious to stop Zhang Xiaoqiang . But before, he betrayed his sister in front of Elson, Let him open his mouth and don"t know what to say .

Elson"s body is as fragile as a pottery with numerous cracks . It"s not his tenacious vitality that keeps him alive today, but all kinds of medical means and drugs . These drugs have also caused damage to his body . The pa.s.sage of vitality and the toxicity of drugs make his body like a broken car with countless patches, barely driving, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s tianshengjing can be permanently discarded at any time . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s tianshengjing is the tianshengjing of the five level mutant animal capital, and its effect is more than ten times better than that of ordinary tianshengjing . However, for evolutioners, the tianshengjing, which is equivalent to a life-saving medicine, can"t have much effect on Elson . A pot of tianshengjing is poured into Elson"s mouth by Zhang Xiaoqiang, which only makes him temporarily relieved, A little more blood on his face, but that"s all .

"Thank you . I don"t need to waste this precious thing any more . I know my body . Frande"s words are just an introduction . If I had been last month or last week, I wouldn"t have this kind of situation . Brother c.o.c.kroach, I don"t have much time . I hope I can fight with you in the last days . . . " Elson"s words in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s brain show a weak and tired side . From these words, Zhang Xiaoqiang can feel Elson"s sincerity, saying nothing but nodding heavily .

"From now on, everything will be arranged by me . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang a.s.sures Elson in his heart that fland doesn"t know that Elson has told Zhang Xiaoqiang everything before and after . Information asymmetry makes it impossible for him to cheat Zhang Xiaoqiang . Seeing Elson"s turn for the better, fland greedily looks at Zhang Xiaoqiang"s kettle . No one knows Elson"s actual situation better than him . Just now, he thought Elson would never survive, Although he has always shown great concern for Elson, he knows that Elson will live only a week . That"s why he is so tolerant of Elson and doesn"t have to worry too much about a dying guy .

"Then you can hand over the people, but you have to hand them over face-to-face and compensate us for the losses caused to us last time . Only when we are satisfied can we have a basis for continuing the dialogue . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t say too much to frande . This gentle looking guy with a handsome face was extremely ugly in his heart . Of course, he didn"t want to stay here any longer . I don"t know why, a heavy sense of crisis was floating on his head . When he got off the plane, he had it . At the beginning, he thought it was the Americans who brought it to him, After meeting frande, he denied this speculation . Maybe the reason why the new era didn"t occupy Okinawa was the sense of crisis . Suzanne"s appearance when she meets Elson again is not different from before . She is still the beautiful young girl who looks bright and mysterious . Originally, she thought her punishment was over, but she didn"t expect that Flander turned her over to Zhang Xiaoqiang and used her as a scapegoat to calm the anger of the Russians and the British, Susanna"s smile solidified under Flander"s brazen declaration . She looked at Flander in disbelief, and her eyes were filled with anger of being betrayed . Beside her, Elson had a sneer on her face . He knew that Susanna would come to this end . Flander has always been unkind . Don"t expect him to take care of her subordinates .

"Sir, I believe that we will have a bright future . Here I a.s.sure you that . . . " Frande had no guilt, and even boasted to Zhang Xiaoqiang with complacency . A scream came: "frande, I"m going to kill you . . . " Susannah suddenly wakes up from her dullness and looks like frande rushing over like a crazy animal . Frande, who is not brave enough, turns to look at Susannah and gives a sinister sneer . Susannah is not weak and explosive . At the moment she starts, countless slender silk threads are suspended around her, which are dim, It"s like ancient silk . If it wasn"t for Zhang Xiaoqiang"s keen vision, it could not be found at all, and the power of this silk thread is not small . When she flashed across the desk to Flanders, the high polymer plastic tabletop seemed to be washed away by the water for thousands of years . Countless small grooves made the table pierce thousands of holes . In the moment she flashed, the breeze led the tabletop to collapse .

Seeing that frande was about to be cut to pieces by those threads, Susanna suddenly screamed, and the bright blue light was blooming inside her body . The whole person was surrounded by blue from the beginning to the end, making her skull and hand bones appear in front of people"s eyes . It was like installing a one kilowatt light bulb inside her body . Seeing this scene, Zhang Xiaoqiang was thrilled, He doesn"t know what means it is to let a person expose everything in his body to the sun just like taking an X-ray .

"Dong . . . " Suzanne curls and falls to the ground, which makes Elson"s eyes full of fire . But he doesn"t say anything . Suzanne"s fate today is her own . It"s not worth any pity . It"s his utmost duty to save Suzanne"s life . Seeing Suzanne on the ground, Zhang Xiaoqiang shrugs, Looking at the proud Frank coldly, he said impolitely, "when you hand her over, she is already my person . Please don"t damage my property, and give me the means to control her . . . "

Frande was embarra.s.sed . He took out a platinum cylinder flashing blue light from his body and handed it to Zhang Xiaoqiang . He said in a low voice: "this is a counter measure to prevent the evolutioners from losing control . You know, the power must be controlled, or it will turn into violence . I do this for the interests of most ordinary people . After all, the minority must obey the majority . . . "

Frande"s explanation of Zhang Xiaoqiang as bulls.h.i.t, takes things and turns to look at Elson . Elson looks sad and says to Zhang Xiaoqiang in his heart: "frande can become a high-level government because he solves the threat of evolutioners . All evolutioners are controlled . They have become combat machines . I can block frande"s signal, If c.o.c.kroach needs it, I can get all the evolutionists out of control in America . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang has never heard of this kind of technology . At least he has never thought about how to control the evolutioners . As long as he has absolute power, he does not believe that the evolutioners will lose their nature . Besides, there are ways to make other survivors become evolutioners . On the contrary, the United States, which boasts freedom and human rights, will imprison all the evolutioners . However, he has no intention of saving the American evolutioners, He needs a complete American power, and he needs to prepare for a decisive battle with the new era .

Zhang Xiaoqiang went to Susannah, took her in his hand, took a deep look at frande, and said, "since you have made friends, we have the possibility of cooperation . Tell your people to speed up the supply . Okinawa is not safe . We should leave quickly . Concentrating the fighting power of both sides should break through the interception of the new era, and we can set up a joint headquarters, All planes must obey the joint command, and once we rush out of j.a.pan, we will go our separate ways . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang was a little anxious because of the crisis . Flander didn"t agree . He also wanted to discuss a series of issues, such as the seat of the joint headquarters, the arrangement of the two sides" fleet, and weapons and equipment . Suddenly, Elson yelled at Flander, and Zhang Xiaoqiang also yelled Elson"s warning: "brother c.o.c.kroach, Two small combat s.p.a.ceships of the new era rush towards us, and there are the latest supernova bombs of the new era on board . "< br>