Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2144: 2144

Chapter 2144: 2144

ps; I"ve been offline since last night . I"m sorry, it"s three o"clock today .

"Trap, it"s a trap . Those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds of the new era deliberately drove us here, deliberately let us join the Russians, they want to catch us all . . . "

Frande suddenly screamed hysterically . Zhang Xiaoqiang was also anxious but did not lose his temper . He asked Elson, "is there any way to crash them, just like you control our plane . . . " Elson had controlled Wanqiang"s M 12 helicopter to land before, which made Zhang Xiaoqiang realize that Elson was powerful . The supernova bomb was too powerful . Zhang Xiaoqiang once saw the photos of the city debris erased by the bomb in Hubei, and everything was cleared . One third of the cities disappeared completely, and the remaining two-thirds, half of which were only foundations, The last one-third of them are also thousands of holes, which are destroyed by radiation within tens of kilometers . Zhang Xiaoqiang can"t imagine what it would be like to throw this thing on their heads . Most of the planes are still replenishing fuel . Even if they don"t have time to take off, at least half of the helicopters will be thrown down .

"The science and technology in the new era is different from that before the end of the world, just like the new materials you studied in Yinmeng"s plant base, except that your new technology uses the sh.e.l.l technology, and their technology is the core technology . I can control the core of electronic devices, but I can"t control the bio electronic hybrid core devices, so . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang understood that the air frigates of the new era and various parts and equipment of the frigates were customized in the new era through the excellent characteristics of various mutated plants after the end of the world . This kind of technology uses too many unknown materials, which may not be perfect, but it is totally different from the technology before the end of the world . Maybe there are not many places to be transformed, But a little change, the gap is huge, just like the technology that China was hoping to ban before, there is only one threshold . That threshold makes countless technicians rack their brains to solve it in a few years or even more than ten years .

"Intercept, intercept as much as possible, don"t let them approach Okinawa, it"s better to destroy them on the way . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang thought of the UAV and armed helicopter for the first time . Elson quickly translated Zhang Xiaoqiang"s proposal to Flander . Flander saw that Zhang Xiaoqiang was still as calm as before, calmed him down from his nervous mood, nodded fiercely, turned around, picked up the strange shaped communicator, and yelled loudly . After Elson reported the coordinates, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s voice was heard, At the airport, 24 unmanned aerial vehicles glided on the runway one after another, one after another took off . The airport also made a great alarm at the same time . The busy armed personnel accelerated the supply speed of the aircraft, and some unimportant materials were directly abandoned . Meanwhile, the Russians and the British were also nervous and on guard against the movement of the Americans .

Seeing the chaos at the airport through the observation window, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s uneasiness became more and more intense . He said to Elson in his heart, "I feel danger . I have to get on the plane immediately . What do you do? Come with me? " Elson looked at Suzanne, who was raised by Zhang Xiaoqiang with white foam in her mouth . She trembled and wanted to open her mouth . After a while, she said in her heart, "brother c.o.c.kroach, I can"t go . Once I go, frande will be bad . Although you haven"t known me for a long time, I"ve known you for a long time . I just hope you remember that the world is not just the world of Chinese people, At the same time, it is also the world of all mankind . I hope you can build a new world without war, hunger, poverty and racial discrimination . If I die, please write your memoirs and make doc.u.mentaries to let future generations remember a 16-year-old man named Elson quack . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang recognized Elson"s death intention and knew that even Elson was not sure that he could survive this time . He was afraid that he had given up hope and said anxiously: "Elson, I know your body has begun to collapse . It"s not a problem for me . I have a way . . . "“ Is it the serum mutation transformation plan of Malibo in Sichuan base? " Elson"s rhetorical question made Zhang Xiaoqiang silent . Elson"s withered face flashed a trace of helplessness, and he continued: "I said that intelligent computers all over the world can"t stop me . I know the data of Nuwa"s blockade . I want to live more than anyone else . I"m only 16 years old, and my life has just begun . It"s not just the data of Nuwa, Blizzard moss of Russia, Miss Rose of Britain, I"ve looked for all the information stored by the queen of the United States, but it"s useless . The collapse of my body is the collapse of the gene chain . Unless I make a brand new body and use the soul shifting magic in the fantasy story to transfer my soul, it"s just these days . Frande thinks he"s doing it very covertly, but he doesn"t know that all his body a.n.a.lysis records have been cracked by me . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang is really worried this time . Elson"s ability is the most valuable he has ever seen . It"s not their combat effectiveness that can embody the value of the evolutionists, but their ability to improve the level of human science and technology . Just like Xiao Lang, just like Elson in front of him, why are thousands of evolutionists in Fushan gathering place awed by the Americans, Isn"t it that the United States has weapons and equipment that they can"t get? Science and technology will always be the primary productive force, and it is also the foundation of human rejuvenation . If Elson can continue to live and sincerely help Zhang Xiaoqiang, the biggest technological weakness that shackles China"s development can be made up, and the ma.s.sive scientific and technological data of supercomputers will be the cornerstone of China"s resurgence .

"There"s always a way . I have tianshengjing, I have colloid purification, I have Xuefeng, that guy can transform the human body . . . " When Zhang Xiaoqiang was in a hurry, he said all the ways he could think of . Elson looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang who was sincere and grateful, but he didn"t speak any more . He couldn"t tell Zhang Xiaoqiang that when Zhang Xiaoqiang was in China, every move was monitored by Nu Wa, and he almost knew what Nu Wa knew . These methods were useless to him, Like a piece of rotten meat, it can"t make delicious barbecue . "Thank you, c.o.c.kroach . No, I think the trump card of the new era is more than two supernova bombs . In fact, the United States has a tacit understanding with the new era that no one is allowed to use unconventional weapons . There are supernova bombs in the new era, but the United States has thousands of nuclear warheads . I don"t think supernova bombs are aimed at us . . . "

"Well . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang was silent . He didn"t expect to say anything like this . Then Elson solved his doubts: "if it"s worse, we can still run away some people when the supernova bomb is dropped . After all, our aircraft can leave most of them before they arrive . What I"m worried about is that they will use the whole US military base as a trap, and they will surely have the heart to annihilate us completely, This trap has been prepared since the news of akagawa spread . I"m afraid that even the great earthquake in j.a.pan has been counted in the new era . In the new era, they strictly guarded Hokkaido and almost gave up the island and the four Kyushu countries . I"m afraid that the blood flower is also their bait . In order to confuse us, they sometimes provoke us, but they don"t fight for life and death, Every time we leave room, it"s also delaying us . "

Elson is a smart man . He can infer the plot of the new era through all kinds of clues, which makes Zhang Xiaoqiang feel even more pitiful . If Elson doesn"t meet Frand, if Elson can be born in China and get enough time to grow up, I"m afraid he will be Zhang Xiaoqiang"s best successor when he is depressed, Elson had already sent him out of the gate and looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang . Elson said in Chinese:

"Suzanne is my sister no matter what . I don"t want her to prosper . I just want to get married with a man who likes her and give her a stable living environment . Of course, don"t let her live too well . . . "

Elson looks at Susanna and her sister who betrayed him and took away her future . Even though he hates this woman in his heart, the kinship in his blood can"t make him harden his heart . Zhang Xiaoqiang nods heavily, turns around with Susanna, and her figure disappears in the biggest helicopter . Elson suddenly sighs . He has a feeling, I should never see Susanna again . Like Zhang Xiaoqiang"s premonition of crisis, he also feels great danger . This danger is not as intuitive as other evolutionists, but more like a premonition that he will soon die .

When Zhang Xiaoqiang was sitting in front of Wan Qiang with a gloomy face, Elson also got on the plane with frande . Helicopters successively flew into the sky at the airport . The number of hovering UAVs and armed helicopters decreased a lot . The rest of the planes were also taking off crazily . Fortunately, they were just replenishing fuel . Most of the planes at the airport were in the state of take-off at any time . When the plane left the ground, the number of UAVs and armed helicopters decreased a lot, Instead of feeling safe, Zhang Xiaoqiang feels that the crisis is aggravating . At the moment, Suzanne is afraid to hide in the corner and looks at Wan Qiang shaking . Zhang Xiaoqiang frowns and asks Wan Qiang:

"Do you think something is wrong?" Wan Qiang doesn"t know why he always looks very uneasy . His blood colored eyeb.a.l.l.s are shrinking, and it seems that a dangerous flame is brewing . Hearing Zhang Xiaoqiang ask him this, his black pupil suddenly enlarges and exclaims: "do you feel it, too?" Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly changed color, he finally knew where the problem was .

"Order all planes to land . Hurry up, hurry up . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly thought that setting this trap in the new era will definitely leave a flaw for them to escape . If so, the most likely source of danger is not the new era itself, I"m afraid it"s the original threat on Okinawa Island . Maybe the purpose of using supernovae in the new era is to alarm the creatures on the island? And if you want to annihilate them, I"m afraid you have to have wings, right?

Wan Qiang also feels that the danger is about to break out . In a panic, he orders in Russian and Mongolian, and the fleet that has gradually taken off will land down . Zhang Xiaoqiang not only calls for Elson in his heart, but Elson connects the clues to infer the threat of the new era, but he doesn"t think that the attack means of the new era are far beyond their imagination .

When the Russian and British planes continued to land, the towering mountains in the distance suddenly changed color . Countless black sesame dots, like volcanic ash, shot up into the sky, forming a black curtain that covered the whole mountain . Then the black curtain was magnified infinitely, and instantly expanded for several kilometers, dragging the two UAVs patrolling there like a Kuroshio, The next moment, the UAV flashed a few bright sparks in the Kuroshio, and there was no trace, and the Kuroshio was still slowly spreading .

Those things were observed at the first time when they appeared . All the helicopters and Osprey planes were frightened and rushed to leave the black sky . However, this thing was much faster than the plane . Many planes were caught up and wrapped by these black spots when they turned around, and instantly disintegrated . Dense black spots formed huge black mushroom clouds, At the edge of the mushroom cloud, countless pieces of aircraft broke and fell like raindrops . As more aircraft were involved, the scattered light rain became downpour, which made the rest of the aircraft more fl.u.s.tered . Although the sky was infinite, many planes were crowded around the airport, Every helicopter must be 100 meters away from other planes to ensure safety . In the panic, many planes forgot the safe distance and collided with each other . Scarlet fireb.a.l.l.s burst out in the air, making the fleet more chaotic . Elson asked fland to order the plane to take off, but the Russian plane took off later . As for the British plane, it was naturally arranged by the Russians at the end, so the sky was full of American and Russian planes . Because of Wan Qiang"s selfishness, the planes loaded with j.a.panese were arranged behind other Russian planes, As a result, the troops directly under Wan Qiang and the Americans flew up, and it was these troops that suffered heavy losses< br>