Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2149: 2149

Chapter 2149: 2149

At the foot of Yinshan Mountain, the battle is in full swing . Tens of thousands of elite soldiers, more than 100000 logistics and transportation personnel, tens of thousands of transportation vehicles and nearly a thousand armored vehicles occupy an area of tens of square kilometers, which is nearly 100 kilometers away from the zombie sea . If you look at it from the sky, the tens of kilometers of monsters and hundreds of kilometers of corpse sea are out of proportion to the sea, In the distance between the pond and the sea, countless zombies and soldiers were hanged together . The light of the explosion was like stars, the smoke of gunpowder was like dark clouds, and dense zombies covered the earth . The collision tanks crisscrossed the corpses, and teams of armed soldiers followed them to attack the missing zombies, Pieces of zombies fell to the ground in the firing of intensive rifles . From time to time, zombies rushed into the soldiers, causing a bloodbath .

Soldiers have been fighting with zombies for a long time, and there is no hesitation and fear of new recruits . Every time S2 zombies rush into the middle of the soldiers, before they spread their fear, soldiers around them roar and throw zombies to the ground . No matter how the zombies scratch and bite these brave soldiers, the soldiers will never let go . Once they lose their speed, Zombies will be cut off and turned into corpse sticks at the first time, and the wounded soldiers don"t have to be afraid of being shot by their own people . On the contrary, they are excited to wait for the military doctors to inject them with an evolutionary matrix of 10000 yuan . Other soldiers are envious of the wounded who are about to enter the elite elite elite, waiting for the chance to take their turn .

There was no cry of killing, no encouragement, only the sound of tank tracks and dense gunfire, and occasionally the angry roar of D2 zombies . The battlefield was boiling like boiling ink . Yinmeng"s army was brave and the soldiers worked hard, but human beings would be tired, tankers would run out of fuel, rifles would empty their clips, and cannons would lack sh.e.l.ls, And zombies are always in an endless stream, just like a thin dam blocking the continuous waves, which may collapse at any time .

The battle, which saw no victory and no end, exhausted every army and made it difficult for the zombies . Yinshan Mountain has become a mountain of death . Thousands of miles are full of crazy mutant plants . Not to mention the heavy loss of zombies, even the elite first division who hid in the permanent fortification to stop the Zombies could not stay, All of them are driven away by the boundless plants . The spreading plants have become a biological disaster . Large areas of green cover the barren mountains . Under the mountains are millions of zombie remains . Only the most elite team of the b.l.o.o.d.y battle group is still inside . The supervisor can only attract the zombie sea, the Z3 zombie rushing into the Yinshan Mountain .

More than two million zombies have been killed in more than ten days of hanging battle, and more than two million zombies have also been destroyed in Yinshan Mountains . In addition to the millions of zombies killed in Hohhot, Yinmeng"s army has won an unprecedented victory . Since the establishment of the army, more than 15 million zombies have been destroyed, but the cost of this victory is also enormous, Nearly 200000 soldiers and logistics personnel fought with zombies . They consumed at least 300 tons of grain every day . Other materials went to sea, including oil, ammunition, medical supplies, gun parts, weapons and equipment, as well as all kinds of unimaginable appliances . The consumption was like a mountain on more than one million civilians in the Yinmeng military region . In order to support the front line, The f.u.xing bank started the banknote printing machine day and night, printed brand-new f.u.xing coins and gave them to the civilians as prizes and rewards, so that they could transfuse blood for the front line with their greatest ability . However, the civilians got hundreds of f.u.xing coins, but they could not buy any surplus materials and consumables . All the materials and materials were purchased by the army and were like a pile of waste paper in their hands, If it wasn"t for the front-line war situation broadcast on TV every day, I"m afraid Yinmeng would have been in a mess . The Yinmeng government also appeared on TV frequently, cheering up for the civilians, encouraging them to play the spirit of fearing neither hardship nor hardship, establishing heroes and model workers on the battlefield to maintain the determination of the people . If it wasn"t for the maximum guarantee of stability in the rear area, I"m afraid that the war of more than two months in a row can no longer be fought . The zombies are still boundless, and there are more than 15 million at least . Although the ordnance factory in the rear can reload millions of bullets every day, the lack of raw materials has reached the most dangerous point .

Just at the front line of the battlefield, LV Xiaobu was furious and scolded the company commanders: "you stupid pigs, your brains grow on your b.u.t.tocks . Before you set out, I told you that there is not much fuel, so you must save some energy . The main force to destroy zombies is infantry, cavalry, and not armored soldiers who drive half way to touch tanks, You are the fence, the fence to protect the infantry . See for yourself, how many casualties are there? A total of 379 people, 258 of whom died in the war, are you worthy of them? No matter how many zombies you kill, can they survive . . . "

Lu Xiaobu"s scolding made every officer acquiesce in silence . Before today"s attack, Lu Xiaobu explained that there was a lack of diesel fuel, so it was impossible to rush around the corpses like before . Their role was to use infantry as steel walls, and the infantry stood behind the armored vehicles to kill zombies . But once they went to the battlefield, some people were always crazy, In other words, they were surrounded by countless zombies, and they just wanted to crush all the zombies in front of them to death . When the first tank moved, tanks followed one after another . Later, the neat steel wall was broken instantly . Although countless zombies were crushed into meat mud, more zombies rushed to the infantry behind through the gap between the tanks, Even if the infantry"s fighting quality is not low, it can"t stop the impact of countless zombies . Fortunately, Xu Hao rushed into the corpse group with 3000 people"s heavy cavalry, or G.o.d knows how many casualties there would be . "It"s all due to the logistics . If they can guarantee the fuel, they don"t need infantry at all . Our armored division can kill all the zombies . . . " A very unwilling camp with a low head suddenly burst out this strange words with the meaning of anger, which made LV Xiaobu suddenly turn his head, stare at this muscular guy, and roar: "you shut up for me, the first thing to move today is you, I haven"t dealt with you, but you jumped out first, come on, press down and put me in prison, wait for the end of the campaign to be handed over to the military court . "

All the officers have no faces . Once they are tried by the military court, the battalion commander may face the risk of imprisonment . Even if he is given the slightest punishment, his future will be ruined . Which officer is not killed from the sea of blood? Once they lose their position, it will be a huge blow to them and their families .

"Don"t plead . If it"s not for the fact that you can be shot and run away, all other crimes must be tried . Now I want to kill him? I can"t afford to pay for the death and injury of more than 200 people . Who can? " LV Xiaobu then roared to silence the others . Only the battalion commander was dragged by the guards, staring at his legs on the ground .

"Commander, please allow me to say that it"s not that we don"t follow the rules, but that the tanks need speed . Today, we have 27 tanks destroyed by D3 zombies . If we stay in place, we will only suffer heavy losses . If the infantry behind can be safe, should we die in vain . . . " A young officer couldn"t help but stand up and look at LV Xiaobu with a sad and indignant look . He cried bitterly . His big eyes rolled down tears . The others looked at him piteously . The 36 tanks under the young battalion commander just hit the D3 attack group and lost three in an instant . In order to drag the D3 group, he had to let the remaining tanks to stop the zombies, Make time for the later evolutors . In the end, he and the two nearby tank battalions lost a total of 27 tanks, of which 20 were his . One battalion was beaten into a company, and none of the armored soldiers of the two companies survived .

"Shut up, you are soldiers, not businessmen . Don"t think I don"t know what you are thinking . You are the protagonist in the battle the other day, killing countless enemies . Today, you become a supporting role . It"s uncomfortable to watch others kill enemies . I don"t need internal reasons . I just need to obey . If I don"t want to disobey, I"ll take off my uniform and go away . I can"t afford the nostriled uncle . . . " Lu Xiaobu drinks again, but he doesn"t go to the officer"s trouble . It"s already noon, and everyone here is sweating because of the poisonous sun . I don"t know whether they were exposed to the sun or scared . Only LV Xiaobu"s deputy, Chen he, who followed him from the hot spring base, said, "the commander is right, During this period of time, the team has always been filled with the pride of empty eyes and no one . No matter where the armored forces look at people, they are inclined . They always fight with other teams . For a little delay in supply, they fall out with the Quartermaster"s office . You all think you are heroes and other arms are chicken ribs . I tell you, Minister Zhao Jun has issued a reprimand order to rectify us, If the commander hadn"t stopped, would you have been able to sit here and listen to our complaints? "

Chen he made other people scared . He looked evasive and didn"t dare to look at LV Xiaobu again . LV Xiaobu and Chen he and others were senior executives who had parachuted from Hubei . They were not convinced . However, Zhao Jun was one of the elders and founders of the Yinmeng army . No one dared to oppose or question him . For a moment, he became angry, However, another officer from the silver Mongolian military department whispered: "it"s all the fault of the son of a b.i.t.c.h named Venus . His airship troops have never been sent out . We"ve been catching zombies for him day and night . They"re all blind . More than ten tons of eclipse can kill hundreds of thousands of zombies at least . As long as there are two airships on standby, we won"t be so embarra.s.sed . . . "

Lu Xiaobu was embarra.s.sed by the officer"s words . His eyes twinkled . It seemed that something was hidden . After clearing the corpse, he was ready to continue the meeting . Suddenly, Venus called out: "come out, do it, commander Lu, I"ve done it according to your order, twelve tons of corrosion source . . . "

Venus was sitting in a military vehicle in the distance, shouting to this side . All the officers turned their heads and looked at LV Xiaobu with a reddish face . Fortunately, during this period of time, the wind and the sun turned his white face into a black face, so that others would not see his embarra.s.sment . They waved to the officers and said, "you all go down and sum up for today"s battle, All must produce a combat report of more than 5000 words . " LV Xiaobu"s a.s.signment dispelled the officers" deep-seated thoughts . There was a lot of sadness . Except for a few liberal arts officers, no one had any confidence in their 5000 word nonsense .

"It"s done . You see, it"s HX erosive shrapnel . It"s HX erosive air blast mortar . We can make erosive shrapnel and erosive grenade in the future . "

Venus did not know that he had almost disgraced Lv Xiaobu . He opened the metal box and showed two small sh.e.l.ls . The small one was the thirty-five mm grenade launcher used for the grenade, the large mortar sh.e.l.l with the tail . The two sh.e.l.ls were rough in appearance, and they were very different from the sh.e.l.ls used in the army . They saw the two pieces of ammunition embedded in the foam . Lu Xiaobu"s face was red, his eyes were shining with a bright l.u.s.ter, and his rough hand caressed the sh.e.l.l like a virgin"s skin . His infatuated look was chilly . "It has been tested, and it can work completely . After launching, the built-in balance rudder will be triggered, the fuse will be disconnected at the height of two meters above the head of the zombie, and the gla.s.s beads with corrosion source will be sputtered . These gla.s.s beads will shatter when the ammunition explodes, forming corrosion source rain . The sputter range is about 150 meters . Of course, only mortar sh.e.l.ls can do it, There is only one corrosion source gla.s.s bottle in the 35mm grenade . When it is broken, it will spread with the air waves and cover a range of 16m . If ma.s.s production is carried out, we can produce 50 mortar sh.e.l.ls and 300 corrosion source grenades every day . "

The story of Venus made LV Xiaobu smile and bend his eyes . This is his weapon, which was made with his idea . All along, LV Xiaobu felt that the erosion source had not been brought into play, and every time it was used, it was very rough . In the last concentrated bombing, almost half of the erosion source pottery pots were thrown in overlapping or blank areas, which could not be evenly distributed, And the power of this thing is too great . If you don"t care, it will spread with the wind . It"s not very easy for a single soldier to master it . The most important thing is that even if a single soldier throws it out, the gla.s.s bottle will be broken . Just because the tank lacks effective weapons, he imagined that people would stand in the tank and use grenade launchers to selectively shoot at the zombie dens, so as to form a large net, Kill the zombie in front of him . Unexpectedly, the work he entrusted to Venus was completed so soon .

"Good, very good . With this, we don"t have to rely on diesel oil and human lives to eliminate zombies . Please report to Zhao Jun and ishiyuanye and let them work out a perfect plan to eliminate all the zombies in Yinshan before next month and completely solve this disaster . . . "< br>