Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2150: 2150

Chapter 2150: 2150

Thousands of miles away, the sea was cloudy, and the heavens and trees that had washed away the leaves turned and swamped in the sea . Numerous foam fragments mixed with dark corpses made the blue sea wave feel a bit nauseous, and the land cramps in the distance were generally trembling . The waves of more than 10 meters high were uncertain, and the floating trees floating down in the water were floating down . Occasionally, in the noisy sound of the sea waves, I hear the crisp sound of giant trees breaking . In the waves like Foshan mountains, thin boats are like ants in the rainstorm, stubbornly rowing forward . Each boat has more or less survivors . Looking around, there are no less than a few hundred boats, and most of them have vacancies, From time to time, it can be seen that the rising waves will wash the survivors down into the sea . Once they fall into the sea, there will be no hope of survival, but no ship will stop, only a faint cry .

All of a sudden, there was another big wave . The wall of the city rushed down to them . The roaring wave rolled up the water, rolled several kilometers, and hit the fleet fiercely . Screams rang out in the fleet . Everyone could hold the handrail tightly and bow to meet the impact . How could the thin boat resist the big waves? The sea roars, the white waves splash, the broken wooden boards and the twisted human bodies fly in the air one after another, forming a three-dimensional picture of the end of the world . When the big waves disappear, two thirds of the ships disappear on the sea forever, and only countless palm sized pieces of wood float with the waves .

The ship stopped and rowed, and fluctuated with the waves on the sea . One by one, the frightened survivors sat in the water in the cabin, looking at the innumerable rolled boards, as if they didn"t believe that they were alive . Although the big waves went, the remaining waves didn"t disappear . Waves surging like Hills scattered the scattered fleet and drifted to the unknown distance .

"Forward, everyone forward, we have come out, can not go back, only forward . . . Even if it is dead also forward . . . "

The young asian man in the group suddenly yelled in Chinese . The shrill cry seemed to question the sky . It was full of sadness and shrill . The surging waves roared like thunder, and the huge sound waves floated between the sea and the sky, but it couldn"t cover the man"s heartbreaking call . The man"s call finally made the survivors come back to their senses and howl together, They cried for their escape from the death within reach . Many ships lost their crew . Many ships had more than ten people, but only four or five people were left, or even one or two people . The most shocking thing was the empty ship without any one .

"Don"t cry . If you want to die and jump down, no one can live when the big wave comes again . If you want to live, Okinawa is not far away from us . . . " The man is the leader of the whole fleet . Under his encouragement, many people subconsciously look for oars to paddle, but some people refuse to move . They stare at the fluctuating sea in the distance, and they can"t see a trace of land until the end of the sea .

"Wu fan, don"t lie to us any more . How many people are left? When we set out, there were seven thousand people . When we got to the seaside, there were only four thousand people left . Eight hundred people died when we went out one thousand meters, and twelve people died when we went out ten kilometers . Now there are only six hundred people left . Do you want everyone to die? " On the boat nearest to Wu fan"s boat, the young girl screamed at Wu fan and expressed her dissatisfaction . Wu fan suddenly turned back to the girl and pleaded, "do you still want to go back? Is there any choice at this stage? My premonition tells me that there is only a way out of j.a.pan, Okinawa and the sea, Swallow, let"s move on, trust me . . . "

Wu fan"s eyes were fixed on the sorrowful girl . There was an empty seat for her boyfriend . Although the loss was heavy, it made him happy, but the girl was not happy . She screamed: "we believe in you before we come out with you . Are you worthy of 6000 souls who believe in you, you arrogant guy, Do you want to kill all the people

Wu fan"s heart was inflamed by a bitter scolding . He wanted to argue . The waves around him fell down and the current made his whole body wetter . He suddenly woke up . This is not a place to quarrel . More than a thousand lives were lost here . For a moment, he didn"t pay attention to the girl, but just enlightened himself in his heart, As long as you can survive, you can find a more beautiful woman . You shout: "going back is a dead end . If you believe me, follow me . If you don"t believe me, you decide to . . . "

Wu fan can afford to let go . He is determined to be the leader of the gathering place of j.a.panese expatriates . 90% of the survivors are dead, and less than 10% of the remaining survivors look at Wu fan"s back, subconsciously wave the oars to follow him, and let the swallow behind scream .

Wu fan, however, with the remaining 600 people, rushed through the last wave area with a breath . He turned around and looked at the boat behind him, but he didn"t find the swallow . It was obvious that the beautiful girl didn"t follow . Extreme depression flashed in her heart . A stream of tears lingered in her eyes . The survivors looked at the rolling waves in the distance and cheered loudly, For them, it is a kind of victory to be able to cross the waves that devour countless lives . At this time, countless shadows emerge under the sea .

Before the American rebellion began, it was put out by Zhang Xiaoqiang . Most Americans were unwilling to obey Zhang Xiaoqiang"s command . The leader was Chris Brown . This time, John Li finally saw Zhang Xiaoqiang"s ruthlessness . Chris Brown, who was higher than Zhang Xiaoqiang, rushed to Zhang Xiaoqiang like a raging brown bear, but Zhang Xiaoqiang easily tore his head off, The b.l.o.o.d.y head with half of the spine was lifted in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s hand, which made the vast majority of Americans feel desperate . Only a few Americans didn"t think so, but they didn"t oppose Zhang Xiaoqiang . An invisible crisis was eliminated by Zhang Xiaoqiang"s violent means, but Zhang Xiaoqiang could feel it, He didn"t care . He didn"t want to take these Americans in . What he wanted was temporary obedience . John Li tried to open his mouth several times, but he didn"t know how to talk about it . He couldn"t help but distance himself from Zhang Xiaoqiang . Wan Qiang seemed to have decided to ignore the sundries and hide in the deepest part of the hangar to enjoy all kinds of materials found by the young men . The Russians seemed to have received a hint that they would no longer cooperate with Zhang Xiaoqiang and pa.s.sively accepted the task, As for tiezhongyuan and darihachi, they disappeared and never showed up again . Only Colonel Byron and zuotan became Zhang Xiaoqiang"s reliable left and right hands .

The underground hangar has been completely closed . The underground military buildings built in wartime are quite strong . They are not afraid that flying insects can be found outside . Most of the shocked survivors have been sorted out and managed . They have settled down under the command of Zuo Tian . As for the British people, they are more honest . They know their own ident.i.ty and hide in the corner, Americans are also alone, far away from others, on guard against anyone close to them .

The wide underground airport has the function of air raid shelter . There are many command rooms, rest rooms, intelligence a.n.a.lysis rooms, electronic liaison rooms, radars and material warehouses . Although most of them are abandoned, the power supply system and water supply are in good condition . Some military supplies that have been sealed up for many years can still be eaten, which can temporarily meet the consumption of thousands of people, Expecting to be divided into several groups who don"t talk to each other, Zhang Xiaoqiang has a headache . There are so many people present, almost none of them really belong to their own people . Maybe the horsetail girl is half of them, but he really can"t hope that he can take good care of the two children and already have Amitabha Buddha .

Lights light up the large hangar . New fighters and drones cover the corner with thick dust . The noise of thousands of people talking in low voice reverberates in the turbid air . Zhang Xiaoqiang sits cross legged on the ground and looks at countless people sitting in silence . At this time, he has no choice but to go to the airport building on the ground, There are no less than 20 investigators upstairs, but Zhang Xiaoqiang has no idea at all . He doesn"t know when the flying insects outside will retreat . According to the cameras arranged outside, the sky is still a mess . Many flying insects have landed on the ground . The dark crustaceans occupy almost all the buildings, the ground, the planes and the roads . The gra.s.s and trees outside the airport are also swallowed by the beetles . Fortunately, these beetles don"t eat metal and cement, otherwise Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t know how long he can last .

The cool sound of footsteps came to Zhang Xiaoqiang . Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t turn his head when he heard the sound of footsteps . He just looked at the reflective floor after the dust was wiped off the soles of the shoes on the ground . A shadow covered the reflection . Then Zhang Xiaoqiang saw a pair of small feet in ragged shoes . Although the shoes were ragged, they were still clean, It"s sad to see the broken holes on the vamp showing the toes . The owner of the shoes seems to find that Zhang Xiaoqiang is looking at the shoes . He wriggles his toes uneasily and wants to hide them in the shoes, but he can"t hide them . Zhang Xiaoqiang looks up and sees the blushing cheek of the horsetail girl . Horsetail girl is a very pure girl . She looks about the same size as meow when she is 16 or 17 years old, Meow was born with a baby face, and her body didn"t develop very well . Mawei girl developed very well, and her chest was definitely not w.a.n.gzai steamed bread .

"Here you are . . . " Speaking little Chinese, the horsetail girl reaches out to Zhang Xiaoqiang . In the palm of Bai Nen"s hand, there is an open military can . It"s dark, I don"t know what it is, and it doesn"t have the smell of mildew . She should be able to eat it if she looks serious . Zhang Xiaoqiang takes it and puts it beside her . She doesn"t intend to eat it . Seeing Zhang Xiaoqiang"s neglect, the horsetail girl is not angry, Carefully go to Zhang Xiaoqiang and sit down, quietly accompany Zhang Xiaoqiang . Soon, two little dots also run to sit in front of him, lying on the floor with pen and paper that they don"t know where to turn out .

Zhang Xiaoqiang was in a bad mood . It was much better to have the company of these three children . He felt that he was not alone . His mind returned to work and he thought about the way to escape . It was already a world of flying insects outside . The sky could not pa.s.s, and the ground could not . Even if the flying insects did not attack them, they could not swim across the sea . These thousands of people were not worried for the time being, But what to do in the future? There is also a new era . Okinawa is a trap set by the new era . For the time being, there is no hope of their lives, but there is no hope of escape . In this way, the new era will dominate the red algae resources . Other people don"t know the details of the red algae . Zhang Xiaoqiang knows it clearly . There are no level five mutants around the red algae . The new era is sure to seize the red algae .

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s heart is entangled . He has not suffered a loss, but he has not suffered such a terrible loss . The planner of the new era, Qi Yigao, trapped him and all the forces who had an intention on akashiga on Okinawa Island . All this shows that the new era has shifted from focusing on force to focusing on strategy, which makes him uneasy, At least in his mind, China can"t find a few intelligent guys .

"You have to go out and find a way out . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang is not a person who gives up easily . He begins to clear his mind . At this time, the horsetail girl dozes off, and her head sinks like a chicken eating rice . Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t pay attention to it, but is still thinking: "Elson has informed China and told them where I am going . Maybe they can help? How can they know I"m in Okinawa? I was going to contact them in Korea . What if I miss it? "Suddenly his shoulder sank, and Zhang Xiaoqiang turned to find that the horsetail girl was sleeping on his shoulder with her eyebrows slightly wrinkled . Zhang Xiaoqiang was ready to move the horsetail girl away . When he heard her heavy breathing and her delicate and serene face, he could not help hesitating . Finally, he slowly held the body of the horsetail girl and let her lie in his arms, holding her light body . He didn"t do anything, I began to Miss Yang Ke"er and meow meow . When I think of meow meow, I think of Vladivostok .

"Maybe you don"t have to go to Korea . The sky in Vladivostok can pa.s.s, and the airship can pa.s.s the helicopter . Meow was guarding Vladivostok before I went to j.a.pan . There were red British brigade and crescent moon there . When I found them, they were not as unmanned as they are now, but how could I contact them? What"s the point of connecting with them? The new era has sealed off the surrounding sea area, and the sky is occupied by flying insects . Do you want them to come with insecticides? "

No matter how China operates, he must let the people in the underground hangar know that they have not given up hope . As long as they have hope, they can unite with these mobs to save themselves . Once they leave Okinawa, they will be able to save themselves, He will fight back against the new era, and then< br>