Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2161: 2161

Chapter 2161: 2161

For the sake of their own interests, all the breathing human beings on Okinawa Island unite together . Wan Qiang doesn"t want to see the insects hovering on his head any more . For the first time, he orders darihachi, who is left behind, to take the young men to search the underground hangars for materials that can make flame ejectors, Zuotan took a thousand hardcover men out of the hangar and gathered under Simon"s men to carry out the whole city noise plan . Commander Byron and the Americans also took action . They sent all the agile evolutioners to look for the gap between the zombies in the city to prepare for the placement of the high pitched loudspeakers . Coils of thick cables were coiled on the twisted coil, and the power evolutioners pulled them to the city, As a treasure, the field generator is carefully placed in a sound proof warehouse to supply power .

Bottles of blood are pouring on the high-rise buildings, and the b.l.o.o.d.y raindrops lead to the chaos of zombies . Countless zombies are crowding to gather in the streets and squares with the smell of fresh and sweet blood . On the high-rise buildings, one by one agile evolutioners run and jump like big fleas, and the black cables like cobwebs pull out ugly layout over the city, Even those agile evolvers have to be careful when running in it, or they will trip over the messy cables . The number of zombies in the city is about 700000 . If these zombies are gathered together, the square that can hold them should be at least tens of square kilometers, so the agile evolvers need to travel in the city of tens of kilometers, Almost everyone has to run several marathons to make these agile evolutors who are ten times stronger than ordinary people tired like dead dogs .

It would be wishful thinking for ordinary people to complete the task, but with the cooperation of more than a thousand evolutionists, these tasks will be simple . With the special potion provided by Simon, as long as you are not too close to the zombies, you will not worry about being found . The action of eliminating zombies has been going on all the time, but this time the team is headed by more powerful evolutionists, Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t need to take the overall situation into consideration . He is personally on the front line of eliminating zombies . Wan Qiang and Byron are not willing to be outdone . With their respective talents, they keep up with Zhang Xiaoqiang and clean up the blocks one by one .

The purpose of Zhang Xiaoqiang"s campaign is not to kill zombies, but to attract the attention of high-level zombies . The zombie sea on Okinawa island can only form Z2 zombies at most . As long as there is a Z-type zombie command, the zombie sea is not a piece of loose sand . If it is ignored, once the zombies are noticed by high-level zombies, the evolutors who have completed the mission will surely suffer casualties, The last thing Zhang Xiaoqiang wants to see now is casualties .

Firebird machetes swept through the corpses again and again, and countless zombies instantly turned into black ashes and scattered to the ground . When Zhang Xiaoqiang charged rapidly, more than 1000 zombies in a street were like black gauze burnt by fire, which dissipated layer by layer . Even if there were evolutionary zombies, they could not escape the ashes . In another street, Wanqiang burst out the craziest side, His hands grow mish"s claws . When the claws are waved, the zombies are like guiling paste under the sharp blade . They are easily scattered into large pieces and stink of decay all over the street . Byron and tiezhongyuan work together . Byron"s ability is to transform . His whole body swells three times in an instant . His skin is as hard as armor, and his strength is no less than that of D3 zombies, The super explosive force enables him to break up the crowded zombies, running from the street to the end of the street . Tiezhongyuan follows the pa.s.sage behind him and twists all the zombies on both sides of the street into pieces . Wu fan is a little conservative after taking off the force . He takes a group of evolutionists to clean up the zombies in front of him steadily, but the speed is not slow .

They are like four sharp knives penetrating from the edge of the city to the center . At last, they attracted the attention of Z2 zombies . Countless high-level zombies came to them . One tall D2 zombie and one agile S2 zombie appeared one after another . Wan qianggang tore up a D2 zombie that was not shorter than him . The next moment, more than ten S2 zombies jumped from the buildings on both sides, Like a wild monkey, Wan Qiang pounced on him like a wild monkey . More D2 zombies roared at him in front of him . Wan Qiang kept pulling S2 zombie on his body . He was wrapped in his head by zombie for a moment . Just after pulling it down, he fell to the ground and smashed the ground . Two D2 zombies rushed to him and flew him upside down without waiting for him to land, More zombies swarmed over him, and then groups of D2 zombies rushed to Wan Qiang without hesitation . They saw that Wan Qiang was about to be turned by more than a dozen D2 zombies and more than 20 S2 zombies . Before waiting for the support of the 20 or 30 young men who followed Wan Qiang, they heard him roar angrily, All the zombies that fell on him kept a fixed posture in the huge sound wave . These zombies who still kept leaning forward could not rush forward in the sound wave, but trembled and tilted back . Then all the zombies and young men within 300 meters around them burst their heads, and their ugly heads were like broken rotten eggs, bursting with yellow brains all over the sky, The floor gla.s.ses on both sides were also smashed into small particles in the roar, just like crystal dust, and a S2 zombie climbing on the top of the building rained down .

Zhang Xiaoqiang is killing very well . With the help of several other top evolutionists, he is not under great pressure . For the first time, the attack line composed of four directions at the same time is more powerful than the reinforcement speed of zombies . As they approach step by step, the zombie sea continues to lose blood, with an average loss of 40000 to 50000 zombies per hour, Nearly 200000 zombies died in four hours, but Zhang Xiaoqiang"s route was the cleanest . Almost all the zombies turned into smoke in the whirl of Firebird"s machete, and the remaining scattered zombies were swept away by the attacking evolutors behind him . Just as he swept away more than 100 type 2 zombies in front of him, he heard Wan Qiang"s roar, Wan Qiang was not close to him . The roar shattered the gla.s.s around him . For a moment, Zhang Xiaoqiang was frightened and said in secret: "it"s broken . . . "Sure enough, Wanqiang"s roar caused the idea of flying beetles in the sky . There were not many vegetation in the city, and there were not many flying beetles, so the zombies didn"t attract the beetles" attention . At this time, the beetles attracted by Wanqiang converged into a tide of insects, spiraling in the sky, and then there was a downward trend . Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly turned and yelled to John Li: "how much progress has been completed . . . " John Li has been closely following Zhang Xiaoqiang as a herald . He is said to look down at his military tablet computer and reply, "69 percent . . . "

69% is not much . Zhang Xiaoqiang knows that the remaining 31% is the focus of this mission . But don"t think about it now . It"s lucky to be able to escape . Without waiting for John Li to report the reports of each branch node in detail, Zhang Xiaoqiang yelled: "order to retreat, everyone, Let the d.a.m.n radio ring . . . "

Before the words came out, there was another piercing scream . Hearing the high-frequency scream with the style of Z-shaped zombie, Zhang Xiaoqiang calmed down a lot . Wanqiang"s sound wave killing provoked the dignity of Z2 zombie . The zombie who didn"t know was hiding there responded to Wanqiang"s challenge . He obviously regarded Wanqiang as a villain who robbed territory, and the insects hovering in the sky were divided into two, One part rushes to Wanqiang, the other part rushes to the Z2 zombie, and the sea of corpses rushes to Wanqiang, who challenges the dignity of the Z2 zombie . After the latest intelligence, Zhang Xiaoqiang ponders whether to cancel the previous order and continue to complete the previous task . Suddenly, the palpitation hits his heart, and involuntarily turns to the highest mountain on the edge of the city .

The dense vegetation of the tomb like peak had been gnawed by flying insects for a long time . The yellow rock land was covered with black spots of flying insects, and the huge openings that could pa.s.s trucks were all over it like honeycomb briquettes . The mountain top looked the same as before, but Zhang Xiaoqiang saw something different, and there was a touch of red at the top of the mountain, But it was a slender bomb with a length of seven or eight meters .

"Hurry up, hurry up, hurry down, or you will die . . . " Darihachi roared loudly in Mongolian and ran madly down the mountain with a group of Mongolian evolutionists . During their running, hundreds of flying insects started from the ground and chased the wolf crying ghosts . The Mongols ran in front of them, and more than 20 strong Russian men followed them, The bodies of these biaohans, whose faces were dyed with various pigments, were not flexible, even clumsy, and could not catch up with the previous evolutioners . Darihachi did not plan to wait for these guys, and ran away without a shadow . The startled flying insects rushed down to Biaohan, and the shadows flashed by . Several biaohans flew up into the air, but their hearts were hit by holes the size of a washbasin, Then more shadows came from behind them, and in an instant, the two meter tall strong men broke up in the air, turning into blood, bones and muscle< br>