Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2162: 2162

Chapter 2162: 2162

In the blink of an eye, one-third of the young men became meat . The rest of the young men didn"t look back, but still rushed forward with their heads covered . The insects behind them rushed towards them one after another . The one horned beetles with flashing wings made a big net in the air . They were about to cover the rest of the young men . Suddenly, there was a thunder like roar on the top of the mountain, and the whole mountain was shaking in the roar, Countless large and small pieces of gravel flew up for several meters and fell down like raindrops . The huge shock also frightened the insects . They let the young men pa.s.s and gathered in the air . At this time, layers of burst flames spread from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain, sweeping everything along the way . The continuous flames extended to more than 700 meters in diameter before they began to stop, As the flames on the ground continue to expand, a huge red crown forms on the top of the mountain . This twisted red crown is like the eye of the devil . It gathers all the air around it and pours it into the burning red clouds below, making the flame more intense . Hundreds of thousands of flying insects in the sky are involved in the red crown with the air, Innumerable black sands rush into the huge light ma.s.s like moths, and disappear completely in the blink of an eye, just like evaporation .

The red crown sweeps away all the insects within a radius of 1000 meters near the top of the mountain . The flaming red clouds slowly form a mushroom like shape and gradually climb to an alt.i.tude of several hundred meters, just like a towering fire giant . The top of the mountain suddenly collapses in the flames . Countless flames are swept up into the air by the air currents brought by the collapsed gravel, and the collapsed top of the mountain shakes like a cramp, Layer upon layer of rolling land is like crushed paper . The young men running at the foot of the mountain are swept into the air by the shockwave rushing down behind them, and then turn into pieces in all kinds of tearing air and gravel .

"Wanqiang, f.u.c.k . Your mother . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang has a panoramic view of the burning mountain . He can"t help yelling and cursing any more . Wan Qiang listens to his proposal on the face, but sends someone behind his back to send the bomb to the mountain to detonate, which makes Zhang Xiaoqiang"s plan wasted . If possible, Zhang Xiaoqiang would like to cut Wan Qiang to pieces, but wan Qiang is surrounded by countless zombies, Z2 zombies regard Wanqiang as the new Z2, which is doomed to never die . Zhang Xiaoqiang is too lazy to take care of him . He turns around and twists John Li"s collar, and yells: "retreat, all of them retreat for me . . . "

Before the end of the speech, the insect cloud in the whole sky has a new change . It seems to be called invisibly . All the beetles fly to the burning mountain peak . Countless black spots form black clouds in the air . When the black cloud approaches the top of the mountain, it is pulled into the fire cloud by the red crown . Countless beetles evaporate in the hot fire cloud, and more beetles fill in the next moment .

Looking from the ground to the air, the hot fire cloud seemed to devour the black cloud . In less than five minutes, one percent of the black cloud disappeared . In this way, the insect cloud would be wiped out soon . Zhang Xiaoqiang took people to evacuate outside the city, and his eyes were always staring at the burning mountain . The dust rolled up by the shock wave from the mountain had contacted the edge of the city, Countless people cough in the dust, but they also pay attention to the insect cloud in the sky, low cheers one after another .

"Are you ready to evacuate . . . " John Lee"s silver armor is covered with dust like a grey man . He holds his heart beating wildly and whispers to Zhang Xiaoqiang . According to his guess, the air over the airport has been gradually cleared, and the beetles that landed at the airport have returned to the burning mountain . This is the best time to evacuate . Zhang Xiaoqiang has figured out that since it has already been done, there is no need to lament, It"s not unacceptable that the death of beetles comes from the loss of females . Their biggest threat is not zombies and beetles, but they don"t know when the new era will come . The earlier they leave, the safer they will be .

"Prepare for . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang"s order can"t go on . The fire on the mountain top is still devouring the insect cloud, but the thickness of the fire is not as thick as before . Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly thought of something and looked at the disappearing fire cloud in horror . It"s not only him, but most people found the abnormality of the fire cloud . The fire cloud that he had hoped for a moment ago decreased at the speed visible to the naked eye, although the insect cloud is also decreasing, People with good eyesight know that you should not expect the fire cloud to destroy the insects . Countless insects and moths rush to the insects, burn their wings at the edge of the fire and fall like raindrops . More insects come one after another . The fire is not extinguished by the insect cloud . The insects that die at the edge of the fire are many times more than those that die in the fire . Countless insect debris are scattered around the fire, Some of the mounds were also ignited by the fire, but not enough to expand the momentum of the fire .

"What to do . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the shrinking flame and asked himself, as well as the evolutionists and survivors . They looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang together . At this time, Wan Qiang"s roar sounded again . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s mind suddenly cleared up . Behind the zombies, hundreds of thousands of zombies were oil tanks . As long as they got oil, They can also eliminate the insects . Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaoqiang turned and rushed to the city . At the same time, he ordered John Li: "continue the previous task, we must seize the oil storage warehouse . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s order wakes John Lee like a drum in the evening . Since he can"t count on the fire, he has to rely on himself . By the time the dull survivors and evolutors get busy with their tasks, Zhang Xiaoqiang has already rushed to Wanqiang . More than 100 young men led by Wanqiang have been destroyed, and they don"t know whether they died in the hands of zombies, Or did he die by himself? Countless zombies scattered into pieces, flying up and down to the surrounding zombies . The boundless zombies filled all the gaps around Wan Qiang . Wan Qiang roared again and again, making the layers of zombies around him fall . But more zombies stepped on the same kind of corpses and rushed to Wan Qiang . The corpses on the ground had piled up seven or eight meters high, Wan Qiang stood on the corpse mountain to meet the zombie attacks in all directions . Zombies don"t always attack from the ground . There are also dense S-shaped zombies on the roof beside Wan Qiang . These zombies constantly rush to Wan Qiang below, and are often torn to pieces by Wan Qiang"s claws in the air . In fact, it"s very easy for WAN Qiang to get away . There is no zombie under his claws that can block him . But I don"t know why, Wan Qiang always refuses to leave there, Pa.s.sive killing of zombies .

Seeing this, Zhang Xiaoqiang frowned slightly and stopped to support Wan Qiang . Although Wan Qiang looked very difficult at this time, he knew that with the thickness of Wan Qiang"s skin, he didn"t have to worry about death . Besides, even if Wan Qiang died, what"s the matter with him? Zhang Xiaoqiang turned to leave, Wanqiang still roared into the killing frenzy, countless zombies flood to him .

Wan Qiang lost himself . At this time, he was a beast that only knew how to roar with his claws . The roar of sound waves damaged his vocal cords and accelerated the speed of the death of the zombie by countless times . The distance of 300 meters in diameter could explode more than 1000 heads each time . At his feet, the zombie bodies were piled up with a diameter of 300 meters, On the platform as high as seven or eight meters, many low doors have been buried by corpses . The lowest corpses have already started to rot, and the green corpse water has flooded the whole street for tens of centimeters . All the zombies are trudging in the corpse water to approach Wanqiang, and the S-shaped zombies on the roof rush towards Wanqiang like raindrops, On the top of the floor, zombies are stacked several meters high . All the corpses here are S-shaped zombies . More S-shaped zombies are converging here from all corners of the city, just like iron sand is attracted by giant magnets .

I don"t know how long later, Wan Qiang didn"t think about it any more . Even the killing became mechanical . If it wasn"t for the fact that his physical strength was equal to that of D4 zombies, he would not have died under the siege of hundreds of thousands of zombies . The corpse mountain under his feet had been piled up to a height of more than ten meters, and the buildings on the street were almost level, The ordinary zombies below have been mixed with the S-shaped zombies on the floor through the corpse mountain . Looking down from the sky, countless zombies gather into a huge storm vortex . The center of the vortex is Wanqiang"s crazy killing at the top of the corpse mountain .

All of a sudden, the super deafening heavy metal music blows up people"s eardrums in all parts of the city . In the sea of corpses gathered to Wanqiang, countless zombies are lost by the heavy metal noise and shock that vibrates their scalp and blood . They are blankly looking for the source of the noise . I don"t know when, a huge personal speaker is arranged all over the city, According to the layout of the most likely position to form a reverberation loop, the noise emitted by each speaker can frighten a cow to death before the end of the world . For a time, the whole city has only this loud noise, and there is no other sound . If you carefully observe, you can see the air above the city twisting and trembling, as if the real sound waves are transmitted infinitely in the air .

Okinawa hasn"t been so busy since the roar of ten thousand guns in World War II . Wan Qiang was also surrounded by this huge body wave, and the whole person was just like a fly getting into a blower . At this time, the flames on the mountain top had gone out, and the black insect cloud was still endless . Previously, there were as few as a million flying insects, which were basically harmless to millions of flying insects, The sky is still occupied by flying insects, and the plane still can"t leave the ground .

Innumerable flying insects originally gathered on the top of the mountain and circled . Stimulated by the huge waves, they suddenly burst their nests and scattered in the air and rushed to the city . At this time, there was no one else in the city except Wan Qiang . Even if tie Zhongyuan wanted to remind him that more than 100 young men who followed Wan Qiang had been killed by Wan Qiang himself, he also died< br>