Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2178: 2178

Chapter 2178: 2178

Zhuo Mingyue"s battle shuttle has been carried by the evolutionists . Zhang Xiaoqiang knew about the water snake for the first time . He didn"t worry about the safety of the water snake, but he was afraid that the water snake would lead the level five mutant beast to Okinawa Island . But at this time, he couldn"t reach it . He had to bear his anxiety and follow the previous plan step by step, He just asked Simon to take people out of the underground base and up to the mountains .

The tsunami arrived as scheduled . Most of the southern Okinawa Island was. .h.i.t by the tsunami . Waves of more than 10 meters high surged up the several meter high breakwater and poured into the city . Countless zombies floated in the muddy water . Some wooden houses that had been corroded for a long time were scattered after the steel brackets were corroded, It can be seen that the roof with complete structure floats on the water like a boat and collides with the buildings along the way . The huge cracks open and eventually turn into fragments . The floating wood fragments and rolling zombies sweep the whole city . The streets have been submerged for four or five meters . Waves of tsunamis continue to rush onto the land, and the furniture and sundries of many stores are also swept on the waves, Okinawa"s urban area is not small, but the area of sea water is larger . Millions of tons of sea water are rolling and surging in the buildings, washing away everything that blocks the water, and finally turning the whole city into a water world .

Countless buildings form isolated islands on the surface of the water . The sea water is like the most diligent scavenger, which cleans out all the debris that can be washed out by the whole city . The surging waves collide with the buildings and emit a huge roar . The waves even exceed some low floors, which makes Zhang Xiaoqiang and others who climb to the oil storage tank to watch in awe .

No one will be frightened when they see the rapid flow of water with their own eyes . Apart from those who have wings, none of them who rely on their legs believe that they can survive such a natural disaster . They see with their own eyes the rats who escaped last night being driven out of every corner of the city, and countless rats are struggling madly in the rolling sea, From time to time, some mice were driven by the current to hit the wall and split their brains . Many mice were involved in the undercurrent under the water and never floated again . Thousands of rat corpses rolled like black ink in the turbid water . When they arrived at the oil storage warehouse, people watched countless rat and zombie corpses floating under their eyes, A wet rat climbed up the corner of the tank from the water .

No one thought of helping each other in the same boat . As long as they saw the mice, the evolutionists would shoot . The sound of gunfire was mixed with the roaring sound of water . A mouse was shot in the whole body when climbing . The blood burst out like a fountain and fell into the water . It dyed the sea a little red . There was no pity . The muzzle of the gun in his hand shot at any mouse he saw, A lot of mice were ejected by the b.l.o.o.d.y fuzziness did not see loose, and finally become a piece of flesh and blood mottled fur .

At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t put his eyes on the sea water and mice . He didn"t know what to think . Zhuo Mingyue was like a fairy floating behind him . He paid attention to all kinds of situations around him and was ready to take Zhang Xiaoqiang out of the air at any time . Wan Qiang sat on another oil tank and stared at Zhang Xiaoqiang"s side with bad eyes, The remains of the scallop beetle hidden in the city will also be washed away, which makes him feel tangled like Mahua . He hates Zhang Xiaoqiang"s behavior of robbing villains by fire, and he is also more interested in the two serrated knives behind him . If Zhuo Mingyue is not the monster he is deeply afraid of, he will have to make some trouble .

"When are you going back? Hao"er can already call his mother . Shangguan Qiaoyun also needs you to go back . " Zhuo Mingyue"s cold words made Zhang Xiaoqiang wake up from his trance of thinking . He looked at the ant like crowd in the mountains in the distance and didn"t know how to answer . What he was most sorry for was his family, no matter Yang Ke"er or Yuan Yi, his children and Shangguan Qiaoyun, who were wandering outside all year round . All kinds of sundries made him tired of skills, He also wants to be with them quietly, but there are always all kinds of accidents that make him run in vain .

"When it"s time to go back, it"s natural to go back . If there is no new era and red algae . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang has something to say . Zhuo Mingyue frowns slightly . If red algae and the new era can"t be solved, isn"t Zhang Xiaoqiang always floating outside“ At least I"ll have to wait until I find something to cure Kor . " Zhang Xiaoqiang then told Zhuo Mingyue what he thought in his heart . All along, he carried it on his own, and no one knew what he thought . Today, Zhuo Mingyue beat Wan Qiang, the enemy in his heart, and made him change his mind . Anyway, Zhuo Mingyue"s heart is towards him . That"s enough, Also let him really start to try to accept Zhuo Mingyue .

It was fine, but Zhuo Mingyue was uncomfortable when she heard Zhang Xiaoqiang say that she would go to Yang Ke"er . What Zhang Xiaoqiang hated most was that there were many beautiful confidants around her, one or two of them . But today there was a junior, and tomorrow there was an ambiguity . No one could stand it . There were more women in the world, and Zhang Xiaoqiang was a lecherous, She wanted to castrate Zhang Xiaoqiang .

"Then what are you going to do? To j.a.pan? " Zhuo Mingyue knows that Zhang Xiaoqiang is going to j.a.pan, but now j.a.pan is like this, she is not at ease . Even if she has decided to follow Zhang Xiaoqiang from today on, Zhang Xiaoqiang shakes her head and says, "I just came out of j.a.pan, but I"m going to Vladivostok . . . "At the beginning, Zhang Xiaoqiang planned to send the survivors from j.a.pan to South Korea . After some delay in Okinawa, he thought it was actually good here . It was more convenient to have Simon to take care of them than to send them to China . It was a big deal to mobilize transportation forces after he completed the mission in the sea of j.a.pan . Vladivostok was close to the sea of j.a.pan, and it was the best base to go forward, It happens that he still has angel in Vladivostok .

Hear Zhang Xiaoqiang"s words, Zhuo Mingyue wants to be crooked again? Can"t help but ask: "is that little girl meow meow? It"s like there"s a little girl called crescent moon over there too . . . " When Zhang Xiaoqiang heard the three words "crescent moon", he immediately scolded Venus . When he couldn"t get in touch, everything he experienced in Yinmeng was mysterious . No one in Hubei knew about crescent moon or Eliza . But after Venus supported Shanghai, everyone seemed to know . He saw that the acc.u.mulated flame in Zhuo Mingyue"s eyes had a tendency to explode, and he wanted to sophisticate, But even he felt embarra.s.sed . When the end of the world broke out, as his ability and influence became more and more powerful, he did not want to fight a harem and enjoy the happiness of all . However, when all kinds of beautiful women came to him, he thought it was meaningless . It was not a good thing to have too many women . Mupeipei had children with him, but he had no feelings, Yang Ke"er injured and let him anger Yuan Yi, and Shangguan Qiaoyun, how confident a woman was before? At the time of his rise, he was the most powerful sniper in the base, but because of avoiding suspicion, he had to wait for Zhang Xiaoqiang to go home . He has completely transformed into a little woman, and now he is still very worried for him .

He is worthy of the millions of survivors under his command . He is a good leader, but he is by no means a good husband or father . He has gone through life and death outside and made his family scared . Needless to say, he has been with his family for so long, and the date of being with his children is less than a month, Either in Jiangxi or in Shanghai, now it"s a ten day tour of j.a.pan and Okinawa< br>