Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2179: 2179

Chapter 2179: 2179

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, what are they doing in the oil depot area? Who is the lady fighting with? Well, is that guy still human? " Huang Tingwei didn"t expect that the ground would be so busy . At first, Zhuo Mingyue"s landing Oolong almost killed him . Later, Zhuo Mingyue and WAN Qiang"s hands were all in his eyes . When he saw Wan Qiang suddenly transformed into a giant ape zombie, Huang Tingwei could not help but scream . There is nothing strange about the size of the world . It"s the first time for a living man to become a zombie, Fu Shanlin came up to him and seemed to have something to report .

Seeing Fu Shanlin, Huang Tingwei switched the picture of Zhang Xiaoqiang . He didn"t feel it before, but after Zhuo Mingyue bypa.s.sed him and gave orders to Fu Shanlin, he didn"t appreciate the chief officer . Fu Shanlin was originally sent by Gao Feng mixed with sand, which was regarded as Gao Feng"s direct line . Although Hubei has strict management in this respect, But the problem of standing in line is handed down from China for thousands of years . Even if he is not free from vulgarity, not everyone is as selfless as huangquan, but why does huangquan not stand in line? Just standing behind Zhang Xiaoqiang .

"What"s the matter?" Without waiting for Fu Shanlin to open his mouth, Huang Tingwei asked first . Fu Shanlin did not find any difference between Huang Tingwei and before, and gave a competent report: "a tsunami in the western waters of Okinawa Island will affect Okinawa Island according to the estimation . Brother c.o.c.kroach is still below . We need to warn . . . "

Hearing the word tsunami, Huang Tingwei frowned and asked in a deep voice, "what"s the matter? Earthquake or other reasons, make it clear . . . "

The collapse of j.a.pan is no secret . The tsunami caused by the earthquake is raging all over the coast of j.a.pan . If the earthquake zone extends to Okinawa, it will be a huge disaster, and Zhang Xiaoqiang will also be involved in the disaster . . . So Huang Tingwei is not in a hurry .

"It was a tsunami caused by two mutated creatures . When Nu Wa gave us a warning, she mentioned Fu Shanlin is not very clear either . Although Nuwa supports the frigate"s intelligence system, they will not explain it in detail . They have to judge everything by themselves . When they hear that it"s Nuwa, Huang Tingwei can"t help but look at the big screen, as if he has a soul in his heart . The image of Nuwa in military uniform appears in front of them, and it"s the first time that Fu Shanlin sees the image of Nuwa, All along, he thought that Zhuo Mingyue was the most beautiful woman in the world, but he didn"t expect to see Nu Wa, and his heart jumped up . Zhuo Mingyue"s beauty was like an immortal, which could not be admired by ordinary people, but the image of Nu Wa was much softer, which was closer to ordinary people than Zhuo Mingyue .

"Captain Huang Tingwei, the target is causing a tsunami . It has been confirmed that one of the mutants is brother c.o.c.kroach"s pet . Please rescue immediately . . . " The picture changes to the sea . Two mutants are making waves in the sea . One of them is a hundred meter long one horned snake running in front, and behind it is a thousand meter long dragon like creature . Although it is not big on the screen, the waves of the two mutants are frightening under the computer data .

"I wipe, c.o.c.kroach brother"s water snake," Huang Tingwei looked at the screen in the escape, as well as the mind to hunt the water snake surprised, but the water snake appeared in Okinawa, although it is unexpected and reasonable, that day Zhang Xiaoqiang and the water snake disappeared together, did not expect that the trouble was the first kilometer long sea beast .

"Ah . . . Really . " Fu Shanlin was also surprised . No one in Hubei knows the name of the water snake, especially those who partic.i.p.ated in the Shanghai retreat . This water snake has almost become the mascot of the Hubei military . I didn"t expect to see it here“ Come on, turn around . Let"s go to support . Bullying little sunspot is bullying us . "

Huang Tingwei immediately ordered that the frigate begin to turn, causing the idea from below . Huang Tingwei knew that Zhang Xiaoqiang"s idea would be aroused by the transfer . He asked someone to contact Zhuo Mingyue"s shuttle, so he flew to the water snake . After a few days, the water snake was still chasing and killing . He didn"t know why the level five sea snake didn"t like the water snake, After nearly half a month"s pursuit and killing, I swam tens of thousands of kilometers of sea area, which can be regarded as perseverance .

Water snakes are used to being hunted . No matter when they are killed, they are a little faster than sea animals . Little by little, they are close to sea animals . The physical strength of mutant animals is extremely strong . In particular, the water snakes, who are greedy for life and afraid of death, have burst out with unprecedented potential under the threat of death, and the good things they used to eat are stimulated, Even if you run away day and night, you can"t see that it"s full . Compared with the water snake, it"s more and more lively, and the level 5 sea beast is weaker . The bigger the body is, the greater the resistance in the sea is . The water snake is like a fish in water, and the huge sea snake consumes much more physical energy than the water snake .

Shortly after, the frigate reached the sea area more than ten kilometers in front of the water snake . Just after it floated in the air, more than ten snow-white missiles were jetting hot fire to fight against the giant sea snake . The water snake didn"t know that someone was helping it . From time to time, it devoured the mutant beast that could not escape in front of it, just as it was about to change its direction, At the beginning of a new round of turning, a dense explosion came from behind, making the water snake slightly stiff . It has been living with humans for more than two years . Why can"t it hear what the noise is?

Huang Tingwei didn"t know much about the level five mutant beast . He thought that more than ten missiles would surely be able to kill the water snake . But he dislocated his chin . The fire roared on the sea beast and the smoke of gunpowder dispersed . The sea snake, which was more than 1000 meters long, didn"t even lose its scales . Seeing the arrogance of the water snake, Huang Tingwei"s iron blue face flashed a trace of chagrin and yelled: "fight me, What"s the use . . . "What"s useful is to resort to all means . Soon a new round of missile bombardment began, and then 12 UAVs were in place . They continued to dive downward, ejected long light chains, and launched all the mechanism sh.e.l.ls they carried . All of a sudden, the whole sea snake was wrapped by this dense fire, and waves of waves surged around the sea snake, scattering the sky, However, this does not stop the sea snake from flying forward . Instead of looking up at the sky, the water snake takes the water snake in a circle . Unfortunately, its eye angle is too small to see the air frigates and transport ships . In the past, the water snake was most afraid of the explosion, otherwise it would not be captured by Zhang Xiaoqiang . But what do you know if it is a blessing in disguise? At least after Zhang Xiaoqiang, he is a mutant beast with a background . With the background, he is different . With the support of human firepower, he dares not to run away .

When the laser was launched, the transport ship used the laser to injure the level 5 super sea animals on the same day . This time, it was not disappointing . The long laser carved b.l.o.o.d.y abstract paintings on the sea snakes . The sea snakes rolled in pain, and the green color surged in the rolling waves . Countless white sea fish and sea animals surged on the water .

The sea snake didn"t know what was attacking it and couldn"t find the target . The sea snake released a full range of lethal venom, making this sea area a venom area . The laser almost never stopped . The dazzling light was like the connecting bridge between the sea snake and the frigate . Under the laser penetration, large pieces of snake scales disappeared from the sea snake, When the sea snake rolls on the sea, it can be seen from time to time that the laser cuts through the wound . Unfortunately, even if it is. .h.i.t like this, the sea snake is still active .

Both sea snakes and water snakes belong to snakes . Snakes have a long life . You can"t kill this kilometer long sea snake unless you hit seven inches of it . Even with the help of computer, it"s impossible for this kilometer long sea snake to run through its seven inches . The laser that can easily destroy any aircraft or ship can"t really kill the water snake . Huang Tingwei can"t help but worry about it . The air frigate is very powerful . In fact, there are not many means, except machine guns and missiles, Besides the laser and the short-range defense system, there are only incendiary bombs and super confidence bombs left . However, this supernova bomb has no unlock code and is not dare to move even in the warehouse .

Unable to kill the sea snake, Huang Tingwei could not help but curse the water snake . Since the sea snake had been dragged by them, why didn"t he run? Do you still want to stay here to find a bargain? Can a thousand meter long body be swallowed by a water snake? In his heart, the sea snake suddenly dived into the sea, and lost the trace of sea animals for a moment .

At this time, the transport ship followed up . Without waiting for Huang Tingwei to give an order, the transport ship flew to the turbulent sea where the sea snake disappeared and dropped large cylinders . Seeing these cylinders, Huang Tingwei thought about what they were? See that thing like water after sinking into the sea floor, even a bubble did not drum .

"Is it poison?" Huang Tingwei couldn"t understand it . Hundreds of cylinders were thrown into the sea and immersed in it for less than ten seconds . The whole sea rose abruptly into an irregular square formation of sea wall . It was a spectacular scene . Countless waves splashed 100 meters at the same time, as if the sea had grown higher . When the water wall continued to fall, the huge body suddenly turned up in the boiling water, Seeing the kilometer long sea snake, Huang Tingwei was surprised and asked, "what kind of weapon is this?"

It"s full coverage and ma.s.s destruction . He has never seen such a powerful weapon . It"s not too much to describe it as "thunder bomb, originally a weapon used by transport ships to deal with zombies . All the inventory has been thrown down . Transport ships have no combat power, so they ask to leave the battlefield . . . " Fu Shanlin"s words came again . Huang Tingwei nodded mechanically, just staring at the level five mutant beast that had dived into the sea again . At this time, the sea beast had been seriously injured, completely gave up the pursuit of the water snake, and frantically fled to the depths of the sea . On the surface of the sea where the sea snake had escaped, bright red had dyed the blue red< br>