Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2189: 2189

Chapter 2189: 2189

PS: the outbreak has come to an end . I will try my best to continue the outbreak .

"The new era is crazy . " Zhang Xiaoqiang"s face was livid, and he was gnashing his teeth to squeeze these words out of his teeth . The water snake under him could not bear the strong smell of death . He sped up and rushed through the piles of corpses, which caused a big trouble . Piles of corpses were loose and rolling down, revealing the highly rotten bones inside . The stench almost smothered Zhang Xiaoqiang to death, Zhuo Mingyue couldn"t bear it . He took Zhang Xiaoqiang to the sky and left Wan Qiang suffering from the stench . Although Wan Qiang had eaten human beings, he would never touch the corpse . Even he couldn"t bear the boundless stench . He roared and wanted to jump off the snake, but he found that there were rotten corpses all around him, and there was no place to stay, Had to stay on top of the water snake .

"Be careful . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang yelled, but from the sky shot a series of light spots, a series of 7 . 63mm bullets in Zhuo Mingyue"s Nianli cover hit layers of ripples, countless surging ripples like water waves, in the twisted air, Zhang Xiaoqiang saw a flying boat nearly times smaller than the UAV rushing towards them, this flying boat had no c.o.c.kpit, The whole thing was mixed into one . Only the tip of the nose had a light machine gun shooting at them .

The triangular fuselage with flat wings is like a huge melon seed . The streamlined radian has the lowest friction with the air . Its flight speed is not much slower than that of lightning . In a flash, it is less than 50 meters in front of the two people . The light machine gun almost shoots against the two people . In another blink, the plane pa.s.ses over their heads, Just at this time, Zhuo Mingyue"s barrier was. .h.i.t and damaged by nearly 100 bullets . In a moment, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s Firebird machete flew out and cut a long gap in the lower abdomen of the fuselage . The moth like aircraft fell into the jungle in the twinkling of electric arc . Before they could spit out the long air in their lungs, a black spot appeared in the distance . This time, Zhuo Mingyue did not dare to hold it up, Quickly with Zhang Xiaoqiang back to the head of the water snake .

For the first time, this kind of aircraft in the new era is about the same size as a motorcycle, but its speed is several times faster than the unmanned aircraft made by Yinmeng, not to mention the accurate hit rate . Zhang Xiaoqiang and Zhuo Mingyue are not stationary, During the shooting of bullets, Zhuo Mingyue and the serpentine route moved away, and this kind of aircraft could quickly lock and predict, with 80% of the ammunition hitting, which is enough to show its advanced level . If the aircraft did not keep a safe distance, I"m afraid Zhang Xiaoqiang would not have a chance to move . But in the jungle, these aircraft turned a blind eye to Zhang Xiaoqiang and others, Even if it"s exposed to the horizon of the aircraft, it"s OK .

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t understand the purpose of these aircrafts, so he ignored them and focused on the hidden exit of the jungle in front of him . Just after walking out of the jungle, he felt as if he was in the snow world . Along the exit of the jungle, there was more than 30 cm thick lime, which was more than 20 meters wide and wrapped the edge of the whole jungle in a ring, On the edge of the white lime line, a wall more than three meters high is spread along the lime line . The wall is arranged by logs . The top of the wall is cut into a sharp spearhead . The black blood on it can be seen every three to five minutes .

Seeing the wall, Zhang Xiaoqiang has determined that hundreds of thousands of survivors in Hokkaido may be more or less in danger . The jungle behind them is a ma.s.s grave where corpses are discarded . The lime line is used to disinfect and prevent possible pestilence, while the wall is a tombstone for those who escaped by chance . The water snake doesn"t care about the thickness of the wall, so it swims across the lime line and sweeps down, The sharp one horned knife, like a b.u.t.ter knife, easily cut rows of wooden columns . Before the broken wood collapsed, the water snake went into the gap . The huge body squeezed slightly, and easily pushed down the 50 meter long wooden wall . At the next moment, countless fire spots flew over, but all of them hit the head and body of the water snake, All the ammunition was fired by 7 . 62 automatic machine guns . At a distance of 50 meters behind the wooden wall, independent machine gun towers were lined up . Within 1000 meters, Zhang Xiaoqiang saw ten heavy machine guns, which happened to be one hundred and ten meters . Further away, these machine gun towers still continued . I don"t know how many heavy machine guns were strictly controlled .

Seeing these heavy machine guns, Zhang Xiaoqiang came to another conclusion: Although the troops in Hokkaido in the new era are limited, the productivity is particularly strong . So many machine guns need more ammunition to supply . If you look at this, the road ahead may be more difficult . Although the machine gun"s firing speed is fast, it can"t last long . The water snake dashed over a distance of tens of meters and hit a heavy machine gun, Then he rushed forward . The elevation of the heavy machine gun was obviously not enough . He could not turn around to replenish the gun to the water snake . After a few breaths, Zhang Xiaoqiang was hundreds of meters away . Here, Zhang Xiaoqiang was puzzled . He didn"t understand why the footprints on the coast had to go to the jungle . Even if there were guards in the new era, where did those guards go?

Soon, the answer automatically appeared in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang . A few kilometers away, a line of helicopters appeared in the sky . It was the first time that Zhang Xiaoqiang saw this kind of helicopter . At his first sight, he was stunned . Where is this helicopter? It is as like as two peas, which are fitted with propellers, whether they are shape or color, and the hideous and violent lines are exactly the same as those of the black sharks in the sea . If this nearly thirty meter long helicopter is narrowed . . . Every helicopter is killing, which makes Zhang Xiaoqiang feel like a dream . Isn"t the mourner helicopter totally annihilated in Asia? Why are there so many helicopters we haven"t seen before? Moreover, from the perspective of style, it is very similar to the extended model of the mourner, which is larger than the mourner who can only take two people . Even if he does not see the weapon launching port, he also determines that it is an armed attack helicopter .

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t know that the mourner helicopter was a mature helicopter . Before the end of the world, it was the main product that Genesis was going to deliver to the U . S . military, and was going to gradually replace the existing armed helicopters . But he didn"t expect that the end of the world broke out, and all the dozens of helicopters that were about to be delivered were left in Europe . After the end of the world, because of the changes in the environment, We also found some plant-based additives that did not exist in the last days, breaking the shackles of materials and using the original production line to develop shark hunting attack transport aircraft . This kind of helicopter has replaced the airship plan of the new era, thus truly changing to new technology . Zhang Xiaoqiang does not know, which does not mean that the new era can not be built .

Seeing these airplanes, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s first thought is to escape . He doesn"t even have a rifle . These airplanes don"t look easy to provoke . What is he doing if he doesn"t run? The water snake almost felt that the little flies in the distance were not easy to be provoked . It sped up as if a purple lightning was rushing towards the forest in the distance . Zhang Xiaoqiang was looking back, and the aircraft more than ten kilometers away was spreading its wings . He opened the arc-shaped sh.e.l.l at the back of the nose, and saw the 32 hole rocket launchers on two sides, The mourners only have 100 rockets, but there are 160 rockets on each side of these black shark helicopters . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s mouth is bitter . He knows what the problem is . The three people on the head of the water snake are like the ring scars on a monk"s head . The purpose of the new era"s six helicopters is to deal with the big water snake, a dangerous mutant beast in the new era, He and Zhuo Mingyue and others are just bringing disaster to the fish in the pond< br>