Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2190: 2190

Chapter 2190: 2190

Just in the panic, white smoke drifted in the air, and the long and snow-white projectiles poured out from the launching holes . The posture of rockets flying in the air was clearly visible . Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the Rockets advancing towards him, and felt weak . At this time, countless green covered his eyes, and the water snake rushed into the thick forest faster than expected, Countless trees were left behind, and huge flames burst on the trees behind . Countless scattered pieces of wood erupted and splashed down . At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang took a deep breath . If he had not escaped into the forest, he would not have escaped these rockets . Even if most of them would have exploded on water snakes, only one tenth of them would have fallen on his side, Two Zhuo Mingyue are not necessarily able to block down, but wan Qiang can be OK .

Just as he relaxed a little, he could see the abnormality in every corner of the forest from the corner of his eyes . In the crown of the tree, on the branches and on the ground, there were metal objects about the size of lighters and with four spikes . These objects seemed to be thrown out of the sky . They were everywhere . Many of them were fixed on the stems and leaves of plants with spikes, In the center of these objects, there is a small dot flashing with blue light, which flickers every ten seconds . It"s puzzling for people to see . At the beginning, they thought it was a mine or explosive . Unexpectedly, the snake ran all the way . After crushing it, it didn"t happen . On the contrary, it made Zhang Xiaoqiang puzzling .

Suddenly, twelve rockets came from the distant sky . Seven of them exploded on the dense canopy, three of the remaining five on the ground on both sides of the water snake . The last two actually exploded on the waist of the water snake, making the water snake move forward and fly away . The instant acceleration made Wan Qiang throw out and fall to the ground, In another blink of an eye, Wan Qiang disappeared in the dense forest behind the snake"s tail . At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t respond . He didn"t pay attention to Wan Qiang at all . Zhuo Mingyue responded, but why did she go to pull Wan Qiang?

One after another, rockets exploded on the water snakes, just like those helicopters with eyes in the dense forest . In this case, Zhang Xiaoqiang could not turn back to look for WAN Qiang and constantly drive the snake to run forward . Fortunately, the speed of the snake is very fast . The hard snake head is more fierce than the sledgehammer . The big trees are easily broken by the snake head, and the scattered wood debris is scattered, The water snake ran away, leaving many fallen trees to provoke rockets .

For the time being, snakeheads are safe . After all, snakeheads only occupy a small part of the body, but Zhang Xiaoqiang is not careless . Who knows when the Rockets will blow up at his feet, let alone when the other party knows that it will not work to blow up snakeheads . Sooner or later, he will think of snakeheads . He can"t escape these rockets by all means, even if the trend changes, The only thing that can be used is zigzag . Zigzag movement is much less bombarded than straight-line movement, which eases Zhang Xiaoqiang"s anxiety . These bombardments are not ineffective . I don"t know whether these powerful rockets are special rockets . At least Zhang Xiaoqiang sees the blood flowing under the scales of the water snake, The white celestial spirit will seal the wound of the water snake at the next moment, but it can"t stand the continuous bombing of rockets . An aircraft has 320 rockets, and six helicopters have more than 1800 rockets . If the opponent"s endurance is enough, he can at least chase the water snake from the northernmost end of Hokkaido to the southernmost end .

Zhang Xiaoqiang did not dare to wait for the helicopter to run out of ammunition, and he also knew that there were at least 50 cloud bombs waiting for them in the helicopter group . Not to mention 50 of them, as long as 10 of them walked within kilometers around the water snake, all the air would be absorbed, and the burning flame would burn everything within 10000 meters to ashes, and they might not die at that time, But it"s just a possibility . Zhang Xiaoqiang has personally experienced the horror of cloud bomb .

The water snake has long lost its way in the forest . Fortunately, Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t need the water snake to find a clear destination . At this time, he just needs to escape the pursuit of the helicopter . Suddenly, Zhang Xiaoqiang finds that the rocket attack is much less, and there is a faint explosion in the distance . He immediately understands that Wan Qiang has helped him attract a large part of fire, and is gloating, A snow-white, slender, cigar like missile exploded above their heads, and then a huge white umbrella shaped aerosol burst out . The color of the umbrella shaped aerosol deepened rapidly and became black, forming a huge shadow like a mushroom cloud . At the moment of seeing that thing, the sweat hairs of Zhang Xiaoqiang and Zhuo Mingyue all stood upright, and even the scales of the water snake piled up like thorns, In an instant, the water snake smashed more than ten big trees like a black arrow .

The next moment, as like as two peas, the black light of the mushroom was suddenly rolling in the rolling fire . The mushroom black cloud was like a one million watt super light bulb that lit up everything around, and almost blinded Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes . This is the first time he saw that the bomb"s father was exactly the same as the bomb that had been detonated at the mountain top . However, the diameter of Wan Qiang"s bomb is almost 1000 meters, and the diameter of this bomb is less than a quarter of its diameter . Even so, it is enough . Just as he was lucky to escape from the disaster, countless tiny wind directions swept past his ears, which led his hair to suspend and pour towards the center of the explosion, and then the surrounding air seemed to disappear into a vacuum, The huge suffocation makes Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes bulge, and the mental barrier of washing the moon doesn"t seem to work . This is not a physical hard injury, but the vacuum pressure after the air is pumped away, and the speed of the water snake"s forward rush slows down . In Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes, the rolling fire cloud suddenly diffuses, filling most of the area in the line of sight, 100 meters above the flame, Even formed a rainbow like glow, under the beautiful glow, Zhang Xiaoqiang wireless close to the distance from death, hands tightly pinched his neck, seems to want to pinch a hole in the neck, so that he can breathe . Fortunately, the water snake under Zhang Xiaoqiang is always swimming . Before the fatal suffocation kills him, the water snake rushes to the edge and makes him greedily breathe the long lost air . Compared with Zhang Xiaoqiang, Zhuo Mingyue is much better . After all, her const.i.tution is different from Zhang Xiaoqiang . Although the water snake is still rushing forward, Zhang Xiaoqiang is not willing to wait for the new era to let go, After experiencing the power of cloud bombs, Zhang Xiaoqiang realized that all the cloud bombs captured by China in the new era were castrated versions . The single body was only the length of an ordinary rocket . The purpose was not to kill by fire, but to create air loss and air vibration within a certain range for several to ten minutes, which was not really a lethal weapon, Now the cloud bomb is the real cloud bomb . The volume of any one is ten times that of the ordinary cloud bomb, and its power is dozens of times .

Recalling the various conditions in his mind since he entered the forest, Zhang Xiaoqiang focused his attention on the scattered unknown metal objects . The appearance of these objects in the forest itself is abnormal . Metals are the most vulnerable to corrosion in the last days . Without the emergence of new metal materials, these metal objects are all disposable consumables, In less than half a year, there will be no dregs left . Such a high-profile arrangement of these things proves that there must be something we want in the forest in the new era . It"s definitely not a thermal infrared instrument that can detect the whereabouts of water snakes so easily . At least Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t believe that any thermal infrared instrument can detect cold-blooded animals, so there is only one possibility . These things are life detectors, As long as it"s life, it can explore .

After figuring it out, Zhang Xiaoqiang threw out the rat blade and chopped more than ten detectors around him . After these things were broken, the batteries and circuits were exposed . Without saying a word, Zhang Xiaoqiang winked at Zhuoming moon . The next moment, Zhuoming moon broke out, and the invisible fluctuation swung away within 50 meters with the progress of the water snake, All the detectors hidden in every corner were suddenly empty . Although the Rockets would still fly, the accuracy was completely lost . Seeing the effectiveness, Zhuo Mingyue said, "I"ll lead them away . . . " Then it disappeared from the snake"s head, and then a white shadow flashed through the forest . Soon, it was blocked by countless dark tree trunks . Looking at the tree trunks blocking the moon, Zhang Xiaoqiang opened his mouth and said, "how can you find me later?"< br>