Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2230: 2230

Chapter 2230: 2230

"In the final a.n.a.lysis, it"s still a matter of materials . If we stop the large troops to rest, reorganize the armored group, and turn the two divisions into material collection units, we can greatly guarantee our own consumption, that is, in ancient times, we can support the war with war . In this way, the rear can reduce more than half of the tasks, deploy the first division and the second division to guard Yinmeng, and let yuan Heping"s third division and garrison division continue to advance, In this way, we can not only expand more resources, but also eliminate scattered zombies to a certain extent . As for the main force, let Xu Hao"s cavalry division and the evolutors of the b.l.o.o.d.y battle regiment take charge of their logistics . Bao Lingmin"s death row regiment is responsible for their logistics, and 30 airships are generally responsible for the delivery of materials . "

After thinking about it for a long time, Shiyuan is not willing to give up the task of recovering Beijing . This is the ultimate task of Yinmeng, which Zhang Xiaoqiang told him . Killing the zombies in Yinshan Mountain is only the first step . Getting through the route to Beijing is the key . Since the logistics can"t keep up with him, he uses elite troops to break through the situation first . Besides, Zhao Jun is very dissatisfied with shiyuanye"s proposal . Thousands of cavalry may have great ability in the field, But when it comes to street fighting, you"ll find yourself in a dilemma . Only with the cooperation of multiple arms can you strangle zombies to the maximum extent . However, the only way is the way of shiyuanye . It doesn"t necessarily work in the end . You can"t think of any other way . You have to gasp and smoke .

Zhou Jie is also dissatisfied, but compared with the proposal just now, at least the noose around the civilian"s neck has been loosened, which can give a lot of people a breath . But if the expedition is not over, this kind of predatory exploitation will not stop . The damage to the previously developed free economy can not be recovered for a long time, so ishiharano seems to be a compromise, and neither side will please, But it was the only feasible way . On the contrary, both of them were speechless . The three of them were silent together . Shiyuanye shook his head silently and put his eyes back on the drawing in front of him, as if to himself

"If the free economy is destroyed, it will be destroyed . While developing the economy, there will always be some dirt . If these dirt cannot be controlled, One day, the situation of Yinmeng will be destroyed . At least before brother c.o.c.kroach comes back, we should keep Yinmeng pure . Without foreign enemies, we will fight inside . It"s the nature of Chinese people . "

Zhao Jun didn"t understand . He didn"t know what ishiharano was talking about, but Zhou Jie understood it as soon as he heard it . The Ministry of internal affairs was in charge of the Government Affairs Council . Zhou Xiong, Minister of the Ministry of internal affairs, had been scared out of his courage by Zhang Xiaoqiang . He didn"t dare to have the slightest sympathy and do his duty to clean up the interior . However, it was only a small group of people who were really harmful to Yinmeng, and most of them because of the stable environment, After living a carefree life, they always have other thoughts . Because Yinmeng"s power is the strongest in China, far stronger than that of Hubei, the core control area of Zhang Xiaoqiang, they have the idea of exclusion . Zhang Xiaoqiang is not here, which makes them surge with the idea of "actually, it"s good to manage Yinmeng by themselves . " it happens that the army has been exterminating zombies outside, So that they ignore the power of the army, with a different mind, in the collapse of the regime now, many people hope to be in their own hands, so that the workload of the Ministry of internal affairs suddenly increased, if not all people"s attention was attracted to the Yinshan campaign, maybe even the political parties have organized .

Zhou Jie calmed down when he heard Shi Yuanye say so . He and Zhao Jun followed Zhang Xiaoqiang to fight the world . He knew that it was hard to start a business and that it was not easy to achieve today"s achievements . Construction was always the most difficult, but destruction was the easiest . Today"s achievements were created by him and his subordinates through painstaking efforts . No one can destroy them, no one can .

"Is the army beginning to intervene in the Ministry of interior?" When he suddenly thought of this, Zhou Jie"s face turned ugly . The army did not interfere in politics . This is the iron law of Chinese rejuvenation . In particular, the number of Yinmeng"s army reached 100000, which is about 20 to 1 of the civilian population . If the Army wanted to usurp power, there would be nothing to stop it . Zhou Jie was worried that ishiharano could not help shaking his head and said, "we did not interfere in the Ministry of internal affairs, There are people in the army who try to win over middle and lower ranking officers and want to set up a branch of the Democratic Alliance, which has something to do with us . "

Zhou Jie was shocked by the National Alliance . Among the survivors, the alliance has a huge market . The survivors were captured by the army . During the capture process, they killed many criminals and involved many thugs to join the death row camp . At the beginning, they didn"t have time to investigate and collect evidence one by one, It is inevitable that some wronged people will be crammed into the death row camp and become cannon fodder . The survivors feel that they are not guaranteed . On this basis, "their own destiny is in their own hands" will start to spread among the survivors . If the army had not been repressive all the time, there might have been endless conflicts between the two sides . But did not you expect that the Democratic Alliance would have spread from the civilian to the army?

"When brother c.o.c.kroach is away, these white eyed wolves start to make trouble . It"s thanks to you to defend them . If you want me to say that one of these things is considered one, and they are all fed to zombies . . . " When he heard about the Democratic Alliance, Zhao Jun suddenly made a bad face . He just yelled at Zhou Jie, leaving him speechless . But what he thought was another matter . It was not easy for him to achieve the present situation . He didn"t want to quarrel with the civilians below . At least now, with the great development of production and construction, he still gave priority to guiding the Democratic Alliance, so that they could recognize the actual situation, Cooperate with the management of Yinmeng .

"How many have you got? Are they all there now? " Zhou Jie can"t help but ask, but see Zhao Jun sneer, Ishihara wild don"t look at him, can"t help but mention the heart, trembling voice said: "you shouldn"t do lynching? c.o.c.kroach"s rules are . . . " Before Zhang Xiaoqiang left Yinmeng, Spielberg set up the justice system to deal with the disputes and crimes in Yinmeng area . This system gradually became popular among the people . In the westerners" understanding of the law, they tried to be fair and just as much as possible, and also let the survivors recover their sense of security under the order . Once it was destroyed, I am afraid the consequences would be unimaginable . "Over there? Our soldiers are there, and they are there . These people are all new recruits . If they don"t catch up on training, organize small groups every day, and don"t kill zombies, do they still support them? "

Zhao Jun"s words made Zhou Jie speechless . Once these people put on military uniforms, they are soldiers . There are not so many reasons for them to go to the front line . Even if you break your leg, you have to go . I think these people have been disposed of . At least they can"t get help after they are injured . Ishiharano said, "Zhou Jie, I know you don"t want to destroy the overall situation, If we want to solve internal problems peacefully, I want to tell you that internal problems are often more cruel . What if these people are not for democracy and equality, but for personal ambition and selfish desire? Not everyone is like brother c.o.c.kroach . I don"t want to point a gun at civilians, but once they enrage brother c.o.c.kroach, I will kill him even if I have a name on my back

Shi Yuanye"s words remind Zhou Jie of his former ident.i.ty, the former Supreme Commander of Yinchuan army . When he was in danger, he used tens of thousands of people"s blood to break the siege of the zombie sea, which is equivalent to using tens of thousands of people to feed the zombies to fight for the time for the army to leave . Until they recover Yinchuan, they buried the white bone road . Others can still use it as a threat, But ishiharano can do what he says .

"This is my job . The Democratic Alliance does not necessarily revolt . Its leader is a female college student . It"s just idealistic . For the time being, I will increase my surveillance on them and do not need the army to intervene . Even if brother c.o.c.kroach is here, I will still say that destruction is always easier than construction, I don"t want to create a confrontation between us and the survivors because of the unwarranted speculation . "

In the end, Zhou Jie refused Shi Yuanye"s proposal and didn"t want to take advantage of the Democratic Alliance . When Shi Yuanye wanted to persuade him again, a captain ran to the three men to salute and report: "three officers, Minister Zhou Xiong has successfully communicated with insects . He asked you to talk to insects directly and discuss the control of Yinshan"s mutant plants, And the people from the Inst.i.tute of botany are also here . "

After hearing this news, the three ended their unfriendly conversation and went to the dome together . Venus, with a smile on her face, stood at the gate and courteously flattered the three . Behind him, Zhang Xiaoqiang captured a female insect from Okinawa . Under the service of a pile of ice beetles, she was devouring the mutant plants piled up into a small mountain, and countless insect eggs were piled up behind her, One by one, plain white human beings carefully checked with instruments, while Zhou Xiong stood beside the mother beetle, puzzled . From time to time, he dodged and ran to the ice beetles nearby . In the ground under his feet, a whole ten tons of explosives were ready to detonate . Further away, countless flying beetles were like soldiers, forming a huge square array in the open s.p.a.ce, on the other side of the Yellow River, The rapidly expanding mutant plants stretch their rattan whiskers above the rushing water< br>