Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2231: 2231

Chapter 2231: 2231

Deep in the Alps, man-made hollowed out caves are like the domes of Greek temples . They have a solemn religious atmosphere . Huge pillars of ten people are lined up on both sides of the hall until the end of the line of sight hundreds of meters deep . Under each pillar, there are solemn and dignified evolutioners . These evolutioners wear the new armor of the combination of medieval and modern technology, There are serrated swords two-thirds of their height in their hands . There is a faint red light on these big swords, which are like chainsaws . Just pa.s.sing by them, you can feel the sharp killing intention of some big swords . Rows of guardians are as motionless as statues, but their sharp eyes are always staring at the people who pa.s.s in front of them with a single command, The serrated sword in hand will tear the intruders to pieces, and let their blood render the majestic hall with the color of rose petals .

Regel walked in the hall in dismay . There was no other voice here, only the sound of footsteps echoing at the feet of all the people . There were three people in the hall . The two people in the front were also wearing majestic armor, which had the texture of metal and reflection, but also had the softness of silk . When they walked with them, they could not see any stiffness and tardiness, The metal armor is like life . It flows with the movement, and it is beautiful .

After them, Regel secretly clenched his fists and walked on the broad floor without saying a word . On the floor, there were various biblical stories, but these stories were all tampered with . They changed the story of Jews as the protagonist into the story of Aryans, and extremely uglified the Jews, which was the new Bible of German style, The theme of these stories is blood . The dark red blood spreads the whole floor of the hall, just like the elegy of h.e.l.l . Unconsciously, people walking on it can fall into the sea of blood, and let them fear and humble from the bottom of their hearts .

Behind the 300 meter long hall is a huge oak door, which is more than 10 meters high . The walls on both sides of the door are made up of various relief sculptures . The carving techniques of these relief sculptures are rough and vivid . Most of them are composed of various angels and demons . Standing outside the door, you can feel that the eyes of these statues are always looking at you . No matter what posture you change, you can always feel the dangerous peeping, When the oak door opened slowly, there was a scarlet carpet in the eye . Behind the door was a deep s.p.a.ce like a hall, with a depth of 100 meters, people"s vision began to blur . Here, the two guards who led the way stood on both sides of the door, like door G.o.ds, and only let Regel in .

After taking a deep breath, Regel loosened his hands and stepped on the carpet . The world behind the oak door is a different style . Instead of the religious solemnity, it has the cla.s.sical European aristocratic style . There are no electric lights and appliances, and the lighting is hundreds of smokeless candles, Countless candlelight, like stars, dot the huge s.p.a.ce of thousands of square meters . The huge s.p.a.ce is like a museum built in a cave . At the end of the line of sight, there are the craggy rocks on the edge of the cave . But in the s.p.a.ce, there are countless statues, oil paintings, European royal works of art and utensils of various periods . Here is the original statue of veras in the Louvre, There are statues of the G.o.ddess of victory, and various kinds of diamonds, jewels, crowns and golden thrones shining in the candlelight .

There are no electrical appliances here . It"s just an appearance . Many precious oil paintings and ancient scrolls are placed in a transparent gla.s.s incubator . Some unknown light shoots on these artworks in a hidden corner, showing their most beautiful side . The most rare thing is that there is not only the smile of Mona Lisa, the treasure of the Louvre, There is also the van Gogh sunflower hidden in the British National Gallery . No wonder the new era and the UK are in a fierce situation, but they have robbed other people"s heirloom .

At the end of the museum, in a s.p.a.ce of 100 square meters, behind the old-fashioned desk, a strange looking man with silver hair and childlike face is examining and approving the doc.u.ments in his hand . He doesn"t look at Regel when he walks in front of him . After a little glance, his attention will be focused on the doc.u.ments in his hand again . As time goes by, the acc.u.mulated doc.u.ments on the desk will be reduced one by one, Regel did not dare to make a sound . He stood respectfully at the desk and thought deeply . After a long time, the doc.u.ments on the desk finally disappeared . The man with silver hair was staring at Regel . The man had a face similar to Regel, and his silver hair was like snow, but he had the active skin of young people . He could not see his age . Even compared with Regel, they could not see who was older or younger, But his superior temperament, bright eyes, bright eyes, high nose, broad forehead and high cheekbones are enough to show that he is a man with independent opinions and determination .

"Father . . . " Regel bows down to greet the seemingly young man in front of him, but he is the actual controller of the new era . Kluger, the grand speaker of the Senate, has a bad reputation in the lower level of the new era and is known as an absurd tyrant . Under his wrist, countless senior leaders of the new era leader Delia lane are finally cleaned, Delia"s women"s armed guards who stayed in the headquarters of Europe were invaded by the Senate, and those female evolutionists were all made into dolls, leaving the Senate to abuse wantonly, all because of the man in front of her .

Clegg leaned slowly on the back of the wide chair, raised his chin and looked at his only son . Regor had the unique vigor of young people . This vigor made Clegg secretly envious, but his eyes were flat . He could not see that he had any interest in his son . They were not like father son relationship, but like strangers, facing his father, Even if he hated him, Regel was nervous . In his father"s soft white hands, countless people"s orders to be executed were issued, countless people"s fate was changed, and countless people"s lives and deaths were waiting for these hands to decide . Seeing the hand that even called original sin, Regel could not help but put away his rebellious and respectful . "You let me down . . . " Kluger droops his eyes and doesn"t look at Regel, who is already in a cold sweat . He hates the weakness hidden under Regel"s publicity . He prefers to show his weakness and hide his publicity . A person"s personality determines his achievements . Maybe Regel is good in all aspects, but as long as his heart is not strong enough, he will never set foot on the peak, Such people are not worth wasting resources to cultivate .

"Please . . . Please give me another chance . . . " Regel doesn"t even dare to ask himself where he is wrong . In his heart, it doesn"t matter whether he is wrong or not . As long as his father doesn"t give up on him, it"s worth the price . Young Regel is suffering in fear . Kruger looks like a wild cat playing with mice and observes every change on Regel"s face . After a long time, his rigid face eases down, Regel has been labeled as incompetent in his heart, but what he needs is an incompetent successor . In today"s endless stream of technologies, who knows if he will break the shackles of human life and become a real immortal tomorrow? It is better to leave an incompetent descendant than an ambitious but popular descendant, at least it will not endanger his position . After understanding, he looks at Regel with a kind of leniency in his eyes and a rare smile in the corner of his mouth .

"Stupidity doesn"t matter, and incompetence doesn"t matter . The most unacceptable thing is that you are both stupid and incompetent, and you think you are right . You don"t defend your incompetence, which is very good . . . "

Clegg"s words made regor blush, but his head dropped lower, and his whole body trembled slightly . I don"t know whether he was ashamed or angry, but he heard Clegg"s hoa.r.s.e and penetrating voice continue to say: "your mistake is not to hand over the spoils to the Chinese, nor to lose all the hands of the leader, whether it"s a plane or a puppet soldier, as long as you have enough time, We can make ten times, or even a hundred times . The so-called spoils can improve the combat effectiveness of single players, but they can"t improve the comprehensive combat effectiveness . It doesn"t matter whether we have them or not . "

When he heard Kluger say this, Regel was puzzled . He thought that his mistake could only be the above points, or he had to add a complete turn over with the Chinese people . His thought repeatedly turned in his mind, and suddenly he thought of something . His expression suddenly became strange . He looked at Kluger strangely, but Kluger nodded and said, "your mistake is on Naga, I think you should understand that the real purpose of the supernova bomb and dicas that you were asked to bring was not for akashiga, but for Naga to die without burial . "

"In this way, we didn"t tear up the agreement . . . " regor could not help but plead that they had already said not to fight in the past when they signed the agreement with genesis, but Kluger"s words were . . . , Kluger raised the corner of his mouth sarcastically, shook his head and sighed, and looked at the s.p.a.ce behind regor without focus, After a long time, he said, "the agreement is just a matter of face . As long as you have the chance, Naga will kill you . Your meeting in j.a.pan is a kind of temptation . Fortunately, you are lucky . Naga gets what she wants, and there are Chinese people to restrain her . Otherwise, you can"t come back . . . "

At this time, regor was shocked . A cold sweat drenched his back . He immediately understood that when he left Europe, Kruger"s meaningful eyes, indifferent eyes, had no father"s care, only pity for the dying . Maybe Kruger was ready for his next successor< br>