Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2236: 2236

Chapter 2236: 2236

The red light of Zhang Xiaoqiang"s Firebird machete gradually darkens, and Yuehua fills the darkness around him . The quiet night is broken by intruders . The helicopter from afar makes Zhang Xiaoqiang squint . Even in the dark night, this helicopter can make him clearly see . The helicopter"s flying height is less than 500 meters, and its slender body has red and white coating, This is a general search helicopter with modified machine gun and weapon interface, because the plane is not used for military purposes, and the modified one is rather ugly . You can see the flashing lights from a long distance at night . Obviously, the other side has no intention to hide, and shows its existence at night .

The plane can only be a helicopter of the new era . Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t know that the Indonesian army of the new era has gone against the water . He thinks he doesn"t have any conflict with them and doesn"t care . However, the plane flies right in front of little Lori . After her return, little Lori is a fierce beast in the shape of a human . Under her lovely appearance, she has a fierce heart, And her way of fighting is crazy and b.l.o.o.d.y . When the plane is ready to fly over their heads and fly behind them, little Lori throws out a serrated knife .

The huge sawtooth knife disappeared in the dark night . Even the moonlight couldn"t shine its flight track . The arrogant helicopter split into two in the next moment, flashing countless sparks and suddenly separated to both sides . A sound of breaking through the air resounded . The sawtooth knife with a certain arc flew out and returned to little Lori"s hands like a boomerang .

"Bang . . . " The light of the helicopter"s death lit up the night like a huge bonfire . Zhang Xiaoqiang shook his head repeatedly . To say that little Lori was still born in the new era, she didn"t expect that after landing on the Indonesian island, the new era would have a bad luck in front of her . Previously, it could be said that it was a misunderstanding . This time, it was obviously intentional . But considering the character of little girl, Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t care . This is not China, What is the death of a new era?

They walked forward together, and the short rest ended here . Just at the same time when they were on the road, in a temporary garrison of the Indonesian New Army more than 100 kilometers away, dense gunfire was shining in the jungle, countless bullets were shining in the night, and Indonesian soldiers in new era clothes were resisting the unknown enemy, From time to time, someone fell down in a stray bullet, and explosive grenades flashed in the stronghold . The stronghold with ten people left behind was panicked in the face of the unknown attack . During the war between the two sides, the cold faced Zhu Jianqiu slowly approached from the rear of the stronghold . Even if he lost an arm, his movements were not stiff . He flashed quickly through the dark shadow like a ghost, The Indonesian soldiers are far from as good as the Chinese soldiers in terms of skills and tactics, not to mention Zhu Jianqiu, who is the best at penetrating operations .

At this time, Zhu Jianqiu"s hand was a MP7 submachine gun suitable for one handed shooting . The weight of three Jin was not c.u.mbersome . At the moment of approaching the stronghold, he rushed like a cheetah to the back of the Indonesian soldiers who were blankly resisting . After several rounds of firing, he cleared the remaining eight soldiers and then threw away the submachine gun with only 20 rounds of ammunition, He took out his saber and cut off the throats of the fallen soldiers . When all the gunfire stopped, three men with g36 came out of the jungle . In the fire caused by the explosion, they all looked unbelievable . No one thought of winning this attack . The biggest expectation was that four people and ten Indonesian soldiers left here would die together .

Zhu Jianqiu wiped the b.l.o.o.d.y saber clean on his thigh, took back the scabbard, turned his head and yelled at some stupid guys: "pack up the booty quickly and prepare to retreat . Barto will definitely send a plane to support . . . " Zhu Jianqiu naturally did not expect that the plane he was worried about had been solved by little Lori as a fly . At his command, three men who were shocked by Zhu Jianqiu"s fierce methods took action . Ten bodies were all stripped by them . The new era"s military uniform has bullet proof effect . With the combat helmet, it is difficult for ordinary guns to shoot them, but the jungle is humid and hot, These soldiers didn"t have time to wear helmets in the surprise attack, which gave Zhu Jianqiu an opportunity to take advantage of .

In order to build up the resistance force, they collected anything they could use, no matter whether it was from the dead or not . A few people didn"t speak and were glumly collecting the spoils . Only Zhu Jianqiu was a little restless . It took them almost two hours to attack this stronghold . G.o.d knows when the plane from Indonesia will arrive, and they were in a state of anxiety, All of a sudden, an exclamation came from a woman, but the words were in Indonesian Chinese, which immediately attracted Zhu Jianqiu"s idea . The exclamation was fleeting, but he still heard it clearly: "help . . . "

Four men raised their guns at the same time and aimed at the stronghold warehouse . It wasn"t long before a timid man came out with his hands raised high . The man was black and seemed to be covered with grease . But Zhu Jianqiu recognized him and exclaimed, "Li Dazhong, are you still alive?" As soon as the voice fell, Li Dazhong suddenly knelt on the ground and howled like a wolf . He cried and roared: "why don"t you come earlier, why don"t you come earlier . . . "

Four people were looking at Li Dazhong dully . At this time, some people came out of the warehouse one after another, including men and women . No one was wearing clothes, and all of them were naked . All the men seemed to be smeared with ink, and the women were covered with all kinds of bruises . Several people present knew that these women had been insulted, However, after more than 40 men and women came out, Li Dazhong"s cry stopped suddenly, his eyes glared at Zhu Jianqiu with indignation, and they stood up like enemies who killed their father, grabbed Zhu Jianqiu"s skirt and gritted their teeth"My wife, my child was killed by those animals three hours ago . Why didn"t you show up three hours ago? Why didn"t you come earlier? If you came, they wouldn"t die . It"s all your fault . It"s all your fault . . . "

Zhu Jianqiu did not move and let Li Dazhong shake his clothes, but there was a flash of despair in his heart . This sadness had been foreboding for a long time . Since the Indonesian ma.s.sacre, the Chinese would not find fault in themselves . They would rather vent their anger on irrelevant people, resenting that others did not help them and that no one could help them, In fact, what he hated was not Zhu Jianqiu, but himself . He buried his head when his wife and children needed to be protected most . He could hide his cowardice with a useful body, but he could not deceive his heart .

Seeing the man in front of him, Zhu Jianqiu doesn"t even have the desire to fight . He doesn"t know if the Chinese have a future . He doesn"t know if he can wake them up even if he is desperate? Just as he first organized a team in Indonesia, the Chinese who did not die in the hands of Indonesians are willing to hide and live their own lives, but dare not resist . As long as they have a way to live, no matter whether the blade hanging over their heads falls today or tomorrow?

"Li Dazhong, what"s wrong with you? You have no ability to blame others . Brother Zhu even lost his arm in order to save people . You still have no conscience . If you want revenge, you pick up the gun and go with us . If you don"t have the courage, you can find a place to die . . . " Zhu Jianqiu"s supporters come forward and drink to Li Dazhong, which makes Li Dazhong"s fierce eyes shift his target . He is afraid of Indonesians, but he won"t be afraid of his compatriots . His mind that he is dazzled by chagrin makes him rush to the man like a beast, opening his teeth as if to bite his throat . However, the supporters who have seen blood are not as many as Zhu Jianqiu thinks, A b.u.t.t of the gun hit Li Dazhong"s nose, making him writhing and wailing like a dog .

"Kill this dog thing . It"s no use to live in the world except to be cruel to your own people . Maybe you will betray us one day . " The muzzle of Yu Wen"s gun stopped Li Dazhong"s head . The supporters looked at Zhu Jianqiu fiercely, but the corpses on the ground aroused his anger and just wanted to solve the problem with killing . Zhu Jianqiu looked at Li Dazhong on the ground for a while and then shook his head and said, "well, it"s Chinese anyway . Let him go . No matter where he goes, it has nothing to do with us . . . "

After that, Zhu Jianqiu looked at the men in the crowd and said, "those who want to revenge with us stand up and take the women to the final gathering place . . . " Zhu Jianqiu"s proposal silenced all the men . The Indonesians captured the Chinese . The first to kill the rebellious, the second to kill the uncooperative, the second to kill the useless, and the last to kill the weak and skilled cowards . When their utility value is gone, they will die .

For these men, they have already died once, so they care more about life . Unlike the supporters around Zhu Jianqiu, who always want to work hard, the men are silent . Zhu Jianqiu laughs bitterly, looks up at the silver basin like full moon, and says powerlessly: "just go, even if there are only four of us, Even if most Chinese are cowards without eggs, there will be several men in the end . "

With that, Zhu Jianqiu turned to look at his comrades in arms and said, "you are all men . . . "“ Live and die together . " The three drank together, and then no one else took charge of the men . They quickly picked up the ammunition and equipment on the ground, and did not let the men touch these weapons in exchange for their lives . Just as the men squatted down to hide their faces and cried, a beautiful woman came up . The more beautiful the woman was, the more serious the damage was . Except for her face, the woman was not hurt, There are scars all over her body . The scald of cigarette end makes her delicate skin like weathered rock . There are also teeth marks and dagger marks . In many places, there are inflamed, red and swollen pus . Any woman would be hurt, but she can"t feel her own scars . She stares at Zhu Jianqiu with her eyes that are only venomous and numb, Hoa.r.s.e said: "I want to be a man . . . "< br>