Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2237: 2237

Chapter 2237: 2237

Zhu Jianqiu was greatly surprised by the appearance of a woman . She couldn"t help staring at her and wanted to see her true heart . Even if she was unarmed, a woman didn"t care about Zhu Jianqiu"s eyes, as if she didn"t regard herself as a woman . As for Zhu Jianqiu"s three companions, they kept shaking their heads . They knew what a woman meant, but for overseas Chinese, In their customs, women are still in a subordinate position . Compared with Chinese, overseas Chinese have left some things behind and lost some things . In terms of thinking mode, overseas Chinese are different from Chinese . That is to say, they still keep the Chinese tradition . No matter what they do, they are male masters and female masters, So I don"t agree that women should be soldiers .

But Zhu Jianqiu didn"t think so . When he was a soldier in the mainland, he saw a lot of women soldiers . These women soldiers may not be much worse than men soldiers . They even saw women pilots . China is more tolerant of women . When men can"t count on women, they can only count on women . But he didn"t dare to easily decide to let women join . He must be no better than others in the battlefield, Once the impact of timidity or other problems may endanger the whole team .

In Zhu Jianqiu"s eyes full of killing intention and deterrence, the woman"s eyes never evaded . Instead, there were some sparks in her eyes, which made her empty and numb eyes look a little more . It was not Mars, but hatred . When he was sure that hatred could burn everything, he finally nodded and said: "from now on, you are a woman man . . . "

The men did not dare to take up arms to retaliate against the Indonesian army, but the women broke through the Chinese tradition of women"s humble, and took the initiative to stand up . When there was the first one, there was a second one . Finally, more than 30 women and 20 women stood up . It was not that the rest were unwilling, but that Zhu Jianqiu could not bear so much . The equipment and weapons here could only arm so many people, We can only choose women who are not so weak .

Li Dazhong has been honest since his nose was broken by the b.u.t.t of the gun . He watched the women join the revenge army, while the men, guided by the muzzle of the gun, headed for the unknown jungle with their rations . Finally, after everyone left, Li Dazhong woke up and howled at the empty camp, This howl with fright spread far away in the dark night like the howl of a night owl .

There are 25 people in Zhu Jianqiu"s Revenge army, including him . There are four men, and the rest are women . The first woman who stands out is Shen Yueyi . She is the most beautiful woman among all the women, and she is also the most ferocious one who has been tortured . In the night when all the men hide their faces, she is the only one who takes the initiative to stand up and shout out a declaration of revenge to the Indonesians, The remaining 20 women are all led by Shen Yueyi .

After recruiting these women, Zhu Jianqiu knew that even if they were given guns, they would not be able to form combat effectiveness . Now their number is five times that of last night, but their combat effectiveness has dropped a lot . The most urgent task is to find a safe place to reorganize . In addition, the remaining women will also follow them . He can"t believe the men, We can only personally escort these women to join the team that separated yesterday .

As a result, the speed of the team of more than 30 people has been greatly reduced . These women have not had enough food for many days . In addition to venting on them, Indonesians give them the worst food, which makes most of their bodies lose money . Seeing these women, Zhu Jianqiu does not have the heart to abandon them and take them to the way they came yesterday, just behind them, Three or four men with grain bags on their backs are cowering . They have no face to join the team and can only follow them from a distance .

They walked for two days in a row to the place where they met with Zhang Xiaoqiang . As soon as they got here, Zhu Jianqiu saw the black smoke, his face turned black, and suddenly rushed over . However, he saw the guy who was slapped by him yesterday sitting by the campfire with a gun in his arms . He didn"t know what he was thinking . On top of the campfire, there were mice the size of a local dog, and they were baking, At the moment when Zhu Jianqiu appeared, this guy aimed at him in a hurry, but he didn"t see who was coming?

"Pa . . . " Zhu Jianqiu slapped him to the ground and yelled at him: "I said, don"t aim the muzzle at your own people . . . " Then he kicked the campfire and trampled on it . The guy who was knocked over looked at Zhu Jianqiu in surprise and suddenly cried out: "brother Zhu, you want to take revenge for us . . . " Seeing the man howling, Zhu Jianqiu felt a chill in his heart and said in a trembling voice, "what"s the matter? Didn"t I ask you to go to the last gathering place? Why are you the only one, the others? "

The man seemed to hear the most wronged words . For a moment, he only knew how to howl but didn"t answer . The team behind him appeared one after another . Three men were stunned when they saw the howling guy . The man with the strongest temper couldn"t help yelling: "Xie Kun, what"s the matter? You can tell me quickly, crying is useless . . . " Xie Kun was shocked by the roar, and then told them what happened after their breakup . There are many Chinese gathering places, but under the strangulation of Indonesians, there are only the last two and the biggest two . There is a strange circle in the gathering places of Chinese, which is divided according to the clan and ancestral home, one is the gathering place of Cantonese, the other is the gathering place of Fujian descendants .

They went to the gathering place of the descendants of Fujian people . Because there were wounded people, they could not take away their guns and equipment, so they hid some of them . The rest of them found the gathering place with guns and wounded people . When they entered, Li Baiping, the leader of the gathering place, was greedy for their weapons . When he learned that these weapons were obtained from the Indonesians, Fearing that Xie Kun will bring disaster to himself, he suddenly catches everyone while they are sleeping . Xie Kun just goes to the toilet to escape . Seeing something wrong, he takes a guard with a rifle and runs away all night . Because he doesn"t know where to go, he unconsciously returns to the place where they hide their weapons . After listening to Xie Kun"s words, Zhu Jianqiu"s eyes were about to crack, and a mouthful of blood gushed out . Before he could slow down, Xie Kun continued: "the guy I held told me that Li Baiping was going to give our people to the Indonesians in exchange for their food and supplies, and hoped to reach a reconciliation with the Indonesians, as if the Indonesians also agreed, Prepare to send a plane over there to receive . . . "

Everyone turned pale when this remark came out . Several men on the scene crawled out of the b.l.o.o.d.y sea of corpses after the Indonesian ma.s.sacre . How could they believe that dogs can"t eat excrement? Li Baiping"s approach is to hand over the life and death of thousands of people in the gathering place to the Indonesian people . If it turns out to be true, the final gathering place may also be gone . Thinking of this, three men are angry, some throw away their weapons at a loss, and some kneel on the ground and cry bitterly . How can they revenge when all the Chinese die? There are at least 3 . 5 million Indonesians left . Even if they kill them for ten lives, they can"t kill them all .

"Li Baiping, I"m at odds with you . . . " Zhu Jianqiu, with blood hanging in his mouth, looked at the sky and roared . His sad words contained unspeakable bitterness and resentment, as well as his unwillingness to the miserable experience of the Chinese . He was not afraid of the cruelty of the Indonesians and his own death in the battlefield, but he was not willing to send thousands of innocent lives to the slaughter of the Indonesians because of their own timidity and selfishness, In his mind, he has already begun to imagine that thousands of people will roll their heads under the butcher"s knife of Indonesians, countless Chinese women will wail bitterly under the twisted and excited faces of Indonesians, and those children will be killed by the Indonesians by falling on the rocks with their ankles upside down .

"Revenge, revenge . . . We can"t trust Chinese any more . We have to believe in ourselves . " Xie Kun wails loudly . He also knows the consequences, but the gathering place of thousands of people is not what they can attack . Apart from crying, they can"t . At this time, the sky suddenly became dark, just like heaven could not bear their sadness, let the dark clouds cover the sun, the dark sky confused the sadness and indignation in people"s hearts, and looked up to the sky together .

The huge air frigate shrouded the sky hundreds of meters away, and oppressed the hearts of the people on the ground like a G.o.d"s family . All the anger and reluctance solidified at this moment . The Chinese people, including Zhu Jianqiu, looked up at the miraculous frigate in the sky, and most of them stopped breathing . They could only feel their hearts beating violently, The pressure brought by the frigate made them feel as if they had a huge stone on their chest . Even swallowing saliva became extremely difficult .

At the same time, Huang Tingwei in the frigate frowned at the survivors on the ground . After carefully identifying Zhang Xiaoqiang"s figure, he turned to Fu Shanlin and asked, "is this the last place where brother c.o.c.kroach disappeared?" Fu Shanlin quickly searched the touch display frequency with both hands, and finally found the final location of the signal transmitter . He nodded and said, "the last place where the signal appeared was within three kilometers, and it hasn"t changed since then . Maybe c.o.c.kroach has an accident . . . "< br>