Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2241: 2241

Chapter 2241: 2241

Xu Liang was pulled to the edge of the platform and knelt down . He lowered his head to hundreds of decapitated corpses . The head in the middle of the corpse still retained the final expression when he was killed . There were anger, loss, fear and grievance, but he was not safe and relieved . Looking at the corpse below, even though he was calm and determined, he was anxious and could not help scanning the muzzle of the black hole in the jungle with his ultra distant vision . He was an evolutionist, The only thing we can see is that there are ambush evolutioners in the jungle . Most of the muzzles in the jungle are large caliber sniper rifles with a shooting range of less than two kilometers, and these muzzles are all evolutioners standing on the commanding heights, which makes him full of confidence to live .

But the unknown allies were so mysterious that he didn"t know when they would take action . Hundreds of people died, and then they were going to die . The muzzle of the guns seemed to be motionless, which made his heart anxious . No one wanted to die, let alone when he saw hope after despair, the sharp blade behind him would be raised high, and he would head twice in the next second, In his heart, he was unwilling to let his throat burst, and his last roar came out . His eyes were staring at the muzzle of those guns, and even showed a look of begging . More than once, he burst out the impulse to scream, let those people expose themselves early, and forced them to take the lead . But when he was about to shout, he hesitated again . What if he messed up the other party"s steps and let these Indonesians escape? What if his recklessness leads to the failure of the other party"s attack and the Indonesian counterattack?

All kinds of anxieties made him suppress the fear of death in his heart, and he bowed his head . He was willing to exchange his own death for the other party"s time to avenge himself . At the moment when the sharp blade was broken, a few streamers flashed in the corner of his eyes . Then the executioner behind him suddenly flew out, quickly turned his head, and looked behind him with unbelievable eyes, and the upside down executioner jumped his head, Then the gunshot came to his eardrum .

The speed of sound in the air is about 340 m / s at standard atmospheric pressure and 15 ℃ . The speed of sniper bullets is greater than the speed of sound . So the sound of gunfire came three seconds after the executioner was killed . In the eyes of survivors and Indonesian evolutioners, it was more than ten executioners who were suddenly blasted, which made them dull for a moment, The second sniper bullet came one after another, making the evolutioner lose ten people again . Elacia burst into a roar, tearing Li Baiping"s body to pieces and rushing forward suddenly . He had seen the direction of the bullet, and then the agile evolutioners moved one after another, becoming unpredictable .

The sudden attack surprised the survivors, but they didn"t run around . The previous ma.s.sacre had scared them out of their courage . Most of them knelt on the ground and were afraid that they would be killed by the evolutionists as rebels . The rest of them stood in the same place and looked around . At the next moment, the stilted buildings behind them were broken one after another, and countless black shadows sprang out of the chaotic wood, Then there was a loud gunshot, and soldiers fired indiscriminately at the evolutionists present .

In the end, none of the bullets fell on eracia . The soldiers who attacked had been told that bullets were not effective on eracia, so it was possible to kill other evolutioners . These evolutioners did not have the defense ability of eracia, and the spiritual evolutioners who could dismember people could not even see the origin of the bullets, so they burst their heads one after another, All guns can only be fired with a single shot . The elite of the first regiment of the first division in Hubei Province are all hundred battle veterans of Sanshan blocking battle . They know how to accurately hit each other, whether they are zombies or evolutors .

It"s hard for the agile evolutioners to be hit by bullets . They frantically rush to the soldiers who are exposed . At the next moment, the soldiers will also save one evolutioner with the same speed to block them . At the moment of fighting, these evolutioners of unknown forces will cut off the high-quality alloy blade in their hands and their heads at the same time, It"s almost a one-sided ma.s.sacre . Even if a few Indonesian evolutionists are faster, can avoid the attack of the other party, and poke the other party"s vital point with a sharp alloy blade, they can"t get close to the other party"s swarthy skin armor .

Agile evolvers are the fastest . At the moment of contact, they are strangled by asymmetric equipment, and rush into the crowd behind them to drive away the power of countless survivors . Some of them are afraid to step forward, but they don"t expect that elacia suddenly roars and jumps up to the agile evolvers, At this time, elasia"s height began to expand, almost reaching three meters, and some blocky scales appeared on her twisted muscles . It was obvious that D3 zombies were preliminarily formed, and the crowd was in a complete chaos . After the power evolutors rushed into them, the dead people were in pieces, and then these power evolutors were targeted . The Indonesians did not have the habit of fighting zombies, Even the power evolvers are mostly the elite who kill the Chinese, so they don"t pay attention to their own defense, because the Chinese can"t hurt them . In China, the power evolvers and the agile evolvers have their own advantages . Once the power evolvers are equipped with shields, the agile evolvers rarely have the chance to kill the power evolvers, on the contrary, the power evolvers have their own advantages, Power evolvers can"t catch up with agile evolvers .

Here, however, the sharp beaked machetes of the agile evolutioners are the biggest disaster for these power evolutioners . Sharp beaked machetes flash through the throats of the power evolutioners, cut their arteries and blood vessels, spray blood mist, and fall in surprise . There are only eracia and a few evolutioners who have escaped the sniper gun, but they are gone, So far, it has been a one-sided ma.s.sacre . In the eyes of ordinary people, the top evolutionists were killed like chickens, which made them feel strange ideas . They did not have resentment against the Indonesians, but this resentment was suppressed by their fear . Once this fear was broken, all the anger and hatred were immediately aroused, and the survivors would never stay where they were, They ran around and didn"t want to be the human shields of Indonesians any more . For a moment, after the chaotic crowd dispersed, there were only corpses on the ground and angry and frightened Erathia . The pace of Erathia"s advance had already stopped . In a few blinks, the 50s and 60s were killed . This was not a sneak attack, but a frontal collision .

As the sniper rifles continued to ring, the last few evolutionists were shot, and only eracia was left . He could not help looking at the place where the helicopter was parked, but found that more evolutionists had killed the Indonesian army left behind . One helicopter fell into the hands of the other one after another . The helicopter hovering in the sky just opened its weapon mouth, He was. .h.i.t by the single soldier missiles swarming to the ground, bursting out huge fireb.a.l.l.s . Looking at the burning and falling wreckage of the plane, he felt cold in his heart, and saw those agile evolutionists rushing towards him, even without the intention of counterattack . He turned around and ran back .

At this time, he even had the idea of seizing some people to coerce . This unknown force was too powerful for him . More than 100 evolutionists lost their lives without even reaching each other"s side, and his backup was also captured by each other . After the collapse of the false power, the cowardice hidden in the heart of elacia was triggered, and he killed countless people, What can be killed are unarmed Chinese . They are called elite, but they are built on the bones of the poor people . They are not as powerful as ordinary Chinese soldiers . In China, even the most ordinary soldiers have killed more than ten zombies .

After all, the existence of the jungle is the foundation for most Indonesians to survive . At this time, three power evolutioners holding serrated knives stood in front of him . Seeing those power evolutioners and the jungle behind them, he first thought of surrender instead of resistance, But when the thought flashed, his eyes suddenly saw the Bayi military emblem on the other party"s collar: "Chinese?"

Chinese and Chinese are two different concepts for Indonesians . Indonesian Chinese are just a group of weak lambs, but Chinese soldiers are fierce tigers in cages . In Southeast Asia, Vietnam is the real power . Vietnamese can be called the overlord of Southeast Asia, driving away French and Americans, and invading Laos and Cambodia, The limelight was so strong that the surrounding countries were frightened . However, Vietnam could not even fight back under the suppression of China, and even the capital was once captured . So after 1979, the Indonesians were afraid that the Chinese would use their troops in Indonesia . They just didn"t expect that China didn"t pay attention to the overseas Chinese living abroad, which made them have the courage to constantly explore and finally make blood debts in 1998, But I didn"t expect that in the last three years, Chinese soldiers would appear in Indonesia and almost scared him to death .

His mind flashed over the Chinese gathering places destroyed by him . He thought of the Chinese virgins who had been eaten by him and the Chinese women who had been tortured to death as toys . Countless corpses almost drowned his mind . His fear of the Chinese people was diluted by a rage from the bottom of his heart . He knew that it would never come to a good end if he fell into the hands of the Chinese people, From D2 to D3, countless spiral scales covered him . His height suddenly exceeded three meters and reached three meters five . He rushed to the power evolutors in front of him and grabbed them with his claws .

The three power evolutors did not have any fear . They saw many D3 zombies . Although it was strange that humans would become this thing, they did not hesitate to launch an attack formation . One of them drank, rolled out like a hamster with a serrated knife, and suddenly bounced up when he was close to eracia, He didn"t even look back to see the results of the battle . At the next moment, two other evolutioners flashed by elacia, one left and one right, and the front was empty, which made elacia"s heart full of infinite hope . As long as he took a few more steps, he would be in the jungle . Once he entered the jungle, even if there were 100 evolutioners, he would not want to catch him .

At the moment of his infinite expectation, his whole body suddenly broke off the ground, two-thirds of his leg, and then his arms also broke off from his body . He didn"t know when he was injured, so he rolled on the ground . Without his feet and arms, erasia was like a creeping maggot on the ground, At this time, three power evolutors came up, holding a serrated knife high, about to dismember him< br>