Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2242: 2242

Chapter 2242: 2242

The emergence of Zhang Xiaoqiang has caused a series of chain reactions . The collapse of the mobile force of the Indonesian army is a key point in the transformation of the Chinese after the end of Indonesia . The Indonesian army is not a new era . They do not have the foundation and technology to occupy a continent in the new era . They do not have the continuous supplement and support, nor do they have the brilliant strategic vision and development, The reason why they dare to rebel is that they are familiar with Kalimantan island and are protected by the jungle . They just want to be enslaved by the new era and driven to attack the city where the zombies are gathered . For them, there are countless food without going all out . Why do they have to be thankless? This is the truth of Indonesia"s rebellion . The Chinese are familiar with Kalimantan as well as the jungle, but they never regard Kalimantan as their own place . They have no sense of security and no determination and obligation to defend their homeland,

Now this team of evil doers has been completely destroyed, and 20 out of more than 30 helicopters have fallen into Huang Tingwei"s hands, As far as the Indonesian army is concerned, there is only one living person left in elasia . Elasia was stopped by Huang Tingwei when he was about to be beheaded . He is much more interested in elasia than Chinese . He is not interested in bloodless Chinese, even Huang Tingwei, who is a teacher . He is afraid to make a noise when he sees his own people being killed, This insensitive cowardice made him feel ashamed and humiliated . So after killing all the Indonesian troops, Zhu Jianqiu and elasia were taken to the frigate, and no one came forward to appease the dead and wounded Chinese .

Zhu Jianqiu sees Zhuo Mingyue again on the bridge . Zhuo Mingyue"s patience has been exhausted and may break out at any time . Huang Tingwei observes the detained Erathia . As for the evolutionists and soldiers, they are still gathering in the gathering place to collect the Indonesian army"s weapons and equipment . Seeing Huang Tingwei, Zhu Jianqiu"s heart gushes with a feeling that he doesn"t know what it"s like, He didn"t expect that the Chinese soldiers would be so powerful . They won hundreds of evolutors and dozens of airplanes with almost zero losses . Compared with yesterday"s perfect night attack, there was almost no comparison . However, he was more determined to expect Huang Tingwei to help him kill Barto .

"Now you can keep your promise . . . " Huang Tingwei didn"t speak to him . Only Fu Shanlin, the first mate, handed over to Zhu Jianqiu and let Zhu Jianqiu not know what to do . Obviously, after seeing the scenes of Chinese gathering places, most Chinese people were very disappointed, even sad . Thousands of people were suppressed by hundreds of people, just like killing pigs, looking for fat slaughters from them, The rest of them are numb and indifferent, which makes the arrogant soldiers and evolutionists unable to accept . They are fully prepared and planned . As long as one person dares to stand up against them, they will eliminate the Indonesian hybrids with the thunder . Even Zhuo Mingyue is ready to start . As long as she plays, even if she is the only one, It can kill all Indonesians in the blink of an eye .

But in the end, Zhuo Mingyue lost his interest, hated him, mourned him, and didn"t win his morale . Outsiders would not be nannies for them . Zhu Jianqiu also saw something wrong . Both the army and the evolutionists showed a look of indifference and indifference . It was his men who organized and appeased in the gathering place, and no Chinese was willing to come forward, However, the Chinese who were previously captured were properly treated, the wounded were treated, and the women and children were treated the most . The two different treatments made him know that the Chinese hated these weak overseas Chinese more than he did .

"I know where he"s going, but . . . " Zhu Jianqiu is incoherent . He knows that he is suspected of taking advantage of others" danger . However, the Indonesian army is too strong to be dealt with by dozens of soldiers, so he wants to rely on more powerful Chinese to solve Bator . In his imagination, as long as the frigate flies over Bator"s base, he can easily win .

Fu Shanlin is good at communicating with people in addition to his excellent ability . You can see at a glance what Zhu Jianqiu has done . Obviously, Zhu Jianqiu regards them as saviors . But the first task of the frigate is not to kill Indonesians . It was not because of Zhu Jianqiu"s request to rescue the Chinese camp before, and thousands of Chinese lives are in danger, But after they saw the appearance of cowardice of Tsinghua people, they were not interested in wasting time on these people . These Chinese people were not even as powerful as those heinous murderers in China . At least they had the courage to fight with their hostile forces and fight with zombies for food .

"No, but . . . " Fu Shanlin suddenly breaks Zhu Jianqiu"s words with a loud drink . Zhuo Mingyue frowns her pretty eyebrows and reveals her murderous spirit . However, Huang Tingwei is always observing elasia and is thinking about whether he will get some extra benefits if he gives this guy to the doctor? For example, the evolutionary matrix with higher success rate? Or can the two women give him more mutant meat? When he thought about the animal meat of the level five sea snake, he was very hot . Even as the high-level leader of the Chinese Renaissance, he had no right to seek more benefits for his women and children . So at some times, it"s a good way to exchange it with booty . Elacia is obviously a high-quality booty, which can at least enable doctors to have unlimited research on corpses .

Zhu Jianqiu could not help but droop his head . He saw that none of the Chinese on the scene sympathized with those cowardly compatriots . He was also afraid that the Chinese would turn their faces . Judging from the previous attacks, the killing methods of the Chinese were more ferocious than those of the Indonesians . The soldiers smashed the enemy"s brain bags without blinking their eyes . At a glance, they knew that they were all fierce and sharp with human lives in their hands, If they are angered, the consequences are unimaginable . "The position I met was where you found me . At that time, 30 Indonesian soldiers were chasing us . . . " Zhu Jianqiu didn"t use Zhang Xiaoqiang"s whereabouts to threaten him . When Zhuo Mingyue heard that Zhang Xiaoqiang was jumping around, he couldn"t help but relax a lot . Huang Tingwei heard that Zhang Xiaoqiang had changed his equipment and weapons for the new era, and he took the initiative to follow the human beast away . Suddenly, he was dull . Even Fu Shanlin was daydreaming . Has Zhang Xiaoqiang finished the human beast?

"Did you see a girl riding a rainbow bird?" Huang Tingwei suddenly turned to ask, let Zhu Jianqiu temporarily stay, riding the rainbow bird girl? Is it a fairy? Zhu Jianqiu has never seen meow, which makes Huang Tingwei anxious . In addition to Zhang Xiaoqiang, meow is also missing . Looking for meow in the sea area of hundreds of millions of square kilometers is like a dream . Zhang Xiaoqiang has at least one locator, but meow has nothing on him . When he was looking for Zhang Xiaoqiang, he met meow, but unfortunately Zhang Xiaoqiang found it, Meow meow hasn"t found it . He doesn"t know how to explain to Zhang Xiaoqiang .

"Captain, did c.o.c.kroach throw away the locator on purpose? Is there anything he doesn"t want us to do . . . " Huang Tingwei was thinking about meow, but Fu Shanlin thought of another thing . What Fu Shanlin said made Zhuo Mingyue frown and want to speak, but he never said it . Instead, Huang Tingwei rejected Fu Shanlin"s conjecture for the first time: "maybe it"s brother c.o.c.kroach who is lost . They move very fast and often change direction . They are destined to stay in a place for a long time, I think brother c.o.c.kroach should still be waiting for us, and then we will invite Mrs . Zhuo to come out . "

People deliberately avoid the fact that Zhang Xiaoqiang was abducted . Zhang Xiaoqiang is extremely powerful in the hearts of ordinary soldiers and evolutionists . Even Zhang Xiaoqiang was abducted, which only shows that the unknown guy is more powerful . The only person who is more powerful than Zhang Xiaoqiang in Huaxia Renaissance is Zhuo Mingyue . Huang Tingwei knows this very well . Zhuo Mingyue nods and doesn"t care about it, Just determine the direction of Zhang Xiaoqiang .

After confirming Zhang Xiaoqiang"s direction, Huang Tingwei is ready to take action . He can"t help but look at Zhu Jianqiu who is staying at one side and say, "you helped us, we also helped you . Now we"re going to leave and give you a chance . You can take your people with us . The number of people must be limited to less than 100 . You can decide quickly . . . "

Huang Tingwei appreciates Zhu Jianqiu . When the Chinese in Indonesia dare not resist, Zhu Jianqiu can take the road of revenge, which is much better than other Chinese . So he gives Zhu Jianqiu a choice . Of course, this choice actually tests Zhu Jianqiu . To be honest, Zhu Jianqiu also loses confidence in the Chinese in Indonesia, He saw everything in the gathering place . It was because of the selfishness and cowardice of the Chinese that he did not plead for immediate attack . He was also waiting for the Chinese to wake up . Unfortunately, he was doomed to be disappointed .

Zhu Jianqiu is very excited about Huang Tingwei"s proposal . He envies the strength of Chinese soldiers, the towering frigates and the harmony between the evolutionists and ordinary soldiers . He believes that China"s living environment and development opportunities are 1000 times better than here . After the elimination of the Indonesian air force, the Chinese gathering place will be safe in a short time, At this time, it"s a good time to leave .

He didn"t want to take these Chinese Indonesians away . Huang Tingwei has limited the number of them, and it"s no use even pleading . But I don"t know why, when he chooses to leave, he always thinks of his sisters" grievances, the ugly laughter of the Indonesians, and the Indonesians who catch up with the Chinese in their crazy running, slashing them down with machetes, burning gathering places, The little girl with her heart removed, the Chinese woman who can only crawl on her knees, and the Indonesian people"s arms and thighs boiled in a big pot .

"I"ll stay, but you can take those who are willing to leave . . . " After a long silence, Zhu Jianqiu made a choice . Huang Tingwei nodded his head, turned his hand and opened it, revealing an evolutionary matrix in his hand . He said in a deep voice, "I can"t help you much . It"s not that we don"t want to help you kill Barto, one Barto, and the second and the third . It"s far away from China, and we can"t provide logistics, So, it"s up to you . I"ll leave you all the planes and weapons and ammunition of the Indonesians . I"ll give you another ton of ammunition and weapons, and the rest will be up to you . It"s an evolutionary matrix . There"s a 70% chance that you will become an evolutor . Of course, there"s a 30% chance that you will become the most things in the city . It depends on how you choose . . . "

Looking at the injection in the stainless steel thermos bucket, a cold light flashed in Zhu Jianqiu"s eyes . Subconsciously, he inserted it into his neck without even thinking . He needed it too much . Without his left arm, he became disabled, and he was destined to fight in the first line . At the same time, Huang Tingwei took out his pistol and aimed it at his forehead, Zhu Jianqiu"s cheek began to twist, his eyes became red, and his veins were wriggling under the skin . Huang Tingwei couldn"t help retreating three meters, and his fingers pushed slightly on the trigger . Seeing that Zhu Jianqiu was about to become a zombie, he suddenly heard an unprecedented roar, which suddenly suppressed his anger and bloodl.u.s.t . The next moment, everything was calm .

Huang Tingwei nodded with satisfaction and began to smile . Zhu Jianqiu looked at his right hand in a trance, feeling that his right hand was full of unprecedented strength, as if he could bend even steel . Fu Shanlin came forward with a straight face and handed Zhu Jianqiu a doc.u.ment, saying: "two hundred Type 95 rifles, twenty type 87 sniper rifles, thirty type 92 pistols, One thousand bullets per gun, five cla.s.s machine guns and two 12 . 7mm heavy machine guns, and corresponding medical, field supplies and combat auxiliary equipment . "Hearing these weapons, Zhu Jianqiu felt confident that he was familiar with them . If he was given heavy weapons, he would not operate them . On the contrary, they were the weapons that he needed most . Then he heard Huang Tingwei"s final warning: "sometimes it"s stupid to be merciful, and it"s the biggest indifference to his own people to indulge them, There is only one line between cruelty and cruelty . All the founding princes will not have the benevolence of women and human beings . They should kill their own people when they should . "

Hearing these words, Zhu Jianqiu was stunned . He looked thoughtfully at Huang Tingwei, who waved him away . After turning around, he suddenly remembered the history of China . . . There was never a king whose benevolence and righteousness had been accomplished in Chinese history, but why did Huang Tingwei say the term "founding king" to him? Does Huang Tingwei have any other hints for him< br>