Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2259: 2259

Chapter 2259: 2259

After Zhang Xiaoqiang rushed in, he didn"t stay in one place for more than a second . Countless steel b.a.l.l.s and bullets kept moving . The muzzle of the core area tilted out . It can be said that he didn"t even know what the core area looked like, so he was almost driven crazy by the endless rain of bullets, Before the end of the world, Australia"s metal storm company had already developed a multi tube metal storm with a firing rate of 1 . 6 million bullets per minute . There is no doubt that the bullets in front of him are such mature killers . Zhang Xiaoqiang guessed that he was facing the blocking of metal storm, but what he didn"t guess was that this crazy blocking was only the lowest intensity shooting, Although there are at least thousands of bullets flying around him every second, it gives him a certain time to avoid in the process of being hit . You know, even if you launch a medium intensity attack, I"m afraid he will be torn to pieces by countless bullets in the same place .

During the continuous rolling, Zhang Xiaoqiang finally found that all the bullets fired at him were bullets . Most of the bullets fired by the metal storm were fired at the innermost group of people . Tens of thousands of bullets formed ink like raindrops in front of the group of people, which were real raindrops . Countless raindrops. .h.i.t the transparent barrier in front of them, Under the impact of countless bullets, the fragile barrier twisted and changed, and its shape never broke . It was the same as claya"s cover . However, in the impact of tens of millions of bullets per minute, the evolutors with the ability to use it came to the end of their life, and many corpses were scattered around them, Obviously, this group of unknown attackers suffered a heavy loss here . Otherwise, the attack Zhang Xiaoqiang faced was not just that guy . The evolutionist who was killed by him was the way out for this group of people . He just didn"t expect to make a mistake .

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s appearance did not immediately arouse the idea of both sides . Layers of bullets. .h.i.t the barrier and touched dense sparks . The flashing sparks lit up the attackers and scattered the bullets around . The bullets that hit Zhang Xiaoqiang before were the ones with less power . If not, I"m afraid he would not have a chance to survive, Seeing the surrounding environment clearly, Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t think about anything . First of all, he jumped up and climbed to the wall . The concrete wall has a rough texture . Under the adsorption of gloves, Zhang Xiaoqiang was firmly fixed . Relying on the friction of the sole of his shoes, Zhang Xiaoqiang climbed up like a gecko . Only after such a short delay, he was. .h.i.t by at least hundreds of warheads, His whole body was numb in the fierce impact . Originally, he was wearing the standard single soldier equipment of an officer, from military uniform and boots to armor helmet . When he was shot by a 7 . 62 mm caliber bullet from 150 meters away, he could be intact and would not be seriously injured within 50 meters . However, he had armor on his body but not on his b.u.t.tocks . Although the uniform of an officer was a suit, his trousers also had bulletproof function and could not support a large number of warheads, Make him feel like he"s lost his a.s.s forever .

Fortunately, he only got to the door and didn"t go deep . Fortunately, he didn"t get the idea of both sides . Fortunately, the attacker attracted all the attention of the metal storm . Zhang Xiaoqiang became an ant that n.o.body paid attention to . This ant is using all his strength to climb a dome more than 20 meters high, which is not as detailed as the construction below, One by one, hard steel beams form a geometric frame of positive and negative triangles to support the stress points on the dome, so that even if the mountain collapses due to geological disasters, it won"t be buried here . After climbing one of the steel beams, Zhang Xiaoqiang breathes a sigh of relief . Countless metal bullets are flying under him, and jumping bullets are everywhere . From time to time, sparks can be seen on the surrounding steel beams, However, compared with the following, the above is indeed a paradise, at least Zhang Xiaoqiang suffered more than 90% less .

At this time, the attackers were no longer able to survive . The shield like barrier was getting smaller and smaller . At first, it was almost three meters long and wide . At last, it was less than half of them . More than a dozen attackers fell down three times . As for the three previous evolutors, they all became meat sauce mixed with warheads . They all wore high-quality bullet proof vests that could withstand 11 bullets in a row, It can be seen how powerful these metal warheads are, but these people don"t stay in the same place to be beaten . The floor made of metal is just like a whole . These evolutionists have worked hard to chisel the metal plate on the ground . They don"t have Zhang Xiaoqiang"s invincible Firebird machete, but only have guns and alloy knives . These things have limited power on the metal plate as thick as 30 cm, But their speed and physical strength can keep up, and within a short period of time, they pried open the meter wide floor .

Seeing this, Zhang Xiaoqiang can"t help but sneer . This is a mountain rock structure . The surface outside is full of these almost connected rocks . No matter how wide the floor they dig, there are all these rocks below . It"s a dream to dig a pit to hide . When he thought these people were dying, There was a tall and slim figure standing on the hole . The next moment, the figure disappeared on the ground . Then the metal floor around the hole and the attackers all collapsed, leaving only a huge hole more than ten meters wide . Zhang Xiaoqiang could not see the bottom . He was surprised .

But this is just the beginning . Huge hills suddenly rise from the metal floor, and huge metal plates are lifted up and slid down by the mound . Then the mound plowing layers of metal plates rushes forward quickly . Although the speed is similar to that of ordinary people, is it underground? Zhang Xiaoqiang immediately understood what the woman"s ability was . It belonged to the earth system ability of underground travel . The rare thing is that she also took nearly ten evolutioners to move together . According to her ability, I"m afraid that the woman"s strength is not under the throne . The protruding mound maximizes the counterattack in the core area . The core area is an oval cylinder with a length of more than 20 meters and a width of more than 20 meters . Holes are arranged in the upper layer of the cylinder, which is the launching port of the metal storm . The 360 degree appearance has no dead angle . No matter from any direction, it will be attacked with the same strength in the past . Countless bullets are ejected from these holes, There are so many holes like this that I don"t know how many . Only the rock mountain under the metal floor is the only dead corner, because on the 10 meter high column, the triple launchers with 360 degree diffusion are strictly guarded against the sky . Once attacked, the sky will be covered by metal warheads .

It was when he saw these launchers that Zhang Xiaoqiang stayed where he was . The corner of the steel beam was full of sensors . Even if he could find out the location of those things, he couldn"t get around . The earth mound arched underground had reached less than 10 meters away from the core area . At this time, the launching port used the largest firepower to launch regardless of the cost, Even the metal plates on the top of the mound split in the collision of countless sparks . They thought that the core would be easily broken, but the ground suddenly vibrated . The next moment, the metal plates in front of the mound suddenly deformed and cracked, exposing the dense steel columns below . It is obvious that the new era also arranged the underground in case .

After the attacker was stopped, he did not give up . Countless broken stones under the arched metal plate suddenly rose to form a stone sword pointing directly at the dome . This stone sword was fused together in the blink of an eye, and there was no crack or protrusion, as if it had been carefully carved, At the next moment, the 30 meter long stone sword was suddenly cut down under the impact of countless warheads . With a loud noise, the stone sword that fell on the cylinder building was smashed and turned into countless pieces of broken stones . The second impact on the ground made people shake in the whole sky, and some loose stones on the dome also rained down, It crashed on the steel beam .

There are only a few stones falling from the top . The stones flying from the giant stone sword are no worse than those from the metal storm . Zhang Xiaoqiang only had time to lift his arm to block the helmet mask, and felt countless stones. .h.i.t him . But he didn"t care about the pain . He quickly put down his arm and saw that the meter long gap on the cylinder was cut, and the launching port of the metal storm was not damaged much, However, the 360 degree triple metal storm launchers damaged three or five of them, leaving a small air raid . This was not the most exciting thing for him . Previously, the flying stones. .h.i.t the steel beam and destroyed many sensors . These things are very sensitive . A slight collision will send out signals . There are shining light spots everywhere in the dark steel beam, But it was not hit by the metal storm .

Finding the opportunity, Zhang Xiaoqiang jumped out without even thinking about it . He was afraid that the opportunity would be fleeting . The sensor has two functions: thermal sensing and vibration sensing . However, if any one of them is triggered, the other function will be ignored . Zhang Xiaoqiang wanted to fish in troubled waters and just found the dead spot of the new era defense . You know, vibration sensing can be ignored because the stone sword broke, If it"s thermal sensing, I"m afraid all the metal storms in the air will break out in full range .

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s feet were not stained with dust . He jumped quickly between the steel beams . His speed was extremely fast, and his feet were very accurate . Like a ghost, he quickly spread to the top of the cylinder . At this time, twelve lasers suddenly rose into the air and swept through the air, and the metal storm continued to fire . After Zhang Xiaoqiang saw the bullets fired by the laser and the metal storm, his frightened hair stood up against his helmet, In the air, he had no way to dodge . He could only hope that the metal storm that had been destroyed by stonesword was really invalid .

As soon as I thought about it, I saw that the destroyed triple launcher suddenly flashed electricity, and then the whole thing exploded, revealing countless messy threads . The laser launcher sweeping Zhang Xiaoqiang was also destroyed by the accidental explosion of that thing, and nearly half of the number was destroyed . The laser launcher is very fragile, and the flying debris can make it ineffective only by a slight collision, Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t know that the ancestor was on duty today, and he blessed his most successful offspring .

The deadly threat was cleared . At the moment of reaching the distance of 30 meters, the flying Firebird curved blade swept away the remaining metal storm and laser launch port . When he landed on the cylinder building, he jumped up like a cat with the tail guessed before he could breathe a sigh of relief . The metal storm that had been destroyed before disappeared, A new triple launcher is rising . If he hesitates a little, these things will shoot countless bullets at him at close range .

After Firebird machete solved these things again, Zhang Xiaoqiang hesitated . The defense system built in the new era is very complete . It"s already so terrible outside . What if he encounters something unfamiliar inside and causes this thing to explode? At that time, even if he had nine lives, he could not escape . Just at this time, danger prediction hit again . Zhang Xiaoqiang only had time to throw himself down, and then he heard a loud noise coming from behind him again . The new stone sword broke again . The flying stones swept across his back . The helmet on the back of his head made a sound . The impact made him dizzy, but he controlled his desire to lie down and rest, Dizzy and dizzy, he got up and looked behind him . The gap that had been cut before was increased by three times . Some cables also stretched out from the broken steel . The flashing electric flowers collided with each other and scattered the beating electric arc . It can be seen that the power of the stone sword is really great .

See this gap, Zhang Xiaoqiang brain suddenly came up with an idea, maybe he and those attackers can unite? At this moment, a huge shock came from his feet, making Zhang Xiaoqiang unable to stand and fall to the floor . Then Zhang Xiaoqiang sat in the same place and miraculously turned 180 degrees, and the huge gap also turned with him . Before, the gap was in the direction of the attacker, but now it is in the opposite direction . Zhang Xiaoqiang gawkingly looked at the gap that changed the direction and had strange ideas, The cylinder under the body is round . If the circ.u.mference of 3 . 14159 is used to calculate the side length, even if the attacker"s stone sword can be launched a hundred times, it can"t split the armor in front of him . No wonder the design of the new era is such that it only needs to replace one side of the defense and the bullet hole with the other side, I"m afraid that the attack power and ammunition of the other side will immediately return to the strongest peak, that is to say . . . The attacker will suffer . . . When the thought flashed, the dense gunfire could not separate the gap, just like a waterfall pouring down the whole s.p.a.ce, which also made Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eardrum suffer a huge roar< br>