Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2260: 2260

Chapter 2260: 2260

The huge mound arched by the attacker was thinned in an instant, and the layers of stone powder formed thick fog like dust in the hail of bullets . Zhang Xiaoqiang made a clever move and lifted the Firebird machete to insert it upside down into the metal floor . At this time, he gave up his plan to join hands with the attacker . The stronger the external defense in the new era, the weaker the internal defense . After all, this is the old nest center in the new era, Without Zhang Xiaoqiang"s chance to climb to the steel beam and jump to the rooftop, I"m afraid that he would not be able to get any benefits from being a Wanqiang . It can be said that he has made the defense to the extreme, and the purpose of spending so much in his heart is to reduce the loss as much as possible . If so, the following things may not be as troublesome as he imagined .

What"s more, there are more than 300 corpses lying outside . The attackers below are not soft hearted . In this strange environment, Zhang Xiaoqiang has no mind to fight with a group of people who have evil intentions . After his Firebird cutla.s.s is cut like a metal plate, he feels heavy and sluggish . The sharpness of the Firebird cutla.s.s, which is higher than the rat King blade, is not under the serrated broadsword, Even the armor of the tank at the main station is just like this . Zhang Xiaoqiang spent a lot of energy to draw an irregular circle on the metal floor . In this process, the stone sword appeared three times, but the momentum was smaller and smaller . When the stone sword was about to split the outer layer of the cylinder, the cylinder turned 30 degrees again, making the previous cutting useless .

If we want to say that the attackers below are not stupid, they also move underground and want to catch up with the previous cut-out, how can we know that the dense gun holes on the cylinder rotate like a magic cube, and walk the damaged parts to other parts equally, just like repairing, so that the attackers can"t start, Zhang Xiaoqiang is also embarra.s.sed by this powerful defense system . This is simply a bully who can"t fight to death . He can always give people special despair .

"When . . . " This is the core area of the new era . He didn"t want to meet fanatics to detonate the self destruct system . Unexpectedly, his vigilance was shown to the blind . There was no sign of any living people here . There were bright warm white lights all around . The light and instruments were flashing on the equipment wall, It"s like a machine room buzzing here . No matter it"s the floor or the wall, there"s no dust . Zhang Xiaoqiang standing here can"t smell any peculiar smell, except that the temperature here is much higher than that outside, there"s no other abnormality .

And there is no imaginary automatic defense device here . There are only transparent tempered gla.s.s doors . The place where Zhang Xiaoqiang falls is not the core area . From the outside, the area is not small, but only after he really enters will he find that most of the s.p.a.ce here is occupied by various instruments, if not unexpected, Two thirds of the area is set up for the metal storm that makes the attackers despair . The toughened gla.s.s door is self-sensing . Zhang Xiaoqiang goes straight along the circular channel . The circular channel extends in a spiral way and gets closer and closer to the core area . There is no harvest along the way . Most of them are all kinds of equipment and instruments, as well as countless touch screens, Zhang Xiaoqiang knows all the letters above, but he just can"t read them out .

After entering the triple tempered gla.s.s door, there is a room with a large area . This is a display room . There are all kinds of weapons and protective clothing, individual aircrafts and all kinds of needle free syringes . In addition to these, there are metal blocks with strange colors . They look like prisms of black crystal, and they are wrapped in Petri dishes like black silk, Of course, the most eye-catching part is the unknown part in the dust-free hood at the core . This part is very similar to the engine device of an aircraft, but its appearance is more exquisite and gorgeous, like a work of art full of science fiction style . There is no doubt that the most valuable part is this engine, which makes Zhang Xiaoqiang look hot, but he can"t take it away, It"s about the size of an adult, regardless of its weight . It"s a death hunt to carry it on the road .

Here, Zhang Xiaoqiang is not ready to move on . Maybe the things stored inside are more valuable than those outside, but they are also more dangerous . Maybe these things outside are hidden, but even those hidden things are good things . Here, Zhang Xiaoqiang sees three kinds of guns, the most prominent of which is a sniper rifle, This odd shaped sniper rifle is not the same as the mainstream sniper rifle . It not only has various electronic plug-ins on it, but also looks like the big a.s.sault rifle of the star river fleet . What"s striking is that this sniper rifle is a suit with single crystal sungla.s.ses on the body, which is the same style as the auxiliary lens for individual soldiers that Zhang Xiaoqiang had before, It means that even if ordinary people master this rifle and monocrystalline sungla.s.ses, they can hit more than 90% of the shots in a single shot like a trained sniper .

In addition to the single crystal lens, there are also three clips, which occupy at least one third of the range of the gun body . This is one of the important key projects in the previous life of metal storm . Unlike the single shot power of other rifles, the power of metal storm"s sniper rifle is to pour the most ammunition to a point in the shortest time, It"s true that drips kill the stone . After the powerful kinetic energy is superimposed, even the armored car will become a tofu that can be pierced by a poke . However, according to the range, this kind of sniper rifle can also be called metal storm rifle . Because of the different firing systems, the reaction force is much smaller than that of ordinary sniper rifle, and it can make up a lot of points in accuracy . Seeing this prototype gun, Zhang Xiaoqiang knows the biggest use of this rifle . There is no doubt that if the ordinary power evolutor is equipped with this kind of high ammunition carrying gun, with three or five clips on his back, only ten people can challenge tens of thousands of zombies, and it can be intact . If a gun array is formed, even the high-speed S3 zombies can"t get close to him . Under the attack of thousands of bullets per second, It is impossible to escape death . It can be said that it is a super weapon that low-level evolutors and elite soldiers dream of .

Zhang Xiaoqiang just glanced at the sniper gun and then observed other things . There are so many good things that it"s not easy to take them out . So he has to choose the most valuable one . The items here are crisscrossed and there are no less than 100 kinds . Does he have the little heaven and earth bag in the fairy tale? He can only choose the most practical equipment, of course, We have to find out the biological medicine that can treat Yang Ke"er .

According to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s inference, the core area should contain the absolutely confidential information of the new era, including the materials and construction information of air frigates, the research and experimental data of supernova bombs, the information of kites, sharks and other aircraft, and the experimental data of puppet soldiers and b.l.o.o.d.y victims, These materials are the absolute secrets of life and death in the new era . Relatively speaking, although other things seem to be equally valuable, it is not that losing them will cause serious losses . Then the biological medicinal materials Yang Ke"er needs should also be outside . I just don"t know whether they are drugs in needle free syringes or strange things in those strange Petri dishes .

After a few rounds, Zhang Xiaoqiang is a bit dazzled . It"s not a time for hesitation . Little Lori doesn"t know whether she will live or die outside . Although he doesn"t believe that little Lori, who has the strength of the G.o.d seat, will encounter problems, it"s safe to go out early . After understanding, Zhang Xiaoqiang pulls out the Firebird machete and cuts away the transparent dust covers one by one . The first thing he picks up is the vice armor .

The black purple armor has the human body"s functional appearance, and its muscle texture and joints are the same as ordinary people"s body . It is obviously similar to little Lori"s human shape and fierce beast . Zhang Xiaoqiang values the armor like appearance of this thing . You know what he lacks most is the ability of protection . Even if this thing is not as good as snake scale armor, it should be better than bulletproof clothing?

When Zhang Xiaoqiang started with this light equipment, he immediately took off his clothes . He didn"t need to wear underwear, so he simply put it on . As soon as he got on, Zhang Xiaoqiang found that it was different . He didn"t feel burdensome and didn"t have the astringent feeling of other clothing materials . It was very natural and comfortable . The only unpleasant thing was that he felt like he didn"t wear clothes after wearing this armor, He always wanted to reach out and cover the bottom . Then Zhang Xiaoqiang picked up the metal box about the size of love crazy 4S on the side of the protective clothing without any teacher . According to the habit of individual soldier equipment in the new era, he inserted a port at the back of his waist and immediately activated the armor .

At the moment of activation, Zhang Xiaoqiang found that the armor was tightly attached to all parts of his body . At the same time, he felt that his mastery of the body had been improved unprecedentedly . He could even control the muscles in most places . No matter walking or standing still, his coordination of the body had been improved a lot, and he was more sensitive to the outside world, Equipped with this protective clothing, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s melee ability and evasion ability have been improved by at least 10% .

After changing the armor, Zhang Xiaoqiang went to the position of displaying auxiliary equipment and picked up a portable respirator . The function of this thing is clear at a glance . It can isolate the toxic gas and pollution from the outside world . It is rare that it is light and delicate, just like a delicate make-up mask . The design of this respirator looks like a spider, and the moment it is buckled on the face, Eight long legs will wrap the back of the brain firmly fixed .

After breathing several times, Zhang Xiaoqiang was very satisfied with the effect of this thing . He didn"t feel stuffy . It was like wearing an oxygen bar on his face . The air he breathed was fresh, which made his brain clear . Then he swept away all these auxiliary equipment . He knew that auxiliary equipment was more useful than weapons at some times, Most of the auxiliary equipment is small and light . A multi-functional backpack will be installed . Zhang Xiaoqiang starts to clean up all needle free syringes . Although he doesn"t know the specific purpose of these standard accessories, he has a doctor . As long as they are sent to Hubei, he should be able to find out soon . Coupled with China"s powerful Shanzhai system, it"s not impossible to copy them .

After more than a dozen potions were loaded, Zhang Xiaoqiang began to pick and choose . It was very similar to the tight clothes made of white silk . He didn"t feel the slightest weight in his hand, but he had great toughness and firmness . Naturally, he accepted it . There was also the set of combined small tools . Although he didn"t know what use it was, he was blind here . Since the weight was not heavy, he reluctantly carried them, There are also 12 sets of constant temperature collection tubes, which are used to hold all kinds of biological materials here . At the end of the day, he picked up the big sniper which is longer than him . There are four clips with a total of 2000 rounds of ammunition, almost counting the mobile battery . The gun body made of new biological materials is less than 40 Jin, which Zhang Xiaoqiang can hold with one hand .

After Zhang Xiaoqiang finished his preparation, he looked at the rest of the equipment and was stunned . He accepted all the valuable equipment, but the rest is also a treasure? Isn"t it right to put it here to nourish the enemy? Thinking that these things may be obtained by others, Zhang Xiaoqiang can"t help but envy him . He can"t climb in, and the harvest is only a small part . Since he can"t get them, he won"t let others get them . A whistling scream came out of the sniper rifle . Hundreds of bullets shot from the muzzle instantly . The sparks of the collision rebounded on the wall and floor, and countless small black dots darted back and forth . Pieces of equipment and parts were broken in the hail of bullets . Just a few blinks, it was a mess here . Zhang Xiaoqiang, who had tested the power of guns, did not do it for a long time, Pull out the machete and cut off the rest of the dynamic Qi< br>