Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2266: 2266

Chapter 2266: 2266

When Regel and Kessler talk, the mysterious warehouse finally moves and attracts Kessler"s attention again . The decadent Regel is surprised by the sudden change and sees a big bag bulging out of the outer wall of the warehouse, which is as strong as a castle . Then it collapses and scatters countless pieces of concrete and bricks, When the shadow flew over a distance of more than 20 meters and was embedded on the wall of another building, they had not recovered .

At the next moment, another shadow flew out of the gap, flipped a few circles in the air, and then rolled to the ground . The ground suddenly vibrated . The appearance of these two people made Regel forget all the entanglement in the pain for a while, and said in astonishment: "how can they not be in Austria? Is it just a cover that Kluger sent me here? But . . . But they don"t always disagree with Kluger . How can they . . . "

The sudden appearance of two people makes Regel incoherent . At this time, Regel is no longer as calm as before . All kinds of blows make his self-confidence gradually collapse . However, Kessler always maintains his rationality . No matter how many secrets Regel has revealed to him, he is not shocked to the point of being at a loss . Regel"s self talk is all in his heart, Looking at the warehouse all the time, you can see that the thick steel gate of the warehouse vibrates violently . On the smooth gate, many protrusions appear one after another, and each protrusion makes the gate vibrate once . Countless protrusions make the iron gate deform continuously and arch outward slowly, and the door frame also cracks, throwing away countless steel rivets and cement fragments, The huge gap that had been broken up before was shining red, but there was an exchange of fire in it, the intensity of which was no less than that of the battlefield .

"Are they G.o.ds?" In the shortest time, Kessler roughly identified the two men"s service and appearance . A man and a woman were wearing the unique black leather clothes of the G.o.d"s throne, with ancient and mysterious patterns on them . Although they were unkempt and unkempt, their arrogant and unique temperament made him see the difference at a glance . If the ordinary evolutionists had suffered the heavy damage before, they would have died long ago, But there was nothing wrong with these two people . One broke away from the wall, smashed the wall around him, and jumped to the ground . The other guy who hit a big hole on the ground got up, and his companion who was breaking away from the wall was shouting something .

The gate was completely deformed, as if it had been hit by a siege hammer . The bulging iron gate was kneaded into a huge and ugly tumor, which finally broke away from the wall in the constant impact . Layers of concrete debris fell off from the wall, and countless bricks and stones flew in the impact . When the door was 15 meters high, After the eight meter wide iron gate flies away from the main body like a hump, a huge figure looms behind the gate .

Zhang Xiaoqiang never thought that one day he would fight with the soldiers of the new era . When he entered the tight warehouse through the air vent, he wanted to make a lot of money, but he didn"t expect to break into the puppet soldier manufacturing center of the new era . In the huge training tanks, there were all the evolutors in the process of modulation . These evolutors opened their eyes soberly, But he lost control of himself . This is the most heavily guarded place in the Research Inst.i.tute . Zhang Xiaoqiang just peeped at a corner and saw that hundreds of b.l.o.o.d.y soldiers were closely guarded . But before he really entered the core place, there was a sudden change . It was like a castle where demons were imprisoned . When a roar of anger and reluctance came down below, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes were also dazzled by the roar with strange syllables, and then he saw the tempered gla.s.s burst in countless cultivation tanks at the same time .

The ultimate secret here is a huge unknown zombie, which completely lost its human characteristics . The zombie is more than seven meters tall and has no facial features on its head . It only has a big mouth like an alligator, just like the head has grown into a multi tooth pliers . Its body shape is like a huge water bag, with thick legs, and the legs are not human, On the contrary, like kangaroos, they have anti bending joints, and their arms are extremely slender compared with their strong legs . But their slender arms have absolute strength . Their skin is disgusting dark green, and they continuously secrete sticky mucus to drip down to the ground .

This strange looking zombie was originally imprisoned in a cylinder-shaped steel cage . It could only stretch out its head and arms, just like a strange toy . However, when Zhang Xiaoqiang broke in, he lost his usual calm and became extremely irritable . He kept shaking his head and limbs, trying to leave the cage, However, the two evolutionists who were oppressed by it were gradually unable to cope .

It"s like the better . When Zhang Xiaoqiang saw the zombie, the zombie broke out . I don"t know what kind of metal cage twisted when it expanded . It was like dough deformation . The evolutors who were placed in the incubator got out of trouble because of the monster"s roaring sound wave, which had little lethality to human beings, It can only make them feel temporary syncope, but it"s very powerful for gla.s.s and other things . Whether it"s the tempered gla.s.s for cultivating talents, or all kinds of test tubes and instruments are blown up, countless scattered proportions bloom in the s.p.a.ce below, and then the huge vibration makes Zhang Xiaoqiang"s ventilation pipe begin to shake .

When the ventilation pipe under Zhang Xiaoqiang fell off due to the vibration of the warehouse, the two evolutioners guarding the zombies had already fought with the target of the guard . At the same time, the evolutioners who separated from the cultivation tank also fought with the b.l.o.o.d.y dead around them . The huge warehouse was full of gunfire and scuffle, which eventually involved Zhang Xiaoqiang, As a newcomer, Zhang Xiaoqiang did not use the Firebird machete to quickly eliminate those evolutioners who lost their senses . Instead, he always observed the strange zombie and the evolutioners who had the power of the zodiac . Both of the two evolutionists have the ability to amaze Zhang Xiaoqiang . One of them is a Western man, and his ability is to manipulate steel . After the zombie tore up the cage to get out of the trap, the cage became a man"s weapon, forming a huge drill bit to drill on the skin of the zombie, tearing off the green cortex and black red flesh . The other is an oriental girl, With slender legs and slim waist, what makes Zhang Xiaoqiang most remarkable is that the girl has very strong skills . Unlike men, the girl does not fight from a long distance with a pair of black stabbing swords that appear in her hands out of thin air . The two stabbing swords are pure black . In this bright environment, they twist the light around the sword body to form a hazy light spot, Bearing the absolute darkness of the sword .

This girl is holding a pair of stabbing swords to pierce the zombie . Compared with the steel drill that stirs the flesh around the zombie, the girl"s stabbing sword is like a toothpick, which is almost inaccessible compared with the huge body of the zombie . However, the power of the double stabbing swords is great . The skin of the zombie is already comparable to that of D3 . Even those high-speed drills can only drill slowly, When the girl stabbed the sword in her hand, the flesh and blood that was the size of a bowl would suddenly disappear at the point of the sword, just like that place had never been before .

What Zhang Xiaoqiang is facing is the evolutioners who break free from the cultivation tank . All these evolutioners have lost their senses, their eyes are crazy and fierce, just like ferocious beasts, and their fighting methods are just like beasts . By instinct, they don"t know whether they are driven by the zombie besieged by the zodiac . They are always close to the zombie, From time to time, close evolutionists attack the two zodiacs . Although they will be killed in three or five seconds, they distract the two Zodiacs and make the zombie break away from the lower part of his body .

The place below the leg of the zombie seems to be welded in steel and can"t move . Zhang Xiaoqiang can see that it"s thanks to the male G.o.d seat . The hard steel floor seems to surge like mercury, constantly stacking to the legs of the zombie and slowly submerging it . A different hill has been bulging out, but the zombie has great strength and constantly struggling, Virgo"s stab sword is powerful, but the Zombie"s size is huge, a little flesh loss is nothing to it, and the battle is in a deadlock for a moment .

Later, the deadlock was broken . Zhang Xiaoqiang kept suppressing his power and only killed the crazy evolutionists who rushed to him . However, those b.l.o.o.d.y death fighters could not stop these wild animal like evolutionists . Before they were changed by the new era, they were just ordinary soldiers . Besides guns, their weapons were sabres, In the face of these dangers, the crazy evolutionists who foresee and ascend are killed on one side . The number of training tanks here is almost 500, while the number of b.l.o.o.d.y soldiers guarding here is only 600 . There are more than 1200 people, but half of them are the souls of little Lori . Their combat power is not enough . Although there are more and more elite soldiers in the emergency channel, But it can"t stop the crazy attack of these semi puppet soldiers .

The half puppet soldiers did not use weapons and equipment . They could always escape bullets, tear the throat of the dead with their teeth and drink blood . The power evolutors grabbed everything around them and smashed them, including many three meter high training tanks, In less than five minutes, more than 400 b.l.o.o.d.y evolutionists will be torn up and smashed into meat . Some of the semi puppet warriors of the spiritual system have more strange means . They kill like ghosts in silence . Finally, more than 300 semi puppet warriors rush to the two G.o.ds .

On that day, Zhuo Mingyue and WAN Qiang were entangled by 100 puppet soldiers, both of them had a headache . What"s more, there are 300 puppet soldiers here? One fifth of the 300 puppet soldiers controlled by zombies were punctured by steel Spears on the floor . However, most of the puppet soldiers jumped on the companions hanging on steel spears and rushed to the throne . They tore at them crazily . The oriental girl"s sword danced among the puppet soldiers, A puppet soldier who only lost half of his body fell to the floor like discarded garbage . His blood dyed everything around him red . The girl"s blocking couldn"t stop the puppet soldier"s madness . Finally, he had to jump away for a while . In this short moment, the steel hill on the leg of the zombie was lifted, and finally he got out of the difficulty< br>