Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2267: 2267

Chapter 2267: 2267

The zombies who are out of trouble and the zombies who are not out of trouble are two different kinds . They used to be sandbags that were abused by others, and then they became killers that pressed down on the throne of G.o.d . In less than a minute, the injured parts of the whole body recovered, and all the drills that whirled towards them turned into twisted parts . Then with a roar, all the semi puppet soldiers surrounded and killed the human beings, But its lower body grows umbilical cord like tentacles . Zhang Xiaoqiang has goose b.u.mps . This kind of zombie has no human characteristics, but has a unique female organ, black and purple . Among the reproductive organs, more than ten ugly umbilical cords with blisters are dripping with dark green smelly liquid . These things emit a huge odor, It"s a kind of unidentified smell . All the people who smell it start to feel dizzy, just like a group of flies sprayed with air insecticide . In this case, no matter they are b.l.o.o.d.y dead or elite soldiers, as long as they don"t wear gas masks, they are all dizzy and faint, and then they are devoured by crazy semi puppet soldiers .

There were also two Zodiac warriors who fainted . One third of the umbilical cord attacked them like tentacles, piercing them like spears . At the top of the umbilical cord, there were sharp black and red horned spikes 50 cm long . These horned spikes could not only be used as weapons, but also could be used as needles to pierce the corpses around the zombies, These corpses will turn into dry corpses without water in the shortest time, not to mention the blood and water on the ground mixed with nutrient solution, which can almost submerge the human legs . The thickest two are used to pumping the liquid from the ground into the corpse"s body . Fortunately, Zhang Xiaoqiang was careful and robbed the convenient gas mask before he was plotted by this monster, It"s no wonder that Andromeda limits the lower body of zombies . This disgusting attack is so terrible .

The two G.o.ds didn"t faint on the ground like others, but they didn"t have the heart to fight . They were smashed out by the Zombie"s Hemp stick arms that could reach their ankles . The first one to fly out was Andromeda, who flew nearly half of the s.p.a.ce like a home run baseball and hit the thick wall, If he didn"t use steel to form an indestructible armor around him at the end, he might have become a fly on the wall . Then the maiden G.o.ddess followed the man and flew out of the broken hole, leaving Zhang Xiaoqiang to resist with less than 100 new era soldiers .

The scene was very confusing . In order to prevent the semi puppet soldiers from escaping, all the pa.s.sageways were closed urgently . Zhang Xiaoqiang was one of the people who had been closed . He didn"t want to help the new era deal with the trouble here, but there were always half puppet soldiers with no long brains rushing towards him . In order to avoid being attacked by both sides, Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t expose his throwing knife ability, Just a knife in one hand, a gun in one hand to kill the gate, and that can only be fierce zombie has jumped to the gate where, constantly bombarding the iron gate, of course, he did not think about looking for zombie trouble, such a good labor he did not want to waste .

The rifle with the tongue of fire in his hand is g36 rifle which is everywhere on the ground . Zhang Xiaoqiang uses this kind of rifle many times . It"s very good as a suppressive firepower, and it has dynamic vision . Those agile puppet soldiers who are wandering don"t need too many bullets to be able to handle it . The power evolutors who come at him are like Orc soldiers with chicken blood, These guys can"t see the whiteness of their eyes . They are all scarlet like little Lori . But little Lori"s red is pure red, just like the top ruby . And the pupils of these guys are like some black blood stains, with desperate madness, Even though Zhang Xiaoqiang was wearing a mask, he could feel the b.l.o.o.d.y smell in their mouth .

These power evolutors are the best for Zhang Xiaoqiang to deal with . They have no weapons, no shield, and even don"t know how to dodge . Zhang Xiaoqiang slips and dodges . The big heads that pa.s.s by him, or their heads are cut off, or their waists are cut off, will never fall into the corpse . In every corner of the training room, the soldiers who have not died often scream and cry for support, The sound of request, the sound of scolding, the sound of pounding the iron gate of the blocked pa.s.sage, the sound of chewing everywhere, the sound of belching when full, and the most common sound is the sound of gunfire and explosion that can almost break the eardrum .

These abandoned elite soldiers have long forgotten the ban on using hand grenades here . They try their best to prolong the last countdown of their lives . The fragments of hand grenade explosion are irregular . Those soldiers who have collapsed don"t know where to throw hand grenades . The explosive shock waves are not just puppet soldiers, There are also b.l.o.o.d.y soldiers and elite soldiers who fight to death .

In a chaotic battle, Zhang Xiaoqiang was in the blood, crossing countless or complete or incomplete corpses and heading for the gate . In this process, all the puppet soldiers attracted by him did not have a general . They were shot and slashed, leaving a road of death behind them . In the process of moving forward, he saved two elite soldiers by Yin chayang Cuo, The two Western soldiers looked at the eastern face under the transparent mask and were puzzled . Zhang Xiaoqiang carried a huge gun he had never seen before, wore armor they were not familiar with, and easily killed those puppet soldiers . They were surprised, but they were not stupid enough to question Zhang Xiaoqiang"s origin . Even if Zhang Xiaoqiang really didn"t know his origin, they would not care, This is a group of people who have been abandoned . It"s good to live . Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t kill the two antagonistic elites . With the great righteousness of killing zombies in front, we can put aside the human affairs . Of course, he won"t return the stolen things just because of the great righteousness . With Zhang Xiaoqiang, the two elites are just like buying accident insurance . They just need to follow him, Pull the trigger to find a direction to shoot the bullets out . One of them is also very considerate to replace the g36 full of ammunition clips to Zhang Xiaoqiang . He takes pains to do the logistics service, which makes Zhang Xiaoqiang very satisfied . In return, he saves the elite who are about to be swallowed in the distance .

The countdown of these people"s lives has been infinitely close to zero . The puppet soldiers with their sharp teeth are about to gnaw on their faces . Under the care of Zhang Xiaoqiang, they even break away from the embrace of death and rush to Zhang Xiaoqiang like rabbits, volunteering to follow them, waving flags and shouting, but their hearts are empty, Because Zhang Xiaoqiang seems to take them to poke the chrysanthemum of the ultimate monster .

Zombies don"t care about the puppet soldiers who were shot by Zhang Xiaoqiang behind them . Among the more than 500 puppet soldiers, more than 100 were killed by two G.o.ds, and nearly 100 died with 600 b.l.o.o.d.y soldiers . Those b.l.o.o.d.y soldiers didn"t have the fear of normal people, they just shot numbly . Many puppet soldiers threw them on the ground to bite and devour them, Those who were shot by these painless guys with pistols in their eyes . As for the rest, some of them didn"t care about other living people and were squatting on the corpses to eat . Therefore, Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t face many puppet soldiers .

The puppet soldiers who didn"t want to eat were eliminated . Basically, all the elite soldiers in this place were behind Zhang Xiaoqiang, and there were about sixty or seventy people . As for the remaining elite soldiers, they were madmen who couldn"t bear the pressure .

When they were less than 100 meters behind the zombie, Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly stopped and looked at the zombie who was trying to demolish and hit the door . I don"t know when, the body of the zombie seemed to grow up, almost eight or nine meters high, and the crocodile"s head became smoother, just like the iron door with a huge hammer, What"s more, there are dozens of umbilical cord like things in the disgusting lower body, sucking the blood and liquid on the ground like straws . The green mucus is like a tap that can"t stop . It keeps falling down and dyed green in the middle of the red . However, Zhang Xiaoqiang knows that this disgusting body fluid is the sharpest weapon for zombies, Zhang Xiaoqiang quietly waited for the zombie to break through the gate, while the soldiers behind him looked back anxiously . Behind them, the last resistance disappeared, and only more than 100 puppet soldiers fell on the corpse to bite and chew . The gate was like a girl"s last underwear torn by violence, and the long lost natural light penetrated through the gap that the zombie couldn"t cover .

Zombies go, so does Zhang Xiaoqiang, and the soldiers behind him . When they step out of the gate one after another, all the soldiers put ducks and run around in all directions, except that they didn"t rush to the battle of the zodiac . The two battlefields are in one battle, the battle between the two Zodiacs and the zombies, and the battle between the three Zodiacs with little Lori, In other words, in a scuffle without allies, little Lori was overpowering the three Zodiacs, and the three Zodiacs were still fighting each other, while the iron curtain and the night Zodiac were forced to rush to another battlefield by the Zombie"s powerful biochemical weapons .

Looking at the battlefield, Zhang Xiaoqiang was really surprised . He had rich experience in fighting and had seen all kinds of big scenes, but he had never seen such a level of fighting . So he couldn"t help taking out a small information collector or multi-function camera from his backpack to take a picture of the melee in front of him and formally gathered the five G.o.ds, The zombie also jumped over like a kangaroo . When the camera caught dozens of earthworm like expectations and the slippery mucus, Zhang Xiaoqiang just felt sick . At this time, he didn"t know how to intervene . Look at the roaring ice hockey salute and the hedgehog like stone forest, Zhang Xiaoqiang feels that his teeth are very sour . Of course, he doesn"t know that Hardman"s calmness is that he"s already scared to pee, scared to be silly, scared to be numb< br>