Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2294: 2294

Chapter 2294: 2294

"Move, move, the earthquake started . . . " Then someone yelled, and everyone stopped their task, straightened their backs and silently watched the changes on the sea . They saw that the red algae floating on the sea was alive and writhing, as if it had become a film covering the ground . Under it were countless rats that just wanted to get out . Blocks of burnt black or bright red red algae arched up, or hundreds of meters, Or tens of meters rise and fall, which makes people dizzy . It"s like the continuous bubbling of red algae . Large pieces of red algae surface are torn by huge force, and countless black dust continue to float into the sky . Then they are swept into the sea by the water like a fountain, and the huge black roots roll out of the water after tearing the red algae surface, In the collision with each other .

Every root is like a train of more than ten cars . Tens of millions of debris are broken by the collision, and the sea water is soon turbid into black . This is just the beginning . The intensity of the earthquake is gradually increasing due to the movement of the crust . The thickness of the crust under the ocean is only about one sixth of that of the land . Because of the growth of red algae, the root has hollowed out the seabed, With countless nutrients to provide the growth rate, every time the growth rate is doubled, it will need ten times the growth demand of ordinary plants . In the process of the rapid spread of red algae, the seabed is constantly hollowed out, which has reached the weakest point . If there is no kinetic energy shock bomb, there may be time to solve the earthquake that breaks out at any time, But the sudden earthquake did bring a devastating disaster to red algae .

The whole red algal surface was torn apart by the destructive force of the earthquake . The surging waves constantly washed the broken roots up into the sky . The red forest within hundreds of kilometers collapsed one after another . The huge lotus leaf that had been broken by the radiation wave in the distance was also broken because of the vibration below . It was like Pu Gongying floating away in the high wind, If the nuclear bomb explosion added a scorch mark to the red ocean, then the earthquake broke the whole ocean apart . Huge trenches crisscrossed the surface of the red algae, splitting into cobweb like fragments . The blue sea, which had not been seen for a long time, reappeared under the sky . Countless sea people sprang out of the turbulent sea, just like ants climbing on the surface of the red algae, And then the red giant trees were smashed into the sea and crushed into flesh mud . It was not clear that it was the fallen leaves of red algae, it was the bright red blood .

"Hahaha, my guess is correct . The root of the destruction of red algae is on the sea floor, and the source of its birth is also on the sea floor . As long as the root of red algae can be broken, the so-called destruction of the world is just a joke . Did Regel see it? To be a man and to do things, we have to look for the root cause . Red algae are just appearances . As long as we find a way, you can solve all problems . "

Clegg laughs and takes the opportunity to teach his son . At this moment, he needs more people to cheer for his achievements . Regel looks at Clegg"s laughing figure thoughtfully, but he keeps in mind every word he says . If you want to defeat the enemy, you must understand the enemy . Clegg is crafty and has innumerable cards, No one knows whether the last trump card is loyal to his throne or himself . If you want to kill him, you have to find his biggest weakness, which is the root . But what is his root?

"No . . . the sea people are flying . . . What is this? The aircraft of the sea people . . . "

When he saw the picture clearly, it showed that he was dull, and there was Regel standing behind him pondering . On the picture, countless giant lotus leaves were disconnected from the red algae at the same time, and countless mutant sea birds were flying by the lotus leaves . The smallest lotus leaf was thousands of square meters, and in a few months, At this time, there are countless sea tribes standing on the broken lotus leaf, including the higher kraya, the lower kraya, and the ordinary sea tribes . I don"t know what means they actually climbed on the lotus leaf . Besides the leaf, there are ants like sea tribes climbing on the broken stem, Each stem is more than 100 meters thick, and the mottled skin on it is the best place to settle down . There are countless sea people gathering in the clouds to climb up, among which there are also graceful figures such as kelaya .

The earthquake tore up the red algae and collapsed the foundation . Countless sea people climbed up the red algae from the churning sea floor . Less than one tenth of them could climb up the lotus leaf, and those who could climb up were not necessarily safe . There were too few places for roots, and there were too many sea people . In order to climb up, those kraya threw away the ordinary sea people who were in the way, Ordinary sea people have no power to fight back against kraya . They fall from the sky powerlessly . Under the thousands of floating lotus leaves, there are sea people falling like sesame dots .

The huge lotus leaves are spinning in the air, and there are countless mutant seabirds around the lotus leaves . The smallest of these seabirds are more than 10 meters in size, and there are kraya on the back of the bird . Miaoman"s body, naked and full of temptation, presents a different kind of wild temptation on the back of the bird, just like an elf flying into the sky, But the men in the command center don"t think this scene can be provocative . You can imagine that under the command of the Haizu, the big bird will attack the human beings, and the ground won"t come, let alone the sky?

"No, the suspended leaves in other places are also separated from the red algae, and there are also sea people on them . "

With a scream, Regel quickly rushed to the monitor screen in other regions . Hundreds of small screens were full of giant lotus leaves separated from the red algae . Compared with Hawaii"s giant red algae center, which was separated from the disaster, these lotus leaves were like a regular flying formation, heading for all the land in the world, although the speed was not very fast, However, the farthest team can reach the continental margin in less than a month, and the giant lotus leaves do not go to one place, but to each direction with one red alga"On the sea, on the sea too . . . " Some people screamed again . Kruger"s cheek turned red and looked as if he had been beaten in the face . After three or two times, he tuned out the surveillance pictures of other sea areas . On the sea, countless sea animals submerged the blue water . For the first time, these sea animals were completely exposed to human sight . They were like snakes, hundreds of meters long, and looked like stools . They could swim at a high speed for thousands of meters, There are also centipedes, which generally have layered armor and glide on the sea . As for the others, there are more . The surveillance images of each sea area are filled with all kinds of strange creatures, which make people dazzled . But there is one kind of creature that makes people clear at a glance, that is, there are more sea people, and these humanoid creatures occupy the sea animals, Let the sea animals carry them . What"s more surprising is that the red algae also moved . Long and thick roots rolled out of the sea and tied to tens of millions of large sea animals . Let the sea animals drag them forward . Each red algae is thousands of kilometers around, just like a floating land .

"War, this is war . . . " Regel said to himself, looking at hundreds of small screens, he could not help retreating . Each small screen was a red alga, and there were tens of millions of sea people and multiple sea animals in each red alga . If all these things came to land, I could not imagine that any people or forces could stop them, let alone that every sea people could be comparable to human evolutors, Every sea animal is ten times more than the human evolutor . Even the survivors of the whole world together, they can"t defeat so many sea people .

"Oh, my G.o.d, is this the real end?"

"Is it because of us, because we destroyed the red algae in Hawaii?"

"What is it? What"s there? How powerful command and regulation is needed to communicate with the red algae in the global region at the same time and make such a large-scale mobilization? Are they connected in the form of pyramids? "

"We must stop it . There are hundreds of billions of creatures in the ocean, which are countless times more than those on land . Once they are adapted to the land, there will be no place for human beings to live . In the future, if human beings want to survive, they will have to live in desert areas . The largest desert in the world is the Taklimakan Desert . Only there can we defeat these marine creatures with environment and climate . . . "

"It"s no use . Marine organisms are very adaptable . It"s a miracle in the history of evolution that they evolved to this level in four years . G.o.d knows how many miracles they haven"t shown yet? Maybe next year they will evolve into desert scorpions, but it will be human beings who will not adapt to it . Besides, without resources, factory equipment and infrastructure, human beings may not survive in the desert . "

"I think we can contact forces all over the world, or recover nuclear silos all over the world . The countries with the most nuclear bombs are the United States, Russia and China . Using nuclear bombs to create a radiation belt may stop the sea people . . . "

"It"s still useless . The previous nuclear explosion can"t even kill high-level mutated organisms . Maybe radiation can accelerate their change . I think it"s still going underground . Just like the adventures of the center of the earth, building cities in complex underground caves . . . "

The command center opened a pot, and the officers murmured . They were all elites after the end of the world . They didn"t panic like the survivors . First, they began to a.n.a.lyze the causes and find a solution to the problem . Kluger had already sat back in his position, put his hands on his lips, and stared at the screen, At this time, he has fallen into a state of high-speed brain operation, no one can affect him, so no one came forward to ask for trouble .

Regel stood aside with a gloomy face, looked at the sea beast army on the display screen, and then turned to look at Kluger . All kinds of thoughts flashed in his mind . He knew that soon, the sea beast would be close to the land, and at that time, human beings would face a more cruel disaster than zombies . At least zombies could not fly, and the number of mutant animals was more than zombies, and Zombies would die if they were hit on the head, Mutants are not rifles,

The purpose of his venture back to the new era is to find opportunities to revenge Kluger, but Kluger is the backbone of the new era . If European survivors want to survive, the stability of the new era is the most fundamental guarantee . If there is civil strife because of his personal enemies, how many people will die?

His mother was gentle and kind . She liked to help others when she was alive, and so was his education . She wanted to cultivate him into a just knight, but he became a schemer . Should she use countless people"s lives to build up her own plot? If my mother knew that she had killed hundreds of millions of innocent people because of her revenge, would she not recognize his son?

At this moment, Regel"s heart is tangled, countless thoughts flash in his heart, and the decision becomes extremely difficult at this moment .

"Regel, if you want to go back to Australia, do you dare to go?" Kluger"s slightly high words came to regor"s ears . When he heard that his name was called, regor suddenly woke up from the nightmare tangle, turned to Kluger, and instantly understood Kluger"s attention . He could not help but raised his lips and bowed his head and said, "of course, if I can escape, I can go back . . . "< br>