Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2295: 2295

Chapter 2295: 2295

The Hai people show their claws and fangs to the world, but most of them don"t know what they are going to face . They still hide in a small and cold shelter, racking their brains for the next meal of food, and calculating the same kind or zombie . As long as they can survive, even the pure girl will turn into a banshee, and the young children will cut off the artery with rusty and sharp iron to suck blood when others are asleep, Even the seemingly dying vagrants will look for any chance to sneak attack on the women and children they see . As long as they can succeed, they will first vent their desire, and then carefully dismember the women who were struggling under them before, so that they can live longer . The survivors who have no big power will always have only one goal, Live, live .

Human beings are always a contradictory race . The ugliest thing is human nature, and the best thing is human nature . To live in the end, whether it is ugly or kind, the first thing we need is strength . Strength can maintain and destroy order, for food, for wealth, for territory or for interests . In the end of order collapse, human beings want all this, They have to show their strength to their peers . The strength can be muscles, swords or machine guns . But in the Great Lakes region of America, the strength of both sides is war .

The blue sky is filled with gunpowder smoke and dyed gray . Helicopters and drones are flying through the air . Rockets and air combat missiles are like swimming fish, shooting out long flames to pursue the target . A group of flames wrapped in black smoke are burning in the air, just like rock pouring out in the air . Countless light spots scatter in the gunpowder smoke, The delta wing small UAV, which was born in the new era, has a fierce battle with the U . S . big triangle predator x47b in the sky . The number of delta wings is ten times that of predators . But here, they are the defensive side, while those tailless predators are the offensive side . I don"t know what means the Americans used . All the air-to-air missiles can"t lock down predators, They can only rely on machine gun bullets to stop, but the predators do not have the ability to fight against the air . Every time they arrive at the predetermined position, they will open the cabin and drop a 2000 pound JDAM air to ground missile . These missiles shuttle freely in the air, dodge all kinds of interceptions and go to the YONGGU fortification hidden below, as long as they are not blasted by the laser defense system below, Will destroy a fierce fire fortress .

On the US side, it"s not just Predator drones as a means of attack . Global Hawks and sentinels cover predators and shoot down delta wings with missiles . However, more delta wings rush up and fight without hesitation . The loss of Americans is not small . If two delta wings are shot down, one global hawk or sentinel will crash . Compared with the delta wings, they are cheap, The United States suffers losses, but at the end of the century when there is no need to calculate labor costs, no one can tell who will suffer losses . They can only fight for the consumption of both sides, and those who can"t afford it will fail .

The battle in the sky is fierce and complicated, with UAVs crashing and new UAVs joining every moment . However, the smoke in the sky is not the residual smoke of UAV explosion, and the earth under the sky is the home of the battle .

Countless fire tongues shuttle on the ground of tens of square kilometers, one by one burst of fire in the positions of both sides, the flames burn into a sea of fire, and the rolling black smoke rises . One by one, the light and rain like rockets cross the short s.p.a.ce and fall to the end, destroying everything in a radius of several kilometers, exploding the huge wall brick like dust, in the most intense line of fire, The attackers, wearing silver armor and carrying all kinds of weapons, charged to the most solid blockhouse in Genesis . From time to time, the cannonball whistling across the sky sounded like death . Hundreds of meters of fire was wrapped in thick smoke to form a mushroom like black cloud . The broken gun parts and human fragments rained down like stones and soil,

The soldiers of Genesis launched the most fierce counterattack, All kinds of weapons launch ammunition as much as possible, but regardless of the loss of weapons, they always maintain the highest firing speed . In addition to body fragments and weapon parts, thick bra.s.s cartridge cases almost cover the ground on the scorched ground . At every point of machine gun fire, the gun flame several meters long lights up the dark s.p.a.ce like a pillar of light, and also shows the madness of the greasy face of the machine gun man .

In addition to elite legions, the soldiers of Genesis are also mixed with a large number of armed men in U . S . military uniform . These men are holding M4A1 and other U . S . standard weapons to resist the counterattack from the United States with the soldiers of Genesis . However, most of the attackers of the U . S . Army are wearing silver armor and carrying all kinds of heavy modified guns, just like soldiers of the future, If we put it in the past, we thought it was shooting alien invasion of the United States .

The number of resistance troops was no less than 10000, while the number of attackers was less than 2000 . Even so, the front of Genesis began to collapse . The attackers all had speed and strength beyond the imagination of ordinary people, and their guns were not suppressed by ordinary soldiers . Each bullet of large caliber barrage rifles could pierce the big hole of concrete mixing works, There is also the red light chain like a red snake . It"s a disaster to beat the infantry positions . However, genesis"s counterattack firepower is dispensable when it comes to silver armor . Even if it gets dozens or hundreds of bullets, it"s not necessary . Many attackers" silver armor is broken, but they are still infinitely close to the positions .

All of a sudden, the three silver armour armed men were ambushed when they crossed the attack . At the moment when they crossed, an electric control mine that had already been buried suddenly exploded under their feet . The one who planted the mine was a veteran who was proficient in battlefield psychology . He buried the mine at the dead point of cross fire, so that the three silver armour armed men who could not be killed by any means flew into the sky, In the fierce gunfire, faint cheers rang out from the position . Even a small victory was worth cheering for the soldiers . At the next moment, three armed men with silver armour fell to the ground one after another and were submerged by a barrage of grenades . The smoke from the continuous explosion of grenades shrouded them like a cloud, Even the evolutionists could not survive at this level . However, without waiting for the smoke to disperse, three half human and half animal monsters broke through the smoke and rushed frantically to the position like a torrent of fire . The muscles of the three men all curled up . The ragged silver armour had already been broken by the burst muscles . Each of them grew one-third out of thin air . Originally, they all had a minimum of 180 cm, but now, the shortest one was 2 . 7 meters . When they bent down and ran, their limbs were generally slender, like a flexible cheetah without the shackles of silver armour, They move faster, and their faces no longer look like human beings, fierce and terrible, grinning like beasts .

Three different people rushed into the defense line of Genesis in a blink of an eye, and a b.l.o.o.d.y storm broke out in an instant . Then, the whole defense line was broken through, and more and more half men and half animals got rid of the shackles, and frantically killed the elite soldiers who resisted to the last moment . The whole defense line collapsed, and a fully armed human continued to fall under the sharp claws, A heavy machine gun was broken into pieces, and there were blood springs and helmeted heads .

When these half human and half animal monsters broke through the defense line, in the large armored command vehicle farther away, young fland looked at the soldiers of the new era who had lost their armor and armor, smiling . The cruel killing on the battlefield made his smile a little more excited . On the large light screen beside him, thousands of light spots kept moving forward, and there were always several at each time, Or more than a dozen light spots disappear on the light screen . Obviously, those ferocious beasts are not invincible .

He is not the only one on the command car . More than ten staff members are busy driving all kinds of equipment and giving instructions to the battlefield . It"s just a blink of an eye from receiving to sending messages . The chaotic information makes dozens of displays colorful . All kinds of pictures and words flash by like brushing the screen, making it full of tension and busyness, Even more beautiful than a woman, Flander scanned the people around him with his narrow eyes . Seeing them excited, he nodded to himself . The counterattack was directed in his name . If he could take this opportunity to defeat the new era completely, he would have absolute reputation and countless supporters, so as to reach the highest point he had always dreamed of .

"Dr . Flander, you need to inject recovery medicine . Please sit down and cooperate . " The pretty female military doctor walked up to frande with a reddish cheek and asked softly . Her blue and gray eyes were sparkling and her freckled nose was breathing deeply . It seemed that she was going to suck frande"s smell into her lungs and never come out again . Seeing the sentimental appearance of the barracks, frande frowned, nodded and sat down on the seat, The military doctor brushed up his sleeve smartly, put a needle free syringe gently on his arm, and the medicine was injected into his vein . Then a warm little hand gently ma.s.saged his arm . Flander didn"t pay attention to his body, just watched countless light spots continuously push forward, push forward, and push forward again, although it was nearly 100 kilometers away from the absolute defense core of the new era, But he believes that the final victory must be his own .

"Yesterday, I chatted with Dole Willis of the logistics department and heard that the interim president asked the chief of the logistics department to be ready to leave . Is the war coming to an end?" The female military camp gently clasped the skin on frand"s arm with her fingernails to make him feel crisp and numb . While flattering her, she told her the gossip . When she heard the words of the female military doctor, frand gave a sneer, waved off the doctor"s finger and said coldly, "you go out, don"t ask me what you shouldn"t ask, don"t give me any advice, what you should be given is indispensable, Don"t ask for what you shouldn"t give . Do your duty well . "

After hearing this, the female military doctor"s face was gloomy . She knew that Flander didn"t look up to herself and didn"t speak any more . She picked up all kinds of equipment and turned to get out of the car . However, Flander thought of the differences between the high-level because of the female military doctor"s topic . She could not help but secretly gnash her teeth . All the soldiers in this attack were the beast soldiers in his top secret laboratory . After four years, It took countless human and material resources, as well as the lives of 100000 thugs, and finally came to fruition . The combat effectiveness of each beast warrior is equivalent to three evolutors, and 2000 beast soldiers are equivalent to 6000 evolutors . This is only part of it . In the underground base, there are more than 5000 beast soldiers who are finally modulated, This power is what Flanders created to stand on< br>