Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2319: 2319

Chapter 2319: 2319

A comprehensive strategic fortress group has been built on Shazhou island . Between the multi edged fortresses that stand tens of meters, there are dense trenches and triangular steel spikes . Each steel spike is equipped with a capsule shaped poison bag . This kind of poison bag will crack when needed, and evenly smear the highly toxic substances on the steel spikes, so as to maintain the highest killing ability, Every steel thorn is bigger than an adult . Countless steel thorns are dense and deep like a jungle .

Most of the fortresses are wrapped by dense steel spines, but they are not isolated . Bridges with suspended structures connect these fortresses . Once there are police, they will get support from all sides . Compared with the shocking steel spikes, multi-faceted bastions are silent killers . Each bastion has a quadruple 15 . 4mm antiaircraft machine gun, An anti-aircraft machine gun can easily block the area within a few hundred meters . The rifling cured by Pearl tear coating will reduce the wear and high temperature to the minimum . As long as the bullets are enough, every anti-aircraft machine gun is an immortal fire dragon . There are not many such fire dragons according to the depth of the sandbank island .

In addition to the quadruple anti-aircraft machine gun at the top of the fort, there is a 12 . 7mm heavy machine gun, a recoilless gun and two rocket launchers at each firing opening of the multi sided fortress . According to the height, there is a firing opening every three meters . Each side of the fortress has six firing openings, and the six edges add up to 36, Once it happens, it"s a ghost that will kill people .

Fortresses are not the main force to defend Shazhou island . In the latter half of Shazhou Island, big guns are in full readiness, boxes of sh.e.l.ls acc.u.mulate into mountains, and there are countless connected small bunkers . All of these bunkers are stationed with the most powerful evolutioners . Once a mutant beast comes near, it will be a head blow .

Shazhou island is located on the edge of Zhenjiang river . It used to be the place where zombies crossed the river . Now zombies have already disappeared . Zombies of type Z have been killed and high-level zombies have been collected . The rest of zombies are scattered on the surface of tens of thousands of square kilometers, which can not form the endless sea of zombies . The defense system of Shazhou island is not independent, On the banks of the river on both sides of Shazhou Island, there are newly built battery . On these crude battery, there are all the cannons that can be found in Hubei . Whether they are self-propelled guns in the active army or towed guns that are sealed up for reserve service, they can be seen . Hundreds of guns and machine gun rockets build a three-dimensional defense .

These defenses are not as good as the monsters that are nearly 300 meters long in the river . This is the same as Jiaolong . It"s a terrifying mutant beast with a terrifying and depressing atmosphere . People familiar with it can no longer see what the big water snake looks like? Apart from having no four feet and no long beard, it"s all the one Horned Dragon in ancient portraits . The half moon curved sword like one Horned Dragon is full of evil spirit . Its metallic scales are shining with a dark silver l.u.s.ter . The snake scales the size of a bowl are stacked in layers, as if emitting a slight chill . Even in early spring, ordinary people can"t stay around the water snake, even in down clothes, It won"t be long before it"s freezing all over .

At this moment, the water snake is sitting in the open s.p.a.ce at the front end of Shazhou Island, breathing white fog in front of the sun hidden behind the clouds . The white fog goes in and out of the water snake"s mouth, just like an old smoker swallowing clouds and puffing fog . This layer of white fog has great power . A little touch of the rolling river water will condense the river water into ice crystal fragments, and the river water will surge, These fragments were drawn into the bottom of the river, and turned up again tens of meters away . Looking around, a long endless band of ice crystals floated in the middle of the river, but the river water could not melt this ice crystal .

Water snakes occupy thousands of square meters of open s.p.a.ce . The white frost colors the earth with orchid color, which is as gorgeous as a crystal country . Among the numerous multi ribbed crystals like ice arrowheads, countless huge bones and leathers are scattered . Most of them are the remains of mutant animals, and there are also white bones of high-level zombies . For a long time, the water snakes stopped breathing clouds, Wriggling his huge body into the water .

After the water snake entered the water, one after another, some evolutioners in thick cold suits came to collect the bones and leather frozen on the ground with big shovels and steel chisels and transported them to the rear . The most important colloids were placed in the metal incubator for the first time . After they cleared all the debris, the river suddenly surged violently, Countless ten meter long heteros.e.xual mutants turn up from the river and are engulfed by huge suction .

A quarter of an hour later, the water snake bit a three-level mutant beast that was more than 100 meters long and came to the surface . What it bit was a huge jellyfish . The translucent blue jellyfish had hundreds of tentacles . After being bitten by the sea snake, hundreds of tentacles were whipped on the scale of the water snake like a whip, and each tentacle sounded like a firecracker, It makes a clear and resonant sound, but the scale of the water snake doesn"t move . It just bites the jellyfish"s head and tugs hard . Soon, the jellyfish, which is as tight as a rubber band, loses its strength and is as soft as a pile of snot .

The snotty body of a jellyfish is not suitable for the taste of a water snake . After biting the jellyfish, the water snake just ate a few crystal nuclei of the jellyfish and then went back into the river again, causing a storm in the river . At this time, the later evolutioners swarmed in and waved their beak tips to dismember the jellyfish . However, the transparent skin of the jellyfish was extremely tough, More than 100 people tried their best to break through, but they could only drag their tentacles backward like ants moving . At this time, countless black dots suddenly appeared on the river . Each dot was a meter long flat aquatic beetle, just like a lice . When we saw those lice like creatures, the evolutionists were shocked and yelled: "the sea lice is coming, the sea lice is coming, run . . . "

As soon as the words were heard, the roar of cannons came from the distance . One by one, the shrill sh.e.l.ls rained down on the surface of the water, blowing up a water column tens of meters high . Countless sea lice rolled and scattered in the water column . The impact of the explosion caused the water to roll violently . The surging water waves surged under the water waves, and one sea lice shot at the sandbank island like a javelin, The dark clouds were pressing against the hasty evolutionists . Just when they were in panic and despair, the huge Unicorn snake suddenly came out of the water and spewed out a mouthful of ice mist into the air . The white mist submerged the black clouds, and then saw a sea lice carved like crystal falling to the ground one after another .

A small number of sea lice escaped the ice and fell among the evolutioners . Before they moved, they were smashed into meat cakes by all means . After they retreated into the nearest fortress, they did not break free from the previous fear . The evolutioners on Shazhou Island were the ones who suffered the most casualties in the whole Chinese Renaissance, and they were also the ones who were treated second only to tuanlongwei, They can enjoy the best protective clothing and weapons made of mutated animal materials when killing mutated animals here, but they also face the danger of dying at any time . Large mutated animals include water snakes and anti-aircraft machine guns, so there is no danger for the time being . On the contrary, small mutated animals, which are more than one meter long and extremely fast, are the most lethal, even if their rank is not high, But it"s not something ordinary evolutionists can handle .

As soon as they entered the redoubt, countless sea lice emerged one after another . In the water, the ice mist of the water snake could not achieve miraculous effect, let alone other mutant animals under the water . The sea lice landed like countless hopping locusts scurrying to the depths of the sandbank island . Each sea lice could roll up its shadow, but its speed was faster than that of the agile evolution .

Countless fireb.a.l.l.s burst in the middle of the sea lice, and more than a dozen castles spewed out hundreds of tongues of fire . The streamer of starry rain chiseled out countless earth pillars on the ground . Every minute and every second, hundreds of sea lice were punctured . Being punctured is not equal to being killed . As long as these sea lice with extremely long vitality are not dead, they will advance to the depth, Soon they came into contact with numerous steel spiked trenches . Most of the sea lice swarmed into the trenches, and the rest of them shuttled between the steel spikes . Once these fast little things were caught by the steel spikes, they would be penetrated . After a short time, thousands of sea lice were hanging on the steel spikes .

All of a sudden, the large capsules hanging on the steel thorns burst together . The blue dust has a charming beauty, covering large areas of sea lice . All the covered sea lice have no chance to rush out of the dust fog, and most of the remaining sea lice are also blocked out of the dust fog . At this time, tens of millions of water lines and silver wires appear among the sea lice to blow away the dust blocking the road, Soon thousands of sea lice came close to the edge of the castle . At this time, thousands of arc-shaped lightning flashes on the steel spines, just like countless electric snakes dancing wildly . All the sea lice involved by electric snakes turn into c.o.ke and scatter in the cracks of the steel spines . All the steel spines are coated with Pearl tears to avoid melting due to high temperature . The sun bamboo also provides electricity to make the steel spines solid, Soon, the sea lice on the sh.o.r.e were strangled, leaving less than hundreds of sea lice still hopping . This is the time for evolution .

At first, a male evolutionist in a major"s uniform with medium and long hair rushed into the sea lice . Before the sea lice rushed towards him, he saw countless metal warheads flying around him . Each of these warheads could shoot 100 meters without losing its strength . The sea lice, which could not be penetrated by bullets, burst their heads one after another and blinked, Hundreds of sea lice were strangled by him alone, and a beautiful woman wrapped in leather armor behind him yelled: "Ai Qingshan, you are like this again, don"t you have any team spirit?"

This woman is AI Xueqi . At the age of 19, AI Xueqi has grown into a big girl . Her beautiful face has faded away, and she looks very young and gorgeous . There are lots of metal gossamers around her, which shows that she also has the ability of an evolutionist . But she still likes to have a hard time with AI Qingshan . AI Qingshan doesn"t seem to hear AI Xueqi"s complaints, He said to the evolutioners behind him, "send them to the back . The big ones will be steamed and drunk, the small ones will be turned in, and the small ones will be canned and sold to the black market for money . "

After that, he said to AI Xueqi seriously, "it"s not me who said that your skills are not good enough . You can"t even pierce those thin wires . You still want to kill sea animals . . . "

"Ai Qingshan, you die . Do you talk to your sister like this . . . " AI Qingshan"s words make all male evolutioners frown, but AI Xueqi is so shy that she is just like a cat eating chili . The steel wires around her are like numerous stabbing swords . AI Qingshan, who is already a top evolutioner, is not afraid . The bullet around her body seals every steel wire, and countless sparks appear between them, From time to time, a deformed steel wire fell to the ground, AI Qingshan still said: "heaven and earth conscience, I always treat you as my brother, it seems that only Xuexue is my gentle sister . . . ""Captain, look, the frigate is coming . . . Is it coming to pick up Xuefeng? Can we go back and have a rest? "

An evolutionist suddenly points to the sky and shouts, which arouses people"s attention . Everyone is in high spirits . They resist the sea people all day and night . By the way, their real task is to supervise Xuefeng . After all, they are all real evolutionists . They are not promoted by accident like Jianzhan . They can leave the island and go to the big city, They had been looking forward to it for a long time, but AI Qingshan looked at the frigate with little interest and said, "that"s no good . I owe Xueqi one million yuan to buy evolutionary matrix, 1 . 8 million yuan to buy Xianwu silver tea for her and Xuexue, 700000 yuan to buy level 5 mutant animal meat, and two million yuan to buy Xuexue and Xueqi"s skin armor . I owe five million and five million yuan for two girls, And their dowries, pocket money, milk powder money for raising children . . . Oh, my G.o.d, why do I have two sisters . . . "

"Bah . . . What do you say? I won"t marry . I don"t want you to save any dowry, milk powder money or pocket money . . . " AI Xueqi is blushed by AI Qingshan"s almost numb self talk, but her eyes are staring at the evolutor who cleans up the sea lice . These are all the things AI Qingshan is going to exchange for f.u.xing coin . You should keep an eye on them . If you can"t pay back the money earlier, AI Qingshan will still rush to the front . In case of an accident, how can she and AI Xuexue survive< br>