Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2320: 2320

Chapter 2320: 2320

There was no expected urgency or fierce battle . Before, the offensive and defensive battles on Shazhou Island were just daily activities . They would come every three or two days . This time it was sea lice . Next time it might be sea worm or sea saint . Zhang Xiaoqiang and Zhuo Mingyue Yang Ke"er stood on Shazhou island safely . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s ident.i.ty needed to be met by the highest garrison officer, One of them, Zhang Xiaoqiang, has some impressions . It"s Li Zhi, who has been a deputy division commander . If Zhang Xiaoqiang is not recruited into the guard, he will be a bully and an ordinary person . He will either be swept away by others or die of various crises . However, in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s team, he will be in the eyes of the upper cla.s.s with only a moment"s blood, Yin and Yang became one of the top management .

Li Zhi is surrounded by his division commander Ye Gushan, whose team is regarded as a second-line force in Hubei, and ye Gushan and Zhang Xiaoqiang are not too familiar with each other . After meeting Li Zhi, he left him to explain the details of Shazhou Island, and ye Gushan went back to his office to design the defense system that Shazhou island will strengthen .

Li Zhi has been a deputy teacher for quite a long time . The major general Venus on his shoulder is no longer shining . With more years of precipitation, he has already had the momentum and solemnity of a superior . However, when he saw Zhang Xiaoqiang, he seemed to be a worthless little punk a few years ago . He was flattering than the traitor translators in TV dramas,

Although Zhang Xiaoqiang has a mean face, he is not angry . He is most nostalgic for the past and protects his short comings . On that day, he vowed that Li Zhi was the second one to stand up and boost his morale . Zhang Xiaoqiang has regarded him as an absolute person in his heart . Although he is not good in character, he still has a sense of righteousness . Even if he is just a gangster, Li Zhi is very good at greeting people, Not only Zhang Xiaoqiang is well received, but also Yang Ke"er and Zhuo Mingyue are happy . Several beautiful and whitening gifts are given to Zhuo Mingyue . Even Zhuo Mingyue is secretly happy . As for Miaomiao and Feifei, they send all kinds of delicious food with unique flavor . The delicious seafood with attractive color and delicious smell has stirred up the clamor of greedy insects far away .

Sitting on the reception table, Li Zhi held his wine gla.s.s and said in a loud voice: "I"m promoted by brother c.o.c.kroach . Today, Li Zhi says that heroes emerge in troubled times, but I know what I am . If I hadn"t met brother c.o.c.kroach, I might have died in that ditch . Don"t say, my life is yours . Even if you let me die, I"ll admit it, At least I haven"t lived in vain in my life . . . "

Li Zhi"s words are generous and pa.s.sionate . Looking at Li Zhi who is red faced and eager to take out his heart, Zhang Xiaoqiang smiles . Naturally, he will not take these words seriously . Li Zhi has long known who he is . He likes to take advantage of small things, is greedy when he has a chance, and is afraid of death when he is born . His only advantage is loyalty .

"Well, it"s very good . You know that you are different from before . However, according to your level, you should not eat less high-level mutant animal meat, and there are all kinds of fruits and vegetables and Xianwu silver tea to improve human quality . Why don"t you become an evolutor?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang jokingly asked about Li Zhi . Before, he saw that most of the officers he met had become evolutionists except Li Zhi . Even ye Gushan, who was nearly middle-aged, was like this . Li Zhi alone was an ordinary man . Besides his strong body and red face, he was not even strong .

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, if someone asks me, I will say that every evolutionary matrix is precious and should be left for the soldiers on the battlefield just in case . But if you ask me, I will tell you the truth . Choosing an evolutionary matrix is like going through the gate of h.e.l.l . Even if the success rate is 99%, it"s not safe . I finally get to my present position and naturally want to do a good job, As for the appellation Evolver, I"d better wait until I"m 50 years old . "

Li Zhi is a real villain . He tells Zhang Xiaoqiang that he is greedy for life and afraid of death . He knows that Zhang Xiaoqiang is no less than an evolutionist who can go to the battlefield . Zhang Xiaoqiang reaches out his chopsticks and gives Yang Ke"er Zhuo Mingyue a piece of bright red sea fish sashimi, which attracts their eyes . He eats a piece of delicious shrimp and takes a drink to kill it, Li Zhi, who tells the truth, can"t help but feel uneasy . He doesn"t know what Zhang Xiaoqiang thinks about his fear of death plot .

"What if I had to make you an evolutor?" Zhang Xiaoqiang put down his gla.s.s and said, "Lizhi"s face is very white and his whole body is shaking . His chopsticks are also shaking . It took him a long time to squeeze out a few words from his teeth:" I"ll go right away . . . "

"Ha ha ha . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang burst out laughing, slapped Li Zhi on the shoulder, shook his head and said: "I know that you are afraid of death, but also know that you are corrupt . . . "

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, I"m wrong . I shouldn"t embezzle . I shouldn"t suppress those officers who speak ill of me, and I shouldn"t be behind . . . " This time, Li Zhi was desperate . He thought that Zhang Xiaoqiang had come because of his own accident . For a moment, the whole person collapsed . If Zhang Xiaoqiang hadn"t been here, maybe he would have slipped under the table .

"Hum . . . I know what you think . Do you think that if you are less greedy, no one will find out? Don"t you know that there"s an evolutionist called a mind reader? If you have any ideas, they will know . . . "

I didn"t want to talk about this problem, but Li Zhi scared himself to death . It"s good to take this opportunity to beat him . When Li Zhi heard the reader, he suddenly looked like he was, and he quickly pulled his throat and cried, "but I"ve been loyal to you . . . ""If it weren"t for your loyalty, you would have lived to this day?" Another big drink made Li Zhi sweat . This big drink calmed his heart of despair . Zhang Xiaoqiang can say this, which means that his life can at least be saved . As long as he doesn"t have to die, everything is not a problem . Even if he is removed from his post, the materials acc.u.mulated for so many years are enough for him to live the rest of his life, even his children and grandchildren can take care of him .

"I don"t care about the past . You have to take out all the money in the past two years and double the compensation . If you can"t do it, wipe your own neck . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang"s words made Li Zhiru stand up and bow to Zhang Xiaoqiang excitedly . It"s a matter of taking things lightly, not to mention double compensation, even if he is willing to pay double compensation . Unexpectedly, this is just the beginning .

"In addition, you"ve been with me for so many years . Although you"ve done some s.h.i.t, you"re still safe . It"s hard to say that you won"t become an evolutor . Here are three blood species . Take them and eat them . There"s no one percent risk . . . "

After Li Zhi was taught a lesson, Zhang Xiaoqiang put a small test tube on the table . Three scarlet blood seeds were shining in the light . Li Zhi had heard about the effect of this thing for a long time, but he didn"t see the real object . He immediately grasped it in his hand and was moved to cry .

"Go out . It"s disgusting to look at you . If you have any good things, it"s not easy for me to come here once . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang added a scallop and put it on the plate in front of him again . Without raising his head, he said that Li Zhi was in a trance . When he heard Zhang Xiaoqiang"s words, he just got up subconsciously and walked out as if in a sleepwalk . After Zhang Xiaoqiang finished eating the delicious scallops, he heard a howl of surprise from outside .

"Why not kill him?" Zhuo Mingyue is not used to this kind of villain . Now that he has the evidence of Lizhi"s crime, why should he leave this disaster behind?

"The world can"t tell who is right and who is wrong . Li Zhi just wants to live a better life . Besides, not everyone can be self-conscious . Do you believe that people like Li Zhi hated corrupt officials most in the past, because they didn"t have the ability to be officials, so they were jealous . But if they really became officials, they would do corrupt things again, Because they finally have the opportunity, in China, these things are unavoidable, even if Zhang Huai"an and w.a.n.g Le are not taking advantage of the opportunity? In fact, it is very easy to put an end to corruption, that is, to give them more benefits, so that they can not bear the risk of corruption . The key is that no one will lose ten yuan of income for one yuan of corruption . The key is interests . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn"t help but sigh to Zhuo Mingyue that his hands are full of people, fish and dragons . In the past, he hated corruption most . But when he became the leader of a power, he knew that this is the world . It was more difficult to change the tradition than to fight with hundreds of millions of zombies . So at some times, he could only turn a blind eye, He needs all kinds of people to fight together, as long as he doesn"t violate his bottom line, even villains .

"Oh, hey, isn"t this brother c.o.c.kroach? I haven"t seen him for a long time . I heard that brother c.o.c.kroach got married . Ah, I"m busy paying my debts and I didn"t drink brother c.o.c.kroach"s wedding wine . It"s a pity . Don"t blame me . . . " AI Qingshan, who was wearing major"s uniform, came in from outside . As soon as he came in, he was blinded by the beauty of Zhuo Mingyue . He immediately forgot the words behind . He looked at Zhuo Mingyue and drooled .

Without waiting for Zhang Xiaoqiang to frown and prepare to teach him a lesson, a delicate little foot kicked AI Qingshan"s a.s.s and kicked him to the ground . Then AI Xueqi came in with a red face and said h.e.l.lo to Zhang Xiaoqiang as if she were a lady of a big family: "c.o.c.kroach brother, it"s really not nice . My brother"s head is pinched by the door . Some idiots, you see, I"m also an evolutionist now . Can I go to Xuexue . . . "

"Xuexue is popular on the transport ship . What are you doing? Who will take care of my account when you leave? Those d.a.m.ned guys are all staring at my purse . If they don"t pay attention to it, five million yuan in arrears, five million yuan in arrears, when do I have to pay it back . . . "

AI Qingshan covers his b.u.t.tocks and pours bitter water on Zhang Xiaoqiang . Although he is talking about AI Xueqi, his eyes are fixed on Zhang Xiaoqiang, hoping that Zhang Xiaoqiang"s five million yuan debt will be written off once he touches his lips .

Zhang Xiaoqiang looks at Ai Qingshan and sighs a long time . When he meets such a pair of living treasures, he has nothing to say . Yang Ke"er says that there are benefits to take, but he hasn"t seen them yet . I don"t know if Yang Ke"er"s ability has degenerated?

"Ah, it"s finally here . I said, how could there be a problem . . . " Yang Ke"er suddenly cheered . AI Qingshan asked, "what"s here?", As soon as the voice fell, the ground suddenly trembled, and all the dishes and wine cups and bowls on the table rolled down to the ground . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s face changed in trembling . He looked at Yang Ke"er in surprise and asked, "what is it?"

Yang Ke"er is holding meow to fix his figure . The ground is shaking more and more severely . When he hears the inquiry, he says in a loud voice: "I don"t know . It"s like a big monster . If you kill a big monster, there will be something good . . . "< br>