Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2321: 2321

Chapter 2321: 2321

"I wipe, what good is this . . . , you killed me . . . , Feifei, go and see what it is . . . " When Zhang Xiaoqiang heard this, he was worried that it was not the ordinary mutant animals that could cause this kind of movement . The level 4 mutant animals could never shake the foundation of the whole Shazhou island . Even the level 5 mutant animals could not cause such a big shock, which made Zhang Xiaoqiang think of j.a.pan that day . Before j.a.pan sank, was it an earthquake and volcano that broke out together?

Zhang Xiaoqiang had just finished giving an account of Feifei . The whole house collapsed with a crash . Zhang Xiaoqiang went outside with a flower in front of his eyes . When he looked down, he almost laughed . Xiaofeifei was holding his legs to prop him up, just like a little ant fighting against a big tree . Then the collapsed roof was lifted up into a big hole, and there were pieces of steel pipe and oilcloth, Zhuo Mingyue rushes out with meow Yang Ke"er .

There were shouts everywhere . The chaotic evolutionists ran back and forth, and rescued the people from the collapsed room with the fastest speed . A number of mourners" helicopters rose to the sky on the shaking ground . Many stacked oil barrels fell on the ground and rolled . The open oil barrels spilled golden red algae and purified fuel . Many people roared in panic, At the end of the fuel flow is the material pile of accidental fire . There are dozens of armored vehicles and tanks near the material pile . If it causes a bigger fire, the consequences will be unimaginable .

As the earthquake continued, a large number of temporary buildings continued to collapse . There was more than one place where the fire broke out, and black smoke rose one after another everywhere . On the artillery position, in the exclamation of the soldiers, a cannon fell to the ground one after another, and the stacked sh.e.l.l boxes also fell and rolled . Fortunately, there was no fuse installed, or it would be another disaster .

"Mingyue, go to put out the fire quickly . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang quickly scanned the surrounding environment to find out the most important thing to solve . Among them, only Zhuo Mingyue was able to put out the fire . At this time, countless slender silk threads crushed the collapsed roof . AI Xueqi got out of it and pulled AI Qingshan out . AI Qingshan"s ability didn"t play a big role in this situation, On the contrary, AI Xueqi, who has not enough lethality, is able to do it well, but his reaction ability is much faster than that of AI Xueqi . Even if he still has one foot in AI Xueqi"s hand, before he gets up, he sees the fuel that is about to be ignited and shouts: "dear, put out the fire quickly . . . "

AI Qingshan"s dear is a 15-year-old girl . She looks ordinary and has a rigid expression . She has been watching coldly in the earthquake . After hearing AI Qingshan"s call, she can"t see how she moves . All the flames within a kilometer circle float up to the sky at the same time and join together to form a fire dragon and fly to her little hand, Zhang Xiaoqiang was surprised by this little girl"s method . He had never seen an evolutor with the ability of more than 300 meters . Even tier, who got the one horned crown that day, was not good at it . However, this little girl could control the fire within 1000 meters, which was better than most of the zodiacs .

Just as the fire crisis was solved, a loud wail sounded like thunder on the sandbank island . Tens of thousands of soldiers on the sandbank Island rolled down to the ground with their heads together with the evolutioners, wailing . Even the helicopter in the air was wobbling and unstable . Then, the huge black shadow crossed the sandbank Island and looked up, The twisting body of the water snake flies across the sandbank island . For a moment, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s chin falls off, and the hundreds of meters big water snake is like a small loach thrown out, which really frightens him .

Huge waves burst out in the middle of the river, and hundreds of meters of water waves surged into the sky . The scattered water splashed across several kilometers and fell on the sandbank island on both sides of the river . It was like a torrential rain . The surging water waves rolled up to the sandbank island with a strong momentum . Although they gradually decreased, the rising waves were still 20 meters or 30 meters, just like a tsunami . If they landed on the beach, they would be more than 20 meters, I"m afraid that thousands of people and goods piled up on the island will be swept away .

Countless evolutionists are howling and running to the nearest fortress and blockhouse . Ordinary soldiers can only grab some wood or boxes nearby, hoping to save their lives . Most of them are scared by the river in despair .

"Ha . . . " With a soft drink, Zhuo Mingyue, like a meteor, b.u.mps into the incoming water . In the mid air, the air is distorted as if it were burned by the fire . The invisible wave turns into a position that can be seen . The area of a hundred meters is scattered, like a shield b.u.mping into the incoming water wave . The second time, the water wave blows higher, but it is no longer as thick as before, Scattered and fragmented, Zhuo Mingyue spat out a mouthful of blood in the air, doubling the speed and flying backwards .

Even so, the water still has an amazing momentum to rush towards the sandbank island . At this time, no one can stop it . A dazzling laser shot down from the sky, like a sharp blade cutting across the number . Countless water droplets were evaporated in an instant, and the hot steam rose to the sky, but the surging water waves still roared down like thunder .

Just when everyone looked different and panicked, the water vapor turned into a cold current . Layers of steam condensed into sand in the air, forming fine hailstones and pouring down . The white steam disappeared . The water wave more than ten meters high was like an iceberg standing on the edge of the sandbank Island, and layers of cold air spread gently on the iceberg, The huge head of the water snake rises from the back of the iceberg, and its purple eyes are as bright and deep as crystal . When it sweeps the people on the sandbank Island soaking in the mud, it is stunned to see Zhang Xiaoqiang, and immediately stretches out the scarlet snake letter to Zhang Xiaoqiang, as if to kiss him . But Zhang Xiaoqiang is not in the mood to play with the water snake . He turns around and runs to Zhuo Mingyue, who is lying on the ground . Zhuo Mingyue was hurt a lot just now . Although he wants to know what threw the water snake, he still can"t get involved so far . The mourner helicopter and frigate have begun to fire, and the battery on both sides of the Strait has begun to gather . The water snake seems to be inspired and brave after knowing its shame, Take the initiative to meet the unknown monster .

With a sound of carving, the rainbow carving shoots like a sharp arrow to the ground and rises at the moment when it is about to touch . Meow sits on the murderous end of the rainbow carving and focuses on the machine gun and goes to the channel in the middle of Shazhou island . Countless fire spots are pouring in the turbulent water waves like waterfalls, and the layers of water spray and water column burst out, forming a wild storm there, The twelve fortresses tilted their firepower as far as possible to make the river turbid . Layers of water vapor evaporated by high temperature rose like mist, and were torn apart by the blast wave and water wave .

At this time, the underwater monster can no longer hibernate . In the water waves, a giant beast more than 30 meters high rises . The body of the giant crocodile head snake has six withered claws like a bamboo pole from its chest . The three pairs of withered claws spread out to make it look like a six legged spider . Each withered claw has three slender claw blades, just like a bird"s claw, But the bird"s claw is extremely deformed when it grows on the monster . Any claw is bigger than its own size . It looks not like a claw, but more like a wing in the wrong position .

This monster can"t see any ability, but its strength is very huge, and its body is also very tough . The rough skin like a rock only drops some debris under the attack of many firepower, but it can"t cause substantial damage . The crocodile"s mouth is tightly closed, and the serrated teeth are like a blade, In the attack of countless light spots and rockets, instead of roaring and howling, the monster quietly approaches the nearest multi edged fortress .

The Duoleng fortress is only less than 20 meters high, which is small compared with the monster . The flames burst out like flashing lights on the monster one after another, but it can"t let the monster step back . The soldiers and evolutors of Duoleng fortress tried their best to stop it . Finally, they collapsed and evacuated from the bridge connected to other fortresses, At the moment of the evacuation, the huge claws seized the fort and cut the four anti-aircraft machine guns into pieces . Then each claw blade was more than ten meters long, just like tofu . The multi edge fort, which was nearly 20 meters long, was cut into three pieces vertically . The claw blade of everything was pulled horizontally . The multi edge fort, which could hold more than 100 people, was scattered, The fortress, supported by concrete and steel structure, was broken into countless pieces like building blocks, which made the fire of other fortresses suddenly stagnate .

Both evolutionists and ordinary soldiers are scared . The multi edge fortress is the support node of the sandbank defense system . Even if the water snake wants to break one of them, it will take a long time . Every fortress is stronger than the skysc.r.a.per in the urban area . The design at the beginning of construction was designed to defend against large caliber sh.e.l.ls, not to mention the impact or bite of monsters, Even the earth penetrating bomb can"t be destroyed by one blow . The hundred meter high level five mutant beast in Shanghai on that day couldn"t hit the first high building . I didn"t expect that this ugly beast, less than one tenth of its height, could do this?

At this time, the dazzling laser appeared again, just like a sword cutting on the other paw of a giant beast . The meter wide exciting light was like a chain saw cutting off one of the claw blades, The falling claw finally made the monster howl, and finally opened its huge mouth .

Hundreds of adult teeth with thin thighs are shining like blades . The deep mouth is more than 10 meters high, revealing the throat like a black hole inside . However, more than 10 rockets rush to the big mouth like homing birds . At the moment when people want to kill them, a thick black smoke shoots out of the big mouth to cover all the Rockets, The next moment, bursts of low roar sounded in the smoke, but it could not disperse the smoke . Then the laser flickered again, but when it came into contact with the black smoke, thousands of small rays scattered and disappeared into the air . The strange smoke spread rapidly, wrapping the monster up and down, just like the active black smoke< br>