Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2328: 2328

Chapter 2328: 2328

"It"s impossible . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang is infuriated . He directly refuses to accept Nu Wa"s suggestion and hugs Fei tightly . Little girl is his taboo . He can"t take this little girl out to do any experiment . Even if he can break the shackles of human life, he doesn"t want to . At the same time, he feels that something is wrong . Why is Nu Wa interested in Fei?

Nuwa didn"t continue to talk about Feifei . Instead, she said another piece of news: "Regel has returned to Australia . He wants you to go to Australia to discuss the issue of Haizu . In addition, the United States has contacted me and wants to talk to you, but I don"t think it"s necessary to have too much contact with that side . . . "

The United States has always maintained a relatively friendly relationship with China, which is also relatively speaking . At least the cooperation with Zhang Xiaoqiang is not as close as that with Australia . Nvwa"s proposal will not be adopted by Zhang Xiaoqiang either . He never believed in this digital life . He pondered for a while and asked, "who in the United States wants to contact me?"

"It"s congressman 13 who wants to talk to you . They represent the new Congress of the United States, controlling 80 percent of the army and 90 percent of the survivors . . . "

Hearing the term "new Congress", Zhang Xiaoqiang understood the political system of the United States, recalled the intelligence about the United States, remembered that the other side also gave him some information about the material storage of the U . S . military overseas bases, and could not deny that he said, "should they have a reason to contact me?"

"Two things, one about red algae and blood species, and one about Flanders . . . " Red algae is in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s expectation, but frande is unexpected . He says in doubt: "isn"t frande dead?"

"Fland is not dead . The new parliament wants to know about all fland"s activities in Okinawa . In addition, fland also wants to contact us, but I have never paid attention to it . My procedures exclude the name fland . . . " Nuwa also has some doubts when she talks about Flander . She says her feelings frankly, but Zhang Xiaoqiang feels creepy . He saw Flander"s plane explode with his own eyes, but he didn"t die . Isn"t he seeing a ghost?

"Nu Wa, what do you think of this?" I don"t understand . Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn"t help asking Nu Wa for questions . She didn"t expect to do anything . However, Nu Wa told Zhang Xiaoqiang, "the new Congress and frande are suspicious of each other . There may be civil strife in the United States . We don"t need to intervene too deeply . In addition, the United States is too far away from us . Even if we reach alliance and friendship, we don"t have too many interests . I have all the technology of the United States, The results are being transformed by the laboratory . "

"You broke the American computer system?" Zhang Xiaoqiang was surprised . He seemed to feel Zhang Xiaoqiang"s moving . He jumped out of his arms, yawned and walked to his bedroom in a daze . Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t take care of her, but just stared at Nu Wa, who said something that surprised him even more: "no, in terms of hardware conditions, I don"t have the ability to break through the brains of other countries . Someone implanted the brains of Russia, the United States and the United Kingdom into my system and delivered me some of the most cutting-edge technologies, but I can"t control those brains . . . "

"Elson?" Zhang Xiaoqiang knows who it is . Elson can control all kinds of installation programs and equipment, and only he can send secrets of other countries to himself . Thinking of this, he understands why Nu Wa is courteous . Elson must have done something to Nu Wa, and this is also why Nu Wa will change her att.i.tude and take the initiative to open up her authority to mankind .

Although Zhang Xiaoqiang is a person with vested interests, he is uncomfortable . He always feels that the ghost of Elson is hovering around him . This feeling has been around all the time, and he didn"t know it before . But now that the five senses have been promoted, this feeling has become strong . It seems that there is always a black hand behind him manipulating something, There is also a kind of subtle hostility, which is always aimed at someone around him .

"I can"t remember that the person disappeared after the implantation of the program . It should be that he erased a node in my program . However, he embedded everything about you in my core program . It can be said that I belong to you now . Once you don"t exist, I won"t exist . . . " Nu Wa told the truth, and did not hide the fact that she was subject to Zhang Xiaoqiang .

Seeing Nu Wa"s insipid expression for thousands of years, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s heart moved . If it is true, many things can make sense . He looked at Nu Wa with a scanning eye for a long time, but Nu Wa was uneasy under Zhang Xiaoqiang"s gaze . The virtual light and shadow changed slightly, as if disturbed by something .

"Since you belong to me, will you obey if I ask you to undress?" As soon as Zhang Xiaoqiang said this, the image of Nu Wa suddenly changed . She incarnated into a giant Tyrannosaurus Rex and went up to the ceiling, which immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding crew and made Zhang Xiaoqiang feel embarra.s.sed . He admitted that he was really bored .

"If you have no other orders, I will continue to investigate the intelligence of the Hai nationality . . . " Tyrannosaurus Rex"s voice was rough, just like a roar, and these words disappeared . Zhang Xiaoqiang b.u.t.toned his nostrils, turned his head and yelled at other surprised crew members: "what are you looking at? Haven"t you seen a Tyrannosaurus Rex? "Back in the room, Zhang Xiaoqiang was lying on his bed thinking . He didn"t decide for the first time that Regel would contact the United States . He wanted to make his mind clear . Let"s not talk about the past grat.i.tude and resentment . At present, the most important enemy is the sea people . No one knows how many sea people there are in the world . In the previous action to eliminate j.a.panese red algae, the three sides cooperated and used a lot of weapons and ammunition, At one time, he emptied the ammunition inventory of the frigate, which nearly killed more than 100000 sea people . Most of them were burned by firebombs . In terms of the sea of j.a.pan, not counting the largest Hawaiian red algae, there are only nearly 20 red algae in the world, with at least hundreds of millions of sea people .

This is only a rough estimate, because we don"t know the breeding method of the sea tribe . If we breed six to eight mice a month, the number of the sea tribe will be more than 30 times in a year . If we breed for three consecutive years, we don"t have to do anything to form a population of hundreds of billions, which can submerge the whole land . Of course, if this is the case, The sea people themselves will perish, and red algae can"t afford to support so many sea people .

Therefore, Zhang Xiaoqiang is not willing to waste any resources on forces other than the Hai nationality . China"s current development strategy is divided into two parts . On the one hand, it integrates the population and resources of the whole China, h.o.a.rds materials as far as possible, and eliminates the zombies in inland areas . On the other hand, it is to deal with the aggression of the Hai nationality, and coping with the Hai nationality is the main goal, Eighty percent of the resources of the whole rejuvenation of China will be prepared for the battle of the Hai nationality . It is also for this reason that Zhang Huai"an was transferred to Yinmeng . If it was just a democratic alliance, Zhou Jie would only be reprimanded and not be exiled because of Zhang Xiaoqiang"s generous character .

"No . . . why did Nuwa say Feifei?" Zhang Xiaoqiang wants to think about things . He suddenly thinks of Fei Fei . He suddenly gets up and sits at the head of the bed staring at the dark s.p.a.ce in a daze . The darkness in front of him can"t have any effect on Zhang Xiaoqiang . The objects in the room form flowing lines and are constructed in his eyes . Whether he closes his eyes or opens his eyes, he can see everything around him as long as he wants to .

Feifei, Nuwa, Elson, computer intrusion, aircraft out of control, and the resurrection of Flander, Elson"s experiment, Elson"s ideal, the helicopter out of control in Australia, and all kinds of things he doesn"t want to do are connected in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s mind by a long line called black hand .

"He"s not dead?" As Zhang Xiaoqiang murmured, he felt that he didn"t know how to express his feelings . He contacted Elson, the big boy who was sent to the door, with the intention of making use of him . Originally, he was wary of people other than Chinese . He didn"t deny Elson"s evaluation of him, but he never took it for granted, If there are 100 foreigners and 10 Chinese people in danger at the same time, he will definitely save the Chinese people . The so-called Savior is even a joke . Starting from escaping from the city alone, he has gone through hardships step by step . There are more than a few lines of life and death, and no one has come to save him? In the face of crisis and disaster, people can only save themselves and think about other things when they have enough to protect themselves . Compared with those powerful forces, he just keeps his heart and gives him the t.i.tle of Savior . He doesn"t believe it .

"Does he think that Sophie may exterminate human beings, so he wants to kill her? If this is the case, Nu Wa can no longer believe it . Nu Wa said that she wanted to use phenanthrene experiment . Although it was in the name of research, she would really send it . Phenanthrene would surely die in all kinds of accidents . But now that the sea people are rampant, any strength may decide the future war situation . Why does Elson want to do this? "

Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t doubt Elson"s character . He is a pure idealist and a simple guy . Even if his sister Suzanne betrayed him, he didn"t want to be ambitious . He is like nightingale in the end . He doesn"t believe that such a kind guy would kill Sophie for no reason, Unless he believes that phenanthrene may cause great damage to human survival .

"Nuwa, are you there . . . " Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly raises his head and shouts to the closed-circuit TV opposite the bed . The next moment, the 3D image of Nuwa appears on the TV screen . As long as it is within the area of the frigate, it can be monitored by Nuwa anywhere, even in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s bedroom, unless there are no cameras and programmed electrical appliances in the room .

"Let Elson out . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang stares at the indifferent Nu Wa and asks seriously . Nu Wa stares at Zhang Xiaoqiang and says, "I can"t do it . According to the information I collected, Elson has died in Okinawa . . . "

"You don"t have to do it . You just need to launch my request by satellite . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t embarra.s.s Nu Wa . On the contrary, he sympathized with Nu Wa . Now Nu Wa is more and more like a puppet, which is quite different from the proud digital life in the underground base .

"Yes, from now on, keep sending your requests around the world, looking for Elson . . . " Nu Wa calmly repeats Zhang Xiaoqiang"s order . Zhang Xiaoqiang leans on the head of the bed and watches Nu Wa disappear from the display screen . She doesn"t want to sleep for a long time< br>