Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2329: 2329

Chapter 2329: 2329

The night in Australia has lost its former tranquility . Flames flicker like lights in a small town in the north, and the bursting fireb.a.l.l.s shine in the night sky from time to time . The 3000 elite of the first regiment of the first division led by Zhao Deyi launched a decisive battle with countless sea people on this night . The lighting in the sky rises and falls, presenting countless sea people in front of everyone"s eyes, Countless soldiers fired countless bullets, light like stray bullets shuttled through the dust raised by the waves, the sea clan and countless mutant beasts running on the land madly impacted the first line of defense they met, and countless sea clan and mutant beasts fell on the road of charging

At the back of the town, hundreds of towed cannons spewed out flames ten meters around like fireworks, At the same time, the fire was trained to form a fire cloud in front of the muzzle . Australian soldiers feverishly manipulated the cannons and stuffed sh.e.l.ls into the guns . Every time they launched, the huge roar would produce a strong air wave, which would draw the smoke into the position . The sh.e.l.ls piled up like hills, and the soldiers who came and went from time to time were tripped by the sh.e.l.ls on the ground, It"s a head injury .

There are battles not only on the ground but also in the sky . Shark hunting helicopters defend sharks swimming in the Black Sea . Huge searchlights emit long beams of light, crisscrossing in the night sky . One rocket goes through the white track like a ghost exploding in the most densely populated area of the sea people . Every time the rocket flashes, a number of sea people fly into the air, in the gap of the rocket, There are also scarlet light chains whipping the sea people on the ground, countless sea people breaking in the light chain .

The atmosphere of the battlefield reached its climax at the beginning . The Hai people didn"t know what formation, what three-point crossing and progressive advance, they were like the riflemen of the 18th century, and they were in a dense formation, marching step by step to the small town with countless streamers of fire, no matter how many of the same kind were swallowed by the exploding fireb.a.l.l.s, No matter how many mutant beasts fell on the way forward and were torn by sh.e.l.ls, dust waves and flames are the main melody of the night . The gunpowder in the air is extremely strong . Relying on Australia"s unconditional supplement, every soldier has endless bullets . At this time, they don"t even have time to aim . They just need to shoot the bullets out of the gun as soon as possible .

On the front ring position of the town, dozens of dome fortresses are connected by underground trenches . Each bunker has two heavy machine guns, and there are foxholes between the bunkers . This solid defense line is tested by the Hai people . Different from the number of zombies, the main attack means of the Hai people is long-distance ice spears, Countless ice spears radiate colorful Cross stars in the burning light . Falling Cross stars erect a forest like ice spear array on the first line . Countless ice spears are broken by flying bullets . More ice spears and bullets cross each other and smash into pieces on the concrete pouring works . Piles of broken ice spears are piled up on the works to form hills, At one point the shooting holes were blocked .

The machine gun soldiers hiding in the fortress are shivering with sweat . The shaking machine gun in their hands sends out a deafening sound of gunfire, reverberating in the narrow blockhouse . The thick smoke of gunpowder permeates around the soldiers . From time to time, some people cough violently . Even in the cough, they still shoot madly outside the blockhouse, and countless scattered sh.e.l.ls spread out on the ground, The soldiers stepped on the creaking sh.e.l.ls and pressed the plastic bullet belts into the guns . On both sides of the machine guns, there were hill like sh.e.l.ls on one side and black plastic on the other .

In the rear of the bunker, more than 30 m113a armored vehicles crisscross with the bunker . Each armored vehicle has an air defense machine gun . The fire of this powerful machine gun is more than 10 meters long . In the burning gun fire, the scarlet light spots pierce every exposed giant sea beast, and countless huge fire spots tear out the flesh and blood of the sea beast .

Even the fortification of 3000 people couldn"t stop the Haizu"s approach . Finally, the Haizu approached the first ring fortification within 100 meters . At this time, the first line team suffered casualties . There were always ice spears pa.s.sing through the narrow shooting holes to kill the machine gunners and the non wanted ones . At this time, there was a dull roar, and flames burst out from the sky three kilometers in front of the town"s defense line, Each flame can cover an area of nearly 1000 square meters . If you observe it carefully, you can see that it is composed of dozens of smaller explosion points . Just in a moment, the explosion flame becomes a line and forms a sea of fire . Five seconds later, the second roar comes again and covers the previous explosion point again, This time, all the remaining Haizu flames stirred into it . For a moment, the thick smoke covered the whole battlefield, and nothing could be seen clearly under the illumination of flares and searchlights .

In the center of the town, the soldiers who were running sent boxes of ammunition to the front line on their shoulders . On their heads, on the houses on both sides of the street, mortar sh.e.l.ls were launched into the battlefield like raindrops . In front of them, some stretchers were sent down from the front line . All the wounded on the stretchers were the same, and their chests were pierced by broken ice spears .

a.s.sad stood timidly beside Zhao Deyi and looked at the corpses displayed together . Half of the corpses were Chinese and half were Australian soldiers . The corpses were arranged in line according to their nationality, so that every soldier pa.s.sing by was careful . Zhao Deyi didn"t care about the casualties, but just yelled at the messenger, From time to time, orders were given to the staff to give orders . Bursts of roaring sh.e.l.ls flew over their heads and exploded among the Hai people in the distance . Every time they exploded, the ground under their feet would shake once, and the houses around them would shake . Occasionally, the sound of broken gla.s.s could be heard . "Well, it"s really good . This big gun hit the hearts of those grandchildren . Tell the long-range artillery troops to fight for me like this, and wait until the war is over . I"ll give them what I want, even if I take out my daughter-in-law . . . "

Zhao Deyi was so excited by the battle report from the front line that he wiped out all the Hai people in the front line with a single shot . It was of great significance . Without this covering shot, the front line position would be absolutely dangerous . How could he not see that he was old in the war? After giving a promise, Zhao Deyi had never been enthusiastic about a.s.sad . He grabbed a.s.sad"s shoulder and roared like thunder: "your artillery is good . It"s really good . If I have this group of artillery under my hand in China, no matter how many zombies there are, I can kill them . It"s your infantry . If you can be like artillery, we don"t have to do it, You can recover Australia yourself . "

The translator translated Zhao Deyi"s words for the first time . At this time, a.s.sad"s ears began to hum . Although he had to speak loud in the gunfire, Zhao Deyi"s voice was bigger than his head . It made him feel like he had been knocked by a hammer . He was dizzy and asked in a loud voice: "what? Put the infantry on? No, no, we"re all new recruits . We"ll be able to send firebombs in half an hour . If we have firebombs, we don"t need infantry . "

"What does the grandson say?" Unable to understand German, Zhao Deyi turned to ask the interpreter, but the interpreter was a parallel product and said aloud: "they sent a batch of incendiary bombs from the rear . They said it was very good . Let"s hold on for a while . "

"Hahaha, OK, no matter how many good things you have, how many I want, I"ll pack up the endless, but don"t send women to us, our troops don"t need women to boost morale . . . "

Zhao Deyi was in a good mood . He patted a.s.sad on the shoulder and let him show his teeth in pain . At this moment, Zhao Deyi"s chief of staff ran over and said, "brother c.o.c.kroach sent us a message . Let"s try our best to save our strength and not fight hard . The second wave of reinforcements will arrive three days later . It"s Xiaoshan"s independent regiment, with 5000 people . It"s a strengthened regiment, Ask Australia to provide heavy weapons . . . "

This news is even more gratifying for Zhao Deyi . He grabs his military cap and wipes the sweat on his face . His big eyes stare at the staff officer and roars: "send this news . Our support is coming soon . Brother c.o.c.kroach ordered them to hold the position for me with their sucking strength . . . "

Zhao Deyi"s order was contrary to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s, but no one objected . At this time, the battlefield was in a good shape, and there were good fortifications . Naturally, he was willing to make more contributions . After listening to the interpreter"s explanation, a.s.sad was overjoyed and exclaimed, "there is no problem with heavy weapons . We can provide both machine guns and armored vehicles, And the M1 tank, as long as you can ensure the safety of Australia, you can do anything you want . . . "

At this time, Regel and kesele arrived at the center of the town in a jeep . As soon as they got out of the car, they came to them . At this time, kesele was a little anxious, but Regel was very calm . Seeing Zhao Deyi with a happy face, Regel said, "Mr . Zhao, we need your help . The two sea people landed in the rear, with a total of more than 4000, We have sent puppet soldiers to resist, but unfortunately they are not strong enough . I hope you will support us . "

Hearing regor"s Chinese, Zhao Deyi choked and coughed for a long time before he took a breath . He yelled, "bulls.h.i.t, are your people furnishings? There are no weapons in the back . We still need our support . You can see for yourself, how many sea people do we have here? Three hundred thousand only? I tell you, there is no soldier . Anyway, Australia is not ours . If you don"t go there, you just count on us? There are no doors . . . "

Zhao Deyi refused directly, but Regel didn"t refute, but kesailer said: "our soldiers are all in the edge area to clean up the zombies, and there is no troops to come back . It"s not a big problem here . We can withdraw temporarily, extend our troops backward, and exchange vast s.p.a.ce for time . . . "

"We can"t retreat . The transportation center is 200 kilometers away . Once we lose our position, the transportation forces will have no foothold . Moreover, there are a lot of goods and materials stored here . I don"t want them to fall into the hands of the Hai people . You can find a way . This is my battlefield . . . "

Zhao Deyi"s temper is very stubborn, and the three mountain positions all stick down . At that time, there was no food, no supplies, and even no rifle bullets . He trained an absolutely elite team . So in his mind, as long as there are bullets, he can guarantee the logistics, and he will not give up the position . This is the idea of Chinese soldiers .

"But there are a large number of civilians in the rear, and their safety must be guaranteed . . . " The translator continued to translate Kessler"s words . Although he could not express Kessler"s tone, he could see that the situation in the rear was really bad from Kessler"s anxious appearance .

"A lot of them are Chinese . . . " Regel added, which made the Chinese soldiers around change their faces . They looked at Zhao Deyi together . Zhao Deyi swept Regel and kesailer with his big ox eyes . After a while, he shook his head and said, "I can"t divide my troops . I can"t lose the transit area behind . Otherwise, there will be no place for reinforcements in three days . It"s very c.u.mbersome to prepare the transit area again, It may lead to the delay of transportation forces in Australia and cause accidents . You can only rely on yourself . . . "Regel and kesailer left in disappointment . Zhao Deyi listened to the deafening explosion and looked at the glowing night sky, as if he was crazy . The staff around him asked in a low voice, "don"t we still have a reserve team of 500 evolutionists? The Chien Chien Chien team leader is also a top evolutionist . Is it OK to clean up a group of Hai people? "

Zhao Deyi took a cold look at the young staff officer . He knew that the people below were worried as soon as they heard that there were Chinese people . Although he was also worried, he was more concerned about his own losses . Every soldier in the first regiment was worthy of the elite . If he lost one, there would be hundreds of ordinary soldiers competing for vacant positions, The first regiment always maintains the establishment of the Sanshan campaign . Even if there are a large number of people robbing the positions of the medical and engineering soldiers, he will be distressed to die . It is not advisable to fight a night battle in an unknown area on this dark night . The evolutor of the sword cutting brigade is the most favorable guarantee for the first regiment . He does not want to take this card out so early . As for the urgency of Australia, He is not the dry father of an Australian . Why should he be so anxious< br>