Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2330: 2330

Chapter 2330: 2330

The Harrier airship flies quietly in the starry night sky . Far behind the airship, the fiery night sky is dim, and finally becomes black . Kessler is restless and sits opposite Regel . Regel leans back in his chair with a red wine gla.s.s and tilts his legs to observe some neurotic Kessler . At this time, Kessler"s face is not right, Looking at the red wine gla.s.s in Regel"s hand, he didn"t know what he was thinking . The dull atmosphere surrounded them, but Regel didn"t want to break the dull atmosphere . He tasted red wine without a mouthful, and his eyes didn"t know what he was thinking .

"Can we win?" All of a sudden, kesailer opened his mouth, Regel browed lightly, looked at kesailer suspiciously and asked, "is it the sea people in the rear?"

Kessler wryly smiles and shakes his head: "it"s the att.i.tude of the Chinese people . Through this trial, I"m thinking that if they come to the last step, they will not hesitate to give up Australia . At that time, how long can we persist?"

Kessler"s worry is not groundless . Australia"s geographical location is unique . It is isolated overseas, and there are red algae on all sides . The sea people do not have GPS to accurately find various human forces . They can only drift blindly on the sea and find the land according to their own regional fate . On the contrary, Australia is the place where the sea people meet most . Once surrounded by the sea people, they can only find the land blindly, Countless sea people will flock to Australia . At that time, Australia will be the place with the most fierce war in the world . They can"t count on the new era . Only China can rely on it . However, today"s exploration has made them lose their confidence in the future .

"It"s no big deal . China can"t do without Australia . Australia"s development environment is several times better than China"s . it takes more than one year for China to build a factory, but it only takes one month here . They don"t have a large number of population resources . Their population composition is very complex . It takes a long time for them to become professional skilled workers, But we are different here . Three years is enough for the survivors to grow into skilled engineers and maintenance workers .

Apart from human resources, Australia"s geographical location is also very important, at least for China . It is the bridgehead of the southern sea and one of the most important defense lines against the sea people . Once it is occupied, the sea people in the West and the South will converge, and the sea people in the East and the north will march forward to China . Once that happens, China"s pressure will increase several times, So there"s no need for you to worry for the time being . "

Regel"s relief calmed keseler"s tangled heart and smoothed his confused thoughts . Then he recalled Zhao Deyi"s att.i.tude and words, found the clue again, touched his chin and pondered: "obviously, not only we are testing, but the other side is also testing . This time, being rejected means that they don"t want to show too much concern for Australia, However, Zhao himself revealed that in three days, China will have support . Can we ask them to replace our soldiers with the people they have supported? Let them take charge of the periphery and become our first line of defense . "

"Ha ha ha, Kessler, can you look further? Why do you always care about these things? I know that you are worried that the Chinese will take the opportunity to annex Australia . Your worry is totally unnecessary . I have studied the history of China . China has always paid little attention to overseas . Even if they need to expand, the whole continent of Europe and Asia is enough for them to open up, just one Russia, It will take hundreds of years and more than five generations to merge . Your worry is superfluous . Besides, I don"t want to be here . Australia doesn"t matter to me . . . "

"It doesn"t matter? Are you willing to give up your rights in Australia? "

Kessler was surprised . He was different from Regel . Regel was born good at calculating . At the beginning, he took advantage of the situation and separated Australia from the new era . He mastered a.s.sad and became the actual ruler of Australia . Although Kessler was ambitious, he never thought of killing millions of people, so he was not very keen on Australia"s rights, I"m willing to put myself in the position of a.s.sistant .

"What is right? As long as I want to, one day, the whole new era will be mine, but even if I master the whole world, can my mother survive? " Regel"s mood is a little excited . He kills the red wine in one gulp and says out loud what he"s depressed about . Keseleton is speechless . Regel"s mother is the scale in their hearts, which is also the reason why keseler is willing to help Regel, who is younger than him .

"But Auntie doesn"t want you to live in hatred all day . In the past, the new era was our greatest danger . That"s why I agree with you to hide behind the scenes and let a.s.sad stand in front of you . Now the new era has no time for itself . It"s the best time . As long as you stand up, no one dares to oppose you, even tier won"t . You are the most grateful person, We have to rely on China"s support to survive this catastrophe . After the end of the world war, will Australia"s strength counterattack the new era? At that time, you can stand in front of Kluger and ask him . . . "

After a long time, Regel filled the bottle with red wine, wiped the logo on the bottle with his finger, and said in a deep voice, "do you think Kluger cares about Australia? Do you think he cares about the new era? He doesn"t care about anything, only one thing will make him care, that is, his life, life is his most precious thing, what punishment is more terrible than taking away his most precious thing? ""You"re going to kill him? Do you want to do it yourself? " Although he vaguely knows some of Regel"s plans, when he hears Regel"s confirmation, he will feel restless . The accusation of Patricide is a heinous crime in both the East and the West . Anyone who bears this accusation will be reviled by millions of people . Regel can house arrest Kruger, but he can"t kill him, even if the accident doesn"t happen .

"Ha ha . . . I think too far . It"s not easy to kill him? The old man is cunning and doesn"t believe anyone . I"m afraid no one in the world can know his cards . I doubt that he is just a puppet out there . He doesn"t even know where his real body is . Let"s think about the thousands of Hai people in the rear . The puppet soldiers lost two-thirds of their lives and the b.l.o.o.d.y soldiers were destroyed, Is this the last elite force in Australia? "

Regel digs off the topic, and keseler is sad again . Three years ago, Australia had four elite legions, each of which may not be much worse than Zhao Deyi"s first regiment . But now, Mian Qiangqiang is able to make up one and a half elite legions, and there are almost 5000 guards . Most of the former youyinhua regiments have been made into puppet soldiers, Although there are thousands of new evolutionists, they are all raised by blood . They are not used to the fighting style of evolutionists . It will take quite a long time for them to form combat effectiveness . If we call back the two elite legions with only a little more than half of the establishment, we may not be able to block the sea clan, but in this way, the loss will be great .

"I"ve arranged the evacuation as much as possible, but unfortunately there is a serious lack of means of transportation . There are not many people who can be evacuated . Less than 3000 of 18000 civilians can be evacuated, and the remaining 15000 people can"t escape the pursuit of the sea people . " He sighed a long time . In the last days, everyone was precious . If these 15000 people could have enough food, it would only take 20 years, and the number would be more than three times . This is only for adults . If they were over 12 years old, it would be more than five times .

"People still have to rely on themselves . You have seen the combat effectiveness of the Chinese people before . They can rely on fortifications to block hundreds of thousands of sea people, but we are unprepared for thousands of sea people . This is just the beginning . When there are more and more sea people in the future, it is impossible for the Chinese people to send more troops, so . . . "

Speaking of this, Regel turned up his mouth and continued calmly: "so let the civilians learn to protect themselves, issue weapons to the settlements below, let all men and women learn to shoot and fight, do not require them to become elite, at least to support the rescue?"

"And now what?" Kessler was still worried that there was no time to retreat 15000 people .

"Three days later, we will return to the settlements . Three days will be enough time to clean up those sea people . Moreover, three days later, Chinese reinforcements will arrive . We need to prove ourselves to the Chinese people in these three days . . . " Regel coldly and ruthlessly said his suggestion . Keseler was silent for a long time . At this time, 15000 lives were rejected by them . Without the protection of soldiers, ordinary people could never stop the sea people .

"There"s no need to worry too much . In most arid areas where Haizu appear, what kind of Haizu is there without water to rely on? In addition, there are no less than 50 puppet soldiers there . They may not be able to kill the Hai people . There should be no problem in covering some people to escape . Optimistic estimation shows that at least one third of these 15000 people will survive . In addition, if they are really forced, I think those civilians will not watch themselves being slaughtered, as long as they are willing to resist and survive, It"s going to be the best fighter . Maybe we"ll have a surprise

Regor gambled with 15000 people"s lives to make 15000 people, old and weak, women and children, stick to three days, and use Hai nationality to eliminate the weak and achieve the strong . It can be said that killing two birds with one stone, but behind these two birds must be the white bones piled up into a mountain< br>