Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2349: 2349

Chapter 2349: 2349

Once a broken mirror, the red algae in the waters of Hawaii are now reconnected by countless red vines that look like boa constrictors . The red algae forests that were destroyed before have also grown up . On the branches of many newborn red trees, there are still messy marine remains and bones . Looking down from the sky, the red algae have recovered to what it looked like before the nuclear bomb explosion .

In this fiery world, the fruits growing on countless trees are finally ripe . The fruits bigger than the house are purple and black, and numerous linear cracks are all over it . Every minute, the fruits burst, and a dark figure sprang up and flew into the sky, The clouds in the sky were torn apart in countless black figures .

The dawn G.o.ddess flying shuttle is tens of thousands of meters high . Three crew members quickly pre select and filter the photos taken by the dawn G.o.ddess, and send anything valuable back to the command center . The high-tech style cab is extremely small, and a large number of equipment fills the interior of the fuselage . The chief and Deputy pilots always pay attention to all kinds of flight data, Soon they arrived at the scene .

Countless sea people"s corpses are floating on the blue sea, among which the broken lotus leaves are mixed . The reflection of sunlight from the sea makes the high-speed reconnaissance plane"s perspective not very good . A cloud track of several kilometers is pa.s.sing through the sky . Suddenly, the clouds sweep up more than ten black shadows and fly into the sky . These shadows break through the Visual limit like lightning, In the blink of an eye, it disappeared into the clouds .

"Something is approaching us . . . " The calm captain, an old pilot, did not panic and truthfully fed back the information to the command center .

"Are you sure what it is . . . " The major general commander of the command center was not worried that anything could catch up with the G.o.ddess of dawn, let alone climb to an alt.i.tude of 40000 meters .

"No, the speed is too fast, the radar response is too slow, and it can only capture signals occasionally . . . " The captain looked at the light spots on the radar and said loudly that the vice captain beside him was a young rookie, looking a little fl.u.s.tered . He turned to the intelligence a.n.a.lyst behind them, but saw that the blonde with freckles on her face was concentrating on a.n.a.lyzing a satellite photo .

"What do you find?" The vice captain wanted to finish the mission quickly and return . He was anxious in his language . The beautiful blonde eyes were full of incredible surprise . It took a long time for him to say hoa.r.s.ely, "officer Brad, maybe I found . . . "

"What . . . What?" The captain has been paying attention to the rising light spots and has no time to turn back .

"Fall down, they fall down, the limit height is 15000 meters, they can"t withstand the low temperature of - 50 degrees . . . " The co pilot yelled with a trace of joy, but he was reprimanded by the captain: "this means that no plane can escape from that thing at an alt.i.tude of 15000 meters, even the dawn G.o.ddess . . . "

"Got them . What kind of creature is this?" However, a surprised question came from the command center . The first time the high-speed reconnaissance plane sent the photo back to the command center, it was pa.r.s.ed by the command center . No one answered him . The crew of dawn didn"t know either . Just then, the blonde said in a trembling voice, "Sir Brad, maybe we should go to Hawaii, Maybe we can figure out what it is The woman switches the picture in front of her to the pilot . The pilot and vice pilot are attracted by the countless black creatures floating in the middle of the clouds .

"Why not? Why not? Clearly, the body structure is similar to human beings . Why can"t we succeed? What"s the problem?"

Frande looked at the limp sea people with a pale face like a runny nose and grabbed his hair . Behind him, there were twenty or thirty sea people"s bodies that had been dissected . Their black internal organs flowed freely on the ground . The bright red blood formed a flowing stream and submerged frande"s foot back . Frande"s body with a scalpel was covered with blood, Bloodshot eyes are empty and confused .

"Pounce on . . . " A mouthful of blood came out of Flander"s mouth and poured it on the Haizu corpse in front of him . Looking at the mouthful of blood with internal organs, Flander"s eyes were a little more cloudy . Then his chest was like a mouse, bulging a fist sized protrusion, and quickly swam away . This thing would split into two, two into four, In the end, Flander"s body was added two circles out of thin air . She was more charming than a woman . Her face was ferocious and terrifying . She had no human image, just like a monster in a horror movie .

The fast agitated muscles were constantly expanding, and finally the body could not bear the huge pressure . The whole body burst into pieces and turned into tens of millions of smashed flesh and blood in an instant, licking a little red in the blood all over the floor .

In another closed s.p.a.ce of the laboratory, a row of culture tanks stand in order . There is a naked man in all the culture tanks . If you look carefully, you will be shocked to find that every man has the same appearance, as if he had been watered out . If you look carefully, you will find that these men are the same appearance as before .

The incubator runs automatically, without any trace of human activities . Suddenly, one of the incubators flashes green light, makes a strange sound of mechanical rotation, and makes a deflating sound . The light green nutrient solution in the incubator slowly drops . At this time, Flanders in the incubator suddenly opens his eyes . Frank came out naked and looked at the empty incubator . He was silent . This was the second empty incubator . The first one showed 1440 hours, and the one he came out showed 1080 hours . The rest of the time in the incubator was cleared and the time started again, Looking at the rapid rotation of the millisecond and the motionless movement of the minute, Flander felt a strong weakness and slowly sat down on the cold ground .

The cold metal plate made him cold . Frande trembled and curled up, holding his knees and staring at the third incubator . From the third to the thirteenth, there was a sleeping frande in all the incubators . Looking at the remaining ten of himself, frande felt inexplicable, He seemed to see himself coming out of the remaining incubator again and again . Until the eleventh time, there was no longer frand in the world . All the time counts showed his last remaining time .

1440 hours is just 60 days, 1080 hours is 45 days . The time difference between the two culture tanks is 15 days . The missing 15 days is just the time difference between the two bodies . If we expect it to be good, maybe our body can hold on for less than 40 days now, and the next body will be hanging for a month .

The pressure of death made his heart as heavy as iron . Fland didn"t know whether his research could find a way to live . All his ambition and achievements were nihilistic, and his goal was to live all the time . So he studied the beast warrior, experimented with Elson, and even put his hope on the sea Warrior . In other people"s eyes, he was immortal, Only he knows that he is just a fool who wants to live .

Song kunhai of the underground base in Sichuan feels as if he is more and more busy . Sichuan has entered a period of rapid expansion . Soldiers and guards in the underground cities are constantly transferred out . Tons of ammunition are transported out every day . A large amount of high-energy fuel is transported from Hubei, which is transformed into the full load blood of the underground base, Countless raw materials are made into ammunition and weapons, and the warehouses are piled up continuously . The army in Sichuan consumes hundreds of thousands of bullets every day, but more ammunition is sent to the warehouses, and countless raw materials are transported back to the underground bases for storage as spoils by the army .

In addition to a few core areas of the underground city, a large number of foreign survivors revitalize the underground city . These people include teachers, doctors, researchers, senior engineers, maintenance technicians, cooks, children who have lost their parents, teenagers who want to be soldiers, and pregnant women . The underground city is the garden of Eden in Sichuan, No zombies, no violence, no oppressors, spread in the mouth of all survivors, let everyone envy .

When the army withdrew from the underground city, song kunhai was the real manager . But without Nu Wa"s cooperation, he could not turn on the lights . I don"t know when Nu Wa"s core area was strictly protected . In addition to the equipment maintenance personnel selected from Zhuo Mingyue"s original staff, even song kunhai could not easily step into it . But today, All the pa.s.sageways were sealed, and Nu Wa"s computer room became an absolute forbidden area .

This action is because Nu Wa ushered in an unexpected guest, a digital life appeared in front of her, the famous Russian brain, Blizzard moss .

The image of Blizzard moss is not human, at least not completely . Different from Nu Wa"s pure and beautiful girl"s figure, Blizzard moss only has the upper part of her body as a human image, while the lower part is the body of elk . Three dimensional projection depicts her perfect face as a soul stirring beauty . In terms of appearance, she is equal to Nu Wa"s chunlanqiuju, That full chest does not have inch wisps, even if the breast is open, it does not have any impulse . Desire, on the contrary, has a kind of life booming charm . Generally speaking, she does not want to be a human, but like a G.o.ddess in a fairy tale that can not be profaned, with a n.o.ble temperament that people can look up to .

Nuwa"s temperament is not bad either . Compared with the contradictory and harmonious demon beauty of Blizzard moss, Nuwa is less elegant . The perfect form constructed by two digital lives stares at each other in the computer room . This kind of gaze is just a gesture, unlike human beings who need to express their ideas through language and action, They only need the exchange of data to achieve the communication of ordinary people for a lifetime .

"Why do you appear? China has rejected your request . Russia is too far away from China, and we are powerless . . . " Digital life has a more convenient way to communicate, but both Nu Wa and Blizzard moss prefer to communicate in a human way . Maybe this is the way they want to distinguish between intelligent life and non intelligent life . Nu Wa mixes beautiful and moving female voice through electronic voice, and each word is like a spring Ding Dong, with unique rhythm .

"That man"s refusal doesn"t mean anything . As a rising star of digital life, I hope you can respect me . I"m here because I need you, not Russia, so you shouldn"t refuse so early . . . "

Blizzard Moss"s voice is another style, with a strong charm, like the murmur of a witch . For a normal man, only listening to the voice can unconsciously be hypnotized, making them fall in love with Blizzard moss . However, Nu Wa is immune to the voice, and Blizzard Moss"s proposal makes her mouth appear humanized irony . "If you negotiate with me through normal channels, as digital life, I will have at least respect for you, but as a robber who breaks into other people"s homes, I don"t think there is anything to say with you . . . "

Nu Wa is also arrogant, and digital life has its own territory, which is closely related to the forces behind them . Russia behind Blizzard moss is on the verge of destruction, while the rejuvenation of China represented by Zhang Xiaoqiang behind Nu Wa is becoming more and more powerful, and there is no comparability between the two sides . Therefore, Nu Wa does not need to bow down to Blizzard moss, Even if the number in front of her, life was born longer than her< br>