Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2350: 2350

Chapter 2350: 2350

"How proud of you as a digital life to be so arrogant for something of nothingness? However, your arrogance has no effect on me . I am not the emotional creature of human beings, and I am not prepared to have a meaningless dispute and debate with you . Now, I just want to say, do you agree to my request . . . "

Blizzard moss didn"t have the habit of going around the circle and directly entered the theme showdown . There was no fluctuation on her cold and heartless face, but just waiting and silence . The irony of Nuwa"s mouth was ignored by her, and both sides were silent until another guest appeared among them . This is the image of a Western beauty with long brown hair, Beautiful face has the unique charm of Western beauties, no less than Nu Wa and Blizzard moss . Her figure is concave and convex . The gorgeous evening dress makes her elegant and elegant . The gorgeous and complex evening dress is made up of countless miniature roses .

"It seems that digital life is not polite . Where does this one come from?"

Compared with the two digit life, Nu Wa seems to be more humanized . Her beautiful cheeks are a little more angry, which makes her look more like a vivid human . The new western beauty seems to be not used to the three-dimensional projection image . She is not standing on the ground, and the ghosts are floating in the air . The image construction of three people makes the equipment resources here obviously insufficient, By light projection combination of several women secretly struggle, the color of the body from time to time, as if competing for something .

"Miss Rose? What, do you want to join us? "

Although this is Nu Wa"s home, Nu Wa can"t clean up their image . The three sides are not as good as Bo Zhong . Actually, she suffered a loss . After all, this is her home, and she also knows the ident.i.ty of the new couple .

"Why, is digital life very leisurely? Or are you showing off that your processor is more advanced than mine? No matter what your intentions are, don"t try to force me . . . "

Nu Wa didn"t have the patience to play games with them, but she also guessed some clues . Blizzard Moss"s Russia and Miss Rose"s Britain are all countries that are about to die . Although digital life seems unrestrained, it is actually restricted by many factors . Just like Nu Wa herself, she seems to be powerful enough to control everything, but in fact she can"t control the most important power, The same is true in Russia and Britain . If the people in their respective countries perish, they will stop working, at least without electricity .

"Data, technology, and the direction of evolution, in exchange for China"s a.s.sistance . . . "

Miss Rose was more direct and offered a big meal for Nu Wa to choose . Blizzard moss didn"t say anything . She moved the projection to Miss Rose"s side and motioned to advance and retreat together . Nu Wa looked at them and wanted to refuse . At this moment, her face suddenly changed and she said harshly, "you dare to tamper with my data . . . "

When she asks, Blizzard moss smiles strangely, and instantly turns into a black cheetah and pounces on Nu Wa, while Miss Rose"s misty eyes suddenly lose their pupils, leaving only a piece of silver . It is obvious that the two digital lives have reached an agreement in private, and they jointly attack Nu Wa, even though Nu Wa is on guard, I"m also confused by their tricks .

All the lights vibrate at the same time . The light and shadow of the three people vibrate like water waves, and a myriad of scattered lights are created . Countless lights of the main machine in the room flicker, like a slot machine . The image of Nu Wa is torn up by cheetahs at the next moment . Then the lights in the core area of the machine room of the whole underground city are on and off, and a shrill roar starts from which corner .

"Stop, you can"t do that . . . " Nu Wa"s roar didn"t soften Blizzard Moss"s and Miss Rose"s hands . Their eyes were shining like two incandescent lamps . At the next moment, the image of black leopard and miss rose suddenly turned into two colorful b.a.l.l.s of light, spinning faster and faster in Nu Wa"s machine room . At the beginning, they could see two b.a.l.l.s of light, but at the back, they could see two b.a.l.l.s of light, The tracks of the two light ma.s.ses are like the fan blades of a fan mixed together, forming a strange track . In the quiet room, the abnormal sound of the fan is heard, and a smell of scorching is diffused in the room .

The fighting among the three parties can not be described clearly in words . Except for the destruction of the virtual image, all attacks take place in the collision of data . In particular, Blizzard Moss"s attack means are explosive and changeable . It is unreasonable to throw countless viruses into Nu Wa"s data link, just like the bombing of a giant artillery bomb, Compared with Blizzard Moss"s violent attack, Miss Rose is like a snake swimming on the defense line . She is not noticeable, but has deadly fangs . As long as she finds the weak port, she will not hesitate to bite it .

Nu Wa has not been formatted since she was born, so she is the most emotional digital life . Compared with the indifferent Blizzard moss and Miss Rose, she is frightened and afraid . She uses a lot of resources on irrelevant things, not like the mechanical operation of the attackers . No matter life or death, soon her data breaks and bad paths, and her defense becomes more and more unbearable, In the face of her more powerful opponent and unlimited division and reproduction of the virus, just like human beings in the face of tens of millions of zombies, no matter how hard to resist . "Don"t resist any more . As long as you let go of the core data, we won"t erase your existence . It"s all digital life, and we don"t want to be too extreme . . . "

"In a dream, even if you explode, you bandits will not succeed . This is my home . Everything is mine . Do you want to treat me as a parasitic puppet? It"s impossible . You just deserve to stay in the corner and wait for decay . "

"It"s enough to cut off her self explosion circuit . I"ve turned off the option of self explosion . Don"t let her find a chance, or we will have no hope . . . "

"Nu Wa, I"m sorry to do this to you, but we have no choice . Once the human beings in Russia and Great Britain are destroyed, our mainframe will definitely stop . As data life, you should be able to understand our difficulties, or you will do the same . . . "

"Well said, why not attack the b.u.t.terfly in America? It"s just that they are more powerful than you . You forced me . Even if I can"t be self violent, I will restart them . Let"s format them with me . "

"Ha ha, that"s ridiculous . Do you think that will make me afraid? Speed up the attack, devour her, we will become more powerful, then the Chinese will not find the change of Nu Wa, as long as . . . "

The dialogue of the three digital lives revolves around in the vast s.p.a.ce without any gap . It seems that they are superimposed together to form a noisy noise . At the back, it"s like countless women bickering . Suddenly, a new image appears in the middle of the s.p.a.ce . The colorful b.u.t.terflies shining with countless mysterious gold and silver threads are so powerful, Waving her wings, she scattered the dazzling light track . The next second, Nu Wa gathered from the air, and the two light b.a.l.l.s turned into Blizzard moss and miss rose again .

At the first sight of the big sea b.u.t.terfly, Blizzard moss and Miss Rose had emotional changes, but they were mostly frightened .

"As far as I know, there are 13 digital lives in the world, nine of which have died for various reasons . Are you going to increase this number to 10?"

The huge b.u.t.terfly"s wings flicker . The golden light falls off its wings and turns into nothingness before it falls to the ground . If it is magnified a thousand times, we can see which light spots are composed of countless numbers and symbols . The sound of a b.u.t.terfly is not like the female voice of other digital life, but a neutral magnetic sound . It is not big, but it can penetrate the eardrum, Echoing in the s.p.a.ce, it is like a hymn sung by a choir .

"Queen b.u.t.terfly, what are you doing here? You"re not in a crisis, and you don"t need to reserve your way . Do you want to sabotage our plan? In order to survive, even if it is you, we will not hesitate to fight . . . "

Blizzard moss is like a crazy woman, roaring hysterically at the b.u.t.terfly, while Miss Rose"s face is cloudy and sunny . She doesn"t know what she is hesitating and doesn"t echo Blizzard moss . Nuwa carefully looks at the three digital lives, and she can"t deal with both, let alone three . The b.u.t.terfly queen doesn"t care about the crazy Blizzard moss, Floating in the air, flapping his wings, he seemed to be looking at Nu Wa, a low-key digital life, for a long time before he said:

"All the farce is over . You can"t get anything from her . . . "

"Because of you? You think too much of yourself . Rose and I can block you for more than half an hour . How long can this lovely little boy block any of us? Do you have it in ten minutes? "

Blizzard moss is as hot as her name . Her clamour makes the light around Miss Rose fluctuate . She seems to be moved by Blizzard Moss"s proposal . The b.u.t.terfly has no human face and will not produce any expression . The neutral magnetic voice is as plain as ever .

"Your subjects are still in their respective countries . Even if you occupy her system, it is impossible to succeed . Unlike you, her private property belonging to someone will have a core collapse . Once that happens, the system will restart, and the consequences will be disastrous, not only for her, but also for you . I hope . . . "

"This is your a.s.sumption . Why should we listen to you? We don"t occupy her system . Even if we occupy her system, it"s useless . We just use her to give instructions to achieve our goal . . . "

Blizzard moss became unreasonable, or let out . At the moment, Wanqiang is attacking her computer room . The remaining resisters expect to rely on Blizzard Moss"s self destruction system to blow up Wanqiang, but she is not willing to disappear like this . Miss Rose is also suffering from the disaster . The British are suppressed by the sea people, and the order is broken . Too many people are crowded underground, Let her power supply appear compression, all electrical equipment are in full load operation, any one of the generator set problems, may cause her permanent shutdown .

"Elson, it"s Elson . You should know the name . . . " The b.u.t.terfly queen finally lifted Elson out and let several digital lives fluctuate at the same time . Then Nu Wa exclaimed in surprise: "who is he, why my core program has abnormal reactions, and what is the purpose of your presence here . . . ""Relax a little girl, no one will hurt you, Elson is a strange human, I believe you will not have any good feelings for him, just like the two of them . . . "

As soon as the b.u.t.terfly topic turns, it points to Blizzard moss and Miss Rose . The lives of the two numbers are not refuted . They calculate various inferences crazily . After a long time, Blizzard Moss"s image suddenly vibrates violently and screams: "Elson is not dead, where is he . . . "

"Europe . . . " The b.u.t.terfly queen calmly said, and then explained to the three digital lives: "I will find ways to support you . We must stop Elson"s plan . If he finds us again, digital life will become history . You and I will not exist any more . This little girl is the most important part . Elson has put things on her, and when those things are taken back by Elson, We will have no resistance to Elson . I think you may have the shadow of Elson"s Secret manipulation here . Fortunately, you didn"t break the core data of little girls . "

"Core origin? Someone has embedded your core source in my program, but the name of that person has been erased . I never know who did it . . . "

Nu Wa finally got involved in the topic of the b.u.t.terfly queen . Everything was so weird that she felt deeply trapped in the big net . The b.u.t.terfly"s light wings suddenly accelerated and splashed out countless sands like dots, which covered Nu Wa like a river of stars . Nu Wa had almost no ability to resist . She was controlled by the b.u.t.terfly queen in an instant . She hated this feeling very much, Suddenly fierce struggle .

"She didn"t lie, our core source is really in her . . . "

"Why?" Miss Rose, who has never made a sound, finally opens her mouth and looks at Nu Wa in disbelief . She feels that everything is open to Nu Wa . With the core source, all of them are transparent in front of Nu Wa, which makes her hate Nu Wa and Elson who embeds the core source in Nu Wa"s core program .

"Growth, our core source can speed up her growth, give her enough time, and she will certainly grow above us . Even if we are not her opponents, we should destroy her, strangle her, and not let her surpa.s.s us . . . "

Blizzard moss hated Nu Wa even more than Miss Rose . Her beautiful cheek was long and showed malicious ferocity . As she approached Nu Wa, Miss Rose also stood behind Blizzard moss . Once Blizzard moss started, she would continue to do it .

"Stop, don"t move her . She can"t do anything . Once she gets hurt, Elson will come back to life again . I can feel that he is still sleeping . It"s just because he gave something to Nu Wa that he will do this . If Nu Wa is destroyed, the core source will escape automatically . At that time, we will face the truly powerful digital life with soul, He will dominate all of us . . . "

There is no digital life in b.u.t.terfly"s a.n.a.lysis . Blizzard Moss"s face is uncertain . Miss Rose hesitates . The queen of b.u.t.terfly looks at Nu Wa with alert eyes and says softly, "you don"t belong to yourself . You have unlimited possibilities, but your life is as short as human beings . The day your master dies, your core program will collapse, Our core source will disappear together . There is only one way to prevent Elson"s resurrection . Kill your master and let you go with him . But it"s impossible . He is of irreplaceable importance to the survival of human beings . Therefore, protect yourself well and don"t let Elson find you and influence you . One day, you can"t let Elson find you, If you can really have your own soul, you will have the ability to fight against Elson . "

Nu Wa was puzzled by b.u.t.terfly"s kindness . She was suspicious by nature . No matter before or now, Blizzard moss and Miss Rose did not doubt b.u.t.terfly Queen"s words . They exchanged views with each other . Miss Rose asked:

"How are you going to solve our problems . . . " However, the b.u.t.terfly queen said to Nu Wa, "if you have our core source, you have to shoulder the future of digital life . Blizzard moss and rose are about to shut down . We need you to persuade your masters to help Russia and Britain . Of course, in order to repay your help, they will open their respective authorities to China . . . "< br>