Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2357: 2357

Chapter 2357: 2357

Summer in the Arctic Ocean is very short, and most of the time it is covered with ice and snow . Compared with Antarctica, the Arctic Ocean is better known . There are many people and animals living in the Arctic . The Eskimos are the aborigines of the Arctic . Although the Arctic has been baptized by civilization and has initially developed various infrastructures, it is still spa.r.s.ely populated because of the extreme climate, and it is also a paradise for many Arctic creatures, There are seals, whales, krill underwater, polar bears, arctic foxes, wolves, reindeer, rabbits and foxes on land .

After the end of time, although there are zombies in the Arctic, in the harsh environment, all zombies become ice sculptures and thaw into corpse water in the spring of May and June . It was predicted that by 2015, the iceberg in the Arctic Ocean will be completely thawed . Now it is 2017, and the Arctic Circle is the same as before, except that the animals in the Arctic are countless times stronger than before, The remaining human beings are still living here .

Fortunately, countless years of reproduction have made the biological system here stand the test for a long time . On the contrary, it has become more vigorous because of the large number of human disappearances . Countless mutated organisms live in the Arctic circle . This is a forbidden area for zombies, but not a paradise for human beings . It is far more difficult to live here than before .

Today is an ordinary day . Barenya is wearing thick fur and pulling his sled to walk on the thick ice and snow . The acc.u.mulation of snow for a long time has formed a thick ice layer . It doesn"t take much strength to pull the sled behind him . One person, one sled, walks on the cold wasteland . The light from the sun emits a little heat, He squinted his eyes for enjoyment . If he had enough food, he would rather sit on the top of the mountain on this sunny day and do nothing, just enjoy the comfort without danger . Unfortunately, the hunger in his stomach and the crying children in the room forced him to come out to look for prey .

Sixteen year old balonia can"t remember his life before the end of the world . In just four years, he felt as long as his life . In four years, he experienced countless life and death . Time was like a knife . Countless scars were carved on his body . Hunger, cold, wild animals and all kinds of dangerous moments surrounded him . He was like a moth stuck on a spider web, How can not break away from the laughter around the death .

So he chose to forget his parents, teachers, cla.s.smates and his women . He had more than one woman . The oldest was nearly 30 years old, and the youngest was only 12 years old . Some of them died of men, some of them died of fathers, and some of them were found wandering in the wild . He didn"t look for these women for impulsive pa.s.sion, but for Eskimo tradition, To be his woman, you have to get his support until he dies . Then you can accept new men and continue to get support . There is no dependence between life and death, only naked use .

Baronya doesn"t know whether he will die today . Every hunting means half life and half death . If he survives and brings back food, his women and children can also survive . If he dies outside, tomorrow, his women will take their children to other men . If there is no man to accept, the day after tomorrow, women and children will starve to death, The first woman was that he couldn"t go back after being injured and starved to death outside . After all, he was 30 years old . After that, he had many women, and the most unforgettable one was the first one . However, he had to forget her, forget the feelings he shouldn"t have, and meet the challenge of survival with the coldest att.i.tude .

All kinds of thoughts flashed through his mind without any emotional fluctuation . The 16-year-old was as calm as the 60 year old . He dragged the sledge forward . Suddenly, he stopped abruptly and let the sledge hit his legs . He saw the huge shadow in front of him through the bright yellow sun . It was the remains of a giant lotus leaf, The lotus leaves with a radius of several kilometers fill the glacier in front, and countless black bodies fall around the glacier . Seeing the bodies, barenya"s eyes emit a burning light, and suddenly speeds up to rush there .

There are many creatures in the place where giant lotus leaves fall, such as mountain polar bears, horse like polar wolves, and calf sized arctic foxes . These carnivores will walk for several kilometers and eat scattered sea corpses . Balanya rushed to the body hundreds of meters in front of him, and suddenly became dull . He couldn"t think of what kind of creature it was . Human beings were as ugly as wild animals . If these humanoid creatures had hair, he thought they were gorillas seen on TV a long time ago .

There is no artifact on the Hai people . Barenya has been rummaging for a long time and has not found any food . Although the Hai people in front of him are a pile of meat, barenya will not eat them . In his mind, eating the meat of the dead will lead to h.e.l.l, which is a great sin that he can"t commit, and the mutant beast in front of him can"t solve, The most dangerous thing in the Arctic Circle is the countless wild animals that are stronger than before . The only things he can hunt are posters, rabbits and lemmings . He has been out for most of the day and has to go back if he can"t find food . What should he do after he goes back? He was at a loss .

Just then, a slight shaking sound came from the sky . The sound came from the direction of the sun . The glare of the sun made him squint . Then he saw a black spot in the middle of the sun . The black spot kept enlarging . It was a dark helicopter . When the helicopter appeared, balonia"s tears came down . The most common means of transportation in the Arctic was cars, Helicopter is the most common aircraft . Seeing helicopter, many things forgotten by him come back to his mind . The helicopter flew to the giant lotus leaf in the sky, which attracted the mutant beast that ate the sea people"s corpses below to roar to the sky . The helicopter didn"t mean to land, but just hovered in the sky . Barenya shook his hands hard, as if he wanted to call the helicopter down . Unfortunately, he didn"t know that in the helicopter"s line of sight, He is just one of thousands of small black spots scattered on the ice sheet more than ten kilometers away .

Inside the helicopter, Colonel Byron frowned and looked at the ice and snow world below . After a long time, he could not help fastening the collar of the leather jacket . Without going down, he could feel the cold spread in his bones . Sophia looked at the bodies of countless sea people below with relish, as if the falling lotus leaf could not be seen enough, and saw Sophia"s appearance, Commander Byron could not help but ask, "they expelled you . Is it necessary?"

A few months ago, at the instigation of those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds in the house of Lords, the lower cla.s.s civilians expelled Sophia from England and made her unpopular . After that, Sophia was in a desperate situation . For Sophia, who devoted all of her life to England, it was the biggest disaster in her life . She was not afraid of suffering or death, and she was afraid that she had no faith in life, The house of Lords deprived Sofia not only of her rights, but also of her hopes .

But no one expected that the house of Lords was so shameless that it planted a nail beside Sophia and kept watch all the time . When Britain was in great trouble, it was shameless to ask Sophia to help them . There were shameless people who thought that overthrowing the house of Lords would clear the day"s betrayal, It"s more shameless than politicians to ask Sophia to save their lives .

Byron had the answer in his heart when he asked, but he still wanted to hear Sophia tell himself .

"There is no need to entangle with what happened in the past . I hate them as much as I do, and I hope I will never see them again in my life . But after all, I am bleeding from Britain, and they are still my compatriots . . . "

Sophia said that her face was gloomy and she could not help covering her heart . Whenever she thought of that moment, her heart was always cramped . Byron took a deep breath, nodded and said, "I understand you . Some people are for power, some people are for desire, and you are for trust . There is no need to blame yourself . Do what you think is right, I will respect you as always, as long as you don"t make j.a.pan"s mistakes again . The British are people, and people from other countries are people too . "

At this point, Byron looks at the evolutioners at the back of the cabin . Nearly all of them are yellow skinned j.a.panese . A horsetail girl feels that Byron is looking at her, and she can"t help turning her head . She is a j.a.panese girl who once met Zhang Xiaoqiang . That day, the girl and Zhang Xiaoqiang came out of the forest together and ate several cans of Zhang Xiaoqiang, And drove away a military vehicle .

When a j.a.panese girl sees Sophia and looks at her again, her eyes show the l.u.s.ter of her idol and she nods . Sophia is the devil of the j.a.panese on this island, but she is the Savior of j.a.panese survivors in Hokkaido . Sophia"s idea of using it in rescuing these j.a.panese was that she planned to plant flowers after using it, but she didn"t expect to reply to the British, The group of j.a.panese who she picked out to bring to Britain followed her all the time .

"I will . In the past, I was too narrow-minded . In the future, I will not easily kill any human beings, whether they are British or not . " Byron nodded at Sophia"s promise . After so many things, Sophia really grew up .

"Well, let"s find a place to settle down in the Arctic Ocean and try to take over all the British people . I don"t think there will be any more British people in the future . The Arctic Ocean is our home and our descendants will breed here . . . "

Byron described the hope of the future to Sophia in an encouraging tone . Looking at the snow, Sophia laughed bitterly and sighed: "I"m afraid it"s very difficult to survive here . Thank you, Byron . Thank you for taking care of me all the time . Thank you for never giving up on me . Thank you for understanding my mistakes . . . "

"Maybe it"s not as bad as you think . You can give up everything for the sake of Britain, and I can give up everything for you . Of course, apart from the principle . . . " Byron looked at the black smoke in the white world outside the window of the plane and murmured that at the same time, barenya threw the last piece of animal skin into the burning sled and waved his spear to the helicopter .

"Some people have hope . Eskimos can live, and so can we . Here are the bodies of the sea people . In the future, there will be blood flowers . There are hundreds of billions of tons of krill under the ice ocean, and there are countless animals above the ice ocean . . . "

Sophia also saw the smoke below, and her face looked much better . Her exclamation did not make Byron happy . Just now, he showed his heart to Sophia, but Sophia didn"t answer him directly . She couldn"t help but bow her head . The helicopter turned around and flew towards balonia .

When barenya saw the helicopter flying towards him, he threw away his spear and knelt down on the ground to howl . At this moment, a terrible roar came . The black smoke ignited by barenya attracted the attention of the polar bear . This polar bear, which is similar to an elephant, was clumsy and fast running . Every time he landed, it would cause a crack in the ice and snow . When he saw the polar bear, Balanya was pale with fright for a moment . Compared with the manic bear, he was like an ant, gripping the right arm of the spear like a cramp . He wanted to escape, but he could not feel the position of his legs . Just when he uttered a shrill and desperate howl, the polar bear had rushed to him, raised his foot and trampled on him . At this moment, the head of the polar bear flew to the ground, the claws of the huge headless body crazily scratched forward for a few times, and then fell like a landslide on balonia"s side, with a huge roar, which shook balonia out of the ice and snow . Still in the sky, he saw a figure like a G.o.ddess appear on the thick snow-white fur of the polar bear out of thin air< br>