Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2358: 2358

Chapter 2358: 2358

In the deep and cold corridor of the Alps, the evolutioners in full body armor are like statues standing still for thousands of years . The lights in the hidden corner can not fully illuminate the corridor . Except for the silent evolutioners, all other areas are hidden in the dark . Occasionally, we can see that the stone pillars behind some evolutioners have been cut and broken, Compared with the last time Regel came here, there were vicissitudes and extermination after the war .

In the room full of artworks and agitation, Kruger sits behind the luxurious and old office work . A figure is standing in front of his desk respectfully . This figure has a striking resemblance to Kruger, with the same shoulder width, the same hairstyle and the same voice . Beyond the dim light, he is shocked to find that both of them are Kruger .

Kluger, sitting on the chair, is looking at his double with suspicious and scrutinizing eyes . The existence of this double is not even known to Regel . Although Regel is childish and incompetent in his eyes, it will not affect his status, but he is cunning in nature . He always guards against Regel . His current incompetence does not mean that he will never trust others, Except for himself .

The double is not only similar to him, but also very similar in charm . At first glance, other people will think that Kluger and the double are like the same person inside and outside the mirror . Most of the time, this double appears in front of people as a puppet . He always hides in a small and hidden place to command secretly, just like a latent poisonous snake . Today is the day for the double to recover, The last time EOS raided the headquarters, he mistakenly hit the copilot and injured the stand in, which also made Kluger more cautious about his own safety . In three months, he hardly went out of the room, and no one knew what happened to his injury . Until today, when the stand in recovered, he officially met the first person in several months .

"I worked hard for you last time . I think you will be safe in the future . Of course, your payment will be delivered as scheduled . Before that, you need to disguise as me . . . "

Kluger seems to be absent-minded playing with the old-fashioned Parker gold pen in his hand . His eyes are sharp, but he always stares at the stand in . Sometimes the stand in kills the real person, and naturally becomes the real person . He doesn"t even believe in these lenient words . If it wasn"t for the use value of the stand in, he would have eliminated this potential threat .

"Dare not, dare not, it"s my honor to serve the speaker . If it wasn"t for the speaker, I would have died in a small town . Thank the speaker for revenge for my child . I"m very satisfied with my life now . If I have a child, please treat her kindly . I know what to do at that time . . . "

The stand in kept his respect . When he bowed his head, his eyes flashed coldly . When he raised his head, he returned to normal . He knew that he knew too much about Kluger . If Kluger no longer needed himself, it would be the day of his death . If he was someone else, he could still find a way to deal with it, But the powerful speaker and the invincible throne of G.o.d made him despair . He thought of Emile, who fought against EOS that day . His intensity was beyond the limit of human acceptance, so he could only plead with the speaker to let go of his offspring .

The stand in made Kluger smile, and his killing intention in his eyes flashed by . He said carelessly: "in fact, you don"t have to worry . You know something about me . If it was in the past, you would surely die, because the Rhine family doesn"t allow foreign blood to control it . Besides, you can"t control it . Now it"s different . My life is no longer a shackle, If you can succeed, as long as I don"t die, you won"t die . At that time, you don"t need to play my role and change your appearance . You will have a new life . It"s better for you to take care of your children and women yourself . . . "

I heard that the speaker was in a good mood at this time . The stand in shivered and wanted to say something . In a thousand thoughts, he didn"t know what to say . He nodded gratefully and waited for Kluger"s task . He knew Kluger would not let himself come over for no reason .

Kluger was very satisfied with the stand in"s performance . His casual expression disappeared and his face became solemn . He seriously said to the stand in, "you still have one last task . Go to Australia to receive the elixir of immortality, and get it at any cost . Of course, as my spokesperson, you also have the chance to enjoy the elixir of immortality . There is only one chance, Take advantage of . . . "

As soon as he said this, the double"s face suddenly changed . He looked at Kluger in horror . Everyone liked the feeling of pie smashing on his head . But when he was. .h.i.t by a pie as big as a mountain, I"m afraid . . . No one could catch it .

"Don"t worry about anything . I"m just afraid that Australia is a trap . Regor has got Kessler"s head . Kessler is a traitor in the new era . Now Australia has returned to the control of the new era . Although it"s only nominal, the Chinese need Australia"s support to use Australia as a shield against the sea people, I"m sure they won"t mind Australia changing its leader . In the past, you doubled the amount of materials that Australia had given to the Chinese people . As long as their interests are protected, there is nothing that can"t be discussed . Well, you don"t have to worry about the Chinese people . After they and the sea people are both defeated, the new era may not have no chance to capture China . "The stand in is German . Most of the German people don"t like China . When they hear about the Chinese people, their faces become ugly . Kruger sneers at the short-sightedness of the stand in, but he still talks with them . At the moment, the stand in is a dead man in his eyes . The G.o.d of death will personally accompany the stand in to Australia . At that time, only death gaze can be used, even if it can make the stand in immortal, It"s impossible to survive .

"I understand . In fact, I should have died long ago . No matter what decision the speaker makes, I will comply with . . . "

The double"s face was hidden in the shadow of the light . Kluger unscrewed the gold pen in his hand, took a doc.u.ment and looked at it carefully . It was an act of seeing off the guests . The double bowed to Kluger and left . Looking at the back of the double, Kluger pondered . The liaison officer sent to China had arrived in Hubei and reached an agreement with the Chinese side, Three large supernova bombs were used to buy the pa.s.sage to Australia . This time, the stand in was only a trial . If the elixir of immortality was successful, regor would return to Europe with the rest of the elixir from China . If it wasn"t for the reason of longevity, Kluger would not cooperate with China . He always looked down upon the Chinese and thought that they were not worthy of standing on the same level as himself, Just like this cooperation, it made him feel very uncomfortable .

A person stays in an open room, even if there are countless treasures to accompany him, he is still lonely . However, Kluger has long been used to this kind of coldness . He has finished the work of approving doc.u.ments, cla.s.sifying all kinds of doc.u.ments in a slow manner, and doing everything himself, so that he is meticulous . When he finishes today"s work, he sees the electronic clock on the display, His eyes flashed a dark red l.u.s.ter, and his throat was like a wild animal roaring . His tight body was twisted, and he smashed his fists on the desk and gasped violently .

The beating of the clock is like the continuous tightening of the noose around his neck . Every minute and every second is the countdown of his life . At this moment, he hates his blood, and bears the glory and curse of the Rhine family . His father is like this, and so is his brother . If he can"t change it, maybe tomorrow, maybe next year, There will be no more Kruger in the world .

Thinking of himself lying in the coffin covered by people, thinking of the tombstone forgotten in the corner, thinking of himself turning into rotten bones in the grave, the intense suffocation made him almost crazy, and the hysterical vent could not relieve his anxiety . He came to the living room hidden in the most hidden place and looked up at the beautiful men and women hanging in the center of the room, A cruel smile rose from the corner of his mouth .

Two women, a man, are outstanding young boys and girls . Before the end of the world, they are the center of attracting the rate of turning back . But here, in this room full of black blood, they are just Craig"s toys that he destroys at will . They are the props for him to vent his fear . Craig can only feel his strength by looking at other people"s pain, Master other people"s life and death, and the joy of forgetting everything .

"Ah The shrill scream spread in the room . The shrill scream was louder than the shrill scream . The shrill scream was accompanied by Kluger"s nervous laughter . When all this was over, Kluger, who was full of blood and water like a man eating devil, walked out of the room indifferently . Three puppet soldiers pulled out three flesh and blood objects from the room one by one, The young boys and girls in their prime of life pulled out three long bloodstains under the drag of the puppet soldiers, whistling and groaning from time to time< br>