Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2361: 2361

Chapter 2361: 2361

Crescent moon, with a frosty face, came into the hall and made Zhou Jie sweat . In more than two years, crescent moon experienced countless battles and dangers, and her red British brigade also grew from the women"s army to the iron soldier . If you ask what army is the most powerful in Yinmeng, there is no doubt that it is the earliest evolutionist army, the b.l.o.o.d.y battle group, and the red British brigade is one of the three, At that time, there were only more than 100 people . After two years of development, there were more than 1000 . There were all kinds of female evolutionists, among which there were not a few well-known . In the ranking of the b.l.o.o.d.y battle group, the red British team was not at the bottom, just because Han Yueya was so powerful .

At first, the main combat task of the red British brigade was zombies . In order to establish the prestige of the red British brigade, yueya"er and the red British brigade were stationed in Wuzhong City, the city with the largest number of zombies around Yinchuan . Yinchuan plain was divided into two parts by the Yellow River . Before Zhang Xiaoqiang left, only the western region was occupied, and the zombies in Wuzhong City and Lingwu City in the East had not yet been cleared, Only as a distribution center to supplement zombie resources, Hongying brigade grew up in the eastern region .

Almost all the millions of zombies were killed by the Hongying brigade . The women in the Hongying brigade killed the most zombies by themselves in China . When the surviving evolutionists came out of the area with numerous corpses, every woman grew up to be the most powerful soldier . Later, meow stuck to Vladivostok . Under the situation that the Yinmeng military region was not optimistic about, the Hongying brigade went out, He became the backup of meow and defended Zhang Xiaoqiang"s overseas base business under the attack of countless mutant animals . Russia island is now called Longhua island .

So yueya"er has the power and toughness that ordinary women don"t have . If you look at her carefully, you will find that she has some shadow of Zhuo Mingyue, the same arrogance, the same gorgeous, and the same exclusion from thousands of miles away . She looks forward to her beautiful eyes and smiles . Two years later, yueya"er is no longer the green apple when she first met Zhang Xiaoqiang, She has become a gorgeous beauty . Her appearance may not be as good as that of Zhuo Mingyue, but her reserved temperament and self-confidence make her much better than that of the women with the same appearance . Any man who sees her first is amazing, and then is ashamed . He can"t have the desire to conquer mountains, but he doesn"t dare to conquer erupting volcanoes, Men can conquer the sea, but not the tsunami .

The bright and moving crescent moon walks up to Zhou Xiong with a strong aura and makes him wipe his cold sweat involuntarily . He mumbles in his mouth to explain that he didn"t give the order to launch the missile before . Unexpectedly, crescent moon doesn"t look at him at all, but just stares at the mother worm . Although crescent moon doesn"t look at Zhou Xiong, Zhou Xiong feels a thrill, As if standing around is not bright and moving crescent moon, but a fierce beast .

"Get out . . . " Bright and beautiful as Nightingale"s crisp sound let Zhou Xiong hit a clever, repeatedly asked: "what?"

Yueya"er finally turns her eyes on Zhou Xiong . When she turns around, Zhou Xiong feels as if he is being watched by a wild animal . He can"t help but step back a few steps . There is a sneer in yueya"er"s eyes, but he doesn"t open his mouth . He waves to the door . The meaning is self-evident . Zhou Xiong rolls his throat to open his mouth . When he sees yueya"er"s big bright eyes, he tends to turn red, He quickly turned around and ran to the door, as if there was something behind him . At this time, the mother"s mind echoed in Zhou Xiong"s heart: "don"t, don"t leave, don"t leave me to her . . . "

Zhou Xiong didn"t know why the mother was afraid of the crescent moon . Hearing the mother"s voice, instead of stopping, he sped out of the door, turned and ran to the control center on the second floor . After rushing into the control center breathlessly, he found that all the attendants were there, staring at the monitoring frequency of the insect nest, Crescent moon is holding a strange confrontation with her mother . At the first sight, Zhou Xiong knows that crescent moon is talking to her mother, but he doesn"t know what she"s talking about .

Soon, the crescent moon moved, waved out some small beetle like black spots, flew to the side of the knife arm beetle that was eating, and disappeared . It wasn"t long . More than 100 knife arm beetles and Eight Legged beetles stopped eating, and stood behind the crescent moon in a neat formation, making everyone lose their chin . You know, At this time, the saber arm beetle and the Octopod beetle were all in their infancy . Besides eating, they didn"t even pay attention to the orders of the mother beetle . But now they even arranged a square formation behind the crescent moon, which was more professional than the well-trained soldiers .

"What"s that?" Zhou Xiong couldn"t help murmuring . Suddenly he thought of something . He pushed aside the position of the correspondent, pressed a switch to show the image of Nu Wa, and said aloud, "please talk to brother c.o.c.kroach . . . "

"The reason . . . " Nu Wa didn"t talk nonsense . She asked for the main points directly . Zhou Jie called out: "the mother"s nest is abnormal . Leader Hongying may be parasitized by alien creatures . . . "

Zhou Xiong"s words caused an uproar, and everyone wanted to speak . Seeing the uniform knife arm insect behind the crescent moon, she could not help but keep silent . Nu Wa seemed to be thinking about something . After a while, she said: "deal with the emergency, start the self destruction device, and all irrelevant personnel immediately evacuate, and . . . "

"I know what to do, but it"s Han Yueya, brother c.o.c.kroach"s . . . " Zhou Xiong was in a hurry and wanted to explain to Nu Wa . In general, he turned his head and yelled at the other people who were ready to listen: "get out of here . . . "Soon, only Zhou Xiong was left in the control center . Then he said, "crescent moon is brother c.o.c.kroach"s apprentice and his relative . If you do this, it will have a great impact on brother c.o.c.kroach . Can you bear the consequences? Now you just need to pa.s.s it on to brother c.o.c.kroach . Even if there is a problem, you are not responsible . Are you ready to be restarted? "

Zhang Xiaoqiang told all the senior management about Nu Wa, because she was always worried about Nu Wa . Just in case, she explicitly asked that Nu Wa"s decision could only be used as a reference, not as an order . But now Zhou Xiong needed Nu Wa to connect with Zhang Xiaoqiang, so he had to persuade nu wa . However, after hearing Zhou Xiong"s explanation, Nu Wa said nothing more, Switch to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s face .

"Crescent moon . . . Long time no see . " Zhang Xiaoqiang"s head appears on the back projection of the snow-white wall . His low voice reverberates in the hall . Facing the crescent moon of the female insect, his whole body tightens and suddenly turns around . When he sees the man he hasn"t seen in two years, all kinds of things in the past suddenly cross his heart . For a moment, thousands of words are surging in his heart, but there is not a word to say . In front of other people, his cool temperament suddenly shatters, Turn into a silk to say not clear road unclear complex eyes .

Through the camera, Zhang Xiaoqiang can clearly see the most subtle changes on yueya"er"s face . After saying his greetings, he didn"t question the reason why yueya"er appeared here . He just looked at this once cowardly and kind girl . All kinds of things in the past were also in his mind . The changes of yueya"er were also in his eyes . He had heard the news of yueya"er before . Time went by, Things are different . He is over the age of his youth . He occasionally remembers to smile and then forgets . His life and death together and mutual affection and foam fade with the pa.s.sage of time . It"s best to leave a little memory and regret . If it"s too close, it"s not beautiful . Now that he has made a decision on that day, he will continue to choose that day .

"You"re married . . . " Yueya"er looks at Zhang Xiaoqiang, who is still young, and asks . At the same time, Zhou Xiong in the control center raises his ears and hides in a furtive eavesdrop .

Zhang Xiaoqiang was embarra.s.sed with a smile, nodded and said: "sorry, you were in Vladivostok at that time, and didn"t have time to inform you . . . " Crescent moon did not entangle anything, nodded and said: "Congratulations, although the bride is not me . . . "

"Cough, what"s your purpose here . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang pretended to cough for a while, and finally got to the point . The monitor in the hall also transferred all kinds of pictures to Australia, focusing on more than 1000 ground Diggers in the corner of the hall . Nu Wa told Zhang Xiaoqiang the changes before, so that Zhang Xiaoqiang could understand the mother"s careful thinking . If she had a deep look at the mother, she would look back at the crescent moon .

"You mean them?" Yueya"er points to the scalpel arm insects in the square array . Seeing the mysterious smile raised at the corner of yueya"er"s mouth, Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly thinks of something and frowns and asks, "is it a salt lake town?" On that day, Zhang Xiaoqiang took Yang Ke"er and Yue ya"er to Jilantai town in Inner Mongolia to sleep at night, and had an affair with Yue ya"er . Yue ya"er was once controlled by a mysterious creature . In that night, Zhang Xiaoqiang fought with the mysterious big meatball, and she was still alive with Yue ya"er . Only 10% of the success rate of evolution matrix was used to save Yue ya"er .

The situation of the knife arm bug reminds him of the zombies and skeletons in the bas.e.m.e.nt, both of which are controlled . Zhang Xiaoqiang is familiar with the little bugs spilled by crescent moon before . He killed a lot of these things . After hearing Zhang Xiaoqiang"s questions, crescent moon is silent for a while, and finally nods, but tears flow down . For a long time, crescent moon has never cried again, I didn"t quite see Zhang Xiaoqiang and cried .

"You want to control the cutworm and think about Australia?" Zhang Xiaoqiang sighs when he sees yueya"er"s tears . The image from the satellite gives him an a.n.a.lysis of yueya"er"s psychological state at this time . Zhang Xiaoqiang is still unforgettable for the meatball in Salt Lake town . I believe yueya"er will never forget it . Yueya"er"s crying is that she has endured for so long for fear that she will not be regarded as a normal human, I"m afraid that the reason for yueya"er to control the saber arm insect is still in him . It must be that the three-day coma has spread to yueya"er . This once weak and now strong girl wants to help him with her strength .

"The situation in Vladivostok has stabilized . There will be no problem for the red British brigade stationed there . Australia needs manpower . I . . . " Yueya"er wiped away her tears with the back of her hand and said to Zhang Xiaoqiang that her eyes were always staring at the ground and she did not dare to look at Zhang Xiaoqiang again . The poor appearance made people feel painful . Zhang Xiaoqiang did not go deep into yueya"er"s ability .

"Well, you have done a good job, better than I expected . I know the deeds of Hongying brigade and Vladivostok . Would you like to do me a favor?" Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t use the command, but used the request . He knew that yueya"er was upset and didn"t want to use the relationship between her superior and subordinate to carve a trench in her heart .

"What?" Crescent moon opened her swollen eyes and looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang . Her cheeks were flushed .

"I want you to go to Moscow and stop a guy named Wan Qiang . You don"t need to kill him as long as he leaves Russia, or he doesn"t want to kill the Russians any more . If he wants to come to Australia, you can go to England again to help the British guard the last base, As long as they can survive the transfer, the Arctic circle will be fine . Finish these two things, and then you will follow me . ""Really?" Crescent moon eyes flashed surprise, and then hesitated to say: "then your wives will not say anything?" When Zhang Xiaoqiang heard this, he had a headache . He knew the meaning of crescent moon, but at this time he had to pretend to be confused and said, "you are my apprentice . What can they say? Meow meow is also here . She happens to have a companion with her . "

Yueya"er"s face darkened . Then she looked up and tried her best to smile at Zhang Xiaoqiang . Zhang Xiaoqiang nodded and finally said, "the mother worm is a bit dishonest . You can teach me a lesson . Those earth diggers asked Zhou Xiong to pack up and send them to Australia for mining . As for the knife arm worm, you can control as much as you can, and there is no upper limit, Try to install a bomb inside the body of the female insect . This guy is dishonest, and we don"t have to reason with him . "< br>