Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2362: 2362

Chapter 2362: 2362

After the World War II, Australia returned to its former calm . a.s.sad and keseller"s misfortune brought the Australian government into a temporary chaos . After promoting a large number of Chinese officials, the Australian government resumed its operation . It should not have been so smooth . In less than half a year, Australia experienced two coups, and was under the pressure of the sea people . People were in a panic . Due to external forces and internal needs, it was temporarily integrated, The number of Chinese and Chinese in Australia is no less than 1 . 5 million, accounting for almost half of the total population . The rest are survivors of small countries and have no power to compete with the Chinese . Moreover, the Chinese army is the most important barrier for Australia, and Kessler, who is nominally dead, is a foreign affairs consultant of the expeditionary army, Australia is almost Chinese .

Of course, all this is private . On the surface, it is still dominated by the new century . When Craig"s son Regel comes to lead Australia, he naturally will not focus on government affairs . He never cares about the life and death of millions of people in Australia . What he cares about is how to meet the coming Craig, He knew that the cunning and ghostly Kessler might not dare to fly over China to Australia, but so far, the only known safe pa.s.sage is through Russia to China"s border, and it is too dangerous to follow the route of transport airship to Australia .

Zhang Xiaoqiang lay comfortably on the beach chair, squinting his eyes to rest, listening to the report about China . Now the Beidou satellite system is completely inherited by Huaxia Renaissance, and the information integration command center is officially established in the underground city . The Renaissance army, including Hunan and Guangxi, has sent young professional staff to Sichuan to set up the satellite general staff office, The person in charge is Li prairie, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s old subordinate in Yinmeng .

After Beidou satellite joined the Renaissance of China, it has improved not only long-distance communication and flexible command, but also navigation system, missile guidance and satellite lock-in, which could not be used before . Now, the most important intelligence system makes the army even more powerful . Every day, a large number of satellite photos are summarized and sorted in the information integrated command center and sent to the army to guide operations .

The battle in Australia is in dire straits, but the number of troops occupied is not large . So far, there are still 10000 people . The total number of troops of Chinese rejuvenation in various provinces can reach 300000 . Except for the garrison troops in various key cities, all the other troops are in the form of rotation to clean up the zombies .

Although the previous clean-up and suppression operations were fruitful, they were slow to advance because of unclear intelligence and lack of mobile power, and the casualty rate remained high . At one time, hunters needed to use their lives to investigate intelligence before they could make an attack plan . Now the two shortcomings have been made up . With unlimited fuel, the army"s motor vehicles can finally operate at full power, When the mobile forces go up, the logistics forces will naturally keep up . The army has sufficient supplies, and its propulsion speed is several times faster than before . According to the accurate satellite map, it can make the number of zombies accurate to 100, and its combat efficiency can be increased by more than 10 times?

A large number of goods and materials were left in the occupied areas because of the transportation capacity . The rear area was short of raw materials and construction was insufficient . People were needed to work everywhere, but a large number of people were wasted in transportation because of the shackles of the transportation capacity . Now it"s different . A large number of vehicles go into civilian use, and the goods and materials piled up everywhere are continuously transported into cities, At the same time, a large number of fields have been reclaimed because of the input of agricultural machinery, and become granaries in the future .

In this way, the rejuvenation of China is on the right track . Every day, a large number of zombies are wiped out . Every day, hundreds of zombies are packed into rice dumplings and sent to a place for storage as alternative reserve materials . There are no more than one hundred million people in Hubei Province . However, with the progress of the eradication team, more and more survivors come out to seek shelter from the army, These forces, big or small, are thousands of people . If not for the existence of Haizu, a terrifying enemy that may destroy the land, maybe even without Zhang Xiaoqiang and the rejuvenation of China, human beings will still be able to live tenaciously on the land thousands of years later .

Zhang Xiaoqiang was quite satisfied with the gathering of intelligence from all over the place . The North-South pa.s.sage is about to be opened up . On the railway line, cities along the way are within the scope of suppression . 100000 railway workers rush to repair the railway day and night, and a large amount of antirust agent is used on the railway track regardless of cost . Once it is unblocked, the forces of the two places will join together, It will only take a week to gather 200000 troops to wipe out zombies in any city .

Most of China"s zombies are distributed in the southeast coastal areas . In the past, zombies in these areas were a serious problem for China, but now they are a strong defense line against the sea people . Therefore, in addition to setting up a small number of surveillance posts, they did not pay much attention . Those surveillance Posts were all adapted from the logistics supply bases left in China in the new era, and even did not move the establishment, Huaxia Renaissance promised to let them settle down and work in the rear after one year, and garrison in the wilderness . The logistics people of the forgotten new era have long been like savages . Two years of being forgotten seems like a lifetime . When people are worried, they all agree .

Survivors are always the most precious and scarce resources . All survivors in China are collected by Huaxia rejuvenation in a planned way . Regardless of their origin, they are not as good as in the past . All of them are forced to be organized as labor force and invested in the rear to create value . After evidence collection and investigation, the original leaders and thugs of the forces are forced to work hard, According to the crimes committed, they were escorted to Australia with transport ships to become raw materials for puppet soldiers . Less than one third of the more than 300 puppet soldiers who captured akagawa on that day survived, but they created a miracle that none of the thousands of evolutioners could possibly achieve . It"s good to know that the whole operation was only followed by a top evolutioner, no high-end force suppression, and no micro Ultra New Star bomb support .

Nu Wa, who reports everything, reports everything to Zhang Xiaoqiang . Nu Wa"s processing system is so powerful that it is impossible to bypa.s.s Nu Wa by controlling all the communication systems . Meanwhile, China"s radio is fully monitored, and the areas not controlled are OK . If there are radio waves in China"s Renaissance system, they will be investigated first . In this way, China"s radio will be monitored, Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t have to care that someone played tricks in private, which indirectly stabilized the situation of China"s Renaissance . With the rapid development of China"s Renaissance, the foundation became more and more solid, and the Baima and Yinmeng rebellion could not happen again .

"So, the crescent moon has controlled the mother worm?" When Nu Wa talked about Yinmeng"s female insect, Zhang Xiaoqiang was relieved . The female insect was forced to live and die and obeyed human beings, but it didn"t really belong to human beings . Before, she concealed the number of saber arm beetles and hid 12 Eight Legged beetles . Now, she has produced 1000 earth diggers . G.o.d knows what moths will come out in the future . If saber arm beetles are not needed, Zhang Xiaoqiang really wants to blow them up, Now it"s a good way to be parasitized by crescent moon . Of course, the premise is to master crescent moon .

"It has been determined that the female has been wiped out, and only the reproductive instinct is left . All flying beetles have been cleaned up, and more than 350 tons of debris have been cleared up . It is estimated that 1200 sabarm beetles will be born in a month . On average, 40 sabarm beetle eggs will be born every day . . . "

Nu Wa solemnly reported the fate of the female, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s heart is filled with sadness . The female worm has wisdom . Unfortunately, it is cunning . If it can be honest, Zhang Xiaoqiang will not leave it . After all, it is also a life of wisdom . If it can coexist with human beings and achieve a win-win situation of mutual benefit, it is no better .

"Han yueya"er has left for Russia, accompanied by 120 saber armworms . They have been well received along the way, and will arrive in Moscow about three days later . Blizzard moss will open the military base under her control to us, and the equipment of two armored divisions sealed up by the Far East military region is waiting for us to receive, Zhao Jun and LV Xiaobu will lead 12000 soldiers to accept by air, prepare to enter the country from Heilongjiang, and formally recover the three eastern provinces . "

If this news had been put half a year ago, Zhang Xiaoqiang would have jumped up with excitement, but now it"s a bit dull, rubbing the thunderstorm pistol in his hand . This pistol is a reduced version of the rifle developed by Li Haiyun . It can"t launch plasma b.a.l.l.s, it can only launch high-voltage arc . It"s impossible to be hit within 100 meters, whether it"s Hai nationality or zombie, Only soldiers wearing insulation can resist .

The prototype rifle has been sent to the Australian Laboratory for improvement . Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t hide from the Australian side . He knows that even if Australia has cracked the principle of thunderstorm gun, it is impossible to equip it, because the origin of sun bamboo is not here . The planting area of sun bamboo is in the desert area of Mongolia, where the sun is most abundant, The Badain Jaran Desert, the world"s fourth largest desert before the end of the world, disappeared overnight due to the third heavy rain, forming numerous lakes and gra.s.slands of various sizes . The sun bamboo propagated in large areas of no man"s land tens of thousands of kilometers away . Therefore, no country except China can imitate the thunderstorm gun .

With these thunderstorm guns and countless solar bamboos as ammunition, the final problem of eliminating zombies has also been solved . Zhang Xiaoqiang believes that there are thunderstorm guns now, and then there will be thunderstorm cannons . Ten thunderstorm guns can shoot plasma b.a.l.l.s enough to kill a D3 zombie . In the video of the experiment, electricity can"t enter through the mouth and nostrils of the zombie, The head of the zombie comes out of the ear hole and evaporates the brain .

With this new type of weapon, whether it"s machine guns, artillery or split rifles, Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t think much of it . If all the 100000 troops in Australia are equipped with this new type of weapon, no matter how many troops there are, there is no need to be afraid .

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, according to the news from huangquan, the southern cl.u.s.ter has been set up . A total of 25000 soldiers, 35 m1a1 tanks and 120 armored vehicles have officially started training . . . "

Nuwa"s new news made Zhang Xiaoqiang"s thoughts turn to huangquan and ishiyuanye . They arrived in Australia three days ago . After a combat meeting on the first day, Zhang Xiaoqiang sent them to the South and west to prepare for the Defense Corps . Australia was isolated overseas, and could be attacked by the sea people on all sides . Therefore, we must be prepared, Before, he had only two generals, Zhao Deyi and Xiao Shan . They could not be alone . It would be good to keep one direction . As for the South and the west, they could only be transferred from China .

Because of the oppression of the sea people, Australia is more urgent than China . It mobilizes, recruits 90000 soldiers, and trains 300000 reserve soldiers . If the war is urgent, it will mobilize 500000 more, almost sweeping away the whole of Australia"s youth . However, there are no suitable generals for 90000 soldiers, and Australia does not have many soldiers who have experienced actual combat, Before the war in the northern defense line, the leaders of Australia were all in the eye . If the Chinese soldiers were not in the front, the Australian army would not be able to hold on for three days . In this way, they could easily hand over the command . "We don"t have much time to delay in urging shiyuanye to speed up the formation of the western war zone . In addition, we need kesailer to speed up the repair work of the railway line . The railway situation in Australia is much better than that in China . I hope to restore the smooth flow of the railway as soon as possible . In three days, a thousand ground diggers will arrive, and they will be sent directly to the West and south to dig trenches . . . "

After Zhang Xiaoqiang gave the latest order, a trace of gloom flashed through his mind . All the red algae that came to Australia stopped moving, forming a huge encirclement, and there was a tendency to take root . It would be too late for ordinary people to be happy, but Zhang Xiaoqiang saw that there was a killing situation in it . If these red algae were connected to devour Australia, Either the meteorites pay attention to the destruction of red algae for two times in a row, and they will no longer use the tactics of adding oil . They are ready to deploy elite to launch the most ferocious offensive . Whether it is the former or the latter, it is not good for Australia . If they deliberately choose the former, Zhang Xiaoqiang is willing to choose the former . At least he has time to continue to attack red algae . If it is the latter, I am afraid the future is not good< br>