Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2372: 2372

Chapter 2372: 2372

The sea water in the Pacific is cold and dark in winter . Helicopters patrol along the coastline for ten kilometers . Thick and long searchlights shuttle back and forth on the sea . All kinds of bodies and red algal debris that fluctuate with the waves surge with the undercurrent . After the end of the war, Australia sent out all the helicopters on the east line to prevent the sea people from killing humans .

It seems that everything is as usual under the searchlight search, but I don"t know that countless sea people are hiding under the sea, such as dense schools of fish . Millions of ordinary sea people and 100000 mutant animals are an earth shaking force . Now that Xuefeng is decadent, if you launch a surprise attack, you can"t resist it . What"s more, the ammunition reserves on the front line have reached the edge of barrenness, no one knows, The huge crisis on Australia"s east coast can roll up more turbulent storms than before .

The reason why helicopters patrol here is because the rear area is empty and they want to give early warning . The officer of the flying force is a careful person . Helicopters from time to time fire a darting mechanism sh.e.l.l into the sea, which blows up a mutilated corpse in the sea below the sea . There are also newly developed high-efficiency sonic bombs that blow up waves more than 100 meters high in the sea, Every bombing will bring the sea people within a kilometer radius out of the water . Unfortunately, the sight is not clear at night, and there were too many corpses and red algae fragments on the sea before, so that the plane did not find any abnormality in the water .

But the result is not bad . Yang Ke"er always thinks that there is great danger in the ocean . He orders the helicopter to throw out all the sonic booms in stock . Xiao Shan wanted to stop them, but Zhang Xiaoqiang had to obey his orders . By mistake, the Hai people believe that they have been detected by human beings, just like the salmon crowding their way, The real threat to Australia has been lifted .

Australia was retaliated by the high-end force of the sea people . Although it could not stop the invasion of the sea people, the resilient United States could not run away either . The sea people once retreated for a period of time after the arrival of the nuclear winter . During this period, the Americans recovered the defense line they had lost before and built a 30 meter high building in the case of shortage of various resources, The 20 meter thick super wall, which is tens of kilometers long, can resist the bombardment of 155 mm grenades and the impact of a mutant beast below level 4 . Even if it encounters a mutant beast hundreds of meters long that landed in Shanghai, it is not without the ability to fight back .

The miracle wall built by hundreds of thousands of Americans in more than a month has placed too much hope . Thousands of sealed World War II guns have been put into use . Behind the wall, it is like trees, millions of sh.e.l.ls are piled up like mountains, and the wall is like a beehive full of shooting holes and high-speed heavy machine guns, At one time, the number of automatic flame ejectors every 100 meters exceeded the number of cannons . Between the wall and cannons, hundreds of tanks and armored vehicles stood ready, known as the North American Maginot defense line .

This line of defense is the center of the U . S . campaign of the bulge . It attracts the main attack of the sea people from the second base point, and tries its best to wipe out the sea people"s living forces under the city . Although the Americans lost again and again and suffered heavy losses, one thing is certain . The sea people that the Americans wiped out are several times as many as those in Australia, The scorched earth strategy of fighting for every inch of land made millions of sea people fall on the land of the United States, and tens of thousands of sea people were captured by the Americans .

Through a large number of living experiments, Americans know that this kind of creature is not as immortal as zombies, and can be easily killed by ordinary weapons . The United States has not developed new technology of the last generation, because the technology retained in previous generations is already among the top in the world . No matter B2 bombers, strategic missiles, or military bases all over the United States are incomparable with other countries, What"s more, they also have a developed military industry system . Before the end of the world, it would be restricted by labor costs, workers" welfare and other aspects . But now, as long as there are raw materials, weapons can be made, and as long as there is food, citizens who talk about human rights and democracy can go into factories and pick up their rifles .

Therefore, the United States is still powerful and superior to other countries . The United States is still arrogant and believes that the sea people are bound to fail . When Australia is attacked by the high-end force of the sea people, the arrogance and strength of the Americans collapse like sand sculptures at the moment when the six armed Snake Girl appears, whether it"s machine guns or surface to surface missiles like a meteor shower, Or hundreds of meters long high-temperature fire snakes can not stop those who suddenly appear in the sea .

There are more six armed snake girls than in Australia, and more than 100 four armed snake girls . At the first time, one tenth of the defense line was frozen into a solid ice ball . In Australia, there are thousands of type 3 zombies and hundreds of type 4 zombies, but in the United States, they can only use the lives of ordinary soldiers to build up the glory of the sea people .

In half an hour, the whole American infantry division in the middle of the wall died, and their weapons and equipment were sealed in the thick ice . Even the flamethrower, which consumed a lot of gasoline, was frozen . The American counterattack was not timely . Air strike, ground reinforcement and fire blockade were all available .

Zhang Xiaoqiang and several other people can only kill the four armed Snake Girl with all their strength . The six armed Snake Girl is more powerful than the four armed Snake Girl . All attacks don"t work . It"s very easy to break through the wall and rush into the armored group . The armored group is the last defense line of the Americans . Originally, they planned to retreat if they couldn"t keep it . They exchanged s.p.a.ce for time . Unfortunately, the Americans didn"t count on the determination of the sea people, Not counting the speed of the six armed Snake Girl, at the moment of breakthrough, claya, who was badly wounded in the rear, also broke through the artillery interception and followed the snake girl into the American defense line . The biggest feature of the American Maginot line is that it is totally closed, which is a defense system, which can prevent the killing of the sea people by long-range means . The intelligence of the Americans has created the largest tomb in history . Countless kraya have rushed into the interior of the wall, and there can be no heavy weapons that can break through the kraya barrier, even if there is damage, The speed of kraya"s advance could not be stopped by the Americans . The walls on both sides collapsed in kraya"s crazy advance, and a large number of soldiers were killed in their fighting positions

The high-end sea people led to the rout of the American people, which was the most serious rout in the history of American war . Even the dead and wounded were ignored, and countless equipment and weapons were lost, There are two armored divisions and three mechanical infantry divisions on the front line, with a total of 100000 people . In the end, less than 30000 people were able to retreat to the rear . The loss of a total of 70000 people has greatly damaged the vitality of the Americans . We should know that these 100000 people are the elite troops that the Americans managed to build up after the end of the world . They were once used as the G.o.d of the sea .

American evolutionists also suffered heavy losses . The number of these evolutioners, known as silver armour warriors, reached 3000 . They made many contributions in the battle of the sea invasion . It was with them that the United States despised the beast soldiers, because the IQ of those evolutionists who accepted the modulation dropped rapidly, and they could not fight back in the face of targeted calculations, In the new era, thousands of beast soldiers were captured at one time .

This time, the silver armour warriors finally knew what it was called . There were only 500 of the 3000 elite evolutionists who escaped . They lost the glory of evolutionists, mixed up with ordinary infantry and retreated hastily . They even fought against ordinary soldiers for a car . They were on the route of American retreat, Countless transport vehicles, armored vehicles, oil tankers, tanks and other vehicles are in a disorderly arrangement . During this period, we can see cars of abandoned ammunition and medical supplies .

Soon these things will be inundated by the sea tribe . Each ordinary sea tribe is equivalent to an evolutor . They have more flexible speed and skills than zombies . They are not only on the ground, but also enter the inland river through the sea mouth . Most of these sea tribes are large-scale mutants . These mutants are clumsy on land, but they are like swimming fish in the water, Like landing boats, carrying countless sea people and kraya, they are pushing inland, with the intention of occupying all the rivers .

At this time, a special branch of the armed forces had an unexpected performance . The Americans had no ability to stop the rout, and they had no ability to stop the chasing sea people . They had to set up obstacles full of explosives along the way, and sent beast soldiers who were not very good at thinking to explode themselves . They died together with the chasing sea people . On the dark land, every once in a while, There will be a flaming red mushroom cloud with a height of 100 meters . Each huge sound will blow countless sea people into fly ash . Repeated explosions will finally stop the catching up sea people, and the Americans will have a chance to breathe . At this time, the sea people crowded on the road will spread to the wild one after another, Destroy all the strongholds that have not been evacuated after the American defense line .

Compared with the fierce troops, these strongholds surrounded by the sea people are determined to fight to the death . Both soldiers and civilians know the truth of laying eggs under the nest . They try their best to kill the sea people . The ground troops are defeated, and the air forces are still intact . The sky dancers in the Hawaiian sea do not mean to go ash.o.r.e, No matter helicopters or fighter bombers, all the survivors of the stronghold were rescued . Although the number of survivors was not one in ten, the morale of the rear was greatly boosted .

However, under the general situation, the anxiety of the Americans is unspeakable . They have no time to organize a second line of defense . With the existence of Snake Girl, the former strongholds and defensive fortresses are all useless . For a moment, the anger of failure permeates the US government . At this time, Flanders, who has long been ignored, is getting used to his third body< br>