Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2373: 2373

Chapter 2373: 2373

The vampire komander is satisfied with watching a group of beast soul soldiers walk out, and he can"t help but hold the blonde in his arms . He smiles and says to fland: "this transaction is perfect . A total of 1000 beast soldiers trade 2000 tons of materials, and the money and goods are cleared . He hopes to cooperate next time . . . "

Flander"s thin lips were tightly pressed, and his eyes were not good at looking at the beast soldiers coming out . Now, with his improvement, the preparation time of the beast soldiers has been shortened by half, but his ability is twice as strong as that of the first generation of beast soldiers . You should know that the first generation of beast soldiers has only half the strength of the progressors, in other words, He has mastered the real way of artificial evolution .

Ordinary people"s IQ will decrease after they become beast soldiers . They have many shortcomings, but they are the best cannon fodder . Because of the defects of beast soldiers, the government cut off the materials and population that Flander needed for his experiment . In the end, he got in touch with the vampire komander . Flander needs more materials to complete his experiment and find a way to survive, At the same time, I hope to prove the stupidity of those government officials .

The vampire komander is different from those hypocritical government officials . He is a big man from a Mafia . He doesn"t care about fame or other things . When the United States is in great trouble, komander doesn"t want to replace him because he is a top evolutionist . As a Mafia family, he only cares about one thing, which is family inheritance, Within the Mafia family, it is equivalent to a small kingdom . He is the king himself . He doesn"t need to cause too much trouble and doesn"t want to be controlled by anyone .

Komander has his own territory and population . He does not cooperate with the U . S . government and does not want to fall out . He maintains his independence . He is absolutely selfish . The U . S . government can"t give frand anything . He is willing to give it out . As long as he has interests, komander can even sell his soul . This is the first time they have cooperated, Frand was angry with the Americans and brought out the latest second generation of beast soldiers, which made kemander overjoyed .

"There won"t be a second time . You should receive the news of the collapse of the front line . 100000 troops are suffering heavy losses . They are organizing a second batch of 500000 troops . Unfortunately, they forget that when the war was reduced to a sea of people tactic, they actually lost . I think they will soon think of me . I don"t have much to sell you at that time . . . "

Frand didn"t want to have a deep relationship with komander . Komander"s eyes twinkled . If he had a deep meaning, he said, "isn"t that better? Don"t you hate those politicians? Let them despair, let them see the empty here will be very cool to climax, you and I just watch the excitement, maybe we can carry cigarettes and red wine to celebrate . . . "

Komander ridiculed the failure of the United States with no integrity, but Flander frowned and asked, "can you defeat the sea people who broke through 100000 troops? Have your men ever won the American army? If you can"t, please don"t gloat . The United States is finished and the American continent will be finished . Where can you hide then? "

Komander"s laughter stopped abruptly . He pushed away the woman in his arms, walked back and forth for a few steps, turned his head and stared at Frand, and said in a harsh voice, "I don"t care what deal you will make with America . Whatever they have, I have to have . . . "

Frand raised a sneer around his mouth and ignored komander . This guy is an a.s.shole, a villain so bad that he would not care about this guy if it was not useful to him . He perfunctorily said: "if you can defeat the Haizu, I will trade with you . No matter how much I hate the U . S . government, I am still an American . . . "

Komander knew that fland was immortal . Even if he threatened, it was useless . He took back 1000 beast soldiers and left without looking back . When fland arranged for the remaining beast soldiers to transport the materials to his base, senior officials of the U . S . government appeared in front of him . When the officer appeared, fland knew, The moment came for him to shine again .

There is a special day in the new era . Kluger called together all the high-level and theocratic warriors and began his first appearance after his comeback . Kluger and Regel are no longer like father and son, but more like a pair of brothers . Kluger, who was in his 40s, is not old, but has nothing to do with his youth . But at this moment, the wrinkles in his eyes, The white hair at the temples and the hard edges disappeared . It seemed that Zhaohua was only sixteen or seventeen years old . He was just as old as his son Regel . If it wasn"t for the deep color in his bright eyes, no one would a.s.sociate him with Kluger"s cunning things .

This is a banquet . There are hundreds of high-level people in the new era, and the whole hall is full of excitement . Most of them are the leaders of various armies or parts of the new era . The lowest rank is also the rank of double leaf knight . They are the most powerful people in the new era who can sit at the table of Kluger . They have members of the Senate and the leaders of the command center, And the chief civil officer in charge of millions of survivors .

In the past, regor was not qualified to sit on this table, but now no one is more qualified than him, because he brought back the virus serum that can increase the life expectancy several times, and it is also the virus serum that can make people live for hundreds of years that makes Kruger rejuvenate and have the dream of 18 years old . Kluger"s face was young, but he didn"t have the slightest freedom and publicity of young people . He was as calm as a mountain . His sharp eyes, sitting in the first place, swept over other faces from time to time . He could see doubt, admiration, desire, and subtle hatred from these faces . Although most of them were in high spirits, he believed that no one was sincere, They even hope that Kluger can tell the secret of his rejuvenation . There is only one person who is different, that is, his own son, Regel .

When he saw Regel, Kruger"s eyes flashed a shadow . He didn"t know how to arrange his son . In the past, Regel was only his son, that"s all . But now, he got rid of the curse of the Rhine family just because Regel thought Regel had a different heart . He didn"t expect that the virus serum was really useful, Always suspicious, he asked Regel to inject with himself, but Regel did not hesitate to inject .

This made him unable to see through his son, and felt that Regel was out of his control for the first time, which made him very uncomfortable . The biggest reason was that he had promised that if Regel found a way to help him live forever, he would give up his position to Regel . But now, he is the most proud time in his life, and he has hundreds of lives to spend, Enough for him to work out the real elixir of immortality . In a long time, he will become the king of the whole world . How can he hand over power? So regor has to die .

"Dangdang . . . " The crisp sound of the silver spoon striking the wine gla.s.s reverberated in the whole hall, making the noise below clear . All the people looked at Kluger calmly, showing their respect as much as possible . Kluger was very satisfied to see the awe of the people below . He felt like an emperor, controlling the joys and sorrows of others, life and death .

"To call you here is good news for you . . . " Everyone listened to Kruger"s good news . Kruger raised his head haughtily and said slowly in everyone"s waiting: "from now on, the new era will be officially changed into the Rhine empire . I will be the Rhine I emperor of the Rhine Empire, and you will be my most loyal subjects . . . "

The sudden news made the whole hall silent, and only the faint breath of the air could be heard . Everyone was shocked by the news . Only Regel looked down at his wine gla.s.s, with a slight sneer in the corner of his mouth . At the same time, he felt a heat flow in his nostrils, and a drop of bright red nosebleed dropped into the wine and fainted .

"The show is officially on, let"s see his final madness . . . " Regel is not surprised to see his nosebleed . After a week"s dormancy, the medicine finally works . He will use his life to light the fire of destruction in the new era, burn all Kluger"s hopes and ambitions, and comfort his mother"s spirit in heaven .

"This amazing news has been known by many people before . Maybe you all forget that the new era has declined and the whole world is out of the control of the new era . But I want to tell you, no, not at all . The world has always been in our hands . We are the masters of the world . . . "

Kruger"s ambition is burning, making him as excited as a mental patient . All people listen to his pa.s.sionate speech with their mouths open, and their thoughts drift further and further with his speech . In Kruger"s speech, they finally understand Kruger"s hidden ambition, the change of the whole world, and the goal of the new era"s future .

Kluger shamelessly sums up the changes of the world as his ingenious calculation . China, the United States, Russia, genesis and Britain are all his flags . The biggest flag is the sea people . According to him, it is the origin of the sea people"s war that he provoked, dragged the whole world into the sea people"s war, and injured other forces and the sea people, However, the new era is cultivating in the dark . When the power of the whole world continues to collapse, the new era will stand up and take advantage of the fishermen . At that time, the strength of the new era will be irresistible, whether it is human or sea people .

Some people are moved, some despise, and some think that Kruger is delusional, but more people are stirred up by Kruger"s speech . They warmly look at Kruger who is crazy, waving his arms and yelling loudly, and respond with appreciation . At this time, some people see two black and red tracks flowing out of Kruger"s nostrils, But Kluger didn"t realize it . As he spoke harder, his eyes, mouth and ears began to bleed .

"Ha ha ha ha . . . " Regel killed the red wine mixed with nosebleed in one gulp and gave out more crazy laughter . He made Kluger stare at Regel fiercely, but he was shocked to see that Regel"s seven orifices were bleeding .

"Kluger, are you still delusional? I said, "your empire will be destroyed today . Do you believe it?" Regel"s drinking makes the following people panic . They see that Regel and Kluger are bleeding from seven orifices . Many people have plans to leave . They feel that they are in a dangerous situation .

"Regel, are you crazy? What"s the matter with your face?" Kluger came back to himself and yelled at Regel . Then he found that no one was going to see Regel . They all looked at themselves in horror . They couldn"t help touching their faces and seeing the red in their palms . "Hua la . . . " the chair was pushed away, and several people stood up at the same time to look at Regel . These people were the G.o.d seat who secretly protected Kluger . The most striking thing was a little man in black robe . When she opened her hood and showed her childish and lovely face, Emile, the most mysterious empty G.o.d seat, appeared in front of the crowd, The second largest sign of G.o.d is a girl under 12 years old .

"Regel, you poisoned?" Hardman, the purgatory G.o.d of the four, yells at Regel in horror . The albino black man around him tells him that the pupils of Arito"s eyes have completely disappeared and he looks at Regel in snow white . As long as Regel doesn"t explain, he will make Regel become a mummy in an instant .

"I"ve poisoned . I"ve poisoned the Rhine family . Only the blood of the Rhine family can be poisoned, and only those who have been injected with the undead will have the chance to be poisoned . " Regel coughed up a mouthful of black blood, holding Zhuoming in both hands, staring into Kruger"s eyes, and said word by word .

"You dare . . . " Kluger seemed to be detonated and burst out with unprecedented anger . At the same time, he covered his heart and suddenly stepped back, trying to leave here . But Regel looked at Kluger in his thick anger and smiled .

"My mother, your wife miss you very much in heaven, I can feel her miss, so I send you to see her . . . " At this time, all the people around regor and Kluger retreated, and all of them left tens of meters, including the four divinities . They watched the fratricidal father and son together and kept silent . Although they didn"t know what happened, it had nothing to do with them obviously . It was the internal affairs of the Rhine family .

"For that woman . . . " Kluger couldn"t bear to spit out a mouthful of blood . The black blood was mixed with visceral fragments . He felt that his body was in great pain, as if it had been melted by sulfuric acid .

"No, for my mother . . . " Regor also began to be weak . His cold sweat came out like raindrops, but Kluger yelled: "I don"t want to die, I can"t die . Who will help me, Emile, bar . . . Help me . . . "

Kluger cried out for help . He was no longer in high spirits . As he struggled to walk to the two most loyal divinities, the crowd rolled back like the receding tide, and the four divinities were also one of them .

"You shouldn"t give up the dream, Sister star . . . " When EOS appeared, Emile, who did not hesitate to fight for death, did not come forward and asked in a delicate voice as clear as a oriole, which made Kluger fall into despair . He could no longer stand up and fell to the ground, begging to look at the subjects who had to build an empire with him before .

"There is no antidote, everyone can see it, only you can"t see it . If I have an antidote, I won"t be poisoned like you . Your loyal men will catch me at the first time and try their best to find the antidote for breaking the law . It"s unnecessary for them not to fight . There"s no better way to be loyal to the dying people, so you"re finished . Go to h.e.l.l with me . . . "

Regel"s arms trembled like cramps, and the table shook with his shaking . Regel held the table and looked down at Kluger on the ground . He never thought that this moment would be so wonderful . Even if he needed to burn his life, Kluger could not say it . His whole body was curled up like cooked shrimps . Regel finally looked at hundreds of high-rise buildings in the new era, With an ugly smile, he said to them, "now, the new era is yours . . . " Before he finished speaking, he fell to the ground, convulsed with severe pain, but with the eyes of appreciating the peerless beauty, he looked at Kluger who fell several meters away from him and walked into the final death together< br>