Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2374: 2374

Chapter 2374: 2374

The changes of the new era spread to Australia for the first time . Although Regel was a jerk of three grades, he still remembered some kind of love and left behind for Kessler . Maybe Regel"s plan was to let Kessler take charge of the new era when Kluger died and the new era was in chaos, but he forgot that Kessler was an auxiliary talent and didn"t have the heart to control other people"s life and death, On that day, in order to win Kluger"s trust, kesailer was doomed to die . After Zhang Xiaoqiang knew about the plan, kesailer was saved by Li daitaojiang"s plan . After that, kesailer also volunteered to enter the role to plan for Zhang Xiaoqiang .

On that day, when cleaning up Australia in the new era, Kluger did not really want to hand over Australia to Zhang Xiaoqiang . The reason why he cleaned up Australia was to kill all the people who could really do things and make Australia chaotic, while they sat and watched . China was anxious to deal with the chaos of the sea people and Australia, and took it back at the right time .

Kluger is very resourceful and knows that the biggest defect of China in Australia is its unstable foundation . The Australian survivors do not trust the Chinese . Compared with the Chinese, the new era that rescued them from the zombies has greater influence . There is no clear statement that the Australian government will be handed over to the Chinese, which paves the way for the recovery of Australia in the future .

Kruger missed a point in his calculation . His son didn"t want to replace him, but wanted to die with him . The old fox was led by the little fox to the yellow spring road . In the new era, Europe was in danger, but Australia had the most familiar Kessler . In this way, there was no pressure for Australia to be taken over by China .

In Australia, the Chinese turned their back on tourists and calmed down the turbulent undercurrent of Australia with the appearance of kesailer . In addition, the threat of nuclear winter and the sea people made all previous achievements in the calculation of the new era wasted . As a result, they got a big country with abundant resources and large population, whose development potential once exceeded the territory controlled in the mainland of China, which was unexpected by Zhang Xiaoqiang .

"There have been attacks by sea people in the four directions of southeast, northwest and North . There are not many sea people in each direction . Many sea people have bypa.s.sed the defense line and penetrated inland . There is no sun . The terrain of Australia is very unfavorable to human beings . The rear has put the manufacturing of sensors in the first place . There are too many sea people to be changed in a short time . Patrols have been organized to clean up these sea people . . . ", ”

In the conference room, Zhang Xiaoqiang held a short meeting with Huang Quan, Shi Yuanye, Zhao Deyi and kesailer . At the meeting, Shi Yuanye reported to Zhang Xiaoqiang the war situation during this period . The last time the high-level sea people besieged the east coast, they failed first, but the sea people did not stop . The southeast and northwest sent small-scale sea people to infiltrate the mainland . Most of these sea people were thousands, and few were hundreds, With its own long-distance contact method, the front line has become tense . Today, the number of Australian troops has reached 100000, but it is not enough to defend 370000 kilometers of coastline . It can only rely on complex terrain to garrison traffic arteries . As a result, the troops cannot make ends meet, resulting in more reserve troops being transferred to the front line, resulting in a shortage of manpower in the rear, The purpose of this meeting is to meet the new offensive of the Hai nationality .

Shiyuanye was the first to talk about the dilemma in the war . Huang Quan put his fists on his lips and seemed to be thinking about something . Zhao Deyi had no problem fighting, but his ideas were very problematic . A few people here said that he was the lowest in rank, so they didn"t speak at all . Occasionally he twisted his waist and moved his b.u.t.tocks, which made him feel a little restless . Kesailer didn"t have Zhao Deyi"s restlessness, While listening to the speech, he looked at all kinds of information in his hand, and sometimes made notes . He looked very busy . When ishiharano finished speaking, he could not help but stop writing and looked up .

"The United States is much worse than us . The Western coastline has collapsed, and the death toll is more than 300000 . The lost materials and troops have hurt their vitality . They are relying on the desert of Nevada to fight guerrillas . They dare not even set up a defense line . Once they have a defense line, they will be destroyed by the high-level sea people, It is said that the new government has launched a hearing on the merger with genesis, and the Americans seem to want to retreat to the Great Lakes region . . . "

Kessler"s intelligence was provided by the United States itself . Although the wording is not so direct, after the veil is lifted, there is only one truth that the Americans can"t bear . Australia can do as much as it can . If the United States is finished, Australia can"t get any benefit . Of course, Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t care whether the United States is finished or not, He just wanted to find out what the Hai people were up to?

"We need more time . The second frigate is being built, the soldiers need time to train, and Hainan Island and Taiwan are also being wiped out . Even if Australia is lost, we can rely on Taiwan and Hainan Island to organize the second line of defense . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s conclusion is not unexpected . Let alone that they do not have the strength to rescue the United States, even if they have the strength, they may not be able to play a role .

"The root cause of this battle lies in the red algae in the Hawaiian sea area . Satellite photos show that two thirds of the area of the red algae has disappeared . If we concentrate our efforts on attacking the red algae and destroying the meteorite, maybe this battle can really end . . . "

In huangquan, the issue of victory is no longer considered . The Haizu is more troublesome than the zombies . The zombies can be cleaned up in a planned way according to the area and quant.i.ty . It doesn"t even need too much planning . Just follow the previous war rules step by step . But the Haizu is different . Let"s not talk about the vast area of the sea, let"s talk about the hidden meteorite on the bottom of the sea . No one knows where it is, No one knows what they look like . Even if they hit the Haizu"s door, they may not be able to find that one among the thousands of trillions of stones on the bottom of the sea . "It"s not easy to talk about it . If I can determine the location of the meteorite, I will throw more nuclear bombs even if I"ve tried my best . But now, nuclear bombs don"t have much effect on the sea people . The ocean itself can absorb nuclear radiation, and nuclear radiation can"t kill the sea people . At present, I can only go step by step . I hope the United States can earn some gas . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang was a little depressed . Suddenly, an uncertain aura flashed through his mind . He felt that he had neglected something .

"If that"s the case, we should make long-term preparations . Australia can"t last long . One day, the sea people will conquer . We should try our best to transport the population and equipment to China before the sky dancers leave Hawaii, and use the depth of Eurasia to resist the sea people . At that time, we may lose both sides, but as long as human beings can survive, There is nothing that can"t be abandoned . . . "

Kesailer put down the doc.u.ment in his hand and said to the crowd . Ishiharano"s face changed and asked in doubt: "do you mean . . . Nuclear bomb?"

"Yes, Russia already belongs to China . There are thousands of nuclear bombs there . Even if China can"t defend them, we can still use the deep fighting between Russia and Central Asia . As long as we have weapons and resources in our hands, we can persist . If we can"t persist, let the whole world be destroyed . . . "

Huang Quan was even more determined . He patted several people on the table and said that they knew it was almost impossible to exterminate the Haizu . As long as the meteorite was ok, the vitality of the Haizu would not be hurt . Even if they killed more Haizu, it would not help . At present, it is a stalemate stage, but with the pa.s.sage of time, more and more land will be swallowed by the sea, More and more sea people will be born from the sea, and there is an upper limit on the number of zombies, but the sea people do not . In four years, the sea people will grow out of nothing, and in forty years, the sea people will form hundreds of billions of super races . At that time, no one can stop them .

"We can"t use this method until the last step, so that the rear can speed up the development of Qinghai just in case . In addition, we are not without the strength of the first World War . Yinmeng already has 1000 saber armers . As long as the number reaches 3000, we may not have no chance to win . . . "

There was no chance to win, and everyone was a little annoyed . In order to boost his morale, Zhang Xiaoqiang released the news of the saber arm insect, but he didn"t think much of it . The saber arm insect can"t go to the sea, and it"s not very useful to deal with the four armed Snake Girl . If tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of saber arm insects, they can kill several times or even tens of times the sea people, but it can only be used as a way out, It"s not a card .

"What are you going to do in the new era? The four G.o.ds and the elders are fighting for power and profit . It"s said that there are signs of division again . Some people want to take refuge in genesis, and some people want to stand on their own . It"s a mess . Now it"s time for people to panic . Does brother c.o.c.kroach have no idea? "

Kessler turns the topic to the new era . It"s a kind of trial, a kind of feeling that can"t be explained clearly . When he hears about the civil strife in the new era, what does huangquan think about them first? Ishiharano didn"t speak . He drew out his cigarette and lit it . He was dazzled by the smoke . He didn"t know what he was thinking, but Zhao Deyi continued to act like a wooden man .

"What? Do you have an idea? " Zhang Xiaoqiang asked in doubt . If this sentence was put in ancient times, kesailer would cry out that he would not dare . If it is put in the present, any Chinese would be frightened and would swear to Zhang Xiaoqiang by all means . But kesailer didn"t understand this . He nodded and said, "yes, I have an idea . The new era is rich, I know that you have encountered difficulties in manufacturing the second frigate in Yinmeng . Many of the equipment can"t be made by China, and Australia doesn"t have this ability . It happens that in the new era there will be . . . "

Last time, Xuefeng raided the frigate factory in Europe, captured the most powerful support ship, the air frigate, and destroyed the other two frigates under construction together with the factory . They did not expect that the destroyed factory was just the a.s.sembly factory of the frigate, and the factory producing spare parts and standardized model parts was not damaged . Phased control radar and laser main gun, Engines, internal power systems, short-range defense systems, and many high-tech equipment are provided by supporting factories . Even if China has mastered a full set of technology, it can not produce these things . There are too many supporting factories and precision machine tools needed .

Zhang Xiaoqiang can"t help pondering after hearing this . Many of the things in the new era that China doesn"t have are things that China can"t have . Although the sh.e.l.l problem can be solved and 85% of the internal parts can be solved, the rest can"t be solved in a few years, even if he has the world"s best scientists and optimization experts in his hands, .

"If you can, please send me to the headquarters . I have several old subordinates there, and Regel has also left some staff . Even if I can"t master the new era, I can still get some things from them . You know, they still have 20000 tons of red algae . . . "

New era and China once made a deal . The content of the deal was Australia, but it was not clearly stated . Both sides knew it by heart . Otherwise, new era could completely take away Australia"s core laboratories and precision processing plants . The deal is divided into two steps . One is the experimental data and results of virus serum provided by China, The other is 20000 tons of red algae, otherwise the new era will not let go . The new era has no peace of mind, but because of the fact that Regel caused Australia to belong to China . "Australia can"t do without you for the time being, and it"s not easy to do in the new era . In case you are detained . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang can not be said to be the a.s.sistant administrator of kesailer . He can be said to be the most comfortable logistics officer he has used so far .

"I heard that the most powerful sign in the new era is Emile . The closest person to Emile is Mengxing . Mengxing is in our hands . As long as I explain the changes in the new era to her, she should join us . After all, she is still Chinese . . . "

Keseller dispels Zhang Xiaoqiang"s doubts . If we can persuade Amir, the second largest G.o.d, to join China, it seems that they really have a share in the new era"s heritage . If we throw out the red algae, maybe the harvest will not be much smaller than that of Australia .

The meeting ended at this point . Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the several people who turned around and went out . He could not help but smile bitterly at the fact that the Hai people"s problem could not be solved . Even Huang Quan and Shi Yuanye were not optimistic about the future war situation . Is there really no hope for mankind? Maybe they started in the wrong direction . The ocean is the cradle of life, but now it is the abyss of extinction . Maybe the only way is to let the ocean no longer survive any life, just like the water source polluted by heavy industry before the end of the world . But in this way, is the earth still the earth< br>