Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2375: 2375

Chapter 2375: 2375

If you ask me where Hubei is the most annoying place, I"m afraid it belongs to the virus research center . The virus research center does not belong to the medical department of Hubei, but belongs to the first level unit directly under the central government of the general executive yuan . It has always been famous for its mystery in the hearts of the military and the people of Hubei . The virus research center is not in Wuhan, and it has occupied a small island as a base, which is also the most heavily guarded place in Wuhan, Materials are transported once a week, and the soldiers escorting the materials have no chance to land, let alone understand the people and scenery on the island .

The reason why this place is tiresome is that too many materials were occupied by the virus research laboratory . In the last four years, when most of the materials were rotten, this mysterious place accounted for more than one fifth of the supply of scarce resources, and there were countless basic materials . It is also known as the first waste material unit of Huaxia Renaissance, because there are only things transported in here, There"s nothing shipped out, let alone the experimental results .

Even so, no one dares to reduce the resources of the research center, even when it is difficult, because the person in charge of the experimental center is the benefactor of countless soldiers, and the evolutionary matrix was born here . When Zhang Huai"an left Hubei and became the leader of Yinmeng, Hubei still follows the rules . Any decision will be discussed with Zhang Huai"an through the communication platform, And Zhang Huaian at the end of each call, will ask: "what does the doctor need?"

The doctor is Shen Li, who is in charge of the virus research laboratory . Most people only know that he is a doctor . The doctor once had an indescribable relationship . A French girl named Elaine came into his life . But when the girl became a blood sucking species between zombies and human beings, no girl was accepted by the doctor .

The defense force of Liangzi island has never changed . The troops headed by Uncle Yun, an old acquaintance of Zhang Xiaoqiang, are the least fighting force for the rejuvenation of China . They are also the happiest troops . They live carefree on Liangzi island with their families . There are countless fresh aquatic products in Liangzi Lake, and they are supplied with food every week, This is a real outdoor peach garden, no hunger, no killing, no zombies .

Under the influence of nuclear winter, the sky in Hubei is also shrouded in darkness . Only big cities have electric lighting . The survivors in small strongholds can only hide in their bedclothes and calculate the meal time before turning on the generator . Even if there is a large amount of red algal crude oil as a reserve, they are used to the shortage of materials in China"s rejuvenation, and they do not have big money . On the contrary, Liangzi island is different, Liangzi island is the brightest place in the world . Almost no corner of the island is in darkness . Hundreds of street lights support the city of Xinghai .

"I haven"t seen taro for two years . Last time I said I found my daughter-in-law, but I don"t know what happened . Alas, I"m old . "

Uncle Yun is wearing a wrinkled military uniform . He looks like an old farmer with his hands on his back . He looks up at the dark and gloomy sky outside the window and talks to himself . He seems to have no military temperament, but the two bars and one star on his shoulder show his position in the army, major .

"Isn"t taro in Sichuan? Now I"m the team leader . How can I be more promising than you? Don"t talk about it all day . Tomorrow is your 41st birthday . I heard that the island is going to hold a banquet for you . Don"t drink two liang of cat urine at that time

With a beautiful voice and a pair of delicate white hands, he straightens uncle Yun"s clothes and takes out half a pack of f.u.xing brand cigarettes from his pocket . However, a young woman in her twenties or twenties teaches uncle Yun a lesson . Seeing their intimacy, she knows her ident.i.ty .

"What do you mean you don"t know? When I was with brother c.o.c.kroach, those boys were still begging in the gathering place . At the beginning, I was also a meritorious person and showed my face in front of brother c.o.c.kroach . If I had not been injured and thrown on the boat by taro, I would not have settled down on this island . Maybe I could have been a commander or something . How could I not be worse than the deputy commander of taro? "

As if he was said to be in pain, uncle Yun got angry . He turned around and grabbed the cigarette from the woman"s hand . He muttered and complained and stuffed it into his pocket . As soon as the woman"s eyebrows stood up, he was about to get angry . Uncle Yun saw that it was wrong and his head shrank . He cried, "I can"t tell you about this old woman . Take care of the child . Don"t let him go to the lake, When the cold weather goes down, I can"t get up . After a while, I"ll heat up the meal and send it to my office . I"ll be on duty in the evening . "

With that, uncle Yun ran out of the house, and behind him came a woman"s scolding: "will you die if you don"t smoke? You cough like a tuberculosis ghost all day long . I"ll kill you . I"ll marry you and wear a green hat instead . "

Uncle Yun stood at the door and heard the loud noise of closing the door behind him . After a long time, he drew out a cigarette and lit it for himself . He shook his head and said to himself, "before I didn"t have a daughter-in-law, I thought about a beautiful daughter-in-law every day . Now I have a daughter-in-law, and I begin to miss the days when I didn"t have a daughter-in-law, The daughter-in-law can"t be a crooked melon cracking jujube, can she? "

Thinking of this, uncle Yun turned and looked at the closed door, as if he had a thorough understanding . He sighed, "if you want to find a daughter-in-law, you need to find someone who is not ugly or good-looking . A beautiful woman has a bad temper . . . "Uncle Yun walks to the core laboratory with the consciousness of sleeping in the office today . There is a whole magnificent complex of buildings . All the previous buildings on Liangzi island have been demolished to build the best laboratory in Hubei . This laboratory is the goal of Uncle Yun"s protection . He doesn"t know how long he will guard it . Maybe it will take him a lifetime .

The core area of the laboratory is the forbidden area in the forbidden area . Only doctors can get in and out freely . There is only one guard here, a woman wandering in the dark, a woman sucking the blood of any invader, and a woman who only exists and scares all soldiers in the garrison camp according to the legend . The owner of this woman is Sven, Doctors who focus only on their own research .

In the dark corner, Elena squats quietly on the ground and listens to something silently . In the open hall, there are rows of large crystal coffins, in which standard samples of all kinds of creatures stand . The creatures in each crystal coffin are different . The highest one is a giant D4 zombie . There are zombies from evolutionary zombies to level 4 zombies, not only S-type and D-type, There are also many zombies of Z-type and different species . Many zombies have never been seen by Zhang Xiaoqiang . They are captured by the army and hunters when they are on duty . The price of this kind of zombie is so expensive that the hunters are willing to exchange their lives for a zombie .

In addition to zombies, there are many sea people, including ordinary sea people, sea knights, kraya, high kraya, and a young kraya who looks like a four or five-year-old girl . Zhang Xiaoqiang has a habit that as long as he catches new species, he will send them here . I believe that it won"t be long before specimens of four armed Snake Girl and six armed Snake Girl will be added here .

Walking through these crystal coffins and countless lifelike specimens of mutant animals, the doctor is concentrating on observing the sample map under the electron microscope in the private laboratory . The doctor"s laboratory is always the most chaotic, with all kinds of sundries and instruments, as well as biological samples piled up like a mountain, and there is no s.p.a.ce for things on the ground to settle down .

It"s also quiet here . It"s suffocating . Only the doctor immerses himself in his own world, can"t feel the pa.s.sage of time, and can"t feel the depressing silence . His eyes are only tiny creatures swimming dexterously under the microscope, and his brain is only full of data and inferences . The doctor"s whole body focuses on observing the activities of microorganisms, The two foot long hair was tied into a horsetail and hung on the side of the body . Under the snow-white light, the same snow-white coat was gray and black . The world of doctors will never have personal hygiene problems .

The eyes behind the thick lenses are full of blood, but there is indescribable excitement in the bloodshot pupil . The doctor doesn"t pay attention to anything outside the laboratory, just as he now looks at the most boring experimental observation as the most beautiful G.o.ddess in the Houseman"s heart . After he has observed for several decades, When I stood up, I suddenly felt a strong syncope, jumped on the test bench and knocked a group of gla.s.s test tubes on the ground .

The crackling sound of the broken gla.s.s made the doctor wake up . Suddenly, his brain flashed, and the whole person trembled . He waved his hands to sweep the information on the test-bed, the lunch boxes he had eaten, and all kinds of sundries to the ground . After a long time, he put a group of experimental utensils on the ground again . After a long time, he was in a semi closed utensil, A column of transparent liquid in the shape of a drop of water was suspended in the middle of the vessel . Seeing this drop, the doctor could not help roaring . He danced in the laboratory like crazy . In his roar, there was a special emotion, just like the Olympic champion broke the world record . He finally discovered the secret of conquering the virus, and finally completed his four-year exploration, Also finally found the final answer< br>