Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2376: 2376

Chapter 2376: 2376

In the fourth year of the end of the world, the sea war was divided into two extremes . The sea people suffered a great loss in Australia . They changed from main attack to feint attack and no longer lined up thousands of formations to submerge the human trenches . On the contrary, the United States was the main target of the sea people"s attack . Every day, tens of thousands of sea people landed from the west coast and killed along the road like the heart of the United States, There are more than ten million sea people in the vast area along the western coast of the United States .

Every day, tens of millions of Haizu advance at a speed of more than 100 kilometers . Until Haizu fall into the desert terrain of the United States, the desert in previous generations is the most troublesome environmental disaster, and harnessing the desert has become the most insurmountable difficulty for all desert countries . But in the end, the third rain made the desert disappear and become gra.s.sland, So the main battlefield of the United States is on this prairie .

There are no lakes, no rivers and ditches . There are only long stretches of gra.s.s . The gra.s.s is not luxuriant . Only one can be seen within 30 or 50 centimeters . Brave soldiers fight with the sea people in this desolate and barren land . The blood of the sea people dyes the ground red every moment, and human bodies are stacked on the ground .

This is a huge meat grinder . Countless lives are disappearing here in countless brilliant lights . The United States has come to the last moment, and almost all the ways can be thought of . They are just like the German army in May 45 . Everyone"s heart is filled with the clouds of failure . No one believes that they can win the final victory, and no one knows, Can we live in the future .

Humans and the sea people are doomed to have no possibility of compromise, and the sea people can"t let go of any human . In this most primitive killing, the United States is at the most dangerous juncture, and the east line that Genesis can defend is their last hope . They hope to get through the Great Lakes region, enter Canada, and finally reach Alaska, Rely on the cold there to hold the last hope .

At this time, Flander, dressed in a young general"s dress, was sitting in the front headquarters . He stood on a three-dimensional sand table to observe the situation of the first line of war . Behind him, hundreds of staff officers gathered and distributed information, while the shouting for reinforcements in the messenger was loud . The soldiers on the front wanted everything, including reinforcements, firepower support and air strikes, Most of them were calls for retreat, gunfire, explosions and screams . The Liaison Office of the command center was noisy, as if the front line would collapse at the next moment .

None of the people on the scene could keep calm . Most of them were panicked . They were more panicked than the soldiers on the front line . The soldiers had to face the enemy face to face all the time . Looking at the overall situation, they knew how serious the situation was . On the huge electronic display screen, the red dots marked by the sea people formed a sea like raging waves and pushed slowly and firmly towards the heart of the United States, The military positions were engulfed one by one, and even the waves could not stir up . Many people could not stand this desperate onlooker and became nervous .

Standing in this noisy command center, fland is not a decision maker . All the noise has nothing to do with him . He is busy searching for what he needs on the electronic sand table . The real commander, Lieutenant General John Reese, is in a hurry . The troops of each regiment and battalion are sent up without blinking an eye, but hundreds of wounded and bodies are evacuated, More than 60000 troops were lost last month . Now, more than 3000 soldiers are lost every day .

This is the biggest loss that Americans have ever suffered . You know, during World War II, they lost less than 500000 people on the East-West battlefield, and less than 100000 people on the Korean battlefield and the Vietnam battlefield . Lieutenant General John didn"t know what the purpose of the government"s sending frand was, and he didn"t care about this guy . He just wanted frand to sit in this position, It can provide more beast soldiers for the front line .

Animal soldiers need to be made by population . In the past, most of the animal soldiers used for experiments were executed prisoners in various areas, but the number was not very large . The American law made death penalty difficult . Only those villains who caused great influence and killed many people had the chance to become animal soldiers . With the tight situation on the front line, they could not care about many, With the arrival of nuclear winter, food control in the rear area has led to public discontent . More and more lawbreakers have emerged, such as robbing, robbing, killing, stealing, swindling, and so on . Every day, more than 10 people are sent to prison in every settlement . Every day, thousands of people are put in jail in 100 settlements in the United States, but the prison is never full, There"s never been a real prisoner in prison .

It"s not that fland has made a great contribution here, but that the government needs his achievements and the compromise made by the lab . the lab in Nevada has fallen behind the sea people . The instruments, culture tanks and a lot of materials in the lab have been sent to the Great Lakes region by the United States, The new laboratory built with materials from the United States and genesis is 20 times as large as before . It can prepare 20000 beast soldiers at a time . The price of all this is the rank of major general on Flander"s shoulder .

Lieutenant General John left Flanders alone, but he knew that the beast warrior was Flanders" hard work . However, those shameless politicians shamelessly took away the worthless laboratory that had been depreciated before, identified the beast warrior as the future savior of the United States, and sent the best scientists to study the possibility of making the beast Warrior further, Because the second generation of veterans are better than the first generation in terms of modulation cycle and comprehensive quality . What"s more rea.s.suring is that the intelligence quotient of the veterans will decline . This irreversible disadvantage is exactly what the U . S . government needs most . They don"t need sensitive soldiers, they only need sharp and obedient cannon fodder . This is a naked plunder of Flander . Even the last chance of research was not left for Flander . Only one major general sent Flander to shame Lieutenant General John for the government . But he didn"t know that Flander didn"t care about the beast soldiers all the time . What Flander cared about was only one thing, his life .

The period of physical repulsion is getting shorter and shorter . If we can"t think of a way, Flander will disappear forever in less than half a year . Repulsion is like Elson"s curse before his death, which makes Flander spend every moment in torment . The purpose of his agreement to exchange major general rank for achievements is that his last hope lies in the Hai nationality .

After dissecting hundreds of Hai people, Flander accidentally discovered that both the evolutors and the blood of Hai people have the same abnormal substance, which is close to the relationship between microorganisms and cells, and belongs to unknown substance . After Flander discovered this substance, he realized that what he was searching for had finally come to light, This stuff is everywhere, air, water, mutant plants, human bodies, zombies, mutant animals, and sea people .

This undiscovered substance has invaded the earth and become one of the basic substances for building the world . The total amount is not very much, but its changes are like nuclear fusion, and the outbreak is frightening . In other words, this substance can also be called protovirus . The origin of all mutations is that protovirus and zombie virus are not the same kind, Human beings have been studying zombies for more than four years . Countless experimental data and data can fill a hundred storey building . Ironically, the direction of human research is wrong at the beginning . Zombie virus and original virus don"t want to do anything . Zombie virus is more like the garbage after the failure of chemical experiments, and the original virus is the source of biological evolution .

This kind of substance is the least contained in zombies . If you want to find a zombie of type 2, with the improvement of the level, there will be more Bili . Similarly, it is the same with human evolutioners . The more powerful the evolutioners are, the more original viruses they contain in their bodies . There will also be claya in the sea race, which makes frande speculate vaguely, The evolution of organisms is the acc.u.mulation of original virus . Every organism has its own original virus . When this virus is constantly superimposed to form qualitative changes, it finally breaks through the limit and reaches a new height .

He realized why his spare body repels him because he made a mistake . The ability copied from Elson is not unlimited . The biggest limitation is the physical body . Elson can invade the Central Intelligence brain of various countries and rely on the separation of consciousness . However, he is dying because of the aging of the physical body . Although frande has the separation of consciousness, he has the separation of consciousness, But he can"t shuttle through the network like Elson, so he doesn"t realize the importance of his body . When his body dies, he loses the best carrier .

It"s disastrous to lose the carrier . He doesn"t have the body of the original virus . Naturally, consciousness can"t integrate with the body, and his cloned human body can"t become an evolutor, not even the body of ordinary people . As a result, consciousness has no nest . To solve this problem, he must find the body of an evolutor .

But it"s very difficult . At the beginning of the experiment, we used the bodies of other evolutors to fuse our own consciousness . Unfortunately, everyone has his own consciousness . Just like planting radishes, two radishes can"t get into one pit . Except for the newborn babies and idiots, only the clone people don"t have their own consciousness . Moreover, he found that even the body of an evolutor may be rejected, To achieve a high degree of integration, it is even more impossible unless it is the body of the top evolutors carrying more original viruses, so Flander targeted his next body carrier at the sea race, which is higher than the sea race above kraya .

The four armed Snake Girl and the six armed Snake Girl have long been no secret to the Americans . So far, the Americans have tried their best to kill more than ten four armed snake girls and two six armed snake girls . Both of them are pre-set traps . Nearly a thousand tons of high explosives were used in advance, and only when they resisted long-distance detonations without the knowledge of the soldiers did they achieve results . For this reason, they also lost hundreds of bait soldiers, Frande"s purpose here is to capture a four armed Snake Girl, and a six armed Snake Girl is better . I"m sorry that either of these two creatures is the most powerful human creature that Americans have ever seen, even surpa.s.sing the zodiac< br>