Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2379: 2379

Chapter 2379: 2379

Zhang Xiaoqiang is not a saint of love . He didn"t take advantage of Zhuo Mingyue"s weak heart to eat her . When they returned to Xincheng airport, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s greatest achievement was to hug her . Although he felt good, he didn"t dare to move . He became a gentleman . When he and Zhuo Mingyue stepped out of the helicopter, he watched dozens of planes take off and land on the huge airport, One of the most spectacular is the seven giant airships parked at the airport . This kind of airship with a full load of 200 tons can carry more than 1000 tons of materials at a time . Countless people are unloading the compressed food brought by the airship .

China is not short of food . The difficulty is to transport food . Even a 400 ton transport ship can not provide food for millions of people in a day . Just like these airships, which transport more than 1200 tons at a time, they can only give each survivor 0 . 8 Jin of food . It takes a week to go back and forth . As a last resort, China has come up with a way to reduce the amount of food, Ten jin of food will be repeatedly compressed into one jin . In this way, with Australia"s original reserves, there will be no shortage of food in half a year . If the sun reappears, it will only take two months for new food to grow .

The female officers who met him reported to him the situation of the Australian battlefield as usual . After Kessler and Jianzha went to the new era together, the Australian administration was in the charge of the temporary staff . All major decisions were made by Zhang Xiaoqiang himself, although Zhang Xiaoqiang hated the daily life style . Before Kessler returned to Australia, he had to make decisions, He had to do it himself .

"Yesterday, according to the battle statistics, more than 3800 lower sea people, 12 lower kraya and one higher kraya were eliminated, two second-cla.s.s mutant sea animals were captured, and 37 were eliminated . . . 29 casualties and a certain amount of ammunition consumed by our side . . . The factories in the rear area have restored 80% of the production before the dark came, The soldiers with mechanical prosthetics have completed adaptive training and can return to the battlefield at any time . Two thousand of the third group of blood evolutors have changed their equipment . A total of 8900 Chinese troops have become evolutors, all equipped with thunderstorm rifles and animal skin combat suits . "

The female officer explained it in great detail . Zhang Xiaoqiang looked out of the window and didn"t give a report . Even if there are 10000 elite evolutioners equipped with thunderstorm rifles, it won"t help the current war situation . If the meteorite can"t be found to destroy, the sea people will never be able to fight, and human beings will never have a chance to win the war, even if they hide in the north and south poles, At this stage, they can only watch the earth fall .

"The United States has sent a message that three days ago, they won the battle against the sea people . Two thousand people annihilated 40000 sea people and said that they have found the ultimate weapon against the sea people . Let"s send them tens of thousands of tons of red algae from the Bering Sea in exchange for the manufacturing method of this new weapon . The general staff doesn"t want to pay attention to their mentally r.e.t.a.r.ded demands, but it still needs you to decide . . . "

The female officers disdain to tell us the glorious war history of the Americans . During this period, even if the Americans are hiding, they can roughly infer the true situation of the war in America . It is estimated that the Americans lost at least 120000 to 200000 people, died so many people, and were driven away for nearly a thousand kilometers . Is it a boastful war of tens of thousands of sea people?

Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t have to think about it . In the past, he would not care about the life and death of the Americans . However, with Russia, Britain and the new era coming out, he has less and less confidence in the future war . He no longer believes that China alone can solve the problem of seaweed . Although the Americans counseled, they can at least relieve some of the pressure . Seaweed is the most important resource of mankind at present, He sat on a few red algae, many of which could not be used up . As they were wasted in the sea, it would be better for the Americans to fill in some combat power . Thinking this way, Zhang Xiaoqiang said to the female soldier"s adjutant, "isn"t Vladivostok already established a red algae refinery? Let"s send 10000 barrels of oil there, and let the British send some if they need to, and then let the British reorganize a troop to Australia to fight . "

The female adjutant was puzzled by Zhang Xiaoqiang"s order, but she didn"t raise any objection . She reported some things about people"s livelihood and arrived at Zhang Xiaoqiang"s residence . Zhang Xiaoqiang saw a doctor who was on guard against thieves with a suitcase . It seemed that the doctor had been standing at his door for a long time and had just got off the bus, The doctor ran to the front and said mysteriously, "find a place that is absolutely hidden . I have something to show you . . . "

The doctor has always been very talkative . Zhang Xiaoqiang has long been used to his style and has not refused . The doctor is also his old brother . He has made a great contribution to the rejuvenation of China . He doesn"t know how many soldiers were bitten by zombies . Zhang Xiaoqiang immediately pulled the doctor to the top secret warehouse where important materials were stored and carefully checked as a doctor, After confirming that there was no monitor, he seriously put the box in his hand in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang and said, "the project I have studied for four years has been completed, and this is the result . . . "

"Aren"t you studying zombie viruses? What is this? " Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the small metal box at random, but the doctor didn"t answer . He took out a piece of broken paper stained with oil and food debris from his underwear pocket and unlocked the box according to the 24 digit alphanumeric mixed code recorded in the paper, which made Zhang Xiaoqiang feel headache . Although Huaxia revival has confidentiality regulations, no one can do it to the same extent as the doctor, On that day, the thunderstorm prototype gun sent from Yinmeng was casually put in the shockproof box, and there was no chain b.u.t.ton . The doctor"s style made him feel that they were very similar to the terrorist joint in the movie, and the box was filled with small nuclear bombs . When the doctor opened the box, the sound of air leakage came out from the box, and then a burst of cold gas spewed out . Zhang Xiaoqiang only saw a test tube wrapped in metal placed in the center . In this test tube, there was only a drop of liquid in the shape of a water drop suspended in the middle of the test tube, slowly rotating, without fixed color . With each rotation, the color changed from light to deep, Red, orange, red, green, blue and purple .

"One hundred percent?" Zhang Xiaoqiang took a breath and pretended to be surprised to ask the doctor . At the moment, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s cheek is very unnaturally twisted . In order to show his surprise, he may show exaggerated expression, just to appease the doctor . For him, although 100% of the evolutionary matrix is important, it is not more efficient than the blood species for the promotion of human beings, The only strong point is the zombie virus immunity, but zombies are no longer the main enemy of human beings, it seems that some chicken ribs?

Zhang Xiaoqiang is a nostalgic person . No matter how chicken ribs the doctor makes, he will not say bad . Even in four years, the doctor has spent countless resources .

"No, the evolutionary matrix has reached the bottleneck stage . It"s very difficult for the immune virus to continue to improve . I can"t finish it any more . Unless thousands of scientists are gathered to partic.i.p.ate in it, it can be achieved within ten years . . . "

The doctor shook his head to deny the loss . Zhang Xiaoqiang took a long breath, patted the doctor on the shoulder and comforted him: "life and death, you are good enough, but what is it? I said, "why can"t you come up with any achievements in four years? I didn"t expect you to do your own work . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s joke ignited the doctor, immediately angrily retorted to Zhang Xiaoqiang: "my research project is what you can"t understand, it"s my painstaking effort, is the greatest discovery of the last time, no matter what others think, my research is destined to change the world . . . " Doctors usually don"t have time to clean up their personal appearance . They finally came out of the laboratory to Australia . They just changed into clean clothes and wiped their hair with a wet towel casually . It"s natural that there will be no problem . However, when doctors get excited, they are used to shaking their brain bags . The dandruff is like a snowflake flying under Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes .

Involuntarily back a few steps, opened the safe distance with the doctor, Zhang Xiaoqiang carefully said to the doctor: "calm down, calm down, you haven"t said what that thing is . . . " After that, he sat down in his heart and decided that no matter what he found, he would give the doctor a chance to take a bath as soon as he went out .

The doctor woke up from his anger, looked at the test tube in the box obsessively, as if picking up a rare treasure, gently held it in the center of his palm, and said deeply: "when I developed the evolutionary matrix, I had a vague idea . Is it wrong to solve the mystery of zombie virus? Is it in the wrong direction? Zombie virus itself is not unique . It supplements unknown substances from the air, mutates with substances, and produces zombie virus . Unknown substances and viruses have nothing in common . This substance is ubiquitous, but zombie virus can only exist in zombies .

This makes me suspect that zombies themselves are the product of failure, just like the waste discarded in the laboratory . However, the amount of such waste far exceeds the maximum threshold value, which makes us confused . Zombies only exist in human beings . 80% to 90% of 100 human beings will become zombies . The older people are, the less chance they will be immune to viruses . The younger people are, The greater the chance of immunization, which itself shows that the fundamental reason for the virus is closely related to the quality of the human body .

Apart from humans, no matter plants or beasts, insects will not have this kind of virus that only exists in human bodies . There are only unknown substances everywhere in their bodies . The more substances they have, the more powerful they are . This is confirmed by mutating the mammalian crystal nucleus . The glia also contains this kind of thing . Unfortunately, more than 95% of the glia are all kinds of impurities, It"s not harmful to the human body, and it"s not very good either . "

The doctor"s explanation made Zhang Xiaoqiang dull . For the first time, he thought of the scene that he could not survive or die because he was polluted by the rain . He also thought of the evolutionist who was born in the second rain . Human beings and animals are different, not in physiology, but in wisdom . In other words, the direction of human and animal evolution is two extremes, To some extent, human beings are inferior to animals in the quality of noumenon .

In this way, the reason why human beings become zombies is that they are eliminated due to poor physical fitness, while animals and plants have benefited from evolution . This reminds him of the birds and insects that died in the corner in the first year of the last world . Those who were also eliminated also remind him that zombies scratch human beings and infect them with viruses, but the mutant animals eat zombies but have nothing to do with them, It"s all supporting the doctor"s inference .

"This . . . This . . . This is just your guess . Ha ha, it"s hard to accept . . . " With a hoa.r.s.e voice and a dry smile, Zhang Xiaoqiang shivers with his right hand and takes out a cigarette from his pocket . According to the doctor, human beings are just a group of poor people who have failed in evolution . In this unexpected knockout, the failure is a mess .

"I know it"s hard to accept, but the fact is that after the disaster, animals and insects can naturally evolve, almost no original species can be seen, all of them are new species after evolution, only humans can"t . humans need a second rain and external objects that can change their physical quality . If there is no evolutionary matrix, no blood species, even without considering the sea race, After a hundred years, mankind will be on the verge of extinction . "Said here, the doctor shook his head with a wry smile, he was afraid of his own conclusion, the spirit of all things of human beings even reduced to the edge of extinction, let him sigh that human beings are not as good as animals .

"Things are not as bad as you think . The reason why human beings can rule the world is that human beings have too many choices . We can use tools, knowledge and things that we can use together, just like the things in your box . If there is no big discovery, you will not stand in front of me . . . "

Lighting a cigarette, Zhang Xiaoqiang soon calms down his confused mood . He doesn"t think about any virus or evolution . At least he won"t be confused about this conjecture until the Haizu is solved .

The doctor woke up from his reasoning, raised the test tube in his hand, gazed at the drop of water with deep eyes, and said softly, "after the second rain you hid in the cave was sent to my laboratory, I have developed a 100% matrix that can make people evolve . Of course, it can only make people evolve, not make people immune to zombie virus, But I didn"t publish it . . . "

The doctor said here, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes suddenly burst out with anger . He stares at the doctor . If he doesn"t give him an explanation, even if the doctor is his old brother, he won"t give up .

"Don"t look at me that way . The cost of that thing is very expensive . Unless it rains again, it will take countless mutant animal blood to strip unknown substances . If so, it"s better to use blood to breed . . . "

The doctor responded quickly and explained the shortcomings of 100% matrix . Just now, Zhang Xiaoqiang asked him if he had created 100% evolutionary matrix . He said that there were two reasons for that . One was that the matrix could not be immune to viruses, and the other was that it was not productive . Zhang Xiaoqiang puffed out a lot of thick gas and stopped pestering, but looked at the doctor, Wait for what he"s going to say later .

"We have discussed the possibility of universal evolution before, but I found that human beings are far behind other species in the starting point of evolution, so I wonder if we are going in the wrong direction? No matter what, we can"t win this compet.i.tion . The mutant beast can evolve to the top of level 5 in four years . However, every step of human evolution has to pay a huge price and resources, but more people may not be able to wait for the opportunity of evolution . If you think about it carefully, none of the top evolutors who belong to the Renaissance of China is human, and the origin of Zhuoming moon can"t be verified, But she admits that she is not a human, and so is she . According to the new era, she belongs to a heterogenetic variant, as well as a blood Phoenix, which can almost be regarded as another life form . The pure peak of human beings is probably only a Zodiac warrior, but these people are powers before the end of the world . That is to say, without the end of the world, they themselves belong to a group of people who stand at the peak of human evolution . "

"Do you mean the mutants are likely to continue to evolve? What about the Hai people? " Zhang Xiaoqiang was surprised again . This is really a race . Human beings are still dawdling on the starting line, and other species have already run several hundred meters . When human beings begin to take the first step, they have already run half of the race . Even if they cheat, they can"t reach the end first step .

"It"s possible, but unless the content of unknown substances in the air increases ten times, it will be possible to evolve rapidly . Otherwise, it will take time to acc.u.mulate and precipitate, just like your water snake . If it doesn"t have so many crystal nuclei to swallow, it will take at least ten years to grow into a high-level mutant beast . I"m not sure what the world will be like in the future, Maybe a hundred years later, there will be more powerful level 6 and level 7 mutants

This is just a doctor"s guess . This kind of guess can"t be worse for human beings . Human beings are limited by their bodies, and they can"t break the shackles of their bodies to become t.i.tans . However, mutant animals can grow into prehistoric giants . This gap can"t be changed by external means . Even if Zhang Xiaoqiang devours the glia of level five mutant animals, I don"t dare to say that I can defeat the level 4 mutant beast . It"s not a level .

"What does your reasoning have to do with what you have in your hand?" Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t want to entangle the annoying race of evolution any more . He only focuses on his eyes . The doctor"s attention is drawn back to the test tube . He is obsessed with looking at the drop of water that changes its color . He sleepwalks and says: "human beings may not win the long-distance race of evolution . With this thing, they can make all their opponents disappear . . . "

"You mean? Is this a weapon? " Zhang Xiaoqiang"s heart moved and immediately became hot . He quickly stepped forward to grasp the test tube in the doctor"s hand . The doctor screamed and yelled: "be careful, this is the only sample . . . "

"What on earth is this?" Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn"t help but drink . The doctor stared at the test tube and said: "this is my research achievement of four years . It can neutralize unknown substances, whether in the air or in the water, whether in the mutant animal or in the evolutor . With it, ordinary human beings will no longer have to compete with other species, and everything will return to the starting point, All mutated species will disappear . . . "

"I wipe, you mean with this thing, all mutated species will become ordinary animals and plants, and have no ability? No more mountain size? Will evolutionists become ordinary humans? No more powers? Whether it"s zombies, sea people, or red algae, they will disappear? "Zhang Xiaoqiang threw away the cigarette end, grabbed the doctor"s collar in his hand and shook it . He wanted the doctor to admit his judgment personally . The doctor always looked at the most outstanding works in the shaking, and finally made up his mind to say aloud: "against the sky, this is the product of against the sky . Returning to the origin means extinction . All people and species with unknown substances will be extinct, Unless the human body is far from meeting the requirements of evolution, all the evolutors, mutated animals, mutated plants, sea people and zombies will be extinct, just like the gene virus . "

"You mean . . . This thing will kill me? Kill my family? " Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly let go of the doctor, and his brain was like pouring a basin of cold water . He felt a kind of fear from the depths of his soul . The closest people around him were all evolutionists . The doctor still watched the drop of liquid and said softly: "theoretically, yes, just like the spread of virus, all contact with unknown substances will be transformed into the same nature as it, I don"t know what its decline period is, or what the maximum value of proliferation is . Maybe it can save the world, but it can also destroy the world . Before releasing it, no one can know what tomorrow will be like . "< br>