Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2380: 2380

Chapter 2380: 2380

Frande was staring at the gorgeous Snake Girl in the mirror . If someone had told him before that he would become a woman, he would have thought that it was the biggest absurdity in the world . But now he really became a woman, a four armed Snake Girl . Frande didn"t expect that it was so easy for him to merge with the Snake Girl, which made him feel like a dream . But when he merged with this body, I can"t accept it .

The Snake Girl"s consciousness is very pure, much purer than the baby"s consciousness . The snake girl doesn"t have so many disordered desires, nor does she have all kinds of human thoughts . They are like a group of robots with programs, and they maintain their instinctive worship of meteorites . From a religious point of view, the snake girl is the most devout maniac believer . There is nothing in her mind except the belief in meteorites, It is this purity that makes fland easily occupy the body of the Snake Girl, and even does not need to erase the Snake Girl"s thinking . As long as he inherits the worship of meteorite, he can perfectly integrate .

It"s strange for a man to suddenly become a woman . However, Flander is over the age of l.u.s.t . Nothing matters to him but to live . Flander, who has been sluggish for a long time, unfolds his hands and looks at them carefully . His white and red palms are delicate and tender . They are perfect like angels" hands . He can feel the great power of his hands when he clenches them gently, He nodded with satisfaction, but then he looked down and saw the two red peaks in the snow on his chest, so he could not help frowning .

Snake Girl . Has perfect figure . All snake girls are poured out of the same mold, but the figure is similar to the 3D image of j.a.pan"s meimariu game . It can make any man crazy and any woman envious . These arrogant twin peaks are just two ma.s.ses of fat for frande . He can"t help rubbing his hands, which makes his body react a little, It gives him a big headache .

Twisting the snake"s tail, frande wandered back and forth in the room . After thinking about it for a long time, frande decided to cut off the two pieces of meat . At this moment, the door of the room hit the ground and burst open . Behind the door, his feet were in disorder . A team of armed soldiers rushed into frande"s room . At the next moment, frande was pointed by more than ten rifles . The sudden change made frande tighten up, Tension and fear let him release the natural ability of Snake Girl and form an invisible barrier around him . There is strange and strange energy between his hands . As long as he moves his mind, he is sure to kill all these soldiers .

Just as Flander was on full alert, one of the soldiers stood up and lifted his helmet to smile at Flander . It was the vampire komander who had made a deal with him . Komander glanced up and down at Flander"s delicate and white body with admiration . He was disgusted by his greed and l.u.s.t . But he did not dare to act rashly . It was not easy to get this body, He doesn"t want to damage it any more .

"Tut Tut, I didn"t expect that Dr . Flander still had this hobby? To tell you the truth, I think you look better now . . . " As if everything was under his control, frand felt the strength of his new body and had confidence in his heart . His bright and charming eyes were shining with enchanting l.u.s.ter . He stared into his eyes and asked in a dolphin like voice, "what"s your purpose?"

"Come with me . I need new weapons for you to study . Of course, I also need your body . I don"t mind if you are a man or a woman . . . " Komander is arrogant and arrogant . He doesn"t put fland in his eyes . His lewd eyes are always on the two pieces of fat fland wants to cut off . If there were no other people here, maybe he would have put his left hand in his crotch now .

"You have your people in the government and in the army, but why do you think I will go with you . . . " At the time of the award of comande"s soul, fland countered with a cold voice, swinging his tail . Comande laughed, waved to the other soldiers to take off their helmets and said, "with the 12 top evolutionists behind me, why does America allow me to exist? That is, I have strength and strength . Maybe I can"t fight against the whole United States, but I can easily kill any general or congressman . That"s my means . . . "

Komander is an unreasonable guy . He believes that all interests are spoken with his fist . So Flander moves his fist and immediately launches his means . Hundreds of water lines weave a white water curtain in the air to cover komander and the evolutors behind him . Komander goes through a hundred battles and starts to fight back at the moment when Flander starts, The three-layer shield covers the whole body of komander, offsetting the dense waterline . At the same time of instant contact, the three-layer shield breaks in front of komander .

Frande"s barrier is the blessing of the survivors behind him . His own ability is similar to that of Xuefeng, but he is more domineering than Xuefeng . With a roar, frande feels that his whole blood is ignited by the fire, and the hot blood makes him feel as if he has been cooked, while komander"s fierce eyes are flashing with cruel irony, It"s like laughing at frand"s overreaction .

Kemander controlled the blood of fland"s whole body and wanted to draw it out to make him faint . However, fland"s barrier blocked kemander"s back hand . For a moment, both sides were in a stalemate . Fland could not use the water line ice spear, and kemander could not move . He could not help shouting: "kill me . . . "

Komander"s roar did not attract any response . In surprise, he turned to see that all the more than ten evolutioners behind him had been killed . These evolutioners were killed in the first wave of water line attack . Frand was so angry that he roared again: "miria . . . "Before the words were heard, countless flying insects poured into the house like smoke, instantly wrapping Flander"s barrier . The Snake Girl"s barrier is an excellent means of protection, and even the top evolutionists may not be able to break it . Countless insects gnawed on the protective barrier as if they were gnawing Flander"s heart . His extreme fear made him desperate .

It can be said that kemander"s ability to trap Flander was due to luck . Flander had never fought with others, and his predecessor, an evolutionist, preferred to command in the back . It was the first time that he mastered the body of the Snake Girl . Kemander just caused his blood to boil, which made Flander scared to death . Originally, he was not a bold man, let alone under double pressure, If it wasn"t that he didn"t want to have s.e.x with Koeman, he might have surrendered .

He didn"t find that comand couldn"t hurt him, nor did he find that miria"s flying insects had no effect on him . He just felt that he was about to die and was about to be killed by comand . His anxiety made him despair . In despair, he could not help praying to the meteorite that the snake girl had worshipped: "Lord, holy Lord, your devout believer, Frande prays for your great pity and glory . May you give me courage . May you give me the power to clean up everything . I sacrifice my soul and everything to you

Frande didn"t pray according to the original prayer of the Snake Girl . The prayer of the snake girl was just the most primitive worship . After all, frande had been baptized . In his prayer, his heart was suddenly enriched by a feeling of unknown . A kind of enlightenment came into his mind . In an instant, his mind went to a dark place for thousands of kilometers, There he saw countless snake girls floating in the water, worshiping the huge shadow in the center .

There are obvious levels of worship distance for snake girls . On the outside are the snake girls who are undergoing transformation . They also have the appearance of kelaya . Their legs are growing continuously and changing to the snake body . Before them, they are the snake girls who have completed transformation . This kind of snake girls have four arms of different lengths, which belong to the snake girls who have just completed transformation and have not yet taken shape, Further on, there are four armed snake girls . Each four armed Snake Girl is enchanting and beautiful . She is naked and twists in the water like a witch"s dance . Then there are six armed snake girls . Six armed snake girls are quite rare in the outside world, but here hundreds of them worship in the same direction . From time to time, some snake girls feel the call and swim out, There are also snake women who come back from outside and send all kinds of bones to the huge shadow .

The six armed Snake Girl is not the summit . In front of the six armed Snake Girl, there are more than ten giant snake girls tens of meters long . They are like the enlarged version of the six armed Snake Girl, hovering in the place closest to the shadow, with hundreds of stone fragments floating around . The largest of these fragments is the size of a bathtub, and the smallest is the size of a nail cap, Hundreds of thousands of broken stones spiral around these large snake girls . Every time they rotate, a drop of brilliant blue water will fly out of the center line of the stone fragments . The next moment, the giant snake girl will gather it in her hand and put it into a thighbone like container .

When fland felt these things, it seemed that a meteorite tens of meters high behind the giant G.o.ddess suddenly transmitted something to him that could only be understood but could not be explained .

All kinds of puzzling knowledge, such as the origin of the Haizu, the origin of meteorites, and the ability of the four armed Snake Girl, were all transmitted to FRA"s brain in a mess . For a moment, his thinking was confused, and he couldn"t distinguish the direction and time . The next moment, frande suddenly opened his eyes, still felt the blood boiling all over his body, and there were countless beetles crawling on the oval shaped barrier around him, There was also a woman"s voice coming from the outside: "my babies can"t chew that thing . Try to find a way . . . "

After miria"s cry, comend"s roar came: "I want to capture him alive, I want him to surrender to my crotch, the plump skin, the delicate skin, and the beautiful tail . No, I can"t think any more . I"m going crazy . I must get him . No one can stop me . . . "

Komander is a madman . He doesn"t care about the life or death of his subordinates . He only lives for his own desires . He doesn"t even care that Flander is a man . When he hears disgusting words, Flander has a strong desire to destroy in an instant . Next moment, the inexplicable warmth envelops him and makes him feel as comfortable and calm as a mother, This kind of feeling is not replicable to him . He has never really felt this kind of warm comfort . He could not help but burst into tears and asked in a trembling voice, "is that you? The great saint, the great G.o.d, the king of G.o.ds above all G.o.ds, the origin and destination of all, the greatness beyond the world . "

Komander"s constant use of his ability made him weak . More than once, he wanted to maximize his ability and draw all the blood out of Flander"s body . Unfortunately, flanne"s barrier cut off 90% of his power . Milia"s beetles didn"t work . Time was running out . He had heard the sound of fire coming from outside, It was his subordinates who stayed outside fighting with the army, and the fearless komander began to feel guilty . If he couldn"t take fland, I"m afraid he would bring the government down this time .

Just as he was about to give up, countless swarthy beetles suddenly turned ice blue, and the temperature in the room dropped rapidly . When fland felt something was wrong, he heard a scream behind him, but it was miria"s scream . Fland was in a hurry, thinking that the army had rushed in, and in a hurry he gave up . Fland was ready to kill him, Turning around, she saw miria lying on the ground and bleeding from her seven orifices behind her . Suddenly, she turned back, and a long ice blue spear flashed in his dilated pupil . It was fiercely inserted on his shoulder and took him to fly back . Beyond the distance of three or five meters, the ice spear was deeply inserted on the wall with komander . Kemander looked at Frand, who had fallen beetles beside him . He even forgot to scream . Frand looked at him cynically, twisted the snake"s tail, and the ice blue beetle clattered . He kept approaching him . Before he spoke, he vomited out a foot long snake letter from his mouth .

"Do you want me? Do you want me to surrender under your crotch? " The charming Snake Girl"s smile and frown are all amorous feelings . Her naked body fluctuates with the twist of the snake"s tail, and all her actions are temptations . However, there is only fear in comand"s eyes, and he can"t think of how fland changed his cards . Without waiting for him to ask for mercy, the ice spear appears out of thin air, cuts a short distance and fiercely inserts into comand"s little brother, making him howl like a wolf .

"You disgusting bedbug, you lower creatures, you stinking dirty race, you shouldn"t live in this world . This world belongs to the saint, all stains should be removed, and I, instead of the saint, will walk to clean up all disgusting human race, you will be the first garbage to be purified by me . . . "

Frande"s manifesto is general, sacred and solemn . His eyes are shining with cold and proud l.u.s.ter . What he said can"t be understood by komander, and he doesn"t need komander to understand . From this moment on, he will no longer be a human, but a member of the sea people . He will lead the sea people to eliminate all human beings .

Komander died . He didn"t know until he died . Because of him, the Hai people had the first crazy believer among human beings . Only human beings know the most about human beings . The moment Flanders became the Hai people would be a catastrophe for the whole human race . He was the first human to be killed by Flanders, but definitely not the last< br>