Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2381: 2381

Chapter 2381: 2381

Dozens of crystal clear Snake Girl crystals are placed in front of xianghai"er . Zhang Xiaoqiang looks at the whitened xianghai"er with appreciative eyes . After using Snake Girl crystal, xianghai"er is no different from human beings . Her delicate skin is better than most women"s, and she doesn"t have two arms . On the contrary, her figure is much smaller . People who don"t know the root of the problem come to see xianghai"er, I thought it was a beautiful and charming thing .

In addition to Zhang Xiaoqiang and Zhuo Mingyue, the doctor is also here . His medium long hair is cut short, his beard is shaved off, and he has changed into a pair of black framed gla.s.ses . He looks a bit handsome and elegant . He is much cleaner . The doctor doesn"t appreciate him, and his face stinks, as if others owe him eight million . In the face of dozens of Snake Girl crystals, Xiang Hai"er takes a long time to recover his sight, Looking at Zhang Xiaoqiang, he shook his head and said .

"I have reached the limit . If I want to continue to be strong, I must go to the holy land to worship . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t say much after hearing it . He put away the Snake Girl crystal and said to the doctor, "do you have any idea?" The doctor glanced at Zhang Xiaoqiang angrily, and hummed to him as an answer . I don"t know whether he has it or not .

"What are your abilities now?" Zhuo Mingyue is more realistic . Xianghai"er is her maid . No matter how powerful xianghai"er is, she is still her maid . The maid is proud, and the master"s face is shining, isn"t she?

"I, I can control the sea tribe below kraya, not by tribe and population, but also control some mutant animals, not too powerful . . . " As soon as Xiang Hai"er said it, Zhang Xiaoqiang became interested in controlling the mutant beast . He knew that this was Xiang Hai"er"s original ability . In the past, he could only control the low-level and ownerless mutant beasts . It seems that the mutant beasts appearing in the battlefield are all about Level 3 . That is to say, Xiang Hai"er was able to counter the mutant beasts . It was a surprise that Xiang Hai"er had the means, The future war situation should be much better .

"By the way, what is Xuefeng doing? We have sent more than 30 snake girls to him . I didn"t hear that he made a level 5 zombie? " With another card in his hand, Zhang Xiaoqiang is more comfortable . Yang Ke"er"s trio is very diligent . They not only solve the problem of the four armed Snake Girl, but also cuddle the gra.s.s and kill the rabbits . At present, they have captured more than 20 higher kraya and are being modulated by puppet soldiers, I hope we can make some puppets .

Said five zombies, Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the doctor, as if to show that even without the doctor"s medicine, they can win .

The situation seems to be very good . Zhang Xiaoqiang deliberately forgets the tangle brought by the doctor . Zhang Xiaoqiang no longer tangles with the tangle brought by the doctor, but the doctor is not willing to give up . Four years of research results do not mean to give up . As a result, Zhang Xiaoqiang puts the doctor under half house arrest, for fear that the doctor will release the antidote called nightmare when he does not pay attention .

The effect of nightmare can be regarded as adverse . If the doctor"s a.s.sumption is correct, both the sea people and the zombies can be easily solved, but then all the evolutionists will be solved . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s wife and children are evolutionists . He won"t do anything to kill the enemy, even if he sacrificed himself to save the world, The mutated plants will also be destroyed . It seems that there are no plants in the world that do not mutate . By that time, in addition to the seeds left before the end of the world, the whole world will become a desert, the life in the sea will die, the other life on land will also die, and the ecosystem will completely collapse . I"m afraid that human beings will not live for long .

Zhuo Mingyue knows the news of Xuefeng very well . She lifts her scattered hair behind her ears and looks at Zhang Xiaoqiang with all kinds of manners . She says, "he"s gone to China . He"s driving a fighter plane . The level five zombies have appeared . There are two zombies in total . They"re all S-shaped zombies . They don"t care if they"re thrown in the east line . They talk all day . "

Hearing that Xuefeng was going to China, Zhang Xiaoqiang was shocked . Isn"t that a good thing? If the zombies of Xuefeng and all of China are in trouble, they can"t help glaring at Zhuo mingyuesheng: "why don"t you look at him? Isn"t this a mess? Now so many things are enough to make people headache . In case he does something else in China . . . "

"Now I can"t control him . I eat explosives all day long . I don"t like anyone . If he wants to go, let him go, so as not to panic all day long . " Zhuo Mingyue doesn"t think that Xuefeng will have any problems . She can see that Xuefeng is sincere to xiangyu"er . Maybe she is sympathizing with xiangyu"er . Now she is much more lenient to Xuefeng . Zhuo Mingyue"s indulgence makes Zhang Xiaoqiang frown tightly, and she can"t help looking to the direction of China .

Xuefeng flies a harrier to and fro in the dark sky . Only when he flies fast, can he feel temporarily relaxed . Only on the sky, can he forget xiangyu"er"s face of being angry and happy . But when he is free, the pain is more intense .

The easy time always pa.s.sed quickly . Looking at the black suspended particles flying by the window, Xuefeng suddenly moved her heart and couldn"t help looking in one direction . The next moment, the plane would turn its nose and fly to the place where he felt .

Tianjin is one of several big cities in the north . The population of 14 million makes this city a forbidden area for survivors . Tens of millions of zombies move southward along the coastline in the cold nuclear winter . On the road of zombie migration, layers of corpses spread from the tail of zombies to the city like a black carpet . Countless of them have not evolved, Or the zombies with low evolutionary level all fall on the road of migration . The souther they go, the higher the temperature is, and the sea water also emits heat below zero . Zombies hope to find a new place to live through migration . The Harrier fighters skimmed over the sky at high speed, leaving a few invisible cloud tracks . Xuefeng looked coldly at the boundless group of zombies below through the aircraft window . Ten million zombies on the land were different from those in the sky, and even from the helicopter to the fighter plane . On the land, zombies are always boundless, Only when we resist can we feel endless despair . However, the height of the helicopter is not enough . We can only see the corpses in a few kilometers around . The scale is more frightening than that of the land, but there is also a limit . Only when the fighter plane looks at the earth at an alt.i.tude of several thousand meters, can we feel that the whole horizon is a sea of corpses . There is no more intuitive scene than this .

Xuefeng"s goal is the following zombie sea . To be exact, his goal is the supreme one in the zombie sea . Ten million zombies have been able to produce a super zombie . This zombie is the king of the whole zombie sea . They are either Z-type zombies or heterogeneous zombies . They have a common feature, that is, they can control the Z-type zombies in the zombie sea .

The Harrier has the function of vertical take-off and landing . Xuefeng slows down the speed of the Harrier and looks for the zombie that can only arouse his interest . Suddenly, he finds the target and plunges down . It looks like an eagle hunting rabbit on the top of the corpse sea . When the fighter lifts the dust and lands, it is in the center of the corpse sea, A roar like thunder blasted the heads of the zombies within 300 meters .

The moment Xuefeng jumps from the fighter plane to the ground, he suddenly changes color . He finds that there is more than one target, and the other one suddenly appears is no different from him . He is surprised . An invisible sound wave makes him lock the direction like a hound smelling the smell . Then he sees that his armor suddenly turns into blood, which is like a b.l.o.o.d.y flying saucer rushing to the other side, All the zombies along the way were wrapped in blood and ejected, but they became a dead body .

Xuefeng"s ability is more powerful . It can absorb not only the blood of living creatures, but also the brain of zombies . When Xuefeng rushes over a distance of nearly 1000 meters, the 30-40-meter-wide blood wave shows a slight sign of whiteness . Just as Xuefeng keeps on working hard and is ready to absorb more, there is a roar again, Let the blood waves around Xuefeng break countless blood beads .

Xuefeng sees two zombies fighting together . One of them looks like an eight legged spider, but has the upper body of human beings . It is Wanqiang who fights with the zombie . Wanqiang"s body, which is more than ten meters high, looks like a giant . When she kills with the Eight Legged spider like zombie, the eight long feet have the ability to break through Wanqiang"s defense, and the speed is extremely fast, Flashing back and forth like a blink, from time to time in the blood Phoenix"s body cut a deep wound .

Xuefeng doesn"t know Wan Qiang . Seeing that he has already done it, he rushes up . The blood wave forms a red curtain and rolls over to Wan Qiang and the Eight Legged zombie . Wan Qiang"s speed is not fast, but the Eight Legged Zombie"s speed is very fast . It flashes to one side quickly . At the moment of confluence, the three sides burst out high-frequency sound waves at the same time, which is the necessary ability to control the zombie, Three high-frequency sound waves collide in the air and burst out with amazing power . The invisible sound waves spread among the zombies . All the zombies within 1000 meters burst their heads, while the zombies within 300 meters burst into countless pieces at the same time .

At the next moment, the three figures separated together . Wan Qiang"s huge body staggered backward as if drunk . Xuefeng"s blood wave suddenly split into three pieces . He only recovered two pieces in time and was thrown aside . The Eight Legged zombie was the worst . The eight long feet moved around together . Seeing the opportunity, Xuefeng and WAN Qiang rushed over together, Vientiane first step to grasp two long legs, and the blood Phoenix"s blood wave into a long knife, ruthlessly cut to the Eight Legged spider .

The unintentional Union brought bad luck to the Eight Legged zombie . Wan Qiang first grabbed the long leg and let the zombie pause . Xuefeng"s long sword became crystalline, which split the zombie into two parts like a peerless sword . The zombie divided into two parts was half pulled aside by Xuefeng and WAN Qiang . At this time, the whole zombie sea collapsed, and countless zombies were scattered and no longer gathered around the center, And Wanqiang and Xuefeng will share the Zombie"s food .

After a long time, Xuefeng and Wanqiang stand on the opposite side again . Their eyes are full of greed when they look at each other, but they are afraid of each other, because each other is not a real zombie . Wanqiang and Xuefeng"s eyes do not degenerate . They feel the threat of each other together . For a moment, the atmosphere is a little dull . Finally, Wanqiang speaks .

"Do you want to be the king of zombies? Don"t dream, I tell you, you are destined to be eaten by me, the king of zombies can only be me . . . " Wanqiang"s manifesto let Xuefeng"s murderous side leak, but he didn"t fight with Wanqiang . He threw a white eye contemptuously and said: "I"m not interested in the king of zombies . I"m only interested in becoming stronger . You don"t have to scare me . I"m in Australia, waiting at any time . . . "

There are billions of zombies in China, and there is no need to fight here . Wan Qiang remembers Australia and turns to another direction to leave . Xuefeng feels that there is a powerful zombie in that direction, but he doesn"t go there, Because there"s more than one powerful Zombie< br>