Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2389: 2389

Chapter 2389: 2389

Frande fell down the hillside in panic . Without waiting for him to get a foothold, he summoned the mutant beast to come close to him . At this time, the crowd had reached his head and continued to shoot dozens of sticky sh.e.l.ls at them . This time, the snake girl didn"t dare to let the thing stick to her shield and sent out an icy blue cold to freeze it into ice hockey, Then another beast warrior rushed down with a supernova on his back as a human bomb . Frande was so scared that he couldn"t split his mind and find another one to escape the disaster . Fortunately, the snake girl beside him had a large-scale Holy Ghost, which suddenly released hundreds of meters of red light of destruction, destroying all the beast warriors .

If it wasn"t for frand"s fear at the beginning, the snake girls wouldn"t have no power to fight . Frand wanted to rush into the big salt lake . The red light of the Horcrux suddenly disappeared, and Delia, who had been well protected by EOS, rushed out on her own . There were only less than 20 beast soldiers left . They were not ready to consume the cannon fodder to face the Snake Girl"s Horcrux, Most of the evolutionists can"t do anything about it . Delia, who has never done anything in front of other people, makes other people terrified .

As soon as Delia waved her little hand, a slender shadow expanded from her body and quickly enlarged . At the beginning, the shadow only had five thin strips, which expanded countless times in an instant, just like a hundred meter dragon claw . She grabbed one of the snake girls fiercely . The time of her hand was just the moment when the red light faded away . In the 30 seconds after it faded, the red light could not appear, just in a short moment, A snake girl around the barrier is gripped by the shadow claws .

The shadow of nothingness is still the essence . Holding the Snake Girl in the air, Delia"s smile is as bright as a flower . Her delicate face is pure and elegant . Only her smart eyes flash a trace of banter, and her palm suddenly tightens . The Snake Girl and the shield 2 tightly grasped by the shadow claw are like broken eggs, which are splashed with blood .

EOS looked at Delia angrily, as if blaming her for exposing her cards so early . Seeing the red blood and abnormal face, Delia vomited her tongue carefully, hid behind EOS"s broad shoulders, stretched out her small head to look at the terrible consequences, and patted her chest with fear .

Sophia suddenly appeared on the edge of the team and looked at the beautiful girl in surprise . She didn"t expect that Delia, who had been unknown for a long time, had such a strong power . What"s more surprising is that she couldn"t tell whether Delia"s power came from herself or from outside forces . At the moment of Delia"s launch, She felt another powerful breath emanating from Delia, but it was not her own .

Delia did not try her best to solve a snake girl . The Holy Son of the temple was hidden in the human biological armor . Her scarlet eyes flashed through the strange color, her mouth slightly raised, her body suddenly blurred, and her suspended body still remained . Another figure suddenly appeared in the middle of the Snake Girl, attracting red light, but the red light only swept the shadow, The real Holy Son has appeared in the sky . Under the armpit of the human like biological armor, four wriggling tentacles like muscle fibers are born . Each tentacle penetrates a four armed Snake Girl . The shield of the four armed Snake Girl has not disappeared yet . The blood sprayed from the hole on the body is pumped onto the protective cover and flows down the wall along the thin arc to acc.u.mulate blood pools .

The Holy Son of the temple is like a shy girl, but her first move is startling . EOS"s face changes greatly, while Sophia"s face is horrified . She didn"t expect that the two youngest children in the team are so fierce . Five snake girls have been killed in a row . Frande, who was frightened, wanted to scream, quickly turned around and ran to the big salt lake with the rest of the snake girls, The monster in the lake is close to the sh.o.r.e . As long as he joins the monster, he can escape .

Frand was scared to death . He didn"t expect that the top power of human beings was so powerful . Compared with the group of evil stars in front of him, Naga, the G.o.d of light, and Christina, the G.o.d of earth, who were fighting with the United States, were simply releasing water . On that day, if a few people here made any move, the United States would have failed long ago . Frand didn"t know, Delia, who invaded the United States, didn"t want to use violence to suppress her . What she needed was a complete United States, so she constantly tried to penetrate the psychological defense line of the Americans through various means . After all, the Americans have rich cultural heritage . If she was forced too much, I"m afraid the gain would not be worth the loss .

Frande had no confidence to resist, so he had to run away again and again . Just when he was hundreds of meters away from the monsters, a nimble shadow jumped up and fell between frande and the monsters . Seeing these terrestrial mutants, frande"s heart was cold . These mutants, who had frozen to death nearby, didn"t know why they were rejuvenated, Looking at the dull eyes of the monsters, he knew that he did not know what made the dead monsters become puppets . These puppets might not be powerful, but they blocked his escape route .

The mutant beast, pierced by the Holy Son of the temple, struggles and distorts in the air . Its skin and flesh are constantly melting in the twisting process . It"s like being splashed with sulfuric acid . Soon, the snake girl becomes four crawling heaps of meat, and the bright red muscles are bulging . It can no longer see the previous shape . This extremely cruel technique is frightening even if it is used on the enemy of human life and death, After the puppet mutant animal blocked the Snake Girl"s retreat, four groups of flesh and blood were thrown out and rolled in the air . These wriggling flesh and blood seemed to be pulled by the invisible big hand . Then they turned into four b.l.o.o.d.y beasts and rushed to bite the Snake Girl crazily . In the face of double attacks, the Holy Ghost bone became the only hope of Xuefeng . The red light flashed again and covered several mutant animal puppets and four groups of b.l.o.o.d.y beasts . But the red light could only be effective to mutant animals, but it was useless to the b.l.o.o.d.y beasts who were originally snake girls . The four beasts surrounded one Snake Girl and tore it madly, even though they were pierced by the ice spear waterline, It"s like a machine .

The b.l.o.o.d.y beast couldn"t break through the Snake Girl"s protective barrier, but it was also held back . Frande simply left the snake girls and took the remaining six or seven snake girls to continue to run forward . The mutant animal puppet had the Holy Spirit to pick up, so it might not have no chance . The marine mutant animal finally came into contact with the dozens of mutant animal puppets, and there was a war between the two sides, The claws and teeth of the mutant animal are more useful than the weapons of human beings, and they have already died . For a moment, the two sides have killed each other equally, and they can"t get help . Flander is desperate . Because of fear, Flander finally screams .

If this group of snake girls didn"t have fland in the middle, their fighting power would not be so unbearable . Fland was like a traitor who was against the sea people . As a result, most of the snake girls were wiped out before they really started fighting . And his stupid scream made EOS stare at him . Fland"s appearance was a snake girl, and he couldn"t see it among other snake girls . He didn"t react well, With the reaction, it"s like the fresh flowers in cow dung .

The first one was Sophia, who flashed to the top of Flander"s head and sent out countless air blades as if to cover Flander . Then there was the constellation of suicides, who looked at Flander"s eyes through the shield, regardless of the fact that Flander"s shield was not gone . Although it could not be killed, it could enchant Flander . Hardman also used anti gravity to isolate Flander .

But it"s just frightening the snake . Destroying the rainbow light can destroy all abilities . When the red light diffuses, Flander gets free again . This time, he doesn"t dare to stay for another second . He quickly takes a detour and rushes to the lake . On the way, he seems to have lost his mind . He wants to s.n.a.t.c.h the Holy Spirit bone from the Snake Girl"s hand to save his life . In this moment, he is entangled, EOS and Delia hit at the same time .

With the transformation of the force field, Flander felt as if he had lost the high-speed centrifuge, and all his feelings turned into the origin of high-speed rotation . In an instant, he was isolated from the world, unable to see, hear or smell . Then he was caught by the huge shadow claw, and was about to be crushed to death by Delia . At this moment, the giant beast finally arrived, which was a level 4 sea animal, However, it is not as bulky as the other four level sea animals . It has blue scales like clouds, six hooves and four eyes, a head like a pika, and looks like a horse rather than a horse . It is pure and harmless . However, the mutant animal has amazing means . Its small mouth is ten times as open as a python, just like a giant black hole . With a strange roar, countless saliva like liquid erupts, Cover everything around frand .

These translucent mucus saliva have strong corrosivity, not only corroding organic matter, but also the abilities of Delia and EOS . The shadow claw is like being burned by the fire, and EOS"s position disappears . Frande"s heart is so frightened that it swallows into his throat again, waiting for him to pat his liver, When the son came, he was like a virgin, and he was like a mad tiger . In an instant, he came to Fran"s side, and the tentacle stabbed frand"s shield like an arrow . In the process, the remaining Snake Girl sent out a water line ice spear to the son as much as possible, but the son flashed by .

The moment the tentacle penetrated the shield, the strange mutant animal rushed forward, opened its mouth like a big mouth full of inverted triangle teeth and bit it down . The next second, the other three flexible tentacles flashed on the monster"s face, and heard a scream . The monster"s huge body flew upside down like a cloth bag . At this time, fland had s.n.a.t.c.hed the Holy Spirit bone, As soon as it was about to start, the figure of the son was late, flapping the bat"s wings and flying away in an instant . I didn"t know that frande would not use the Holy Ghost bone at all . He looked at the son stupidly, and his charming face showed the distortion of humanity .

In this hesitating moment, Delia"s huge claw grabs frande"s Holy Ghost bone again, which makes frande"s devastated soul hurt again . She can"t help looking back at the monster that was pulled away, hoping to save him for a while .

The monster did not get hurt . After it tumbled to the ground, it stood up, bowed its head and rushed to Flander . Just as it got up, it b.u.mped into the empty air and rolled . At the next moment, Byron, like a chameleon, tightly entangled the monster and rolled on the ground . The monster opened its mouth to spit more domineering saliva than aqua regia, Byron"s body muscles, which were like the Hulk"s expansion, burst out suddenly, bulging out the python like tendons, and stuck the monster"s chest out . Then Byron roared like a beast, and more savagely opened his mouth to bite the monster"s throat .

The skin of the monster is harder than the steel plate . Byron"s teeth seem to be biting on the basalt, breaking and breaking . Byron, full of blood, does not give up, hitting his forehead again and again .

Byron entangles the monster, but it can"t cause effective damage . Sophia gives up and rushes to Byron to attack the monster . In panic, fland can only watch the returning son pierce his shield, Delia"s shadow claws smashed frand"s head like a fly swatter . The next moment, frand was patted into a patty . But Shengzi didn"t dislike it . He rolled up the meat pie and pulled it into the air, and absorbed it instantly . At this time, the remaining snake girl was no longer a threat to the public, just like robbing food . After three or two times, Shengzi, Delia and EOS cleared it completely . Because of the loss of guidance, the distant sea beast was at a loss and went further and further in the entanglement of the puppet mutant beast .

Looking at the Snake Girl"s corpse on the floor, Delia smiles and looks back at the powerful son . At this moment, Delia is pushed away by EOS and tumbles out . At the moment when Delia falls out, a tentacle with residual shadow pierces her original position . Looking at the tentacle, Delia does not react, and two screams ring from around, Hardman, who is timid and afraid of death, and Aristo, the G.o.d of death, are punctured by the tentacles at the same time . On the other hand, the remaining ten beast soldiers are punctured by the tentacles of the son .

Saint son didn"t show all his strength before, and he always kept his secret . When people killed frande, he turned his face . There were more than four tentacles, one for almost everyone . Besides Sophia and Byron, who were trembling with monsters, even EOS shared one . If EOS didn"t rebound from all attacks, Delia may not be able to be pushed away by the responsive EOS .

When she saw that all her subordinates were killed, Delia was like a cat with a stab . She was about to rush up to kill Shengzi . But Shengzi was more cunning than they thought . After a blow, she flapped her wings and flew to the distance, leaving EOS and Delia behind . At this time, the giant mutant beast, which was similar to Plesiosaurus, rushed to the sh.o.r.e, A mutant animal in front of her body blows out a dark green thick fog to the two people in the sky . The thick fog emits a strong almond smell before it gets near . A little inhalation makes Delia faint and fall from the sky . Then she is s.n.a.t.c.hed by EOS and flies to their flying machine . Sofia and Byron can"t get rid of the previous accident and turn around to follow, They don"t want to get involved with other forces .

A scuffle ended in the betrayal of the son of G.o.d in the temple . The biggest loss was the Hai people, with more than 20 snake girls and more than 10000 kraya lost . Fland was patted into a meat pie, followed by genesis, which lost all the beast soldiers . Not to mention, it also lost two divinities, which made Delia hate the son of G.o.d in South America to death . Sophia and Byron were more like soy sauce makers, No brilliant performance, no loss .

The human campaign seems to have achieved its goal . However, we don"t know that three of the snake girls who had been divided before had escaped the supernova explosion with a pocket Holy Spirit device . One of them was shaking all over like a madman . In the process of shaking, the Snake Girl"s indifferent expression continued to show humanized struggle . After a while, the snake girl threw away her bone and Holy Spirit bone, Looking at the six tender palms, the crazy laughter has various meanings, such as anger, happiness, pride, and some crying .

Fland didn"t die . Before his body was taken apart, he felt the condition of the three snake girls and immediately made a decision to take over . Without the external environment and equipment, this taking over is equivalent to gambling . Once there is exclusion and no new carrier, he will disappear in the world forever . I didn"t expect to make a mistake, He found a way to live forever . As long as there are other snake girls around him, he can take them away at any time . That is to say, all snake girls can be regarded as a spare tire by him . If the sea clan is not destroyed, Flander will not die . . . < br > he will not die