Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2390: 2390

Chapter 2390: 2390

No one knows whether it will be another outcome if Zhang Xiaoqiang takes his team to the United States . Flander is not dead, and he is more unscrupulous . He takes the initiative to launch a bigger offensive against human beings . Although he has lost a lot of kraya, which leads to the disconnection of the promotion of the sea people, human beings do not seize this opportunity, but think that they have more time, Only when they discovered the secret of fland"s immortality did they realize that all their efforts were in vain .

Human beings are still retreating in the offensive of the sea people, and countless survivors are captured by the sea people . However, Flander did not kill them as he used to . Instead, he selected some people with ident.i.ty and set up a new organization called order . The idea of this organization is that human beings and the sea people coexist, no longer in opposition, but in cooperation, and the captured human beings are placed in the reserve, The captured materials or dead mutant animals are used to support these human beings . After the first panic, the escaped human beings begin a new life under the order set by Flanders .

Frande"s order is also a religious order . All human beings must worship what is called holy source . As long as they can pray for holy source like G.o.d, they will get a superior living environment, all kinds of materials, vehicles, food and medical supplies . When these things are continuously sent to them, many human beings are suspicious, Is the sea invasion really so terrible? In frande"s sophistry, it was the human beings who first launched provocations against the sea people, first used earthquake bombs against the sea people in the new era, and then the United States used large equivalent nuclear bombs . All these were ill.u.s.trated by photos, which made the captured human beings have a different kind of thinking . In addition, frande had a large blood in his hands, and all disobedient human beings would be watered with blood, It produces precious blood species for obedient human beings to use, thus cleaning up the internal unstable molecules . All human beings will unite and obey the Hai nationality in the shortest time, as long as they can continue to live such a superior life .

In the reserve, all cla.s.ses disappear . There is only one ident.i.ty for human beings . As a believer, Flanders does not need priests, priests and bishops . He only needs human beings to pray . There are no doctrines or philosophical stories . He can get everything in his dream only by praying day after day, More and more people arrive at the reserve in various vehicles and become a member of the new generation . They want to know the so-called holy source prayer in exchange for the chance to survive .

In the reserve area, people"s life is rich . A steady stream of red algae is transported to human beings by the sea people, and vehicles are started . Hundreds and thousands of vehicles enter the cities wiped out by the sea people to collect the materials in the cities . In such a cycle, many human beings take the initiative to stand on the side of the sea people and serve for Flanders . When the reserve area reaches the human side, the sea people"s interests are greatly improved, The end of the struggle between human beings and sea people has been broken .

Every day, hundreds of soldiers who were forced into the army voluntarily laid down their arms and surrendered to the sea people, hoping to get the chance to enter the reservation area . In this new way of war, America turned in an uncontrollable direction . However, the main enemy of Genesis shifted from the sea people to the Holy son of the temple, and sent a large number of combat troops to fight against the temple, For a time, the war among the three sides was complicated . The invading sea people fought with South America and North America at the same time, while North America fought with sea people and South America . Even in South America, no one paid attention to the war situation in Australia on the other side of the earth .

Zhang Xiaoqiang had antic.i.p.ated the difficulty of the war before the invasion of the Hai nationality . He felt desperate and wanted to escape, not from the battle, but from the possible casualties . After he met Elson, under Elson"s advocacy, he felt more or less like he was born to save the world, This feeling had a subtle impact on his heart . After solving the problem of red algae in the sea of j.a.pan, he enjoyed all the red algae resources and was coerced to Australia by Murphy . He was courted by Regel and received a lot of technology to take Australia as the front line to resist the sea people . Yin and Yang gained the whole of Australia and doubled the power of Chinese rejuvenation .

Under the prospect of all his success, Russia, Britain, the new era and the United States fell one after another, which once made his self-confidence extremely inflated . However, when he learned of the turbulent offensive brewing by the sea people, he racked his brains for the life and death of three million survivors and could not find a way . The huge gap made him begin to doubt himself, whether he was really as great as he thought? Or is he just an ordinary person, today"s test is not ability but luck?

After talking with kesailer, Zhang Xiaoqiang also wanted to cheer up . However, under the attack of the Hai nationality, he tried his best and could not resist . Every day there were a lot of casualty reports and countless material loss lists . It seemed that he could see that the lowest row of death records in 100 units were soaked with blood, More than a thousand level five mutant animals have gathered all the top mutant sea animals in the world . For one month in a row, these mutant animals have brought countless herds to Australia"s last hinterland .

Even if more than a thousand level five mutants are scattered on the vast ground, they are as small as the sand scattered into the sea, but it is extremely difficult to kill them . Zhang Xiaoqiang takes Zhuo Mingyue, meow, Feifei, Jianzhan and Xuefeng to attack again and again, but he can"t win every time, even if he is only 12 years old, However, Emile, who is more powerful than Murphy, is just as futile with the support of iron curtain and dark night . Once the third ranked iron G.o.d, under the threat of the sea tribe, he took the initiative to go to the battlefield . On the third day, he was seriously injured by a six armed snake girl . For at least three months, there is no need to expect him to move freely . Tier is not the only one injured . Almost all the super evolutionists who attack are injured . Like a mad tiger, Xuefeng has lost three flesh bodies . No one can tell exactly what Xuefeng is . Without her body, she is a ma.s.s of dirty blood . Her greatest power is not to control zombies, but to control blood, which should have been the greatest enemy of human beings, But because of a very common, even some vain girl, she stood on the same front with the human race and fought with the Hai people . Although the doctor guessed that the blood Phoenix was actually the closest creature to the origin of the zombie, because the environment where the zombie virus was generated was blood . Whether it was human blood or the blood of the mutant beast Hai people, it was the great tonic of the blood Phoenix, Xuefeng was born with the potential of the king of zombies .

So Xuefeng is a different kind of immortal body, but there is a limit to his immortal body . If he changes his body once, he will consume part of his energy and lose three bodies in a month, which leads to the rapid decline of his combat time . However, Xuefeng has done his part . One million zombies of type 2 have been lost, all of type 3 have been destroyed, and less than one third of type 4 have been left, The three S5"s and two D5"s he managed to make were also lost in one battle .

100000 army casualties, 200000 troops may be consumed in the near future, but the survivors of Australia have not withdrawn much . They try every means to increase the daily transportation volume to 20000 people, only to send 600000 people away in a month . These 600000 people are all children and women, but there are still more children and women who can"t wait to withdraw and are overtaken by the sea people on the way of withdrawal .

The army suffered heavy casualties, but the number of survivors was twice that of the army . Most of the time, they could do nothing but stand in the command center and watch the children torn up by the Hai nationality crying silently on the display screen . Many staff officers could not stand this helpless suffering and collapsed . Some even drew pistols at the temple and pulled the trigger on the spot, The blood and corpses on the floor of the command center had been cleaned up, but the blood in the hearts of the people could not be cleaned up .

People below can collapse and commit suicide, but Zhang Xiaoqiang and his generals can"t . They have to constantly measure the value of rescue and give up their lives with a way of choice . No one cares about what"s going on in the United States, and no one cares about what"s going on in China . They only care about the present, and they can"t waste every minute, Maybe hundreds and thousands of people can be saved by an inadvertent order .

Women and children are waiting to evacuate . The daily reports of casualties make all men despair . They know that they have no chance to leave . Although they have made great contributions to the resistance of the Hai nationality, they have to take up arms and train for the rest of the women and children for another month under the ruthless gunpoint of the army, The rest of the women and children will be removed .

Not everyone is n.o.ble, not everyone can calm down under great pressure . Many men try every means to get on the plane, self mutilate, coerce, coerce, make-up, and violence . All the available methods are used, but in ishiharano"s cold eyes, they are all hung on the street lamps of the airport, emitting corpse odor . Sometimes ishiharano doesn"t even need evidence, No reason, just a look, an inadvertent action, you can kill a possible threat .

Women and children look at the bodies of their husbands and fathers and cry out that they have been carried onto the plane . Before they get on the plane, many women hold on to their men and kneel down to the soldiers, asking their husbands to get on the plane with them . They don"t want their children to lose their fathers . The pain of losing their relatives only once is enough to make them feel sad for a lifetime, But the Chinese soldiers who patrol with rifles are like the most vicious demons . Whenever a woman asks for help, their muzzle will point to the man"s forehead . After counting down ten seconds, the tongue of fire from the muzzle will fly out of the father"s head in front of the child . If they don"t want to watch their husband and their child"s father die in front of them, the women can only let go . It"s their cold and heartless, I didn"t let a man get on the plane, but on the cold and heartless back are countless blood letters asking to go to the front line . The soldiers are willing to fight with the sea people, but they are not willing to fight against human beings any more .

Tens of thousands of women were transported to China . Ironically, tens of thousands of zombies were loaded on the return flight . In order to make up for the loss of troops in Australia, zombies could only be airlifted from China, which was the first batch of zombies to fly into the sky, creating a spectacle on the airport . On one hand, there were women and children who were about to board the plane, on the other hand, there were only one, Like the zombies of the elite Legion walking off the plane, they form two never intersecting parallel lines< br>