Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2393: 2393

Chapter 2393: 2393

"Aolong has a full set of communication and command system, and it is equipped with a backup quantum computer system from Britain . Although it can"t compare with the host computer, it is enough for us to complete the communication, command, command, radar search and other tasks, and can be used as the flagship to command the whole military action of China"s rejuvenation, and can reach any combat cla.s.s under the command in the shortest time .

The weapon has three laser main guns, which have higher energy efficiency conversion and higher power than ordinary frigates, and the power is increased by 32 . 7% . In addition, there are ten optimized supernova bombs . The radiation inside the bombs has been refined by the evolutors, and the power is increased by 2 . 5 times than before . Our supernova bombs are three times as powerful as those produced by ourselves in the new era, Minister w.a.n.g Le made the decision and gave an optimized supernova bomb to the new era in exchange for a complete set of production materials . It won"t be long before we can build our own supernova bomb .

In addition, we have seven Russian AK630 refitted naval guns, all of which are installed on the belly of the ship with built-in lifting platform . After using pearl tear coating, they can maintain the maximum firing speed, and have 350000 rounds of ammunition . They have the functions of high-speed strafing and precise firing, It can target 300 targets at the same time and destroy them in one minute .

We have installed our own weapons, erosive source missiles and thunderstorm guns . Erosive source missiles can hit S4 zombies ten kilometers away and kill them absolutely . Thunderstorm guns are more powerful than laser guns . Giant plasma b.a.l.l.s with a diameter of five meters can accurately hit blockhouses fifty kilometers away, instantly melt 100 mm thick military armor plates and support many weapons, Two 100 mm compact naval guns with 1500 sh.e.l.ls each .

Aolong"s weapon layout is that the abdomen is for supporting firepower, and the back is for long-range missile distribution . It has 64 unit vertical launch system, multi-purpose rocket launch system, 16 anti-ship missiles, 16 cruise missiles and 64 ship to air missiles . There are also medical centers, large refrigerators and material warehouses inside the ship, with a certain number of incendiary bombs and sonic bombs suspended inside, Large earth penetrating bombs, as well as 100 tons of corrosion source bombs, cruise at 800 km / h, with a maximum speed of 1200 km / h and a maximum ceiling of 45000 m, can resist electromagnetic weapons and nuclear radiation . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang has a listener who doesn"t speak a word, but his eyes are fixed on the two girls in the nutrition tank . I don"t know who thought of it . Five sets of medical training tanks have been installed in the medical center of Aolong frigate, which can be used as rehabilitation medical utensils or puppet soldiers, It just solved Zhang Xiaoqiang"s urgent need . This kind of monitoring training tank can observe the physical reactions and adverse changes of the wounded at any time, and carry out targeted remedial measures . It is much better than lying in the hospital bed under the supervision of the nurse . Sometimes a few seconds" delay can lead to the loss of life, but this kind of equipment will not delay for a second, which is equivalent to the safest guarantee .

Miaomiao"s eyes are closed and immersed in nutrient solution like a mermaid . The transparent respirator shows the detailed and quant.i.tative respiratory rate in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes, while Feifei curiously looks at Zhang Xiaoqiang standing outside with her eyes open . Where the alien variant is stronger than human beings, it has enough resources and amazing self-healing ability . The wound on her face has been closed, I can"t see the miserable appearance of the injury any more . I just want to add more energy for my body .

Ten people"s nutrient solution has been completely consumed by Feifei . Her body is like a bottomless hole, and it is still continuously absorbed . Fortunately, the frigate is well prepared . Even if 100 people can easily provide nutrient solution, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s depressed heart is much more relaxed . Although she doesn"t listen attentively, she has strong hearing and memory, Remember every word that Gao Feng said clearly, use his brain with one mind, and understand the details of Aolong clearly .

Aolong"s firepower is not only three times stronger than that of ordinary frigates . Huang Tingwei"s frigates are 50% more effective than the new era"s frigate prototypes . Aolong is three times more effective than the No . 1 frigate, and in fact five times more powerful than the new era"s frigates . Now the new era is making every effort to build frigates, For this reason, they are also dragging three or four engines and radar equipment of China"s second frigate, but they don"t know that they have lost at the starting line .

"It"s very good, but it"s a pity . . . If only we had built it earlier . Even if we didn"t install weapons, we could send at least 100000 more people to China in a month . " Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn"t help sighing . The frigate that can carry 3000 people and hundreds of tons of materials at a time is comparable to an aircraft carrier, and its speed is faster than that of an airliner . One day is enough time to drive back and forth from China, and the s.p.a.ce for loading materials can be at least doubled . In 30 days, 100000 people are the minimum . If we count the number one frigate and the transport ship together, the number one frigate and the transport ship will increase by 100 000, It"s not impossible to transport one brigade at a time, .

"Does c.o.c.kroach think Aolong can"t play a decisive role in the current war?" Gao Feng"s eyebrows are frivolous, and gang Yang"s cheeks are not happy . Even if Zhang Xiaoqiang is his most respected person, his heart is very uncomfortable . In his eyes, Aolong is the most cutting-edge weapon in the world . If Aolong is given enough propulsion, he believes that he will become the captain of the first s.p.a.ce warship . "What if there were ten?" Zhang Xiaoqiang asked Gao Feng in silence . Although he didn"t want to, he had to admit that in the face of countless sea people, Aolong may be able to delay the time for the sea people to break through the core area, but it can"t win . Even if the sea people in Australia are eliminated, it still can"t win . Australia is devastated, a large number of workers are killed, factories are destroyed, and a large number of raw materials are discarded, The industrial system that took four years to build in the new era almost collapsed . Even if the Haizu retreated, it would not be able to recover in a short time . However, it would not take such a long time for the Haizu to continuously replenish new forces .

"By the way, brother c.o.c.kroach, Zhou Jie, who is in charge of Qinghai Province, has got some information about Tibet . Maybe you will be interested in . . . " As soon as the topic of Gaofeng changed, it came to other aspects . Although Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t want to hear it, he didn"t stop it . Gaofeng said in a mysterious whisper: "150000 survivors have been found in Tibet, 120000 of them are local people, more than 30000 of them are Chinese and foreign tourists, including more than 700 from Hubei . "

Gao Feng"s report made Zhang Xiaoqiang even more upset . He didn"t want to listen to this nonsense . The number of casualties in the front line and the rear area reached more than 10000 every day . He didn"t have the heart to understand the adventures of Hubei villagers in the bath . In the minute Gao Feng said this nonsense, ten soldiers might have died in the front line, but when the topic of Gao Feng changed, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s mind was blank .

"There is a tour group of Hubei people who are partic.i.p.ants in the winter Tibet tour . Among the more than 700 people, more than 40 are survivors of the tour group . After all, the people who travel to Tibet are all healthy young people, and there is a family of three who seem to be the people that brother c.o.c.kroach has been looking for . . . "

"What . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang"s murderous spirit is out of control . It"s like a sledgehammer hitting Gao Feng"s chest . Gao Feng says that half of it flies upside down and hits the wall . The medical devices hanging on the wall fall one after another and jingle on the floor . Zhang Xiaoqiang also feels his own situation and reaches for Gao Feng with a cough . Gao Feng shakes his head with a bitter smile, He was almost killed by Zhang Xiaoqiang because he played tricks on others, but it was thankless .

"Last year, the city search team didn"t find any news about your sister in the room . They moved everything in the house to Wuhan, and found many traces of browsing tourism websites in the computer . Because they are a family of three and have children, a.n.a.lysts think they have arrived in Sanya, Hainan . You know, Hainan is not in our sphere of influence, It is hostile to the gathering place of external forces and unwilling to have any communication with us, so the search team focuses on that side, and a new person in the team who has been divided into the past is asked to a.n.a.lyze other clues . He returns to your sister"s city and finds the sketched tourist route map in the dustbin downstairs . The end of the route is Lhasa . . . "

If there is no new person to go through the garbage heap that has been piled up for four years, their general location will not be determined . Even if they are found, their ident.i.ty can not be determined . Many people have lost their previous doc.u.ments and ident.i.ties in the last days . This is great news for Zhang Xiaoqiang, who has recovered his relatives .

"How are they now?" Zhang Xiaoqiang asked anxiously and then laughed . Since it was confirmed that it was his sister and nephew, they would be taken the best care of . I believe that they have arrived in Hubei now . Gaofeng heard the song and knew your elegance . He quickly said, "they already know your ident.i.ty . They are settled in Wuhan, which is the most prosperous city in China"s Renaissance . All three of them have provided blood, Get the best care . . . "

"It"s not necessary to take the best care of them, just give them the supply standard of teachers . People below are not allowed to curry favor with each other . They should have their own way of life, instead of enjoying life as my relatives . They can arrange some more relaxed jobs, and their children can also be sent to school . Let Muppet and Shangguan walk with them more . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang refuses to let his relatives become the supreme emperor . In his mind, the rejuvenation of China is not his family"s business . He intended to settle down and retire with success . It"s better to let them realize the value of life with their hands when they have a psychological gap due to their abdication . Gao Feng didn"t refute Zhang Xiaoqiang"s opinion . For him, these are Zhang Xiaoqiang"s ch.o.r.es, There"s another thing .

"Another piece of news is that strong relatives have also been found . According to the satellite reconnaissance photos taken in Vietnam, it is found that there is a group of mutant animals, with thousands of them . They are all canines . The two leading ones should be the dogs you met in Hubei . I don"t know how they got there, but they don"t seem to be fixed, Still moving to Laos and Cambodia, maybe they will go to India . . . "

This news reminds Zhang Xiaoqiang of Zhuang Zhuang in Hubei Province . After the death of erlangshen, Zhuang Zhuang suffered serious psychological trauma . He stayed in the hot spring base all day and didn"t run far even if he went out occasionally . He was called the Guard commander of the hot spring base in Hubei Province . After a moment"s hesitation, Zhang Xiaoqiang pressed the plan to let Zhuang Zhuang go to Vietnam . The dogs moved at any time, G.o.d knows when he"ll show up next time . He can"t be extravagant enough to bring the transport ship to the dog .

"Keep tracking, but it"s too far away, otherwise . . . " It"s a pity for Zhang Xiaoqiang that these mutant dogs have gone abroad . I believe that this kind of population consumes a lot of zombies . The dog group should move constantly in the process of hunting zombies . It"s not impossible for a dog group of that size to eat ten thousand zombies at one time . "What about our mission?" After pulling for a long time, the peak finally shifted to the war . This time, Aolong was full of ammunition and oil to show her strength . She wanted to kill earth shaking . When she was flying in the air, looking at the explosion point dozens of kilometers away, she wanted to fly to fight . Now she couldn"t bear it .

"I"ll talk about it later . It won"t work if you go up . I have a new idea . Whether it can be done or not needs to be discussed . Aolong will never move . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang"s plain words are like ice water pouring on the high peak"s pa.s.sionate heart . Looking at Zhang Xiaoqiang who turns around to observe meow, his mouth trembles for a long time and he can"t squeeze it out . Please take back his words .

Looking at meow"s face, Zhang Xiaoqiang remembers the scene that meow launched a decisive counterattack against Z2 zombies in the gathering place on that day, and meow operated heavy machine gun rescue . Now it is more dangerous than the gathering place, but there is a strong pride in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s heart . His family has found it, so there is nothing to put down . The ancient trees in the mountains are growing well, Twelve future aircraft carriers are enough to build an air fortress . Even if the earth is completely occupied by red algae, there will be endless red algae fuel . Moreover, red algae itself contains a lot of metal elements and various materials, which may not be able to leave a way back for his descendants . In this case, what does it matter to make a grand gamble< br>