Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2394: 2394

Chapter 2394: 2394

"Regardless of the mess in the new era and South America, there is only one way for us to win the final victory . We can go straight in . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang stood on the conference platform, looked at the officers and managers below, and said firmly that the conference room was silent . Except for Yang Ke"er, who was lazy and lying on the table, everyone was sitting . The fighting on the front line was raging . From time to time, there was a faint roar of monsters . The Hai people had pushed into the temporary camp within 10 kilometers, and many fronts were crisscrossing, The propeller in the air is buzzing, and people in the conference room can"t feel the tension of the war . They only see Zhang Xiaoqiang on the conference stage .

"In the past, both the new era and the Americans tried to cut corners and end the war at one stroke . They all thought that the red algae in the Hawaiian sea area was the origin of the sea people, but they didn"t know that the real point of the sea people was not the red algae itself, nor the sea people, but a stone . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang held up a meteorite the size of a rice bowl and said to the public that everyone knows about the meteorite . Yang Ke"er, sitting below, raised her eyebrows . She knew that the meteorite was made by meow and Feifei . For this meteorite, meow almost died, rainbow carving died, and even Feifei was seriously injured, Who made that level 5 mutant animal similar to the big Mantis turn out to be the pet of the six armed Snake Girl? The combined combat power of both sides is more than ten times? But that pair of Mantis"s knife arms are much more powerful than those of the knife arm insects . Even the sh.e.l.l of the tortoise shaped mutant beast is not harder than tofu under the knife .

"Through all kinds of intelligence and inference, we have reason to believe that the culprit who changed the world is the meteorite from outside the sky . The hiding place of this meteorite is in Hawaii . . . "

Although many people have known the news for a long time, most of them don"t know it . Hearing the news, they can"t help but roar . To them, the news is like a fairy tale . Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t scold the following conversation . Instead, he put down the meteorite in his hand, opened the curtain behind him and showed the smooth and white wall . Then the curtain of the meeting room was pulled up, All the light disappears, and the projection transforms the wall into a frequency screen, which plays the battle of the front line .

Countless sea people and mutant beasts feint at the foot of the mountain . The ice spears are like rain pouring down from the bottom to the top of the mountain . Countless ice spears stand on the top of the mountain, forming walls made of cold ice . The ice spears are extremely sharp . They can take up every bit of land . Our resistance here still does not stop . The positions on the top of the mountain are all in the tunnels and ditches, Even ice spears can"t pierce sandbags several meters deep . At the next moment, huge ice b.a.l.l.s come out of the mouths of all kinds of mutant animals and smash on the ice wall . These ice b.a.l.l.s are as powerful as high explosive bombs . They smash layers of ice spears and blow up the soil, exposing tunnels . At the next moment, several figures jump up from the tunnels and want to escape, Then he was nailed to death by the ice spears, and more ice spears fell down in turn, tearing several human bodies into a blood mist .

This is just the beginning . The barrage of bullets from the ice spear like a wall can"t stop the attack of Haizu . Countless Haizu rush up against the barrage of bullets . Countless Haizu roll down the mountain in the barrage of bullets . Raindrops of mortar sh.e.l.ls explode in the middle of Haizu, sending Haizu to the sky again and again . Haizu with broken hands and feet and their limbs fly in the air together, Flame throwers spewed hundreds of meters of flames across the mountain, lighting hundreds of sea people into torches . When countless ice spears melted into water vapor in the flames, the mutants in the rear arrived . These mutants seemed to be wearing heavy armor and braved the rain of bullets, and the heavy sh.e.l.ls from the rear exploded under these monsters, Many monsters fall in a huge fireball in the middle of their advance .

The huge fireball exploded into pieces, but more monsters still rushed to the defense line . Countless sea people cooperated with each other to escape the bullet . Even if some sea people fell, only a few of them . Soon, the monsters and sea people rushed to the top of the mountain, and at this moment, countless human beings rushed out of the hidden bunker, Most of them stand together with the Haizu with their shovels and spears . The dense crowd and the Haizu hang together, just like two waves colliding . The casualties of close contact are tumbling up . These people are all supplementary soldiers . They have no formation, no cooperation, no skills and tactics, just like the most savage collision with the Haizu .

All the supplementary soldiers are not right . Their faces are distorted and they roar like wild animals . Most of the people present know that these supplementary soldiers were injected with stimulants just before the Hai people rushed up . Their spirit has been distorted and they can support themselves up to now . All of them rely on stimulants to distort their characters . In countless collisions of blood and iron, the Hai people fell down in pieces, With the fall and entanglement of human beings, the rescue of the expeditionary army was finally ushered in . Electric arcs leaped and twinkled among the sea people, and plasma b.a.l.l.s rained on the mutant beast"s body to form a power grid . However, under the counterattack of the sea people and the mutant beast, the elite of the expeditionary army was also consumed .

Both sides don"t know what retreat is . In the most primitive collisions, life was used as fuel to raise the fire of killing . It was not until all the Haizu"s vanguards died that human beings held the position that they were quiet . At this time, the helicopter appeared in the sky and fired hundreds of rockets and incendiary bombs at the Haizu who continued to rush down the mountain .

It"s not the first time to see this video, but every time I see them, they will be startled . They will wake up even when they go to sleep . At the moment, the front line ten kilometers away is repeating this kind of war, and the invisible repression permeates the conference room . Gao Feng and his more than ten officers are staring at each other . Obviously, they are scared, and they have experienced a lot of war, Small battles such as the breakout battle in gathering areas, the battle in Wuhan, the pioneering battle in Jiangxi, the battle in Shanghai, and so on, occur every day . However, they have never seen people defend their positions with human lives, let alone many people have no weapons in their hands, or even no glory bullets . They fight back to the sea people with fists, teeth, and forehead, which makes their hearts tremble . "What you see is the attack of the sea people . The sea people are powerful, and the number is 100 times that of us . There are also those mutant beasts, each of which needs dozens or even hundreds of people . But I want to tell you that these sea people are nothing . If there are only these sea people, I would not worry . Even if the sea people all over the world come to Australia, I would not worry, What I worry about is that killing all these Haizu meteorites will lead to new and more powerful Haizu . Therefore, if you want to win this war, there is only one possibility to find that piece of dog dung hidden in the trench and trample it to pieces . "

The heroism of Zhang Xiaoqiang makes Huang Quan and ishiharano stand up . They guess that Zhang Xiaoqiang"s plan is that the Aolong frigate may be the only aircraft that can resist the sky dancers . It has powerful firepower and may be able to take the initiative in the sky . If they are lucky, they may be able to dive into the sea to kill the meteorite . It"s really not good, If so, Australia can at least have half a year more time, half a year more time is enough to withdraw most people, and create more mines to cover the whole of Australia . As long as the sea people are not afraid of casualties, Australia will be dyed red by the blood of the sea people .

"You can see the crazy attack of the sea people, but you can"t see that the follow-up forces of the sea people have been thinned . There are 2200 kilometers from the east coast to here, of which only 1200 kilometers of waterways are available . Without waterways, the sea people will not have the ability to advance quickly . As long as we hit the sea people hard and surprise the sea people in the Hawaiian waters before the arrival of the follow-up forces, I believe that everyone who stays in Australia can be saved . Before that, we must stick to the last moment . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang summed up the theme of today"s meeting . The officers couldn"t hear the word "victory" most . When they heard Zhang Xiaoqiang talking about victory, they couldn"t be excited . If it wasn"t for the meeting room, they might have cheered up, and other personnel felt that they were going to have to endure to the end . Only Zhang Xiaoqiang was laughing bitterly in his heart . If it wasn"t for the word "victory" to boost morale, It may not be long before the whole rear area collapses .

After a conference called combat, it was really a relief to send everyone away . Zhang Xiaoqiang sat alone in the most remote corner of the conference room, smoking cigarettes . The projection on the wall was still playing the cruel fighting on the battlefield, but Zhang Xiaoqiang"s mind was not on it . People"s mind was always spear and shield, and they felt fearless when their blood rose . When they calmed down, they began to worry about gains and losses, The front line is just ten kilometers away . The temporary camp has been gradually evacuated, and a large number of materials and wounded people are being transported to the rear . It won"t be long before there is a rear . Zhang Xiaoqiang knows that no matter what, it won"t last for a month . How many people can be sent away even if it lasts for another month? There are at least two million people who want to stay in Australia . These people are excellent technical talents and the seeds of industry . Zhang Xiaoqiang is not willing to give up until he has to, even if they can survive for half .

With the smoke curling around his fingertips and Zhang Xiaoqiang"s thoughts spinning fast, leading Aolong to Hawaii is by no means an empty hole . This is the last chance . The sea people send 90% of their troops to attack Australia and the United States . The empty rear is the chance to start . If we miss it, we may never have such good conditions in our whole life, but I"m afraid we"ll die this time, Even he hesitated .

Even if there are nine out of ten Hai people, those who stay behind are also the best among the elite . The Aolong can only deliver 2000 people . On his side, there are 895 puppet soldiers, all born from previous battles . There are also more than ten top evolutionists . But the top evolutionists are the cornerstone of maintaining a power . They can"t take all of them . There are also four or five zombies at the top of level five, But no one can tell what zombies look like when they get underwater . The water snake has reached level five and is wandering and hunting at the mouth of the Yangtze River . It is believed that even if it is called yarouhe by the sea people, it may not be able to break the core strength of the sea people,

Of course, he also has a surprise soldier, 800 Sabrina insects controlled by crescent moon, but in terms of the war in Australia, In the face of the high-level Hai people"s crackdown, these saber armers can"t play much role . On the front battlefield, more than 100 saber armers are lost, and the last three are also killed when they cover meow . Therefore, Chinese saber armers are not ready to be sent to the front battlefield . Maybe it"s better to hunt Hai people at night .

He can"t think of a better way, but he knows that the army needs morale, and the rear also needs morale . Otherwise, the irascible survivors will destroy everything if the sea people don"t come . So it"s imperative to attack Hawaii . Even if the success rate is less than 1%, he must act . He wants to give the following people a hope, A reason to persuade them to continue to insist . Only in this way can we continue to let the Hai people bleed and let China prepare for another day .

"There are not enough top evolutionists . Genesis, South America and the UK all have top evolutionists . By the way, there are Wanqiang . If they can be convinced to increase their chances by at least 10%, there are resources . Genesis has large supernovae in its hands, and Americans have a large number of bullets, It"s at least ten times more than the 32 300000 equivalent neutron bombs airlifted from China . Maybe it can promote a new alliance, and even if it fails, it can make the situation in China a little better . "After thinking about it, Zhang Xiaoqiang convinced himself that it was crucial to revitalize the game of chess in Australia . It was better to prepare it within a week . Australia could not support it for too long< br>