Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2396: 2396

Chapter 2396: 2396

When thousands of helicopters and transport planes crossed the whole Eurasian continent, many survivors hiding in the depths of the mountains came out of the cold caves . It was exciting to see countless planes flying in the dark sky . Many survivors, who were no different from primitive people, uttered hoa.r.s.e howls, knelt on the ground and gave birth to dry hands to the sky, It"s like asking G.o.d for a late salvation . Countless signals for help are rising in the mountains, begging for help from the transport planes in the sky .

But most of the planes didn"t stop, flying straight over their heads, one, two . . . One hundred, two hundred . . . When countless survivors were desperate, some pa.s.sing transport planes finally dropped a small amount of airdropped materials, and the food in these materials was frantically stuffed into their mouths by the survivors, which they never expected, Australia, thousands of miles away, is preparing for an unusually solemn and resolute counterattack .

Delia is coming, Sophia is coming, Wan Qiang is coming, and Shengzi is coming . They don"t touch each other . They stand on the defense line of tens of kilometers and look at the last line of resistance . They watch the orderly and silent teams of Australian supplementary soldiers come to the front line and watch the long corpse convoy go to the army, I saw the road made of coa.r.s.e sand and gravel soaked with blood .

Many American officers feel sincerely ashamed . Compared with the great defeat of the United States, this place is really an inch of mountains and rivers and a inch of blood . The mountains and hills pushed by the sea people are desolate and black . They are all created in the flames and sh.e.l.ls . In this process, countless soldiers fall on the b.l.o.o.d.y front line . They seem to have foreseen the future, when they have no place to escape, Could it be such a miserable situation? Are their families and children going to fall on the b.l.o.o.d.y mountain like supplement soldiers?

Just as Australia used to sit by and watch the United States fall, the new era is also sitting by and watch Australia fall into the sea . Satellite photos can never show the tragedy of the battlefield . When they saw it with their own eyes, even the most selfish guy was shocked . They offered to send transport planes and supplies to Australia for three days, The empty warehouses in Australia"s central core have been re stocked with supplies, and the recruits are no longer going to the front line unarmed . For the first time, they have morphine and bandages in their pockets .

This most normal change has brought great changes to the front line . For the first time, the supplementary soldiers feel that they are not only consumables like bullets, but also have the desire to live . Even if the big counterattack promised by Zhang Xiaoqiang only stays in the preparatory stage, they also have hope . Human beings with hope are powerful, and they are willing to guard this hope .

Zhang Xiaoqiang and Zhuo Mingyue are walking on the rugged mountain road . The explosion in the distance flashed into the sky and roared like fireworks . Neither of them spoke, but their hands were rarely held together . Zhuo Mingyue knew the danger of this attack . Maybe most people would die, including Zhang Xiaoqiang and Zhuo Mingyue, Because her name is also on the attack list . She is willing to live and die together instead of depending on each other .

"I thought I would have children, but I was afraid . . . " Zhuo Mingyue"s little hand clenched Zhang Xiaoqiang"s palm . The huge strength of her hand made Zhang Xiaoqiang"s brow slightly wrinkled and then released .

"Are you afraid of pain? If you are afraid of pain, don"t give birth . There are thousands of children who have lost their parents . Adopt one with your surname Zhuo . " Looking at the magnificent artillery position at the foot of the hillside, Zhang Xiaoqiang said that he saw Yang Ke"er riding a big black dog running quickly between the gun positions, stopping from time to time to mark the coordinates of the next artillery attack . The speed of the big black dog was frightening . With Yang Ke"er, it was like a blink . There was almost no gap in the time of the artillery singing, and one after another was as consistent as a concerto, With enough sh.e.l.ls, the front line finally stabilized . Although the front line is still as cruel as h.e.l.l to Delia and other outsiders, it is like heaven to the Australian supplementary soldiers, Their chances of survival have risen from less than three days to at least four days, which is a miracle .

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s answer didn"t make Zhuo Mingyue happy . She held Zhang Xiaoqiang"s hand tightly and trembled . It seemed that she was acc.u.mulating courage . Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at her in surprise . Zhuo Mingyue drooped her head slightly and said evasively, "no, I"m afraid that what is born is not a baby, but . . . "

"Even if I have a tortoise, I"ll recognize it . I"m a kid growing up in Liaozhai . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang forced himself to smile . The next moment, Zhuo Mingyue"s fist struck Zhang Xiaoqiang"s head like a hammer, which made him feel dizzy . Zhuo Mingyue said: "you are the tortoise . People"s noumenon is very beautiful, more beautiful than anything you have ever seen, and it"s very fragrant . . . "

"Ha ha, that"s good . Holding Xiangxiang"s baby is more happy, but . . . Maybe I won"t have a chance to hold her . . . " Here, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s face is dim . In terms of survival probability, Zhuo Mingyue is higher than anyone else . She has the most sensitive fighting instinct and is always able to pursue good fortune and avoid bad luck . He doesn"t know whether other people will survive this trip to Hawaii, but Zhuo Mingyue will survive . That"s why Zhuo Mingyue is excluded from Yang Ke"er and meow, leaving only Zhuo Mingyue . "I remember you saw me take a bath? You don"t seem to have apologized yet? " Zhuo Mingyue feels the atmosphere and opens up the topic . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes are as bright as a light bulb when he hears it . Even if it"s just a glimpse of Zhuo Mingyue"s naked appearance, it still reminds him . He holds Zhuo Mingyue in his arms and says to her red ears: "I want to see today . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang"s voice is as thin as silk thread, which is slightly inaudible in the roar of guns . However, Zhuo Mingyue"s cheek is flushed and she is shy . At the same time, she uses her fingers to twist Zhang Xiaoqiang"s ribs .

"Australia is a place of despair . I hope that China"s strong way will work . . . But I don"t know why . I always feel a kind of malicious peeping . This kind of feeling is very familiar, but why do I think it is malicious?"

The close fitting new era military uniform is graceful and graceful . Delia, who is charming and charming, also has a sagacious and heroic posture . She sits on the Aolong with her legs up . In her private living room, she looks at the clouds outside the side window and frowns . EOS"s broad body is like a wall standing at the door, which has always been his position . Even if Delia is angry more than once, he has not changed, Only here can he use the fastest speed to control the whole s.p.a.ce and ensure that Delia will not be hurt . This habit began after the psionic"s decisive battle, but Delia never gave up rescuing him . He stubbornly believed that Delia not only saved him, but gave him a second life . He had to protect the weak and kind girl in his eyes all his life, Even if you kill the whole world .

While Delia complains, her fingers are like rings wrapped around a slender lizard . Although this lizard is not much bigger than an earthworm, it has a special spirit . She looks up at Delia from time to time, and then continues to sleep . A little saliva flows down the corner of the lizard"s mouth . She feels the lizard"s movement, and Delia can"t help but shrivel her mouth .

"Malicious? Do you want me to clean up something . . . " EOS opened his mouth . Once EOS, who was usually silent, opened his mouth, it meant blood and killing . So with the intention of killing in essence, the lizard on Delia"s finger jumped up, stood on the tip of Delia"s finger with her two small thin legs and watched EOS make provocative movements . Seeing that lizard EOS"s face changed, she closed her mouth very coordinately .

"Augustine, EOS is one of his own . How many times have you said that, if you do that again, I won"t give you any good food . . . " Delia yelled at the little lizard on her finger, let the little lizard cry wrongly, and honestly climbed back to the tip of Delia"s finger to pretend to be dead . Delia turned her head and gave EOS a brilliant smile: "no, I guess who it is . I didn"t expect that little b.a.s.t.a.r.d would dare to appear here . EOS, the people who follow us, must have a guy who hides his face, Kill him when you have a chance . "

"As you wish . . . " EOS nodded blandly, just like Delia asked him to pick a flower in the garden .

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, long time no see . It seems that you are weaker than before . This is not bad news . . . " Wan Qiang stands in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang and stares at Zhang Xiaoqiang like a giant looking down at a lamb . Zhang Xiaoqiang looks up at Wan Qiang and doesn"t speak yet . She is disgusted to block her like a door plate . She grabs Wan Qiang"s hamstring and raises it . Before Wan Qiang reacts, she puts it on the side of the aisle like a box and leads Zhang Xiaoqiang to the restaurant, She has already smelled the delicious food . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s taunt is swallowed up . She says to Wan Qiang, who is so silly: "well, children are like this . You don"t mind . I"ll have a good chat with you when I"m free . . . "

Wan Qiang stood on the edge of the aisle, exuding a sense of fear . A small man came to Wan Qiang from the outside and said politely, "I"m sorry, you"re blocking me . . . "

"Son of a b.i.t.c.h, get out of my way . . . " Wan Qiang is not a soft persimmon . He was carried a box by Feifei, but he didn"t check it for a moment . His anger is heavier than anyone else . He suddenly drinks and smashes his fist at the little man"s forehead, waiting to enjoy the beauty of brain cracking . He can"t wait to see this beauty countless times in Russia .

"Dong . . . " The bowl like big fist was blocked by the delicate jade like palm . Although Wan Qiang only used three points of strength, he could feel that the other side didn"t give his full strength either . He felt numb on his forehead and stepped back . The other side opened his hood to reveal the beautiful face of the girl next door . He shyly said to Wan Qiang, "thank you . . . "

After saying that, Shengzi walked by Wanqiang . The suspicious Wanqiang never made a move again . He was afraid that he would be destroyed by Aolong . Shengzi was salivating in his heart and flashed in his mind: "it looks delicious . . . "

With the melting of ice and snow in the north, the temperature in the daytime is always higher than that at night . In the three northeast provinces, with the rapid drop of temperature, the zombies are miserable . Countless weak zombies have not survived the absolute ice cold brought by the nuclear winter, and become a dead ice sculpture . But the living zombies are still like the Black Sea, and countless zombies huddle together to keep the temperature, All the zombies on the edge are frozen to death, only the most central one is safe, which makes the zombie level perfectly divided . The lower the level of the zombies on the edge, the weaker they are . The cold of minus 40 degrees is like a peeler, weakening the zombie sea layer by layer . Today, when the temperature gets warmer, two thirds of the zombies have been lost . There are less than one million corpses left in this sea of three million corpses, and the large ice sculptures of corpses are frozen on the Northeast like countless tombstones . When the corpses survive the cold winter and are ready to start their new journey, countless off-road vehicles and personnel carriers gather around the corpses from all directions, and the most powerful tanks are at the front, More than a thousand tanks are like huge iron cones to suppress the zombies . Even after weakening, the zombies are still the most manic creatures, and they rush to the tanks one after another .

With a distance of more than ten kilometers between the two sides, the tanks stopped one after another . Dozens of strange looking artillery radar correction vehicles came forward to lock the corpse"s position and transmit it to the rear artillery aiming command vehicle . The information integrated artillery command system instantly activated hundreds of self-propelled artillery and rocket launcher, Hundreds of huge rockets and hundreds of large caliber grenades were launched .

The boiling flame rolled like magma in the sea of zombies, the exploding Mars flew like a meteor into the air, rolled like a wall, and the area of hundreds of football fields turned into scorched ground in an instant . This is just the beginning . The reaction speed of self-propelled guns and rockets is faster, while the preparation for launching of large caliber towed guns is slower, When more towed guns pull out the bolt and insert the sh.e.l.ls, under the waving of the command flag, a few meters long fire burst out to pour more sh.e.l.ls out .

The first half of the zombie sea suddenly fell into the sea covered with bombing . The dense zombies didn"t know what the safe distance was or what the line of scattered soldiers was . They wanted to insert three zombies into a one meter area . Under such sh.e.l.ling, each sh.e.l.l could reach saturation bombing, and the zombies in the huge fireball, even the type 2 zombies could not support for too long, The repeated bombing made the zombies as desolate as a vegetable field hit by hail . Only the more advanced zombies could survive the attack, but they also lost the possibility of moving forward . The air wave of the explosion made them roll on the surface of the moon like rubber b.a.l.l.s .

When the sh.e.l.ling was over, only a few thousand zombies were left in the area of tens of kilometers . The tank troops began to push forward . The tank tracks slowly rolled the zombies, pressing out a fuzzy road of meat sauce . The main gun opened fire and sent a zombie to h.e.l.l by name . When more than a thousand tanks pushed into the middle of the zombie sea, Countless infantry vehicles wear gas masks to melt the corpses of zombies with corrosion sources, and use sophisticated tools to purify the new corrosion sources after melting . Countless vehicles drive by them to attack the zombies behind them .

Finally, in the final decisive stage, the army mastered the rhythm very well, did not rashly attack the core zombies of Z type, but first cleaned up the surrounding zombies . When the final core zombies were less than 100000, more than 800 knife arm insects swarmed in, like a sharp knife, slashing the Zombie"s big round cake, Shuttling back and forth among zombies, thousands of heads could be cut down in three or five minutes . Two hours later, zombies finally collapsed .

Layers of high-frequency sound are superimposed among the zombies, and pieces of zombies fall, but the knife arm insects shuttle around . When the last zombies are less and less, they rush in and hang up a piece of b.l.o.o.d.y debris . When the last zombie falls, the knife arm insects disperse in droves and fly to the army, The orderly formation fell to the ground with red algae and ate quickly . At this time, Zhao Jun complimented the serious crescent moon with satisfaction: "thanks to you, you can solve the battle so happily . This is the last corpse group with more than one million corpses . This month, we successively annihilated nearly eight million corpses . The number of corpses annihilated by cold is several times of this number, The rest are small teams with no tools . In the future . . . "

"There is no future . . . " Yueya"er doesn"t give Zhao Jun a false color . Her delicate face doesn"t even face him . She stares at the southeast direction and seems to be worried about something . Zhao Jun buckles his nose awkwardly and whispers: "it"s a pity that brother c.o.c.kroach doesn"t send me to Australia . If I go . . . "

"It"s useless for you to go there . Shiyuanye and huangquan are going crazy over there . They start to read casualty reports after three or two sentences . Have you ever seen a battle in which 500000 people died in a month and a half?" LV Xiaobu, who was dressed in a full oil battle suit, came over and wiped the black smoke on his face as he walked . It was painful to hide in the tank road and fire . Not to mention the deafening noise, the exhaust fan had a little problem, and the whole c.o.c.kpit was on fire . It was just like suffering to stay in it, but LV Xiaobu was uncomfortable if he didn"t go to the tank for a day .

"I"m leaving, and I won"t take part in the future war . " Yueya"er sees that LV Xiaobu"s face has eased slightly . LV Xiaobu is not a nuisance . She has heard about her relationship with Zhang Xiaoqiang, and she has secretly helped her with her advice . Although she doesn"t know if LV Xiaobu has the idea of watching the fun, yueya"er is still very grateful .

"Go? Where are you going? Brother c.o.c.kroach told you to stay in the North . . . " Zhao Jun can"t react . LV Xiaobu throws a towel full of oil on Zhao Jun"s face and says contemptuously: "who doesn"t know the big deal about brother c.o.c.kroach? Everyone knows that brother c.o.c.kroach is going to die . It"s said that Huang Quan and ishiharano have been arranged to set up the supreme headquarters . I wish I could push the tank on my wings, or I"ll go too . . . "

Zhao Jun didn"t speak any more . He was silent . The crescent moon saw Zhao Jun"s acquiescence and turned to leave . At this time, Zhao Jun stopped her: "Venus has made the saber arm worm"s equipment . It says that the helmet made of Pearl tears is put on the saber arm worm"s forehead to avoid the casualty rate like that in Australia . Go and have a look . It"s said that it has also prepared full pearl tears armor for you, After wearing it, it"s like a s.p.a.cesuit to keep warm . It"s necessary for high alt.i.tude flight . ""No, absolutely not . You are from Gaofeng . Don"t try to follow me . Now Gaofeng is shaking . Don"t you recognize me as the captain?" Huang Tingwei was generous and thunderous . His roar rang all over the bridge . The young chief officer standing in front of him was not moved . The crew around him who were busy checking the equipment didn"t touch him . The air was hot and high . Everyone was like a clockwork working every second .

"I"m the first mate of the frigate . This is my combat post . When the frigate gets there, I"ll be there until I"m dead . " Fu Shanlin is more stubborn than a bull . Huang Tingwei wants to take out his pistol and jump this guy . He turns his eyes and says in a loud voice: "Fu Shanlin, brother c.o.c.kroach has always been very optimistic about you . The captain of the third frigate is you . Now I order you to supervise the construction of the third frigate and take all the vacation personnel with you . . . "

"I"m sorry, I"m not going anywhere without the order of the war department . You have no right to ask me to leave . . . " Fu Shanlin"s legs were taut, like a pine . His burning eyes were not afraid to look at Huang Tingwei . Huang Tingwei couldn"t fight or scold him . At this time, the other crew members also cried out: "we don"t take a vacation . The draw can"t deny our right to take part in the operation . We suspect that there are behind the scenes and ask for a new choice . . . "

"a.s.shole, I"m the captain . Shut up . . . " Huang Tingwei blows up and stares at the crew below . He has a headache . This operation is designed to increase Zhang Xiaoqiang"s chances of winning . The whole escort boat carries a lot of explosive ammunition in the name of transporting arms . Zhang Xiaoqiang arranges for the rest of his life . He knows that if he can choose, he is willing to die in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang, It"s not that he respects Zhang Xiaoqiang to the extent that he lives instead of dying, but that he doesn"t believe that Huang Quan and ishiharano can do better than Zhang Xiaoqiang . What Zhang Xiaoqiang has done all the time has been faithfully recognized by him . On that day, he made a vow to live and die with Zhang Xiaoqiang, for the sake of the overall situation of mankind and for the sake of Chanel"s baby, What if he died?

"Marine Corps, I order that all those who violate the order be put in the base prison, and I will deal with them when I come back . . . " Finally, in Fu Shanlin"s scolding, Huang Tingwei watched them being escorted away, but he felt a little dejected . On the one hand, he did this to increase Zhang Xiaoqiang"s success rate, and on the other hand, the frigate was out of date compared with the Aolong . If, as expected, when the second frigate was built, his frigate would demolish many weapon cabins and become a transport ship, As a captain for such a long time, he has already integrated with this frigate . He doesn"t want to see the day when the soldiers are reduced to pack horses . In that case, it"s better to let the frigate go down in history in the final decisive battle< br>