Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2397: 2397

Chapter 2397: 2397

Finally, on this day, the whole of Australia knows that Zhang Xiaoqiang will lead the Aolong frigate to launch a final counterattack against the sea people"s nest . For this day, the Aolong has been hiding in the rear, unwilling to retreat . For this day, the soldiers on the front line have been insisting, because they believe that the Aolong will bring them a miracle, for this day, The top evolutionists of the whole world gather here to attack the Yellow Dragon with Zhang Xiaoqiang . They know that this may be the last chance for human beings . If they don"t partic.i.p.ate in it, maybe 10 years, maybe 20 years, the whole human race will have no place, and the word "human" will no longer exist in the world .

Perhaps after listening to the heartfelt prayer of millions of people, the cloudy sky finally split a gap . The long lost sunshine appeared on the land nearly five months after the nuclear winter . The bright light was shining on the Aolong, shining the huge ship with colorful colors . Many people could not help falling to their knees . They believed that this was the will of G.o.d, Human beings are always most devout to G.o.d when they are in despair . Among the prayers of countless people, five harriers and hundreds of armed helicopters fly through the sky . In order to give a good omen to himself, Zhang Xiaoqiang decided to let the soldiers on the front line relax for two days and sent his hidden card to bomb the squadron .

He has only 32 medium bullets in his hand . This kind of nuclear weapon with an equivalent of 300000 tons of TNT is the best weapon to deal with the sea people at present . Medium bullets do not have the long-term nuclear radiation of hydrogen bombs, but they are more powerful than ordinary nuclear bombs in killing people . Unfortunately, he does not dare to use this kind of weapon more . The quant.i.ty is too small . After using it now, it will be gone .

When the five bullets burst into dazzling white light in the distant mountains, the frigate slowly rose to the sky in the prayer of countless people, and the five rapidly rising red clouds were like blooming flowers of death, taking away the lives of countless sea people . Aolong quietly flew past the flowers of death and headed east .

"Didi, enter the high-risk zone, first-cla.s.s war preparation, first-cla.s.s war preparation . . . " When the alarm rang through the Aolong, Zhang Xiaoqiang was carefully cutting her fingernails . Her fingernails looked crystal clear, but compared with diamonds, which was one of her most powerful weapons . Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t want to see her hands stained with blood, so he just cut off her weapons and only allowed her to use the huge Mantis knife .

Zhuo Mingyue holds her chin and watches Zhang Xiaoqiang cut her nails quietly . Her face is less pure and more mature and charming . It"s different to be a woman . With Zhang Xiaoqiang"s moistening, Zhuo Mingyue is like a polished jade . She is more gentle and introverted . She is intellectual and elegant . She is no longer irritated by Zhang Xiaoqiang"s pestering . She has already eaten it, You don"t have to worry about that much .

"Don"t you go and have a look? Sky dancers are not so easy to deal with . In the new era, many long-range missiles have been launched, and they have been intercepted by sky dancers . It is said that more than ten super fighters have been shot down . " Zhuo Mingyue is curious when she sees Zhang Xiaoqiang"s calm appearance . Although she believes that this super warship can defend even heavy sh.e.l.ls, she is still curious about Zhang Xiaoqiang .

"If we can"t even pa.s.s the sky dancer, what else can we talk about?" Zhang Xiaoqiang carefully rubs her nails with a small file, while she squints her eyes to enjoy, just like a little cat being caressed, but she almost doesn"t grunt .

"Buzz, buzz . . . " A loud buzz came from the outside . Countless light spots shot out of the room and shot into the clouds in a clear way . Looking at it, it was like fireworks in full bloom . It was spectacular . The porthole was too narrow to see too many things clearly . Zhang Xiaoqiang turned on the stereo projection in the living room, and the situation of fighting outside was displayed on the virtual display screen, I saw countless scarlet spots and sh.e.l.ls in full bloom, competing to meet the sky dancers who were flashing shadows .

The sky dancer has four wings on his back . His head is like a bat, his tail is like a whip, and his body is as big as a fighter plane . It"s not frightening to see one or two . It"s frightening to see tens of thousands of them coming together . Aolong is the largest air ship in the world . It"s nearly 140 meters long, just like a steel whip . It"s majestic and spectacular . Facing countless sky dancers, it becomes small, The sky dancers are like layers of dark clouds covering the frigate, and the countless bullets are shuttling through the dark clouds .

The AK630 naval gun, which has a maximum firing speed of 5000 rounds per minute, ejects more dense bullets than the rainstorm . A light rain isolation belt is built between the Aolong and the sky dancers . The light rain isolation belt is like an elegy of fallen angels . Huge sky dancers are shuttling through the light rain to dodge . It is Yang Ke"er with foresight ability who wields the turret under the command of Yang Ke"er, Many sky dancers are blocked in advance . After dodging like a blink, they often b.u.mp into dense 30mm grenades . The next moment, the sky dancers fall apart in the sky, but this can"t stop the sky dancers from approaching . There are too many sky dancers who can penetrate missile planes . Their scales are hard . If they don"t burst into pieces, they will always rush to Aolong .

Shrapnel exploded in the sky, layers of smoke like a blooming black flowers, falling in the sky, dancers waving blood and bones rolling in the sky, falling into the deep red sea under the sky, rockets like sharp arrows shuttle in the light and rain, or detonated by the light and rain, or flashed by the sky dancers, None of these rockets can concentrate the sky dancers with extremely fast speed, but as long as they are detonated, the blast will stir the air flow within 100 meters, making the nearby sky dancers lose their balance and easier to be hit . Every sky dancer has a comparison with the F22 fighter . The scene of dozens and hundreds of F22 fighters falling in the sky is spectacular and sad . However, the number of sky dancers over the Pacific Ocean is more than 50000, while Aolong can"t carry the ammunition that can destroy so many sky dancers . The number of sky dancers falling is quite large, and more of them come up, More and more sky dancers broke through the dense blockade line . Two groups of shining light b.a.l.l.s were launched from the Aolong one end to the other . The diameter of the huge light ball launched by the full power thunderstorm gun was 10 meters . Before countless electric light twined and flashed light b.a.l.l.s shot to the predetermined range, a network of metal structure was unfolded in the sky, and countless sky dancers b.u.mped into the metal net like a river card net, The plasma ball arrived when they were entangled in tearing up these thin metal nets . Hundreds of meters of sky was illuminated by the thunderbolt, and countless sky dancers instantly turned into c.o.ke and fell together with the metal nets melted into molten iron .

I don"t know when, Zhuo Mingyue"s right hand clenched Zhang Xiaoqiang"s left hand, his head resting on Zhang Xiaoqiang"s shoulder, looking at more sky dancers who were not blasted by lightning, whispered to the sky dancers who rushed to Aolong: "will we die?"

The resistance to the sky dancers is desperate, just like the resistance to the sea people on the ground battlefield, shooting down hundreds of sky dancers, and more sky dancers keep coming here . These sky dancers with the highest speed exceeding the speed of sound can easily catch up with the Ao long at any time . At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang sighed and said, "No, At least not now . "

After that, you can see that the screen on the display screen has changed greatly . The sky dancers are falling down like dark clouds . Aolong is rising to the limit . Tens of thousands of sky dancers form tornado like pillars and spiral to the frigate, Seven ak639 installed in the abdomen jet scarlet fire points together, like the sword of doomsday judgment, stabbing hard at the head of the black pillar, exploding like a fire cloud like waves . At this moment, the photoelectric on the electronic radar is rapidly decreasing, and the number of enemy annihilation on the counter is jumping like a second meter . Every second, ten or more sky dancers are killed .

The two 100 mm naval guns also continued to fire . The 90 firing speed naval gun was like two hammers smashing on the black tornado, which broke out a dazzling flame like halo . If you look at it at a low alt.i.tude, you can see that the black tornado with a diameter of several hundred meters was colliding with the flame iron cake, smashing countless burning black corpses, But we can see that the black sesame like sky dancers gathered in the distance are divided into three levels, from the high and low to the Aolong collision, just like a good match, in a certain period of time, the three levels of sky dancers will be combined into one, to Aolong collision .

Of course, Aolong has advanced pa.s.sive search radar, and everything can be easily locked within 30 kilometers . During the climbing process, the 64 unit vertical missile launch system on its back is ready . 64 red arrow 9-to-air missiles fly into the sky like lightning, and the dancers in the sky meet them . In the middle of the dense fire net, Five hundred spherical gla.s.sware with small parachutes were thrown out, and the bombs loaded with corrosion sources were flying down in the air, while all the guns raised their muzzles to welcome the central sky dancers .

When the eclipse bomb is detonated, the whole sky is shrouded by the diffuse eclipse, and then slowly spread out under the trend of wind . This kind of eclipse is the essence of high-quality goods, not rare . Each eclipse bomb is extracted by thousands of evolution zombies . Once it is launched, everything within a hundred meters will be covered, and hundreds of eclipse sources will block the s.p.a.ce of tens of thousands of meters, Thousands of sky dancers continued to chase Aolong through the eclipse source, and then the eclipse source dissipated under the strong wind . However, the wings of the thousand sky dancers began to decay rapidly under the influence of the eclipse source, and soon they could no longer fly and fell down one after another, When they fall from a height of 10000 meters to the red algae below, they form green clouds and corrode the big red algae trees . Under the action of the corrosion source, red algae flow green solution, infiltrate into the sea water, and are dissolved by the sea water .

The sky dancers at high alt.i.tude were dispersed under the bombardment of 64 powerful air-to-air missiles, while the sky dancers in the middle of the sky were isolated in the hail of bullets, revealing a gap that was fleeting . Aolong pa.s.sed 15000 meters and reached a safe position, After that, Aolong rushed to the core of the Hawaiian sea at an alt.i.tude between 1600m and 1700m . Countless sky dancers wanted to rush up from below, but they were stiff due to the high alt.i.tude restriction, and were called by AK630 and blasted to pieces .

At this time, the whole crew of Aolong was relieved . This is a good start . So far, no sky dancer has collided with the frigate, and the frigate still has two full range short-range laser defense systems, which makes them feel a little confident . Except for the Chinese Renaissance people, No one knows that the real strength of the frigate is not the defense system, but the material of Aolong itself .

Delia frowned and watched the previous defense video repeatedly . There was a mutant pine nut stuck in her mouth . The crisp pine nut sang under her jade like teeth, like a beautiful piano song . But her mood was very bad, which made EOS behind her look at the optimistic little girl anxiously, Delia"s character is extreme . She is smart and impulsive . When she is happy, even in the face of countless zombies, she is also happy . But when she is depressed, she always wants to vent her anger at the first time, just like when the United States is in great trouble, she pulls out her elite troops to raid South America . She is reckless, but EOS doesn"t think it"s wrong, as long as Delia is not happy, He wanted to kill . "Hum, I really underestimate them . I didn"t expect that they dug the frigate to such an extent, including seven 630 dense arrays, two 100 mm rapid fire guns, and two thunderstorm guns that we didn"t even know about . I don"t know what they thought . They even installed the 64 unit missile launching system of 052c destroyer, Are they not afraid that the reaction force of the fire platform will destroy the internal structure of the ship? "

The babbling little beauty looks very upset . There"s another thing she didn"t say . It took less than a minute to climb from 10000 meters to 15000 meters . It"s not a smart fighter . It"s a huge and heavy frigate . Although we can ignore the resistance of the sea, we want to be flexible above the sky, In the new era, there are technical problems one after another, but the Chinese have managed them .

"It seems that their secret is far more than that . Maybe this operation has gained something . . . " After sulking, Delia clenched her fingers thoughtfully, and her tight and beautiful intellectual face became happy as if she were reading a book . She thought with complacency: "I"m afraid you"ll hide it . Once it"s exposed to my eyes, I can get it back . Hum, I"ll walk and see . . . "

"I"m going to the bridge . Get ready . It"s about an hour away . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang gets up, picks up his equipment and prepares to leave . Zhuo Mingyue holds Zhang Xiaoqiang"s big hand and stares at him . Zhang Xiaoqiang sighs . He thinks that Zhuo Mingyue also feels the slight pressure that fills her heart from the Aolong launch, as if they are going to do dangerous things that touch the rules of the world, which is more terrible than danger prediction, It is also the most dangerous prelude to what Zhang Xiaoqiang has suffered so far .

"If . . . " Zhuo Mingyue"s mouth is especially protruding . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyebrows are gently picked and he stares into her eyes,

Under Zhang Xiaoqiang"s gaze, Zhuo Mingyue is a bit unnatural . Her hands are twisted together, and her fingertips make a crisp sound because of the tremendous force . Although she can"t hurt herself, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s doubts are even more serious . Zhuo Mingyue rarely has such a childish manner, Last time or two people had a relationship before the embarra.s.sment, this time it?

"I mean if, if I"m not here this time, I"ll leave you something . . . "

"Don"t talk nonsense . I want nothing as long as you are well . " Zhang Xiaoqiang angrily interrupts Zhuo Mingyue"s words . Before every big event, he is most taboo to say such bad words . Even if he antic.i.p.ates that his own ending will not be much better this time, he can only try not to think about it . It"s just in case that shiyuanye and huangquan are arranged to set up the supreme headquarters together . He knows that apart from him, Shiyuanye and huangquan are the two most powerful military region leaders in the rejuvenation of China . Both of them are traditional soldiers with wise minds and little ambition . With their cooperation, the rejuvenation of China will not be chaotic .

"It"s nothing . I just want to give you a surprise . I believe you will like it . Last time xianghai"er"s room was transformed, you need to open it yourself . I hope you can promise me . . . "

Zhuo Mingyue said a lot without thinking . Zhang Xiaoqiang nodded his head and went out . He didn"t want to hear Zhuo Mingyue speak in this tone again .

The peak is like a stiff rubber band . Sitting in the captain"s seat coldly and solemnly, he looks at all kinds of fast-moving data . New technology has higher requirements for human quality . If it is put in the end of the world, ordinary people will be at a loss when facing these data, Only the highly reflexive nerves of the evolutionists and their keen insight mind can discover all kinds of intelligence from these fleeting data . The reason why Zhang Xiaoqiang does not dare to use the doctor"s research results is that his family, his officers and his army are all evolutionists . If these do not exist, does the destruction of the world have anything to do with him?

All the above are the consumed ammunition and energy, the loss status of weapons, in addition to the statistics of the casualties of sky dancers and the difficulties they will face . It"s only the beginning to break free from the sky dancers" hunting . The most difficult thing is to fall on the position of the meteorite core . I believe that the sky dancers there will be the highest density area in history, I don"t know if they can make it .

When Zhang Xiaoqiang came in from the outside, the duty officer yelled: "salute . . . " All the crew members, including Gao Feng, got up at the same time and saluted Zhang Xiaoqiang in a uniform manner . This is the beginning of the normalization of the rejuvenation of China, and also the performance of this army"s becoming a first-cla.s.s army . Zhang Xiaoqiang returned the salute at will, went to Gao Feng and asked, "is there any problem?"

If Huang Tingwei is the captain, Zhang Xiaoqiang won"t ask . Huang Tingwei"s frigate has experienced all kinds of wars, has rich experience, and is quick to respond . But just because Huang Tingwei and his frigate fit so well, it"s better to have a deep understanding of this frigate from the beginning of construction .

"We will officially arrive at the designated position in 43 minutes . There will be no problem . I believe Aolong can resist the impact of sky dancers . The rest depends on whether Miss Cole"s predicted target is correct . "

The main commander of this operation is not Zhang Xiaoqiang or Gao Feng, but Yang Ke"er in the command module of the battery . It is she who predicted the location of the meteorite, so they can take advantage of the empty strength of the sea people"s nest to break through the blockade of the sky dancers and launch a fatal attack . Because they don"t know about the meteorite and garrison forces, there is no designated plan this time, Everything depends on immediate response, so no matter Zhang Xiaoqiang or Gao Feng, he has no bottom in his heart . "As long as you are in charge of Aolong, you don"t have to worry about anything else . Besides, in case the operation fails . . . " No matter Zhang Xiaoqiang or Gao Feng, his heart sank . For a long time, Zhang Xiaoqiang continued: "no matter what, you should take Yang Ke"er and meow back and be loyal to Yang Ke"er . You know her ability, she can see things we can"t see, and only she is the most suitable leader . You don"t have to worry about other armies, All air forces must be firmly in hand to ensure that they are under Yang Ke"er"s control, if China wants to have a future . "

In the end, Zhang Xiaoqiang appointed Yang Ke"er as the leader of the future . Although the little girl is lazy, judging from the artillery command this time, Yang Ke"er"s talent is amazing, and its importance is more than that of the elite troops of the first regiment . The air ship is the last retreat arranged by Zhang Xiaoqiang, if it can be achieved, The time of Huaxia"s revival and extinction will be one hundred years later than that of other forces . After one hundred years, if his descendants can"t figure out a way to survive, what does it matter if they perish?

"Yes, I promise my descendants and I will be loyal to miss Kerr . Aolong will always be Miss Kerr"s flagship . "

Gao Feng did not hesitate to swear to Zhang Xiaoqiang that he was once a subordinate of Yang Ke"er . On that day, the Yangtze River fleet grew under Yang Ke"er"s joking command and became a unique meritorious force . Later, because the team grew too fast, the good and the bad were intermingled, leading to the defection of the small force, which had a bad impact, and thus divided into two parts . But it is undeniable that, Yang Ke"er"s unpredictable command is abnormal, which is why Zhang Xiaoqiang asks for Gao Feng"s loyalty . In addition to Gao Feng, Zhang Xiaoqiang has also found huangquan and ishiyuanye in private, and the mace he really prepared for Yang Ke"er is Zhao Deyi"s new first division . The new first division is the Australian expeditionary army, a pure evolutor, which is temporarily organized into five land brigades, Now there are 18000 people left . These 18000 people are evil spirits crawling out of their flesh and blood . Even if the ordinary army is ten times as many, it is not their opponent . A regiment can destroy any main station division .

Zhao Deyi, who is ignored by most people, is Zhang Xiaoqiang"s real confidant . Zhang Xiaoqiang always believes in the first group of team members who attack Wenquan mountain . Zhao Deyi always follows Zhang Xiaoqiang"s orders, right or wrong . Although his command ability is not outstanding, Zhang Xiaoqiang always lets him master the most elite first division and first regiment, It broke the practice that teachers did not stay in the main regiment directly under their command< br>